Trump LOST A SEAT!!!! Cry the liberals!!!! Their messiah in chief lost over 1000. LOL!!!


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

Trump made our day. America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
Yep....that evil Republican dared to keep men in dresses away from our children.

I think Ms Roem needs to be a good representative for his/her state.
It shouldn't matter what the fucker is packing in his panties.
I think he/she needs to remember that.
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?

BTW, while we are on the subject, has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

Actually, they lost 16 seats, the NJ governor, one NJ Senator, and at least 14 Delegates in the VA House.
Well, that's a lie if I ever heard one.
Since when was NJ a red state?

Chris Christie was the governor of the state. It flipped to blue.

It’s true that the Dems lost 1000+ seats all across the country in red and blue states under Obama.

Under that same standard, the GOP has now lost 16 in two states under Trump.
Just because NJ voted for a liberal RINO once doesn't mean the whole state was turned Blue overnight.
Usually these RINO's are put there to piss everyone in the state off.
They did it here in TN with Governor Grumpy (Don Sunquist) and Arnold in CA. Some Democrat runs as a Republican and is able to pull off a win, then he goes about acting like a total asshole and it turns all of the Republican voters off.

It doesn’t matter. The Republicans lost seats.

In the three election cycles after Obama was first elected, the GOP flipped about 350 elections per cycle, or 7 per state.

Last night, the Dems flipped 8 per state.

It’s a small sample, but almost all the swings have been towards the Dems over the past year, which isn’t unusual in the mid-terms.
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?

BTW, while we are on the subject, has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

Trump has been more divisive, and no doubt your history isn't very good to not be able to find some that are more.

Me thinks you're a partisan hack.
Obama couldn’t have been more divisive if he tried.
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?

BTW, while we are on the subject, has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

Actually, they lost 16 seats, the NJ governor, one NJ Senator, and at least 14 Delegates in the VA House.
Well, that's a lie if I ever heard one.
Since when was NJ a red state?

Chris Christie was the governor of the state. It flipped to blue.

It’s true that the Dems lost 1000+ seats all across the country in red and blue states under Obama.

Under that same standard, the GOP has now lost 16 in two states under Trump.
Just because NJ voted for a liberal RINO once doesn't mean the whole state was turned Blue overnight.
Usually these RINO's are put there to piss everyone in the state off.
They did it here in TN with Governor Grumpy (Don Sunquist) and Arnold in CA. Some Democrat runs as a Republican and is able to pull off a win, then he goes about acting like a total asshole and it turns all of the Republican voters off.

It doesn’t matter. The Republicans lost seats.

In the three election cycles after Obama was first elected, the GOP flipped about 350 elections per cycle, or 7 per state.

Last night, the Dems flipped 8 per state.

It’s a small sample, but almost all the swings have been towards the Dems over the past year, which isn’t unusual in the mid-terms.
All demographics and the inability of Republicans to fight anti-white racism from Democrats.
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?

BTW, while we are on the subject, has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

Actually, they lost 16 seats, the NJ governor, one NJ Senator, and at least 14 Delegates in the VA House.
Well, that's a lie if I ever heard one.
Since when was NJ a red state?

Chris Christie was the governor of the state. It flipped to blue.

It’s true that the Dems lost 1000+ seats all across the country in red and blue states under Obama.

Under that same standard, the GOP has now lost 16 in two states under Trump.
Just because NJ voted for a liberal RINO once doesn't mean the whole state was turned Blue overnight.
Usually these RINO's are put there to piss everyone in the state off.
They did it here in TN with Governor Grumpy (Don Sunquist) and Arnold in CA. Some Democrat runs as a Republican and is able to pull off a win, then he goes about acting like a total asshole and it turns all of the Republican voters off.

It doesn’t matter. The Republicans lost seats.

In the three election cycles after Obama was first elected, the GOP flipped about 350 elections per cycle, or 7 per state.

Last night, the Dems flipped 8 per state.

