trump losing opinion in shutdown....Bigly

The military pay checks have already been funded.

The Democrat socialists latest lie is that Americans want unlimited immigration of the worthless.

Yes, they have already been put into the budget and planned for. However, the military will have to wait until the government reopens before they can get their checks. I know, because I went through the one in the mid 90's that lasted 24 days, and everyone had to wait for their checks. Granted, we got back pay, but for some of the lower ranks who had families and lived paycheck to paycheck, they had to go to Navy Relief for short term loans so they could cover their bills.

Wrong. This isn’t the 1990’s. There is only a partial shutdown.
The military pay checks have already been funded.

The Democrat socialists latest lie is that Americans want unlimited immigration of the worthless.

Yes, they have already been put into the budget and planned for. However, the military will have to wait until the government reopens before they can get their checks. I know, because I went through the one in the mid 90's that lasted 24 days, and everyone had to wait for their checks. Granted, we got back pay, but for some of the lower ranks who had families and lived paycheck to paycheck, they had to go to Navy Relief for short term loans so they could cover their bills.

Wrong. This isn’t the 1990’s. There is only a partial shutdown.
Most military and allotments aren't checks any more. Like social security checks, it's direct deposit. I get my transfer promptly at 2am on payday. No one really issues and sends checks out anymore.
Support for the wall is on the rise as more people become informed how dire the situation is. This is a pr problem not a substance issue.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters now say the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration, up from 43% in September and 37% in July of last year. Just as many (48%) still oppose the wall, but that’s been on the decline from 56% in July 2017. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

So as usual our liberal friends here are dishing out fake news.

Rasmussen? You’ve got to be kidding me.
Of all reports or polls you picked Rasmussen. Very funny.
Trump to Lil Rocket Man

Give up your nuclear weapons or I’ll shut down your Givernment!
Trump to Lil Rocket Man

Give up your nuclear weapons or I’ll shut down your Givernment!

Kim played trump like a fiddle. trump comes out of the summit telling the world that NK is no longer a threat. I bet Kim and his generals were laughing their butts off...."WHAT AN IDIOT trump IS!"

Now he is losing with the Dems. Tired of winning yet....trumpettes?
Well, apparently the military is getting their checks, but unfortunately, the Coast Guard (which falls under the Dept of Transportation during peacetime) won't.

I wonder if Trump knows that the Coast Guard is responsible for a whole bunch of our border?
"Police have arrested 7 people for allegedly trying to help accused illegal alien cop-killer Gustavo Perez Arriaga evade capture from law enforcement — all 7 are illegal aliens."

source: abc news
Trump Is Losing the Shutdown Fight in a Rout

Why would the Dems in the House want to give him anything after January 3rd? trump's next co-written book should be "The Art of the Fail"

The only thing the poll says is that the voters think he is more responsible for the shutdown than the Dims. What it doesn't show is whether they approve of disapprove. Trump took responsibility for it, but the voters want the immigration problem solved, and it's clear that the Dims are the main obstacle to getting anything done.
Gonna be interesting to see how the military feels about Trump when they are told on the 1st that they have to wait until the government reopens to get their checks.

Then, on the 15th of Jan (first payday reflecting the raise), they are gonna find out that they only got 2.6 percent pay raise instead of the 10 percent that Trump promised.
I got my Compensation pay.
Well, it looks like the military will get their checks.

Unfortunately, because the Coast Guard falls under DOT in peacetime, they are part of the shutdown and won't get their checks until the government reopens.

I wonder if Trump understands what the Coast Guard does in securing our borders?
Trump hasn't lost favor with me, and I'd vote for him again in a New York minute.

Go President Trump!
I'm thinking of voting for him too I figure 4 more years in our wh will put him in a house of crazy people But look at all the fun we'll be be having watching him go bonkers
Well, it looks like the military will get their checks.

Unfortunately, because the Coast Guard falls under DOT in peacetime, they are part of the shutdown and won't get their checks until the government reopens.

I wonder if Trump understands what the Coast Guard does in securing our borders?
Trump took measures to make sure the Coast Guard get their checks.
Well, it looks like the military will get their checks.

Unfortunately, because the Coast Guard falls under DOT in peacetime, they are part of the shutdown and won't get their checks until the government reopens.

I wonder if Trump understands what the Coast Guard does in securing our borders?
Trump took measures to make sure the Coast Guard get their checks.

You sure about that? I've heard from a parent of a CG member, who has said that their son isn't going to get paid until the government reopens.

And, according to this article, Trump is TRYING to intervene, but whether or not they get a check on the 15th of Jan is still up for grabs, if the govt is still shut down then.

Trump personally intervened to pay Coast Guard in shutdown

In explaining the temporary solution for the next paycheck, though not subsequent checks should the shutdown drag on, the Coast Guard’s All Hands blog wrote:

  • "Will Coast Guard members get paid on Dec. 31? Yes, the Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Coast Guard have identified a way to pay our military workforce on Dec. 31, 2018. This one-time action applies to military members that served on active duty in the month of December and those reserve military members that drilled prior to the lapse in appropriation."

  • "If you were an active duty military member in December, then you will receive your monthly paycheck on Dec. 31, 2018. That paycheck will include all of the normal pay and allowance benefits (e.g. basic pay, BAH, BAS, etc.)."

  • "If you were a reservist that served on active duty during the month of December, you will also receive your monthly paycheck on Dec. 31, 2018 and it will include all of your normal pay and allowance entitlements."

  • "Finally, if you were a reservist that conducted reserve training prior to Dec. 21, 2018, then you will receive the appropriate pay and allowance entitlements on Dec. 31, 2018."

  • "Will I get paid on Jan. 15? This approval only covers the Dec. 31, 2018 paycheck. It does not guarantee a paycheck on Jan. 15, 2019. Meeting active duty and reserve military payroll for January 2019 will require a fiscal year 2019 appropriation, a continuing resolution, or passage of an alternative measure."
Trump hasn't lost favor with me, and I'd vote for him again in a New York minute.

Go President Trump!
I'm thinking of voting for him too I figure 4 more years in our wh will put him in a house of crazy people But look at all the fun we'll be be having watching him go bonkers
4 more years of Trump will put all you snowflakes in a house of crazy people.
Trump Is Losing the Shutdown Fight in a Rout

Why would the Dems in the House want to give him anything after January 3rd? trump's next co-written book should be "The Art of the Fail"
/----/ When you read the last paragraph of most polls you'll find the demographics. In this one the oversample democRATs to get the desired results.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English across the United States. It gathered responses from 2,440 adults, including 946 Democrats and 846 Republicans. It has a credibility interval, a measure of the poll’s precision, of two percentage points for the entire sample and four points for members of either political party.

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