Trump Lies Again That Nancy Pelosi Refused National Guard Help For Jan. 6

Otherwise, it could have been "absolutely a lovely day," Trump told Sean Hannity.

Repeating a claim debunked a year ago, former President Donald Trump insisted again this week that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had rejected the help of the National Guard last Jan. 6.

Fox News host Sean Hannity asked the former president Thursday night if he had ā€œauthorizedā€ the Guard to protect the Capitol building ā€œin the lead-upā€ to Jan. 6, 2021. Trump responded: ā€œOne hundred percent, and attested to by many people. And they turned it down ā€¦ Nancy Pelosi turned it down ... and sheā€™s in charge of the Capitol.ā€

There would have been ā€œno problem whatsoever, but they turned it down, which tells you everything,ā€ Trump claimed, also referring to Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser. ā€œIf not for those Democrats ... you would not have had any problem. It would have just been absolutely a lovely day.ā€

Trump did nothing to help for 187 minutes as he watched the violence unfold on TV in the White House, the Jan. 6 House Select Committee investigating the attack has said, citing firsthand testimony.

Trump Lies Again That Nancy Pelosi Refused National Guard Help For Jan. 6

Why does Trump keep repeating the same old lies? What do you think?
It is not a lie. You just lied. Again.
It's not up to Congress. The ONLY one how can order out the Guard is the President. He supposedly made an offhand remark to his SecDef Miller and Miller went no further with it

If you have a compaint it is with him.

We've been over this ad infinatum

Open records requests on the senate and FBI investigations already show that Pelosi declined repeated attempts by other agencies to provide additional security that day-including an offer by president trumpā€™s pentagon.
The trump people offered to provide a national guard presence around the capitol on January sixth, and Pelosi declined.
We already know this to be the case.
So, as this farce of a committee has spent a year trying to dig up dirt on trump and other political opponents of theirs- we have rock-solid evidence that many of the Jan sixth failures were Pelosiā€™s and that in- fact-Trumpā€™s white house and pentagon were pre-planning for any potential trouble on January sixth, because they knew a large crowd was going to show up to protest..
And perhaps even a ā€˜counter-protestā€™ crowd from the left-wing ā€˜antifaā€™ groups who had spent two years proving they are violent thugs-
Trumpā€™s pentagon and DOJ asked Pelosi several times: do you want national guard protection?
She said no-every time-thru the capitol police chief.
The memos show that the chief, Steve Sund, went to Pelosi more than once! And said, are you sure, Nancy? Weā€™re getting this increased chatter about possible trouble...
And the arrogant witch refused.
It matters because it reflects upon your Orange Albatross and his minions as traitors... something that nobody imagined him - or them - capable of becoming...

Generally speaking... one does not defend against the unimaginable... at least not until it becomes a tragic and startling reality...
Wrong. It doesn't matter. It shows nothing of the kind.

A riot was easily imaginable, unless you're a deluded prog bonehead.

Why didn't you progs control the thugs in the BLM protests?
Last edited:
CBS News, "Trump did not have 10,000 troops ready to deploy on Jan. 6, his defense secretary says," July 26, 2022

Vanity Fair, "ā€˜The president threw us under the busā€™: embedding with pentagon leadership in Trumpā€™s chaotic last week," Jan. 22, 2021

CBS News, "Pence gave ā€˜directā€™ and ā€˜unambiguousā€™ orders to have military come to the Capitol," July 21, 2022

Forbes Breaking News, "New audio from Mark Milley reveals Pence, not Trump, called for National Guard on Jan 6th," June 9, 2022

The Washington Post, "Jan. 6 committee holds eighth public hearing in series - 07/21," July 21, 2022

NPR, "Here's every word from the 8th Jan. 6 committee on its investigation," July 22, 2022

WSLS 10, "House holds hearing on Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection," May 12, 2022

National Guard, "DOD details National Guard response to Capitol attack," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. Department of Defense, "Planning and execution timeline for the National Guardā€™s involvement in the January 6, 2021 violent attack at the U.S. Capitol," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. Senate, "Examining the U.S. Capitol attack: A review of the security, planning and response failures on January 6," June 1, 2021

PolitiFact, "No proof Trump requested 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6 or that Pelosi denied it," March 2, 2021

PolitiFact, "No evidence Pelosi ā€˜rejectedā€™ Trumpā€™s authorization for ā€˜20,000 National Guardā€™ before Jan. 6 attack," June 13, 2022

USA Today, "Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6," Dec. 16, 2021

The Washington Post, "No, Trump did not order 10,000 troops to secure the Capitol on Jan. 6," Dec. 15, 2021

Council on Foreign Relations, "A unique military force: The U.S. National Guard," Jan. 15, 2021

PBS News Hour, "Pentagon eases approval process for urgent use of D.C. National Guard," Dec. 30, 2021

Reuters, "Pentagon refines DC National Guard approval authority after Capitol riot," Dec. 30, 2021

Business Insider, "Trump never gave order to deploy National Guard ahead of January 6, former defense secretary testifies," July 26, 2022


It's not up to Congress. The ONLY one how can order out the Guard is the President. He supposedly made an offhand remark to his SecDef Miller and Miller went no further with it

If you have a compaint it is with him.