It’s a small sample, but almost all the swings have been towards the Dems over the past year, which isn’t unusual in the mid-terms.
In small isolated elections Democrats are able to win with a combination of voter suppression and ballot stuffing.
It doesn't work on a national level.
has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.
That you cannot think of any is no surprise insofar as it's not readily apparent that you put much effort of any sort into thinking.

has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

As goes the question you posed:
  • One cannot at once claim Obama is the most divisive POTUS ever when the fact is that disdain for him, more that much else, is what unified the GOP enough to garner Trump an election win, and even that was achieved only by the slimmest of margins that result from a consequence of the electoral college and the fact that nearly all states apportion electors using not a proportionality model but rather a "winner take all" model, not by dint of an absolute majority of voters having voted for him.
  • One cannot claim that Obama is the most divisive POTUS ever and expect that claim to be taken as legitimate by any other than inveterate partisans of the GOP. The reason that one cannot expect that is because for such a claim to be credible, one must also make a strong case that were a different Democrat to have won the 2008 and 2012 elections, say HIllary Clinton of whom John McCain in 2013 said, "Her work as secretary of state, with the exception of this issue of Benghazi -- which isn’t going away -- I think has been outstanding," would the divisiveness that suffuses the GOP electorate, thus the nation, be absent or materially diminished? Was the divisiveness attenuated during the presidency of Bill Clinton, the man they voted to impeach, the man they accused of murder, rape and drug-running? Would it have disappeared or abated had Kerry or Sanders become POTUS? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I know one must have sound and cogent answers to them in order for the claim you've made to be credible, and you've presented not merely weak answers to them, but also no answers to those questions.
  • Looking at the discord and disunity within the GOP, both before and after Trump's election, how can Obama have been the cause of that? For instance, whatever divisiveness Obama may have caused is not to blame for the GOP's failure to repeal and replace O-care, a theme GOP federal, state and local candidates ran on for, what, six years.

    Republicans during Obama's tenure hated their own leaders. To wit, they chased John Boehner out of the House, in part due to House Republican's utter refusal to countenance compromise of any sort. Mitch McConnell's approval rating in Kentucky among Republicans is 18%, and even before the Trump era, it hovered in the 15% to 20% range. Is Obama to blame for Republican Kentuckians repeatedly sending to the U.S. Senate a man whom, by and large, they detest? The answer is clearly "no."
  • Imagine the GOP of today as a party not animated by the rhetoric of fear, loathing and antipathy. Quite simply, such a GOP is not imaginable for without those levers, the GOP would not be the GOP we presently see. The talk radio industry, the conservative websites, the faux “Tea Party” pressure groups constantly begging conservatives for donations so they can fend off the pending collapse of Western civilization for one more day -- the entire conservative infrastructure relies on divisiveness as its mother’s milk.

    Indeed, and ironically, the existence and contrivances of the "Tea Party" as a material cohort within the GOP are themselves manifestations of Republican predilection for and predisposition to being more about what they can oppose than what they can accomplish by their own devices; "Tea Party" Republicans are the very architects of discord. "Why" isn't really important because the fact is that they are more focused on sundering things than on creating things, not the least of things being national harmony in general and sound public policy in particular.
The above is just the tip of the iceberg of qualitative analysis of the question with regard to the GOP and the consequences of how it's evolved. There is also the matter of objective analysis of the matter of Obama's alleged-by-Republicans being the most divisive POTUS in history.

Immediately anyone who thinks -- remember I wrote that it's not apparent that you put any effort into doing that -- about the matter recalls that Lincoln's election to the presidency was the main impetus for South Carolina's secession, and we all know where that led. Lincoln's mere assumption of the office catalyzing a state's secession is markedly more divisive than anything Obama did.

One need not, however, constrain the analysis to POTUSes from long ago. The fact of the matter is that according to Gallup's tracking of the extent of polarization among the electorate, Bush II holds that dubious honor, though it's likely that Trump will take it from him. (The Gallup data are for full years.)


So to return to my original claim that it's not evident that you bother to think at all, readers who are somewhat aware of the "talking points" the GOP utter will notice that even the notion that Obama be the most divisive president ever isn't a thought you conjured, but rather that you have merely parroted that idea. Furthermore, from reading the above remarks readers will observe that you didn't think to perform so much as even the most cursory investigation to find out whether Obama is, by objective measurement, to say nothing of qualitatively so, the most divisive POTUS ever. In doing those two things, neither of which evinces the barest vestiges of extant thought activity, you've made it patently clear that you are not part of "we the people," but rather that you are a card carrying member of the genre of humanity called "sheeple," the very epitome of insentient humans.
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Actually, they lost 16 seats, the NJ governor, one NJ Senator, and at least 14 Delegates in the VA House.
Well, that's a lie if I ever heard one.
Since when was NJ a red state?

Chris Christie was the governor of the state. It flipped to blue.

It’s true that the Dems lost 1000+ seats all across the country in red and blue states under Obama.

