Trump leads independents by 11 points following indictments and mugshot, garners 20 percent of blacks.

If you think gas costs $15, you give morons a bad name.
Another moron chimes in.

Try looking at the post I quoted and let’s see if you have the very minimal critical thinking skills needed to see why your post is moronic.
Another moron chimes in.

Try looking at the post I quoted and let’s see if you have the very minimal critical thinking skills needed to see why your post is moronic.
You said gasoline would go to $15 a gallon.
Oil is a world market. The idea of energy independence is a myth. All you would have is a shift of where Texas exports its oil to, and where the USA imports its oil from. Everything would still be set by the world price of WTI.
Don’t look now, but former President Donald Trump has opened up a massive lead among independents against President Joe Biden, 43 percent to 32 percent, in the latest Economist-YouGov poll take Aug. 26 to Aug. 29, following the four indictments against him by New York City prosecutors, Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County, Ga. prosecutors.

That’s an improvement from Aug. 12 to Aug. 15 when Trump led among independents 32 percent to 25 percent in the Economist-YouGov poll.

BJ - Independents will continue to break for The Republican Candidate whoever it ends up being, to escape the Biden/Democrat disaster.

If the Republican Party pulls 20% of the AA vote the Democrat party withers on the vine.

Only 6 states matter, but as an independent, I was outraged by these sham indictments, so sounds correct.

Trump leads independents by 11 points following indictments and mugshot, garners 20 percent of blacks.​

Given the dearth of quality in the political process, this should not really be noteworthy.
The same people killed JFK to install Johnson, so I don't think that there is anything beneath them.
Johnson AND Nixon.

Do the math.

There's a reason. Gerald Ford was chosen.

Go read about his role on the Warren Commission.

Ask yourself why Nixon created the DEA.

Hint: it had nothing to do with drugs.
Decades and decades of it being red confuses your pea brain, Simp?

If Bush stole Florida why would it surprise me that he stole Texas from Ann Richards? And Texas didn't go back after his 4 years? And Florida stayed red after 4 years of him being president? And Ohio didn't go blue after 4 years of Bush? Bullshit.

Johnson AND Nixon.

Do the math.

There's a reason. Gerald Ford was chosen.

Go read about his role on the Warren Commission.

Ask yourself why Nixon created the DEA.

Hint: it had nothing to do with drugs.
OMG if you read the Warren Commission you will realize that BLM is right and after all these years, nothing has really changed.
Trump's 2nd term is going to be incredible.

He will have nothing to lose and he'll be back with a vengeance. He's going to clean house.

He will single-handedly Save America.

Do you ever have one of those days when you are struck between the eyes with a crucial piece of information that just seems to bring everything together?

In other venues I have repeated something very important over and over again regarding African Americans and their votes. I have said many times that according to experts, if the African-American vote were to shift 20% into the Republican column, and I mean a permanent shift not just a temporary one because of a particular candidate, that would be the end of the Democrat Party. I went on to note in my previous posts that this is why left-wing media is ramping up racial attacks against Republicans, calling Republicans racist, in order to strike fear Into the hearts of African-American voters. I have also noted that this is the reason why CRT hate is taught in schools, to create a permanent class of people who hate whites to the core and will therefore always vote according to the false belief that white people hate them.

But now comes this poll:


This poll is the fear of all fears for democratic operatives. This is the day they have all dreaded and this answers many questions. First of all it answers why they are so blatantly and obviously trying to steal an election AGAIN right in front of everyone's faces. And while it is shocking that there are still a few retards who cannot see the election being stolen right now in front of their face, there are enough legal experts and pundits and so forth who can see it. The Democrats are scared to death. They are about to lose everything and they are making the Hail Mary pass of trying to execute a complete fascist takeover of the nation by imprisoning the one man who can beat Biden.

It is all so clear now. This poll is all I needed to see. I have talked about this issue for a good 10 years now and now the day has come. And as I expected would happen, the Democrats have lost their minds and they are conducting a Full Assault on our democracy trying to jail the Republican candidate.

Trump will be nominated, Trump will win, Trump will wreak vengeance upon his enemies, and if for some reason his enemies steal the election again, I have no problem picking up a weapon and fighting a real Civil War. That time will have finally arrived for good men to put their lives and their fortunes on the line for their country.
This poll is the fear of all fears for democratic operatives. This is the day they have all dreaded and this answers many questions. First of all it answers why they are so blatantly and obviously trying to steal an election AGAIN right in front of everyone's faces. And while it is shocking that there are still a few retards who cannot see the election being stolen right now in front of their face, there are enough legal experts and pundits and so forth who can see it. The Democrats are scared to death. They are about to lose everything and they are making the Hail Mary pass of trying to execute a complete fascist takeover of the nation by imprisoning the one man who can beat Biden.

It is all so clear now. This poll is all I needed to see. I have talked about this issue for a good 10 years now and now the day has come. And as I expected would happen, the Democrats have lost their minds and they are conducting a Full Assault on our democracy trying to jail the Republican candidate.

Democrats worry that Black voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024

Democrats are worried about a potential drop next year in turnout among Black voters, the party’s most loyal constituency, who played a consequential role in delivering the White House to President Biden in 2020 and will be crucial in his bid for reelection.

Their concern stems from a 10 percentage-point decline in Black voter turnout in last year’s midterms compared with 2018, a bigger drop than among any other racial or ethnic group, according to a Washington Post analysis of the Census Bureau’s turnout survey.
The Democrats Are Losing Black Men. The Moynihan Report Explains Why

  • When a party assumes it is entitled to every vote within a certain demographic, it will treat even the slightest sign of defection as an emergency.
  • The Democratic Party's subversion of male responsibility within the home has made it increasingly antagonistic toward men and the traditional family stucture.
  • Democrats can feel their grip slipping. People who use their platforms to decry masculinity can't also claim to care about men.
Trump will be nominated, Trump will win, Trump will wreak vengeance upon his enemies, and if for some reason his enemies steal the election again, I have no problem picking up a weapon and fighting a real Civil War.
So you were okay with one alleged stolen election...but NEXT time you're willing to fight.


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