Trump Killing Obama in Approval Rating

Yeah i gotta say, i've never seen a President attacked as much as Trump has been. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media, to destroy him. In stark contrast, Hussein the Globalist Puppet, got a free pass on everything.

youre shittin !

where were you when Obama got it from every angle under the sun - 24/7/365 for eight years and still counting ?

go back to sleep.

Nice delusion there. Hussein got a complete free pass from the corrupt MSM, his entire tenure. Trump on the other hand, has been savagely attacked like i've never seen before. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media to destroy him. But hopefully he'll survive it. I'm prayin for the dude.

Orange is completely incompetent and has problems telling the truth. People get tired of that.

Oh Bullshite. He's being attacked like never seen before. In comparison, Hussein got an absolute free pass from the corrupt MSM. Trump's shaking things up. He's disturbing the Globalist New World Order. He has the audacity to put American Citizens' interests first. He's enemy #1 to the Globalist Elite bastards. I truly hope he survives. I'll continue praying for the man.

You need more than a prayer dude.

1. How is isolating America making America first?
2. How is attacking his own intelligence in support of Putin making America first?
3. How is promoting and retweeting a hate group making America first?
4. How is making Jerusalem capital of Israel making America first?
5. How is being a puppet of Putin making America first?
6. How is taxing middle income earners increase after 8 years making America first?
7. Being the only country in this planet that is not a member of Climate Accord making America first?
8. How is Drumming for nuclear war with NK making America first?
9. How is threatening the whole world (UN) if he doesn’t get the support of Jerusalem making America first?

Lastly. What worthless policy or agenda of Trump that impressed you the most that make America first?
The Registar of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the long form COLB on the White House website matched their original vital records.
So why not let an independent party see for themselves instead of having to take someone's word for it?

I thought Trump has already confirmed that Obama was born here in US?
You believed everything what Trump told you so .............. why is this any different?

Or are you trying to tell us Trump lied again?
Get those Supreme Court Justices. The courts decide it all nowadays. You wanna destroy the Anti-American Globalist assholes? Seize the Supreme Court. That's the most important challenge facing Trump. If he can get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed, he will have accomplished all i could ask of the man.

You can convert the whole enchilada of Supreme Court in favor of Trump.
That doesn’t change anything. Trump still incompetent and unfit POTUS.
The Registar of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the long form COLB on the White House website matched their original vital records.
So why not let an independent party see for themselves instead of having to take someone's word for it?

I thought Trump has already confirmed that Obama was born here in US?
You believed everything what Trump told you so .............. why is this any different?

Or are you trying to tell us Trump lied again?
If that's the best you have, don't waste my time.
The Registar of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the long form COLB on the White House website matched their original vital records.
So why not let an independent party see for themselves instead of having to take someone's word for it?

I thought Trump has already confirmed that Obama was born here in US?
You believed everything what Trump told you so .............. why is this any different?

Or are you trying to tell us Trump lied again?
If that's the best you have, don't waste my time.

Apparently you have zero but nonsense rebuttal.
I know truth hurts.

It's funny. Trying to spin Trump's abysmal ratings - widely acknowledged as among the worst of any president in his first term - has got to be a mark of desperation. That and they are still butt hurt that most people like Obama better :lol:
It's nice to have a president who isn't scolding the public that everything is somehow racist. And that everything in life has to benefit the world's most violent religion first and foremost.

No we have one who's twitstorming the public instead.

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 8

Presidential poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 8 - CNNPolitics

- Clinton leads Trump, 50% to 42%
- Asked whether the candidates have the right personality and temperament to be president, 61% said Clinton does, while 31% said Trump does.
- Just 33% said Trump understands international matters, while 72% said Clinton does.
- The survey shows the damage of Trump's criticism of the Khan family -- the parents of a US soldier killed in combat who blasted Trump at the Democratic National Convention. Of those surveyed, 73% -- including 59% of Republicans -- said they disapprove of Trump's handling of the situation.
- Clinton leads Trump among women, 58% to 35%, and has a 19-point edge among college-educated white women -- a key group both parties target.

Aaaaaand another sign of desperation. Pull out the ol' election polls (as if predictive polling were in any relevant to approval polling)....