Under that same standard, the GOP has now lost 16 in two states under Trump.
Just because NJ voted for a liberal RINO once doesn't mean the whole state was turned Blue overnight.
Usually these RINO's are put there to piss everyone in the state off.
They did it here in TN with Governor Grumpy (Don Sunquist) and Arnold in CA. Some Democrat runs as a Republican and is able to pull off a win, then he goes about acting like a total asshole and it turns all of the Republican voters off.

It doesn’t matter. The Republicans lost seats.

In the three election cycles after Obama was first elected, the GOP flipped about 350 elections per cycle, or 7 per state.

Last night, the Dems flipped 8 per state.

It’s a small sample, but almost all the swings have been towards the Dems over the past year, which isn’t unusual in the mid-terms.
In small isolated elections Democrats are able to win with a combination of voter suppression and ballot stuffing.
It doesn't work on a national level.

The swing in the six special elections for the House has been 14 points on average to the Democrats, even though the Republicans won five of them.

In 2016, the Republicans won 38 seats by 15 points or less. The GOP has a 24 seat majority. If these trends remain in place, the House will be in play next year.
Trump has been more divisive, and no doubt your history isn't very good to not be able to find some that are more.

Me thinks you're a partisan hack.

Trump has been more divisive???? You have blinders on. Obama was the first President to talk about "punishing enemies" on the context of an election or "bring guns to knife fights" in the context of debates. You can't get more divisive than Obama.

Right, and giving massive confidence to Confederate Flag waves, annoying black people, making NFL white supporters and black supporters and players hate each other, targeting women, calling all Mexicans rapists, having a go at a judge because he's Hispanic....

The 389 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

389 people and places Trump has insulted, war veterans, Republicans, Democrats.

The only reason Obama was divisive was because treason loving confederate flag wavers don't like BLACK PEOPLE being in charge, rather than cleaning their pool.

That as a pathetic justification for a President to be divisive. Obama was schooled in divisiveness by and among the best. You people are all over Trump for divisiveness and give Obama a pass.

No, I don't give Obama a pass at all. However I really don't see much of what Obama did to be divisive other than being black and a Democrat.

You think all the shit Trump has been flinging isn't an issue. Well, you're allowed to be wrong.

I'm not arguing Trump as a United or not divisive. You say you are not giving Obama a pass yet in the next sentence you say he was not divisive at all and bring his race into it. You people use his race as a retort to the slightest critique of him.

How can I not bring his race into it? People brought his race into it a long time ago, a lot of people hated him for being black. I can't change that, nor will I ignore it.
Trump has been more divisive, and no doubt your history isn't very good to not be able to find some that are more.

Me thinks you're a partisan hack.

Trump has been more divisive???? You have blinders on. Obama was the first President to talk about "punishing enemies" on the context of an election or "bring guns to knife fights" in the context of debates. You can't get more divisive than Obama.

Right, and giving massive confidence to Confederate Flag waves, annoying black people, making NFL white supporters and black supporters and players hate each other, targeting women, calling all Mexicans rapists, having a go at a judge because he's Hispanic....

The 389 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

389 people and places Trump has insulted, war veterans, Republicans, Democrats.

The only reason Obama was divisive was because treason loving confederate flag wavers don't like BLACK PEOPLE being in charge, rather than cleaning their pool.

That as a pathetic justification for a President to be divisive. Obama was schooled in divisiveness by and among the best. You people are all over Trump for divisiveness and give Obama a pass.

No, I don't give Obama a pass at all. However I really don't see much of what Obama did to be divisive other than being black and a Democrat.

You think all the shit Trump has been flinging isn't an issue. Well, you're allowed to be wrong.
Yep.....talking about those people with their guns and their religion......that was fake news.

Was he wrong?

No, he wasn't wrong.

It's similar to what happened in the election. Hillary said one thing about Trump supporters, and she suddenly became the worst person on the Earth, but Trump had been insulting people from day one and you people loved it.

This is the problem here, isn't it?

People who don't want to be told the truth, people who hide behind their guns, their religion AND their politics, who cannot accept that they're wrong, don't have the mental capacity to be right, and who will blame others for their problems, and love their "saviors" like Trump who won't do a single thing for these people other than entertain them.
Trump has been more divisive???? You have blinders on. Obama was the first President to talk about "punishing enemies" on the context of an election or "bring guns to knife fights" in the context of debates. You can't get more divisive than Obama.

Right, and giving massive confidence to Confederate Flag waves, annoying black people, making NFL white supporters and black supporters and players hate each other, targeting women, calling all Mexicans rapists, having a go at a judge because he's Hispanic....

The 389 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

389 people and places Trump has insulted, war veterans, Republicans, Democrats.

