trump losing opinion in shutdown....Bigly

Trump hasn't lost favor with me, and I'd vote for him again in a New York minute.

Go President Trump!
I'm thinking of voting for him too I figure 4 more years in our wh will put him in a house of crazy people But look at all the fun we'll be be having watching him go bonkers
4 more years of Trump will put all you snowflakes in a house of crazy people.
Bri I'm planning on lmao at how all you dotards flock to protect this biggest ah ever to step into our WH Even Ray Charles woulda been able to see what a fn moron a gd crook trump is
The Dems need to hold firm. Let the shutdown go on for months!
Trump hasn't lost favor with me, and I'd vote for him again in a New York minute.

Go President Trump!
I'm thinking of voting for him too I figure 4 more years in our wh will put him in a house of crazy people But look at all the fun we'll be be having watching him go bonkers
4 more years of Trump will put all you snowflakes in a house of crazy people.
Bri I'm planning on lmao at how all you dotards flock to protect this biggest ah ever to step into our WH Even Ray Charles woulda been able to see what a fn moron a gd crook trump is


Trump Is Losing the Shutdown Fight in a Rout

Why would the Dems in the House want to give him anything after January 3rd? trump's next co-written book should be "The Art of the Fail"

Screw the Democrats, they are the enemy of this Country. Worthless parasites
View attachment 237117 .

I don’t know how much plainer it could be. This is the second time the Democrats have shut down government for their foreign constituents. Even their control of the media can’t hide this forever.
Trump needs to hammer home the point that dems want open borders and care more for their foreign constituents than for US workers.
And nitwits like you will believe it. Easily led much?
Trump Is Losing the Shutdown Fight in a Rout

Why would the Dems in the House want to give him anything after January 3rd? trump's next co-written book should be "The Art of the Fail"
Of course, as usual, the liberal media is pushing that message, as well as the propaganda that it is all Trump's fault for daring to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect Americans instead of standing with the murderous violent illegals to keep the borders open, to keep illegal immigration - their additional source of votes continuing, to advocate non-enforcement of US Immigration Law, and to support federal law-violating sanctuary cities that proved safe haven for criminal illegals who prey on US citizens.
"Mexico will pay for the wall, believe me"!! Oops!
Support for the wall is on the rise as more people become informed how dire the situation is. This is a pr problem not a substance issue.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters now say the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration, up from 43% in September and 37% in July of last year. Just as many (48%) still oppose the wall, but that’s been on the decline from 56% in July 2017. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

So as usual our liberal friends here are dishing out fake news.

You mean the illegal immigration which has been falling for a decade... Trump needs gullible people...
Trump Is Losing the Shutdown Fight in a Rout

Why would the Dems in the House want to give him anything after January 3rd? trump's next co-written book should be "The Art of the Fail"
/----/ When you read the last paragraph of most polls you'll find the demographics. In this one the oversample democRATs to get the desired results.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English across the United States. It gathered responses from 2,440 adults, including 946 Democrats and 846 Republicans. It has a credibility interval, a measure of the poll’s precision, of two percentage points for the entire sample and four points for members of either political party.

Plus we don't give a shit what Dem's think in the first place.
Trump hasn't lost favor with me, and I'd vote for him again in a New York minute.

Go President Trump!
I'm thinking of voting for him too I figure 4 more years in our wh will put him in a house of crazy people But look at all the fun we'll be be having watching him go bonkers
4 more years of Trump will put all you snowflakes in a house of crazy people.
Bri I'm planning on lmao at how all you dotards flock to protect this biggest ah ever to step into our WH Even Ray Charles woulda been able to see what a fn moron a gd crook trump is
/——/ Ahhhhh you can’t get everyone to hate Trump as much as you do. Tissue?
Yes but democrats need stupid people. Illegals apprehended at the border rose to over 60,000 a month for oct. and nov. Let’s see, 60,000 times 12 is 720,000 in a year. Nothing to see here, not a problem, three quarters of a million in one year is no biggie. All these surveys of illegals in this country can’t be taken seriously, “ oh yes, I am an illegal and I want to participate in a survey.” Most of the ones I know stay low and many stay on the move to go to the highest paying jobs. Liberals create false surveys to back up their false claims. If you notice the chart, increases in illegal immigration are huge, decreases are minuscule.

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