Trump Lied About Iraq War

Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.


You lie about the necessity of invading Iraq. You invade Iraq and get 4500 Americans needlessly slaughtered.

You leave your successor a mess. You go hide for a few years, and then pop up in 2016 trying to get your brother elected president so he can resume the disastrous policies that made your administration the worst in modern history.
Let's be honest here. When he was asked if he was in favor of the war in Iraq, he hedged a while and said, "I guess so. I just wish it was done right the first time." Hardly a resounding "Yes!"
Trump has been going on and on about his superior judgment and how he was absolutely opposed to the invasion of Iraq from the very beginning. He is evidently full of shit.
He didn't say he was opposed to it dumass. He said it was a huge mistake. Hindsight...
I beg your pardon fuck wit, sounds like a distinction without a difference.
Yeah, 15 years later dickbreath. What he said is it should have been done right the first time. He didn't outright oppose or agree with the invasion idiot. The fact that he says now that it was a huge mistake is no doubt how the man felt all along. Damn libtards.
It looks like Trump and his dim wit followers have no idea what they stand for or why they don't.

usually I don't compare someone else to justify what someone says but I think it appropriate in this situation. While I have been posting that Trump is a loon for bring up 9/11 in such a context the liberal response is interesting.

From the following site:

But Mrs. Clinton hasn’t answered the question. And she should. While Mr. Bush was governor of Florida at the time of the 2002 vote, she was a senator and was one of 29 Democrats who supported the resolution, which passed Oct. 11 by a 77-23 vote.

Joe Biden and John Kerry, both senators at the time, supported the measure. Mrs. Clinton’s New York colleague Charles Schumer said yes. So did Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. Heck, even Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada voted for the resolution.

And: But perhaps she didn’t fully believe the intelligence, the top-secret briefings. Wait, she did: “Now this much is undisputed.” Undisputed. Saddam had WMDs, had used them against his own people, was a serious threat to the world. Or so she said.

And: In that floor speech, she closed with this: “It is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. She said, “It is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein — this is your last chance. Disarm or be disarmed.”

Of course after the war was well over and she had voted to fund the war she says she made a mistake. She supported the war before she didn't support the war.

Now the Loon Trump whose support for the war was wishy washy at best is held to a much higher standard then Is Mrs. Bosnia Clinton.
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.

That is idiotic. SH was cooperating and in compliance with 1441 inspections when Bush lied that SH was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from those inspectors.

Iraq never recovered. It was left a violent sectarian mess and with a Bush signed SOFA air tight surrender agreement to withdraw all US troops within three years. - ready or not.
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Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.


You lie about the necessity of invading Iraq. You invade Iraq and get 4500 Americans needlessly slaughtered.

You leave your successor a mess. You go hide for a few years, and then pop up in 2016 trying to get your brother elected president so he can resume the disastrous policies that made your administration the worst in modern history.
I didn't say it was necessary, Mona. We could have put our
tail between our legs as is Obabbles wont. W was not that kind of guy...nor was America at the time.
I disagree that Trump is a Liberal Democrat. He's a populist. He'll say anything.

Diplomacy often works in ways that aren't convenient, Saddam was always going to push and push and push. But he didn't need to be taken out, and if he was going to be taken out, then a decent post war policy was required.
So you believe the USA should not abide to the terms of treaties it signs?

You describe an invasion with tanks, murder, and rape as, "push, push, push", which is okay with you, even though we signed a treaty?

Further you would of allowed Saddam to build, keep and use, the Chemical Weapons Bill Clinton destroyed?
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.

That is idiotic. SH was cooperating and in compliance costs with inspections when Bush lied that he was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from those inspectors.

Iraq never recovered. It was left a violent sectarian mess and with an air tight agreement to withdraw all US troops within three years. - ready or not.
That is what Bill Clinton and John Kerry said as well as United Nations Weapons Inspectors.
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.

That is idiotic. SH was cooperating and in compliance costs with inspections when Bush lied that he was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from those inspectors.

Iraq never recovered. It was left a violent sectarian mess and with an air tight agreement to withdraw all US troops within three years. - ready or not.
Whenever Foo shows up I know I'm right.
he criticized the Pope then realized a lot of people are Catholics, so he said the Pope's a nice guy.

Mary Matalin: Pope Gave Trump 'a Big, Fat, Wet Kiss' With 'Not Christian' Comment

Breaking News at Mary Matalin: Pope Gave Trump 'a Big, Fat, Wet Kiss' With 'Not Christian' Comment

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Exactly why religion and state should be separate. Religion gets you to heaven. State deals with reality on earth.
deltex1 13556534
Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good..

The same Commander in Chief who told the insurgents to "bring it on". Had to later call in reinforcements in order to recover from them 'bringing it on". You still love that idiot and fabricate the most absurd false realities for him. It's got to be a disease that you got Delbert.
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I watched it. I heard it. I lived it. I don't need the media to tell me what was said, why it was said and our motivation to do what we did.

Were you there when Bush surrendered to Maliki in December 2002. You certainly didn't mention that in your Deltex' Fable posted above.

Living in your fantasy world is a convenient life that never has to be fact checked - because it can't be fact checked. That is why your world is built without facts.
I watched it. I heard it. I lived it. I don't need the media to tell me what was said, why it was said and our motivation to do what we did.

Were you there when Bush surrendered to Maliki in December 2002. You certainly didn't mention that in your Deltex' Fable posted above.

Living in your fantasy world is a convenient life that never has to be fact checked - because it can't be fact checked. That is why your world is built without facts.
I disagree that Trump is a Liberal Democrat. He's a populist. He'll say anything.

Diplomacy often works in ways that aren't convenient, Saddam was always going to push and push and push. But he didn't need to be taken out, and if he was going to be taken out, then a decent post war policy was required.
So you believe the USA should not abide to the terms of treaties it signs?

You describe an invasion with tanks, murder, and rape as, "push, push, push", which is okay with you, even though we signed a treaty?

Further you would of allowed Saddam to build, keep and use, the Chemical Weapons Bill Clinton destroyed?

I didn't say anything about whether the US should abide or not by treaties. Sometimes reality comes into play. It's not a simple as saying there's a treaty and it must be upheld or else. Things change, situations might call for one tactic or another.

The containment of someone like Saddam was done because of the realization of what deposing Saddam would do to the region. He was a necessary evil. Bush didn't see it like that, and was found out to be wrong.

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