The only reason Obama was divisive was because treason loving confederate flag wavers don't like BLACK PEOPLE being in charge, rather than cleaning their pool.

That as a pathetic justification for a President to be divisive. Obama was schooled in divisiveness by and among the best. You people are all over Trump for divisiveness and give Obama a pass.

No, I don't give Obama a pass at all. However I really don't see much of what Obama did to be divisive other than being black and a Democrat.

You think all the shit Trump has been flinging isn't an issue. Well, you're allowed to be wrong.
Yep.....talking about those people with their guns and their religion......that was fake news.

Was he wrong?

No, he wasn't wrong.

It's similar to what happened in the election. Hillary said one thing about Trump supporters, and she suddenly became the worst person on the Earth, but Trump had been insulting people from day one and you people loved it.

This is the problem here, isn't it?

People who don't want to be told the truth, people who hide behind their guns, their religion AND their politics, who cannot accept that they're wrong, don't have the mental capacity to be right, and who will blame others for their problems, and love their "saviors" like Trump who won't do a single thing for these people other than entertain them.
Obama clearly showed his hatred for Christians and for the 2nd Amendment and all you have to say about it is "Was he wrong?"

Hillary clearly showed her distain for, at a minimum, half of America.

You seem to want to ignore the inflammatory rhetoric by your people and focus on the media's opinions of what Trump said on Twitter.
The media totally makes up a story about Trump improperly feeding Koya.....and you don't question their fucking motives?
What kind of a closed-minded jag-off are you?
Trump has been more divisive???? You have blinders on. Obama was the first President to talk about "punishing enemies" on the context of an election or "bring guns to knife fights" in the context of debates. You can't get more divisive than Obama.

Right, and giving massive confidence to Confederate Flag waves, annoying black people, making NFL white supporters and black supporters and players hate each other, targeting women, calling all Mexicans rapists, having a go at a judge because he's Hispanic....

The 389 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

389 people and places Trump has insulted, war veterans, Republicans, Democrats.

The only reason Obama was divisive was because treason loving confederate flag wavers don't like BLACK PEOPLE being in charge, rather than cleaning their pool.

That as a pathetic justification for a President to be divisive. Obama was schooled in divisiveness by and among the best. You people are all over Trump for divisiveness and give Obama a pass.

No, I don't give Obama a pass at all. However I really don't see much of what Obama did to be divisive other than being black and a Democrat.

You think all the shit Trump has been flinging isn't an issue. Well, you're allowed to be wrong.

I'm not arguing Trump as a United or not divisive. You say you are not giving Obama a pass yet in the next sentence you say he was not divisive at all and bring his race into it. You people use his race as a retort to the slightest critique of him.

How can I not bring his race into it? People brought his race into it a long time ago, a lot of people hated him for being black. I can't change that, nor will I ignore it.

No. The reality is that people who hated him for being Black is such a small minority. It was convenient for The Left to react with the racist hurls to anyone who criticized Obama. Conservative whites could say they would vote for Cain, Carson, Condoleeza Rice yet oppose Obama and the Left would say that is racist or no one wanted a Black in the White House.
has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.
That you cannot think of any is no surprise insofar as it's not readily apparent that you put much effort of any sort into thinking.

has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

As goes the question you posed:
  • One cannot at once claim Obama is the most divisive POTUS ever when the fact is that disdain for him, more that much else, is what unified the GOP enough to garner Trump an election win, and even that was achieved only by the slimmest of margins that result from a consequence of the electoral college and the fact that nearly all states apportion electors using not a proportionality model but rather a "winner take all" model, not by dint of an absolute majority of voters having voted for him.
  • One cannot claim that Obama is the most divisive POTUS ever and expect that claim to be taken as legitimate by any other than inveterate partisans of the GOP. The reason that one cannot expect that is because for such a claim to be credible, one must also make a strong case that were a different Democrat to have won the 2008 and 2012 elections, say HIllary Clinton of whom John McCain in 2013 said, "Her work as secretary of state, with the exception of this issue of Benghazi -- which isn’t going away -- I think has been outstanding," would the divisiveness that suffuses the GOP electorate, thus the nation, be absent or materially diminished? Was the divisiveness attenuated during the presidency of Bill Clinton, the man they voted to impeach, the man they accused of murder, rape and drug-running? Would it have disappeared or abated had Kerry or Sanders become POTUS? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I know one must have sound and cogent answers to them in order for the claim you've made to be credible, and you've presented not merely weak answers to them, but also no answers to those questions.
  • Looking at the discord and disunity within the GOP, both before and after Trump's election, how can Obama have been the cause of that? For instance, whatever divisiveness Obama may have caused is not to blame for the GOP's failure to repeal and replace O-care, a theme GOP federal, state and local candidates ran on for, what, six years.

