Trump Lies Again That Nancy Pelosi Refused National Guard Help For Jan. 6

I've been telling those STUPID fucking leftards the exact same thing for six years now!

Don't make a martyr out of him, I kept saying

So what do the dumb fucking shit for brain clueless asswipes do?

They make a martyr out of him.

Stupid fucking assholes. I will NOT shed a tear when they're all sitting in jail
basquebromance isn't a conservative, so don't waster your time asking him for things. He's just a shit flinger.

Trump’s pentagon and DOJ asked Pelosi several times: do you want national guard protection?
She said no-every time-thru the capitol police chief.
The memos show that the chief, Steve Sund, went to Pelosi more than once! And said, are you sure, Nancy? We’re getting this increased chatter about possible trouble...
And the arrogant witch refused.
did you pick up any desperation?
I had none, i was just objectively stating fact.
Otherwise, it could have been "absolutely a lovely day," Trump told Sean Hannity.

Repeating a claim debunked a year ago, former President Donald Trump insisted again this week that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had rejected the help of the National Guard last Jan. 6.

Fox News host Sean Hannity asked the former president Thursday night if he had “authorized” the Guard to protect the Capitol building “in the lead-up” to Jan. 6, 2021. Trump responded: “One hundred percent, and attested to by many people. And they turned it down … Nancy Pelosi turned it down ... and she’s in charge of the Capitol.”

There would have been “no problem whatsoever, but they turned it down, which tells you everything,” Trump claimed, also referring to Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser. “If not for those Democrats ... you would not have had any problem. It would have just been absolutely a lovely day.”

Trump did nothing to help for 187 minutes as he watched the violence unfold on TV in the White House, the Jan. 6 House Select Committee investigating the attack has said, citing firsthand testimony.

Trump Lies Again That Nancy Pelosi Refused National Guard Help For Jan. 6

Why does Trump keep repeating the same old lies? What do you think?
The FBI warned Pelosi, the DC Mayor, and the 2 Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate of violence days before 6 Jan. Trump did suggest using tbe natinal guard, and these 4 rejected the idea, giving the reason for doing so as 'bad optics'.

This has already been established through news reports and numerous links in previous threads. Stop trying to eewrite history and spread propaganda.
basquebromance isn't a conservative, so don't waster your time asking him for things. He's just a shit flinger.
And the guy creates something like 30 threads per day, which leads me to believe he is either a paid troll or on the USMB payroll, perhaps getting paid per thread created.
You stupid fucking lying leftard

Trump requested those troops DAYS BEFORE, and Piglosi and Bow-wow turned him down.

Then when the predicted riot actually occurred, the dumb bitches panicked, and THAT'S when they suddenly changed their minds and made their calls.

You lying fucking leftard assholes are nothing more than LOUSY FUCKING LIARS, and I'm tired of seeing your drivel in print.
2 days before. Prog morons support their claim that trump didn't request the national guard by saying he didn't request it on Jan 6. They're playing word games.
Quit wasting our time with this moronic shit. Why don't we just get rid of all police? Oh yeah, I forgot, that is what you want.
Wrong, twat... the question stands... WHY were the Capitol Police NEEDED on January 6 2021 in the FIRST place?
I'm really curious, are you serious or playing troll once again?

Here's one very good reason although just having over 10,000 people expected means, to normal folks, that you need effective crowd control.

Quite serious.

The correct answer is: "Because Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building, assaulted Congress, and interrupted Electoral College results certification."
Wrong, twat... the question stands... WHY were the Capitol Police NEEDED on January 6 2021 in the FIRST place?
Why does that matter? The questions stands, why didn't Pelosi and Schumer support calling in the National guard as requested.
They key words here are "on Jan 6." Trump requested them on Jan 4.

No one was fooled.
  • There is no record of former President Donald Trump authorizing or requesting thousands of National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
  • Several Trump administration officials who have testified before the House select committee investigating Jan. 6 said they never heard Trump request National Guard support before or during the attack.
  • Congressional Democrats did not deny a request for troops. The D.C. National Guard reports only to the president. If such a request had been made, they would not have had the authority to deny it.
  • There is no record of former President Donald Trump authorizing or requesting thousands of National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
  • Several Trump administration officials who have testified before the House select committee investigating Jan. 6 said they never heard Trump request National Guard support before or during the attack.
  • Congressional Democrats did not deny a request for troops. The D.C. National Guard reports only to the president. If such a request had been made, they would not have had the authority to deny it.
Again, the key words here are "on Jan 6." He requested them on Jan 4.

All you proved is that you're a lying douchebag.
There's no evidence that she accepted.
It's not up to Congress. The ONLY one how can order out the Guard is the President. He supposedly made an offhand remark to his SecDef Miller and Miller went no further with it

If you have a compaint it is with him.

We've been over this ad infinatum
You lie.

You're a fucking liar

YOU are a lying leftard scumbag piece of shit

I hope you choke on your own bullshit
CBS News, "Trump did not have 10,000 troops ready to deploy on Jan. 6, his defense secretary says," July 26, 2022

Vanity Fair, "‘The president threw us under the bus’: embedding with pentagon leadership in Trump’s chaotic last week," Jan. 22, 2021

CBS News, "Pence gave ‘direct’ and ‘unambiguous’ orders to have military come to the Capitol," July 21, 2022

Forbes Breaking News, "New audio from Mark Milley reveals Pence, not Trump, called for National Guard on Jan 6th," June 9, 2022

The Washington Post, "Jan. 6 committee holds eighth public hearing in series - 07/21," July 21, 2022

NPR, "Here's every word from the 8th Jan. 6 committee on its investigation," July 22, 2022

WSLS 10, "House holds hearing on Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection," May 12, 2022

National Guard, "DOD details National Guard response to Capitol attack," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. Department of Defense, "Planning and execution timeline for the National Guard’s involvement in the January 6, 2021 violent attack at the U.S. Capitol," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. Senate, "Examining the U.S. Capitol attack: A review of the security, planning and response failures on January 6," June 1, 2021

PolitiFact, "No proof Trump requested 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6 or that Pelosi denied it," March 2, 2021

PolitiFact, "No evidence Pelosi ‘rejected’ Trump’s authorization for ‘20,000 National Guard’ before Jan. 6 attack," June 13, 2022

USA Today, "Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6," Dec. 16, 2021

The Washington Post, "No, Trump did not order 10,000 troops to secure the Capitol on Jan. 6," Dec. 15, 2021

Council on Foreign Relations, "A unique military force: The U.S. National Guard," Jan. 15, 2021

PBS News Hour, "Pentagon eases approval process for urgent use of D.C. National Guard," Dec. 30, 2021

Reuters, "Pentagon refines DC National Guard approval authority after Capitol riot," Dec. 30, 2021

Business Insider, "Trump never gave order to deploy National Guard ahead of January 6, former defense secretary testifies," July 26, 2022
Why does that matter? The questions stands, why didn't Pelosi and Schumer support calling in the National guard as requested.
It matters because it reflects upon your Orange Albatross and his minions as traitors... something that nobody imagined him - or them - capable of becoming...

Generally speaking... one does not defend against the unimaginable... at least not until it becomes a tragic and startling reality...

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