We've been over this ad infinatum

it is up to Congress, shit for brains:

  • Capitol security is not solely the responsibility of the House speaker. It is provided by the sergeants-at-arms of the House and Senate, and by the Capitol Police.
  • The House sergeant-at-arms reports to the House speaker, or Pelosi at the time of the attack. The Senate sergeant-at-arms reports to the Senate majority leader ā€” on Jan. 6, Sen. Mitch McConnell.
  • News reports indicate that in the days before the attack, House sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving resisted calls from the Capitol Police to bring in the National Guard for extra security at the Capitol because of ā€œoptics.ā€ Irving later testified that intelligence reports didnā€™t show the need for the extra security, not that he rejected it because of optics.
  • There is no record of former President Donald Trump authorizing or requesting thousands of National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
No it doesn't, turd.

  • Several Trump administration officials who have testified before the House select committee investigating Jan. 6 said they never heard Trump request National Guard support before or during the attack.
ROFL! Yeah, because everyone should have heard it. What a fucking moron.

  • Congressional Democrats did not deny a request for troops. The D.C. National Guard reports only to the president. If such a request had been made, they would not have had the authority to deny it.
No one has claimed that they didn't come because Pelosi didn't order them to come.

It's obvious that all you progs are trying to weasel around the fact.
  • There is no record of former President Donald Trump authorizing or requesting thousands of National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
  • Several Trump administration officials who have testified before the House select committee investigating Jan. 6 said they never heard Trump request National Guard support before or during the attack.
  • Congressional Democrats did not deny a request for troops. The D.C. National Guard reports only to the president. If such a request had been made, they would not have had the authority to deny it.
Nancy Pelosi could have had National Guard troops protecting the Capitol on January 6th, but her policy for the Sgts at Arms was NO NATIONAL GUARD.

"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6, Irvingā€™s friend told The Washington Post.
Irving resigned his position as the top House security official on Jan. 7, a day after violence erupted at the Capitol, leaving at least five people dead. He believed congressional leaders would have balked at the suggestion of a military presence on the Capitol grounds, Bill Pickle, who served as the Senate sergeant-at-arms from 2003 to 2007, told the Post at Irvingā€™s request.
Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sundā€™s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosiā€™s position on the matter, Pickle said."

Nancy's Policy prevented the Guard from protecting the Capitol. End of Discussion.
it is up to Congress, shit for brains:

  • Capitol security is not solely the responsibility of the House speaker. It is provided by the sergeants-at-arms of the House and Senate, and by the Capitol Police.
  • The House sergeant-at-arms reports to the House speaker, or Pelosi at the time of the attack. The Senate sergeant-at-arms reports to the Senate majority leader ā€” on Jan. 6, Sen. Mitch McConnell.
  • News reports indicate that in the days before the attack, House sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving resisted calls from the Capitol Police to bring in the National Guard for extra security at the Capitol because of ā€œoptics.ā€ Irving later testified that intelligence reports didnā€™t show the need for the extra security, not that he rejected it because of optics.
Sheā€¦ And Congress have ZERO authority regarding the NGā€¦ and thatā€™s what we are talking about
Nancy Pelosi could have had National Guard troops protecting the Capitol on January 6th, but her policy for the Sgts at Arms was NO NATIONAL GUARD.

"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6, Irvingā€™s friend told The Washington Post.
Irving resigned his position as the top House security official on Jan. 7, a day after violence erupted at the Capitol, leaving at least five people dead. He believed congressional leaders would have balked at the suggestion of a military presence on the Capitol grounds, Bill Pickle, who served as the Senate sergeant-at-arms from 2003 to 2007, told the Post at Irvingā€™s request.
Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sundā€™s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosiā€™s position on the matter, Pickle said."

Nancy's Policy prevented the Guard from protecting the Capitol. End of Discussion.
ā€œWhat he believed would beā€¦ā€
Nancy's Policy prevented the Guard from protecting the Capitol. End of Discussion.


Oh yeah, she REFUSES to, and the committee has no desire to have that question honestly answered (not that Pelosi would do so).
Tells your lies as often as you want.