    Republicans during Obama's tenure hated their own leaders. To wit, they chased John Boehner out of the House, in part due to House Republican's utter refusal to countenance compromise of any sort. Mitch McConnell's approval rating in Kentucky among Republicans is 18%, and even before the Trump era, it hovered in the 15% to 20% range. Is Obama to blame for Republican Kentuckians repeatedly sending to the U.S. Senate a man whom, by and large, they detest? The answer is clearly "no."
  • Imagine the GOP of today as a party not animated by the rhetoric of fear, loathing and antipathy. Quite simply, such a GOP is not imaginable for without those levers, the GOP would not be the GOP we presently see. The talk radio industry, the conservative websites, the faux “Tea Party” pressure groups constantly begging conservatives for donations so they can fend off the pending collapse of Western civilization for one more day -- the entire conservative infrastructure relies on divisiveness as its mother’s milk.

    Indeed, and ironically, the existence and contrivances of the "Tea Party" as a material cohort within the GOP are themselves manifestations of Republican predilection for and predisposition to being more about what they can oppose than what they can accomplish by their own devices; "Tea Party" Republicans are the very architects of discord. "Why" isn't really important because the fact is that they are more focused on sundering things than on creating things, not the least of things being national harmony in general and sound public policy in particular.
The above is just the tip of the iceberg of qualitative analysis of the question with regard to the GOP and the consequences of how it's evolved. There is also the matter of objective analysis of the matter of Obama's alleged-by-Republicans being the most divisive POTUS in history.

Immediately anyone who thinks -- remember I wrote that it's not apparent that you put any effort into doing that -- about the matter recalls that Lincoln's election to the presidency was the main impetus for South Carolina's secession, and we all know where that led. Lincoln's mere assumption of the office catalyzing a state's secession is markedly more divisive than anything Obama did.

One need not, however, constrain the analysis to POTUSes from long ago. The fact of the matter is that according to Gallup's tracking of the extent of polarization among the electorate, Bush II holds that dubious honor, though it's likely that Trump will take it from him. (The Gallup data are for full years.)


So to return to my original claim that it's not evident that you bother to think at all, readers who are somewhat aware of the "talking points" the GOP utter will notice that even the notion that Obama be the most divisive president ever isn't a thought you conjured, but rather that you have merely parroted that idea. Furthermore, from reading the above remarks readers will observe that you didn't think to perform so much as even the most cursory investigation to find out whether Obama is, by objective measurement, to say nothing of qualitatively so, the most divisive POTUS ever. In doing those two things, neither of which evinces the barest vestiges of extant thought activity, you've made it patently clear that you are not part of "we the people," but rather that you are a card carrying member of the genre of humanity called "sheeple," the very epitome of insentient humans.
You talk about approval ratings while ignoring the key question. Did Obama set out to divide America?
Obama did everything he could to divide us.
His support of Occupy Wall Street and Blacklivesmatter is a prime example of it.
But what else can one expect from a paid troublemaker/community-organizer.
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?

BTW, while we are on the subject, has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

Trump has been more divisive, and no doubt your history isn't very good to not be able to find some that are more.

Me thinks you're a partisan hack.
me knows you are.

obama couldn't let a social controversy go w/o commentary. it was *always* against the police. it was *always* against the average white person and mocking them. most people don't give a damn who's gay or not or whatever, just don't flog them with it. he flogged the SHIT out of conservatives with his "liberal" values.

if you don't see that as divisive because you were *for* those changes then you sure do see it that way now, don't you?
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?

BTW, while we are on the subject, has there ever been a president more divisive than obama? Can't think of any.

Actually, they lost 16 seats, the NJ governor, one NJ Senator, and at least 14 Delegates in the VA House.

Very small sample

But those running on the Trump agenda did not do well

We will have to see how it carries over into 2018
Trump may change, Obama has not been out of office long enough to Judge. Hate and insults have been rejected by voters. The loathsome ad run against Gillespie was yanked after obe day. Talked and written about daily since then, smart move to yank it QUICK.
The nuts around here scoffed when I told them months ago that the pendulum was shifting direction.
They are all claiming this is a "REFRENDUM!!!!" on TRRRUMMMMP!!!!


Anyone remember any of these losers saying anything close to that shit as their pathetic socialist in chief lost over 1000 seats during his divisive presidency?


I remember you saying that shit.

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