Trump kills it in Europe

But but but...but lmao! 8 long years Obama had to get Russia under control, forge a relationship, he failed and dumped his giant mess on president Trump to deal with. .

George W. Bush had 8 years to get Osama BinLaden under control and forge a relationship. He failed and dumped his giant mess on President Obama to deal with.
Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump all went into office believing they could work with Russia and resolve our difference. They all found out in their first year in office that they were wrong.
"My whole life is about winning. I don't lose often. I almost never lose." - Trump
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.


your hate filled mind prevents you from seeing the truth
Hate filled mind? What the hell are you even talking about. He walked all over our allies to play kissy face with Putin and you think he did great? I'm sure Putin is thrilled, maybe that's the only part you care about?
Too bad for you he didn't just shoot Putin or punch him in the face. It seems like the left can't wait to start WW3. I am thinking that the puppet masters must hold Lockheed Martin stock.

the only reason they want to start WW3 is they could try and blame Trump

the leftards will stop at no end with their hatred for freedom
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.


your hate filled mind prevents you from seeing the truth
Hate filled mind? What the hell are you even talking about. He walked all over our allies to play kissy face with Putin and you think he did great? I'm sure Putin is thrilled, maybe that's the only part you care about?
Too bad for you he didn't just shoot Putin or punch him in the face. It seems like the left can't wait to start WW3. I am thinking that the puppet masters must hold Lockheed Martin stock.
The "left" in your comments includes an awful lot of republicans who rightfully knows Putin is not to be trusted. No one wants WW3, just a strategic posture that matches the adversarial posture of Russia.

The "left" in your comments includes an awful lot of republicans who rightfully knows Putin is not to be trusted.

as Reagan said

trust but verify

Hate filled mind? What the hell are you even talking about. He walked all over our allies to play kissy face with Putin and you think he did great? I'm sure Putin is thrilled, maybe that's the only part you care about?
Too bad for you he didn't just shoot Putin or punch him in the face. It seems like the left can't wait to start WW3. I am thinking that the puppet masters must hold Lockheed Martin stock.
The "left" in your comments includes an awful lot of republicans who rightfully knows Putin is not to be trusted. No one wants WW3, just a strategic posture that matches the adversarial posture of Russia.

Hillary gave the Russians a reset button, Obama tried to be their friend FACT!
Why do you even care, the danger is right now and your messiah is running the show. Speaking of past diplomatic blunders has little bearing on how he himself is fucking up badly right now or how perfectly his every action plays into Russian hands. You voted for this fucker, defend him by actually trying to explain how all this is not victory for Russia and an embarrassment for our nation. He is not making America great here, he is making us a joke.

Obama and you libs had 8 years to deal with the Russians and you failed, Trump has only been on the job a few months so don't shit yourself okay.

of course they failed

the incompentant administration

could not even get a simple slogan right

first step out

"over charge" instead of "reset"

at that moment any Russian alive knew they are dealing with a bunch of retards

One of the things that really concerned me with Trump was his lack of foreign policy experience. It's one thing to be a great business leader but quite another to be a diplomatic statesman on the world stage. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. I don't really give a damn what libtards spew, this man has knocked it out of the park in every speech he's made on foreign soil. Of course, much of the credit has to go to his speech writers but we generally don't give all the credit to speech writers when it comes to presidents. When you think of Reagan's Brandenburg speech, it's usually not the speech writer you think about. JFKs "man on the moon" speech... who mentions his speech writer? We credit the man who delivered the speech.

Trump's speeches have been some of the best and most inspiring since Reagan. It's in very sharp contrast to the eight years of pathetic and embarrassingly shameful speeches delivered by Obama. For the first time in many years, I am proud of our country and how this president makes a strong statement for western principles and culture. All the left can seem to do is foam at the mouth and snarl. Their criticisms ring hollow and they sound petty and vindictive. The far left isn't ever going to change but I believe there are many like myself, who didn't vote for Trump, becoming more and more impressed with his leadership.

Oh, yeah.....Trump "kills it in Europe"......LOL


indeed he did

french weasel president Emmanual Marco goes to great length to bust ranks

to get his picture with Trump --LOL

you can see frenchie sucking up to Trump as they are leaving too


Fail. The positions for this photo are predetermined. Learn. Then post.

yes the weasel moved out of his position so he could stand by trump
One of the things that really concerned me with Trump was his lack of foreign policy experience. It's one thing to be a great business leader but quite another to be a diplomatic statesman on the world stage. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. I don't really give a damn what libtards spew, this man has knocked it out of the park in every speech he's made on foreign soil. Of course, much of the credit has to go to his speech writers but we generally don't give all the credit to speech writers when it comes to presidents. When you think of Reagan's Brandenburg speech, it's usually not the speech writer you think about. JFKs "man on the moon" speech... who mentions his speech writer? We credit the man who delivered the speech.