Nothing changes the fact that the Speaker of the House has no control over NG deployment.

Nothing changes the fact that there was no communication with Pelosi ABOUT deploying the Guard
It's not up to Congress. The ONLY one how can order out the Guard is the President. He supposedly made an offhand remark to his SecDef Miller and Miller went no further with it

If you have a compaint it is with him.

We've been over this ad infinatum
Yeah. You're still a fucking liar now, just like you were then.
Tells your lies as often as you want.

Nothing changes the fact that the Speaker of the House has no control over NG deployment.

You're an ignorant lying leftard.

Nothing changes the fact that there was no communication with Pelosi ABOUT deploying the Guard
SO WHAT, you fucking lying piece of leftard dogshit

NANCY PELOSI is responsible for the Capitol Police. THE BUCK STOPS HERE.

It was HER policies that were in place and being acted on.

You dumb fucking bastards still think you have a leg to stand on?

Fuck your committee, and fuck you too. Goddamn lying scumbag pieces of shit.

You rotten fucking bastards crap in the STREET, you leave your shit ALL OVER THE PLACE for other people to clean up.

Fucking scumbags from hell
CBS News, "Trump did not have 10,000 troops ready to deploy on Jan. 6, his defense secretary says," July 26, 2022

Vanity Fair, "ā€˜The president threw us under the busā€™: embedding with pentagon leadership in Trumpā€™s chaotic last week," Jan. 22, 2021

CBS News, "Pence gave ā€˜directā€™ and ā€˜unambiguousā€™ orders to have military come to the Capitol," July 21, 2022

Forbes Breaking News, "New audio from Mark Milley reveals Pence, not Trump, called for National Guard on Jan 6th," June 9, 2022

The Washington Post, "Jan. 6 committee holds eighth public hearing in series - 07/21," July 21, 2022

NPR, "Here's every word from the 8th Jan. 6 committee on its investigation," July 22, 2022

WSLS 10, "House holds hearing on Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection," May 12, 2022

National Guard, "DOD details National Guard response to Capitol attack," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. Department of Defense, "Planning and execution timeline for the National Guardā€™s involvement in the January 6, 2021 violent attack at the U.S. Capitol," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. Senate, "Examining the U.S. Capitol attack: A review of the security, planning and response failures on January 6," June 1, 2021

PolitiFact, "No proof Trump requested 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6 or that Pelosi denied it," March 2, 2021

PolitiFact, "No evidence Pelosi ā€˜rejectedā€™ Trumpā€™s authorization for ā€˜20,000 National Guardā€™ before Jan. 6 attack," June 13, 2022

USA Today, "Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6," Dec. 16, 2021

The Washington Post, "No, Trump did not order 10,000 troops to secure the Capitol on Jan. 6," Dec. 15, 2021

Council on Foreign Relations, "A unique military force: The U.S. National Guard," Jan. 15, 2021

PBS News Hour, "Pentagon eases approval process for urgent use of D.C. National Guard," Dec. 30, 2021

Reuters, "Pentagon refines DC National Guard approval authority after Capitol riot," Dec. 30, 2021

Business Insider, "Trump never gave order to deploy National Guard ahead of January 6, former defense secretary testifies," July 26, 2022

You think just because you can find an MSM link it becomes the truth?

You sorry fucking bastards are being deeply played and you don't even know it. And you DENY it, which is even dumber.
Sheā€¦ And Congress have ZERO authority regarding the NGā€¦ and thatā€™s what we are talking about

We all know how it works, shit for brains.

We've all done the research, shit for brains.

Your endless LIES won't change anyone's opinion

YOU are a lying leftard scumbag and YOU will have zero representation and zero power in 21 days
You sorry fucking bastards are being deeply played and you don't even know it.
I know whose being played, and it's trumps kkkult.
He is a con man, and he dupes you daily.

Enjoy being conned.
I know whose being played, and it's trumps kkkult.
He is a con man, and he dupes you daily.

Enjoy being conned.

You fuckers simply can NOT get your heads out of Trump's ass.

If you had even a single good idea we could talk

But you don't. And therefore you're just a lying little leftard scumbag like all the other shit for brains partisans around here.

I don't do Trump, asshole. You won't find me with my head up Trump's rump.

What every American with a pair of eyes can clearly see is, we have a very serious problem with LYING STALINIST SCUMBAGS and the people who support them.

Mark my words: they're going down. They'll be beaten down at the voting booth in three weeks, and if that doesn't work they'll be beaten down in real life

Either way they're leaving town. On a rail, if necessary. In tar and burning feathers, if it were up to me

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