Trump Lied?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I was looking up the presidential records act and from what I'm reading it looks like the documents are the government's property not his. However, I have a little reading comprehension issues so I could be (and hopefully I am) wrong. I don't know much about legal stuff either I admit. I also wasn't sure if he could testify at his own trial.

Everyone agrees that the president has soul authority to declassify... look at the archives folks today... refusing to turn over evidence of Biden's fake names and emails... so we now can see where those clowns align themselves.... they set Trump up big time....
Some are, some are not. And even if some are the governments, the Presidential Records Act allows presidents to keep classified documents.
Presidential Libraries and Museums are repositories for the papers, records and historical materials of the Presidents. We work to ensure that these irreplaceable items are preserved and made available for the widest possible use by researchers.
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Well even if it isn't legal, what's being done to Biden for doing exactly the same thing that Trump did?
I was looking up the presidential records act and from what I'm reading it looks like the documents are the government's property not his. However, I have a little reading comprehension issues so I could be (and hopefully I am) wrong. I don't know much about legal stuff either I admit. I also wasn't sure if he could testify at his own trial.

It's all just a bunch of BS. One day it is ok for Trump and others to have classified documents in their homes. The next day it is not and is referred to as espionage. And, these people have classified documents in their heads and, apparently, that is alright, even though their heads are in their homes.
It's all just a bunch of BS. One day it is ok for Trump and others to have classified documents in their homes. The next day it is not and is referred to as espionage. And, these people have classified documents in their heads and, apparently, that is alright, even though their heads are in their homes.

But what about what the act actually says though? I'm just trying to understand this because I honestly don't believe that Trump would lie about this.

Biden, as the Vice President does not have the same rights to records as a President. Biden broke the law. Trump is allowed the records to build his Presidential library.

I thought that Biden was the "president?"
Everyone agrees that the president has soul authority to declassify... look at the archives folks today... refusing to turn over evidence of Biden's fake names and emails... so we now can see where those clowns align themselves.... they set Trump up big time....
Which of the indictments are predicated on classification status of the documents?
I was looking up the presidential records act and from what I'm reading it looks like the documents are the government's property not his. However, I have a little reading comprehension issues so I could be (and hopefully I am) wrong. I don't know much about legal stuff either I admit. I also wasn't sure if he could testify at his own trial.

Yes, it is a fact. Presidential records become government property the day the President leaves office. The PRA is very clear and very plain about that fact.

A former President may request access to the records after he leaves office, for purposes of writing a memoir or whatnot. But he cannot just run off with them before turning them over to the proper owner.
Everyone agrees that the president has soul authority to declassify.

Sole. Not soul.

And you really need to spend just TEN SECONDS to think about how stupid what you are saying is.

A President cannot just willy-nilly take it upon himself to declassify information which could cause extremely grave damage to America.
I was looking up the presidential records act and from what I'm reading it looks like the documents are the government's property not his. However, I have a little reading comprehension issues so I could be (and hopefully I am) wrong. I don't know much about legal stuff either I admit. I also wasn't sure if he could testify at his own trial.

The Presidential Record Act is basically silent on who makes the determination on which documents are Presidential Records and Which are private papers. It seems to imply that the decision is made by the President.

So, no. I don’t believe he lied. Reasonable people can and do disagree with any decision he made about certain papers not being Presidential Records. That’s fair. But it isn’t a fair basis to say that he “liked.”

As to whether he testifies at his own trial, that’s entirely up to him. The 5th Amendment guarantees that the prosecution is not allowed to call him to testify. (They aren’t even permitted to comment on his decision not to testify).

But it is HIS right when the government elects to try him. He also has an absolute right to testify on his own behalf if he so chooses. Just as the government can’t call on him to testify, they have no authority or right to prevent him from testifying.
Some are, some are not. And even if some are the governments, the Presidential Records Act allows presidents to keep classified documents.
Nope. The PRA states very clearly the records are to be turned over to the government the day he leaves office.

AFTER which, he may have access to them.

You should try actually reading the PRA sometime before making such ignorant claims.

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.


(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President's term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

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