Trump Lied?

No, the judge ruled that the decision of whether or not the tapes were personal records or presidential records was up to the Archivist . And the Archivist made the determination the tapes were personal records. End of story.

On November 2, 2009, plaintiff appealed the determination that the tapes were not Presidential records on the grounds that the tapes “clearly relate to or have effect upon the official duties of President Clinton.” Ex 3. to Def.’s Mot. to Dismiss; Compl. ¶ 14. NARA denied the appeal on March 16, 2010. Ex. 4 to Def.’s Mot. to Dismiss. In a letter to plaintiff from Adrienne C. Thomas, Deputy Archivist of the United States, NARA provided the following explanation:

In response to your appeal, first, and most importantly, the Taylor Branch audiotapes are not and have never been physically located at the Clinton Library or at any other NARA facility, and thus your FOIA request is premised on a faulty assumption that these materials are somehow within the present custody of the National Archives – which they are not.

The letter went on to say:

To the extent, however, that your FOIA appeal can be read as requesting that the National Archives should make a further determination that the materials in question ought to be considered “presidential records” within the meaning of the PRA, we decline to do so. In making a decision on this matter I have to consider the nature of the audio tapes, if they were created with the intent of their use as government materials, and whether or not they were circulated within the Administration or relied on as policy documents. On the facts made available tome, I do not believe the materials in question fall within the ambit of the PRA.

For these reasons, I am of the opinion that the audio tapes created by Taylor Branch are personal records of President Clinton as defined by the PRA.

Interview tapes are radically different from the Top Secret documents Trump stole. They are clearly presidential records. No ifs, ands, or buts.
I already quoted you where the judge said the president makes the determination. What part of the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President's term and in his sole discretion," didn't you understand?
Not stupid. Hyper partisan
You guys ever wonder why nothing works out the way you are led to believe?

It’s because you’re being lied to constantly and repeatedly.

The MAGA faithful spent years telling everyone that all these people were going to be indicted, but it never happened. The reason it never happened is because there was no basis for it.
You guys ever wonder why nothing works out the way you are led to believe?

It’s because you’re being lied to constantly and repeatedly.

The MAGA faithful spent years telling everyone that all these people were going to be indicted, but it never happened. The reason it never happened is because there was no basis for it.
How many years to turds like you claim Trump was going to jail for colluding with the Russians?
How so?

I would NEVER defend that potato, but I thought that they were accused of exactly the same thing.
rump was president when he retained classified documents, which he is legally entitled to do. Biden was vice president or senator, neither of whom are allowed to have classified documents in their possession.
You guys ever wonder why nothing works out the way you are led to believe?

It’s because you’re being lied to constantly and repeatedly.

The MAGA faithful spent years telling everyone that all these people were going to be indicted, but it never happened. The reason it never happened is because there was no basis for it.
The reason it didn't happen was becasue the Repubs were/are pussies. With this indictment nonsense by Biden & Co. the game has changed. Unfortunately for our country it's gonna get real ugly because of this bull shit your party has started.

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