Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born way before your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
The country is shut down and you think you are winning. What a loser.
Check the polls dummy.....
Check them for what? The country hasn't been in worse shape in my lifetime.
How was it during Prohibition when you were a young man?
hahaha I wouldn't know. Your guy Trump would?
Poor old man. Tsk tsk tsk. Hey at least you can freely pee in women’s bathrooms now. Your long dream has finally been achieved.
Sure kid, let me know when you get out of that diaper.
Why are you discussing kids in diapers? LMAO. You hate me because I am a capitalist. Boo hoo. I do not hide it. I am a selfish capitalist. Sue me, old man.
I'm far more a capitalist than you kid. You think trumps tariffs are good capitalism? You want the government dictating trade? And that's good capitalism. You are a socialist like trump, don't kid yourself.
I want Small Govt and I want Leftists to shut their mouths and not tell me that a biological man can identify as a woman. The fact that I have to say that is mind boggling. I want Our entitlements revamped but you old farts whine how it’s “your money” and just want to tax the “rich” who in actuality already pay most of the taxes.
You want small govt but you promote trump? You think huge deficits means smaller govt? You think more govt control of trade is smaller govt? You are a big government socialist like trump is capitalist disguise.
If one cannot identify TO WHOM a so-called "debt" is owed, then one cannot actually claim that there is any "debt" existing.

So far, no one in this thread has done that. As far as what this thread has produced, there could be no debt at all.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
I have two girls. And Leftists tell me I have to sit by and watch biological boys who identify as girls play sports against them. I have to sit by and allow boys to share locker rooms with them. I have no patience for Leftists. We need to attack entitlements. Trump didn’t do it. Maybe his 2nd term but I know for a fact that Democrats won’t. They just want to “tax the rich” and to me that is fucking stupid. Neither party is perfect but at Least the Republicans know the difference between men and women. Again, Trump is not the cause. He is the effect. The Left has pushed me so far that I say “fuck you” here is a nuclear Donald Trump President bomb. You don’t like it? I dont care. You mess with my girls, I mess with you. Clever line with Bolg...
If one cannot identify TO WHOM a so-called "debt" is owed, then one cannot actually claim that there is any "debt" existing.

So far, no one in this thread has done that. As far as what this thread has produced, there could be no debt at all.
Google it. Claiming it isn't owed to anyone is out of this world. China owns a good chunk.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born way before your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
The country is shut down and you think you are winning. What a loser.
Check the polls dummy.....
Check them for what? The country hasn't been in worse shape in my lifetime.
How was it during Prohibition when you were a young man?
hahaha I wouldn't know. Your guy Trump would?
Poor old man. Tsk tsk tsk. Hey at least you can freely pee in women’s bathrooms now. Your long dream has finally been achieved.
Sure kid, let me know when you get out of that diaper.
Why are you discussing kids in diapers? LMAO. You hate me because I am a capitalist. Boo hoo. I do not hide it. I am a selfish capitalist. Sue me, old man.
I'm far more a capitalist than you kid. You think trumps tariffs are good capitalism? You want the government dictating trade? And that's good capitalism. You are a socialist like trump, don't kid yourself.
I want Small Govt and I want Leftists to shut their mouths and not tell me that a biological man can identify as a woman. The fact that I have to say that is mind boggling. I want Our entitlements revamped but you old farts whine how it’s “your money” and just want to tax the “rich” who in actuality already pay most of the taxes.
You want small govt but you promote trump? You think huge deficits means smaller govt? You think more govt control of trade is smaller govt? You are a big government socialist like trump is capitalist disguise.
I promote Trump because Leftists are ruining this country and my life. Now they can feel what I feel. Tell me again how Israel is evil and we should be tolerant toward radical Islamists, which they elect into Congress. Left has gone insane and I did not care but being a father, I care. And they can fuck off.
If one cannot identify TO WHOM a so-called "debt" is owed, then one cannot actually claim that there is any "debt" existing.

So far, no one in this thread has done that. As far as what this thread has produced, there could be no debt at all.
Google it. Claiming it isn't owed to anyone is out of this world. China owns a good chunk.
Nothing could be more absurd than to claim that the USA owes anything to China.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
I have two girls. And Leftists tell me I have to sit by and watch biological boys who identify as girls play sports against them. I have to sit by and allow boys to share locker rooms with them. I have no patience for Leftists. We need to attack entitlements. Trump didn’t do it. Maybe his 2nd term but I know for a fact that Democrats won’t. They just want to “tax the rich” and to me that is fucking stupid. Neither party is perfect but at Least the Republicans know the difference between men and women. Again, Trump is not the cause. He is the effect. The Left has pushed me so far that I say “fuck you” here is a nuclear Donald Trump President bomb. You don’t like it? I dont care. You mess with my girls, I mess with you. Clever line with Bolg...
I think you exaggerate how many on the left don't know the difference between men and women. That's very much on the fringe, just like the right has anti-semitism on the far right. Trump policy has failed, I can't support that. Nor do I support any of this transgender garbage, but that is not near as big as trump failures.
The US will never owe anything to China. If China gave the US half it's GNI every year for 100 years, it couldn't expect the US to owe anything to China.

Without tens of thousands of U S deaths in World War 2, China would not even exist, and wouldn't have existed over the past 75 years.

Without the US having given China unrestricted access to the massive/lucrative US market, for 30 years, thereby flooding our stores with Made in China junk, at the expense of US manufacturers, China's big economy would never have existed.

To say the US is indebted to China is preposterous. China can never repay the US.

Small scale anology. You loan your neighbor $100. Then, he saves your life 50 times. Would you go ask for your $100 back ? Should you ?

