Trump Lied?

Well, it has been well established that Trump is lying to the rubes. As a long time slick city grifter, he knows the country bumpkins who are his bulwark supporters will never read the indictments, and so he is free to lie at will. Bigly.

The PRA states quite plainly that upon leaving office, all presidential records immediately become the property of the National Archives. They are not the personal property of the former president to do with as he wishes.

The rubes can argue to the contrary all they like, and they do because they have not read the PRA or the indictment. So they are arguing from a place of willful ignorance. This is precisely what the evil motherfucker who steals from cancer kids depends on.
Once again:

Presidential Records (44 U.S.C. Chapter 22)

(44 U.S.C. Chapter 22) § 2201. Definitions § 2202. Ownership of Presidential records § 2203. Management and custody of Presidential records § 2204. Restrictions on access to Presidential records § 2205. Exceptions to restricted access § 2206. Regulations § 2207. Vice-Presidential records § Note...

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.


(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President's term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

Open and shut. Trump is toast.
so? we were not arguing who owns and operates the libraries
Well, NARA certainly doesn’t own Trump’s basement.

The point is that the records are always in custody of the archives.

Trump can’t decide to store them anywhere he wants.
No evidence is lacking concerning Clinton and Comey. Why are you lying? They are above the law.
Easy to say, but it’s impossible for you to back it up.

A court requires actual evidence, not ramblings from internet posters who have a tenuous grasp on reality.
TardLogic at its very best.

A Biden voter would say it was the same as voting for Trump.

And you really don't realize how stupid you sound when you say that voting for the party which believes in the smallest government possible is the same as voting for Biden. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. That's priceless. :lol:

As for the Libertarians, I have always considered them propellerheads. However, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has bulleted so far off the conservative reservation, they actually make the Libertarians look good!
Talk about sounding stupid.
And all the tards can say at this point is, "Nuh-uh!" :lol:

You are arguing from total ignorance, kid. This is what happens when you don't read the indictment and just come armed with your dim wits and your gaslighting propagandists' talking points.
What does Clinton have to do with this indictment?
Easy to say, but it’s impossible for you to back it up.

A court requires actual evidence, not ramblings from internet posters who have a tenuous grasp on reality.
What do you mean impossible? You are an idiot with the memory of a goldfish.
Trump can decide where the records are kept. The Archivists, can agree or disagree.
No, Trump cannot decide where the records are kept.

The records are in possession and controlled by the National Archives which means the archivist decides where the records are kept.
Everyone agrees that the president has soul authority to declassify... look at the archives folks today... refusing to turn over evidence of Biden's fake names and emails... so we now can see where those clowns align themselves.... they set Trump up big time....
1. No, not everyone agrees.

2. "soul authority".................:heehee: Describes how MAGAts are complete puppets to their orange sexual abuser god.
The indictment has nothing to do with the PRA
This is true, but supposedly Trump is going to rely on an interpretation of the PRA for his defense so it probably will be relevant eventually.
No, Trump cannot decide where the records are kept.

The records are in possession and controlled by the National Archives which means the archivist decides where the records are kept.
wrong, presidents decide where they keep the records

Vice President Biden's documents were in a Garage next to his car, are you telling us that the Archivists thought of keeping classified documents next to his car?

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