Trump's speeches have been some of the best and most inspiring since Reagan. It's in very sharp contrast to the eight years of pathetic and embarrassingly shameful speeches delivered by Obama. For the first time in many years, I am proud of our country and how this president makes a strong statement for western principles and culture. All the left can seem to do is foam at the mouth and snarl. Their criticisms ring hollow and they sound petty and vindictive. The far left isn't ever going to change but I believe there are many like myself, who didn't vote for Trump, becoming more and more impressed with his leadership.

Oh, yeah.....Trump "kills it in Europe"......LOL


indeed he did

french weasel president Emmanual Marco goes to great length to bust ranks

to get his picture with Trump --LOL

you can see frenchie sucking up to Trump as they are leaving too


Fail. The positions for this photo are predetermined. Learn. Then post.

yes the weasel moved out of his position so he could stand by trump

Nope. His position was on the outside of Trump.
One of the things that really concerned me with Trump was his lack of foreign policy experience. It's one thing to be a great business leader but quite another to be a diplomatic statesman on the world stage. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. I don't really give a damn what libtards spew, this man has knocked it out of the park in every speech he's made on foreign soil. Of course, much of the credit has to go to his speech writers but we generally don't give all the credit to speech writers when it comes to presidents. When you think of Reagan's Brandenburg speech, it's usually not the speech writer you think about. JFKs "man on the moon" speech... who mentions his speech writer? We credit the man who delivered the speech.

Trump's speeches have been some of the best and most inspiring since Reagan. It's in very sharp contrast to the eight years of pathetic and embarrassingly shameful speeches delivered by Obama. For the first time in many years, I am proud of our country and how this president makes a strong statement for western principles and culture. All the left can seem to do is foam at the mouth and snarl. Their criticisms ring hollow and they sound petty and vindictive. The far left isn't ever going to change but I believe there are many like myself, who didn't vote for Trump, becoming more and more impressed with his leadership.

Oh, yeah.....Trump "kills it in Europe"......LOL


indeed he did

french weasel president Emmanual Marco goes to great length to bust ranks

to get his picture with Trump --LOL

you can see frenchie sucking up to Trump as they are leaving too


Fail. The positions for this photo are predetermined. Learn. Then post.

yes the weasel moved out of his position so he could stand by trump

Nope. His position was on the outside of Trump.

the premise is made up fake news

look at newbie Obama in 2009

brand new certainly not on the outside

yes the weasel moved out of his position so he could stand by trump

You're soooooo very dumb.......every members has a set position to take for the photo....Find someone who has the brains of a 15 year old to explain it to you.
Oh, yeah.....Trump "kills it in Europe"......LOL


indeed he did

french weasel president Emmanual Marco goes to great length to bust ranks

to get his picture with Trump --LOL

you can see frenchie sucking up to Trump as they are leaving too


Fail. The positions for this photo are predetermined. Learn. Then post.

yes the weasel moved out of his position so he could stand by trump

Nope. His position was on the outside of Trump.

the premise is made up fake news

look at newbie Obama in 2009

brand new certainly not on the outside


Position is based on seniority.
It's amazing how quickly American expectations of their leader have fallen.
I remember Obama being criticised for chewing gum.

The G19 showed that they're just going to sideline the US and carry on regardless.
China and Russia will be keen to step up to fill the hole.
His speeches are to his base, not to the G20 or the rest of world. He can not hope to be successful in foreign affairs by spouting his America first rhetoric. Diplomats from other countries are interested in pursuing common interests of which there are many, yet he seems to lack both interest and knowledge. His waffling back and forth on NATO, trade, and Russia makes him look indecisive and weak.

American presidents ride into office on a domestic agenda. Within a year or so they find themselves knee deep in foreign affairs that they are not prepared to deal with. This happens because we believe we can put the rest of the world on hold while fix America which is complete foolishness.

Sorry, but the cheering crowd he addressed in Warsaw didn't look like his base, they looked like Polish citizens to me.
Europe is shocked and mostly happy to see a male President act like he still has a pair and refuse to let a bunch of 7th century wack jobs maim the people of earth
indeed he did

french weasel president Emmanual Marco goes to great length to bust ranks

to get his picture with Trump --LOL

you can see frenchie sucking up to Trump as they are leaving too


Fail. The positions for this photo are predetermined. Learn. Then post.

yes the weasel moved out of his position so he could stand by trump

Nope. His position was on the outside of Trump.

the premise is made up fake news

look at newbie Obama in 2009

brand new certainly not on the outside


Position is based on seniority.

well that is not the case here

when the new guy was on the outside

in 2009 obama was the new guy
wow yet more G 20 fall out

this time Turkey

The U.S. decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement means Turkey is less inclined to ratify the deal because the U.S. move jeopardizes compensation promised to developing countries, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.

Erdogan said that when Turkey signed the accord France had promised that Turkey would be eligible for compensation for some of the financial costs of compliance.

( neat when another country offers offers to give our money away)

“So we said if this would happen, the agreement would pass through parliament. But otherwise it won’t pass,” Erdogan told a news conference, adding that parliament had not yet approved it.

“Therefore, after this step taken by the United States, our position steers a course towards not passing this from the parliament,” he said.

Erdogan says U.S. stance stalls Turkish ratification of Paris climate deal

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