Americans have a strange conception of what constitutes "debt"
Last edited:
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
I have two girls. And Leftists tell me I have to sit by and watch biological boys who identify as girls play sports against them. I have to sit by and allow boys to share locker rooms with them. I have no patience for Leftists. We need to attack entitlements. Trump didn’t do it. Maybe his 2nd term but I know for a fact that Democrats won’t. They just want to “tax the rich” and to me that is fucking stupid. Neither party is perfect but at Least the Republicans know the difference between men and women. Again, Trump is not the cause. He is the effect. The Left has pushed me so far that I say “fuck you” here is a nuclear Donald Trump President bomb. You don’t like it? I dont care. You mess with my girls, I mess with you. Clever line with Bolg...
I think you exaggerate how many on the left don't know the difference between men and women. That's very much on the fringe, just like the right has anti-semitism on the far right. Trump policy has failed, I can't support that. Nor do I support any of this transgender garbage, but that is not near as big as trump failures.
I wish it were the fringe and antisemitism is now on the Left with Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. They vilified Alan Dershowitz long before Trump came along because he is pro Israel. Trump doesn’t impact my kids. Leftists forcing my girls to share a sports field or court with boys does. I told You, I care about me and my family not Leftist bullshit.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Obama's big recession spending year was 1.4 trillion. In 2016 the deficit was $585 billion. Trump quickly increased that to $984 billion in 1019. This year will surely beat Obama's worst.

That's not reducing the deficit. LOL Dude he increased the national debt 8 trillion over 8 years. He never operated close to deficit reduction territory. Adding half a trillion to the debt ain't reducing anything.
You aren't good with math? Deficits went from 1.4 trillion to 585 billion. 585 billion is smaller than 1.4 trillion, that's a decrease. Trump increased deficits.

I'm real good with math. 16 trillion in debt is more than 8 trillion in debt. Bush was 8 trillion, Obama 16 trillion. Reduction in the deficit? LOL Yea ok.

If that's the case why aren't you saying Bush Jr reduced the deficit? Because under his tenure he definitely did. From 413 billion to 161 billion. Sounds like Bush was way closer to balancing the budget than Obama ever hoped to be.

Bush's WORST deficit year was better than Obama's best. Ouch, sucks to be a dem, huh?
You seem to be confused on debt and deficit. Yes deficits can decline while the debt continues to grow. It's really all simple math...

Which is exactly what happened under Bush Jr. Are you willing to admit that Bush's worst deficit was better than Obama's best? Or does it only count if it's under a dem president?
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
I have two girls. And Leftists tell me I have to sit by and watch biological boys who identify as girls play sports against them. I have to sit by and allow boys to share locker rooms with them. I have no patience for Leftists. We need to attack entitlements. Trump didn’t do it. Maybe his 2nd term but I know for a fact that Democrats won’t. They just want to “tax the rich” and to me that is fucking stupid. Neither party is perfect but at Least the Republicans know the difference between men and women. Again, Trump is not the cause. He is the effect. The Left has pushed me so far that I say “fuck you” here is a nuclear Donald Trump President bomb. You don’t like it? I dont care. You mess with my girls, I mess with you. Clever line with Bolg...

Lighten up Francis.
trump's current fiscal year will have a deficit of over 3.5 trillion dollars.
Funny how every President before him promised to do the exaxt same thing and didn't do it either. The really interesting part is how no one cares when it's the President they support not doing it only matters when it's the other sides guy.
Clinton did a pretty good job. That's the only one in my lifetime to be responsible.
That was one of the few times when a Congress controlled by one party and the Presidency by the other worked together and even then the national debt still went up. I can't be the only one to accept that the national debt is not getting reduced no matter which party controls what.
It was a great time for our country. I'm pretty sure whenever one party is in full control bad things happen. If we have economic growth the debt doesn't have to go down, but it sure can't keep going up at this rate.
The rate it is goes up might change but the direction wont. To have even a remote chance of trying to bring the debt down would require measures few or no politican would run on and few or no voters would go for.
I don't expect it will go down. We need it to grow slowly, while gdp increases more rapidly. That's the only real hope.
45 administrations from George Washington to Donald Trump and only once has there been NO debt and a budget surplus at the same time.....2nd term of Andrew Jackson.
If my memory is right that lasted for a grand total of one year.

And caused a depression.
The facts are there comes a point of no return for anyone or anything in extreme debt

America is on thin ice

and that is not good for anyone

It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
I have two girls. And Leftists tell me I have to sit by and watch biological boys who identify as girls play sports against them. I have to sit by and allow boys to share locker rooms with them. I have no patience for Leftists. We need to attack entitlements. Trump didn’t do it. Maybe his 2nd term but I know for a fact that Democrats won’t. They just want to “tax the rich” and to me that is fucking stupid. Neither party is perfect but at Least the Republicans know the difference between men and women. Again, Trump is not the cause. He is the effect. The Left has pushed me so far that I say “fuck you” here is a nuclear Donald Trump President bomb. You don’t like it? I dont care. You mess with my girls, I mess with you. Clever line with Bolg...

Lighten up Francis.
Who is Francis and why should he lighten up?
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion

take the Chinese virus out of the numbers and repost. As it stands your post is meaningless and stupid.
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion
Where is Pelosi’s balanced budget proposal?
trump's current fiscal year will have a deficit of over 3.5 trillion dollars.

how much is due to the virus? How is it Trump's deficit when congress passed the spending bill? Congress has no responsibility? When did presidents pass spending bills on their own? Did I miss some change to the constitution?
The facts are there comes a point of no return for anyone or anything in extreme debt

America is on thin ice

and that is not good for anyone


very true, congresses have been engaging in deficit spending to buy votes for decades, one reason why we need term limits for congress.

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