Are those the same polls that forecast that there was a 95% chance that Hillary Clinton would win the election?

There is a good and logical reason for the increased accuracy of the Rassmussen Poll. Undoubtedly you'll whine and deny.

First, the above polls unfairly weight their polls toward Democrats but you are already aware of that situation.

Second, and more importantly, is the selection of those who are polled by the various companies. Basically, there are three methods.

All of your polls above poll either Adults, whoever answers the phone, if they're an adult, they are polled. That is the least accurate. Or they ask if they are a Registered Voter. Not as accurate as it once was before President Clinton signed the Motor Voter law. He even invited Cloward and Piven to be present for the signing.

The most accurate, and most difficult and used only by Rassumussen are Likely Voters.

Their method is indicated on the polls shown by Real Clear Politics.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
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Obama would have crushed Trump in a head to head match up.

Perhaps, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama promises and gives away anything his voters want or free and did nothing to have kept us safe.

The Registar of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the long form COLB on the White House website matched their original vital records.
So why not let an independent party see for themselves instead of having to take someone's word for it?

I thought Trump has already confirmed that Obama was born here in US?
You believed everything what Trump told you so .............. why is this any different?

Or are you trying to tell us Trump lied again?
If that's the best you have, don't waste my time.

Apparently you have zero but nonsense rebuttal.
I know truth hurts.
Doubling down on your adolescence I see. Charwin95, meet Ignore.
i wonder how bad Trump would beat Obama if we take Cally and New York out of the mix? 60/40 wipe out?

The results of which are the reason why Progressives demand they have the entire voter base by doing away with the Electoral College.
Once people (including illegals) have to start proving their eligibility to vote they won't feel that way.
Yeah i gotta say, i've never seen a President attacked as much as Trump has been. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media, to destroy him. In stark contrast, Hussein the Globalist Puppet, got a free pass on everything.
The media absolutely worshipped Obama.

There is always a level of excitement when a new president is coming to town — new aides to profile, new policies to dissect, new family members to follow. But can anyone imagine this kind of media frenzy if John McCain had managed to win?

- Howie Kurtz -




Yeah i gotta say, i've never seen a President attacked as much as Trump has been. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media, to destroy him. In stark contrast, Hussein the Globalist Puppet, got a free pass on everything.

youre shittin !

where were you when Obama got it from every angle under the sun - 24/7/365 for eight years and still counting ?

go back to sleep.

Nice delusion there. Hussein got a complete free pass from the corrupt MSM, his entire tenure. Trump on the other hand, has been savagely attacked like i've never seen before. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media to destroy him. But hopefully he'll survive it. I'm prayin for the dude.

Orange is completely incompetent and has problems telling the truth. People get tired of that.

Oh Bullshite. He's being attacked like never seen before. In comparison, Hussein got an absolute free pass from the corrupt MSM. Trump's shaking things up. He's disturbing the Globalist New World Order. He has the audacity to put American Citizens' interests first. He's enemy #1 to the Globalist Elite bastards. I truly hope he survives. I'll continue praying for the man.

You need more than a prayer dude.

1. How is isolating America making America first?
2. How is attacking his own intelligence in support of Putin making America first?
3. How is promoting and retweeting a hate group making America first?
4. How is making Jerusalem capital of Israel making America first?
5. How is being a puppet of Putin making America first?
6. How is taxing middle income earners increase after 8 years making America first?
7. Being the only country in this planet that is not a member of Climate Accord making America first?
8. How is Drumming for nuclear war with NK making America first?
9. How is threatening the whole world (UN) if he doesn’t get the support of Jerusalem making America first?

Lastly. What worthless policy or agenda of Trump that impressed you the most that make America first?

Do you ever post anything that isn't an obvious lie?
It's nice to have a president who isn't scolding the public that everything is somehow racist.

Racist much????................LOL

‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’
“I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told John R. O’Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, ... “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” Trump, according to O’Donnell, went on to say, “‘Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.”
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.
Yeah i gotta say, i've never seen a President attacked as much as Trump has been. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media, to destroy him. In stark contrast, Hussein the Globalist Puppet, got a free pass on everything.
Or maybe you are just intentionally blind to reality.

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