Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Nobody has to "use Muslims as a tool for spreading fear", Muslims do that themselves.

Muslims are murdering people right now in Barcelona, but hey it's so nice Muslims have freedom in Western countries.

Bullshit. This is the very attitude that I'm talking about.

Ever since 9/11 Bush was using Muslims as a way of getting what the right wanted and had lost with the dissolution of the USSR, a new common enemy. And they've done it, and 8 years of Obama couldn't reverse this, but 8 years of right wing propaganda telling everyone how ALL MUSLIMS are bad and evil works wonders.

Muslims are murdering people in Barcelona, sure, but did you see what happened in Iraq in 2003 and for a long period after up until today? No, missed that one. Far, FAR more people died in Iraq than have died in Europe and the US through terror attacks. If you GO TO WAR, what the fuck do you think is going to happen? They'll just roll over and pretend it didn't happen and not fight back?

Fucking hell, you people and your twisting of things, forgetting things, pretending it didn't happen or pretending it's not important, or that you're the good guys and everyone should kiss your ass with the sun shining out of it for doing everyone a favor and being the biggest promoters of Islamic fundamentalism in the world.

And what next? Will you use the "funny" button on this post?

Of course far more people died in Iraq, it's full of Muslims.

You're right, when you go to WAR do you think people won't fight back? Muslims have been at war with the West, and everyone else for that matter, for 1400 years. They've invaded Europe, and were eventually pushed back thanks to the Crusades. They were highjacking ships in the Mediterranean Sea in the early nineteenth century, then President Jefferson sent war ships to deal with them and put them in their place. Our first foreign war after the Revolution was with Islamic terrorists.

Since then they've been fairly dormant because they had no technology. Then came along AK-47s and bombs, since then the Middle East has been a mess. Muslims kill each other for being the wrong brand of batshit crazy Islam. Muslims attack all non-Muslims around them. They attack Jews, they attack Buddhists, they attack Hindu, and they attack Christians.

Look what they did to Lebanon, a once Christian majority nation that was once known as "the Paris of the Middle East", until they welcomed Muslim "refugees" to overrun them. Once they became the minority, Muslims quickly moved to wipe them all out, and now Lebanon is an Islamic shithole.

Then they attacked the US on September 11th. Did you expect us to not fight back after such an attack? As for Saddam and Iraq, we had already been at war with them since something called the Gulf War. Saddam was violating the terms drawn up at the end of that war, such as violating the no-fly zone on a daily basis and not allowing inspectors to go where they needed. I didn't agree with what Bush did in that war, I think we should had carpet bombed the entire country and taken the oil for ourselves as war reparations. Instead Bush tried to give these Islamic savages "democracy" which was and still is a fool's errand and then he gave the oil away for free.

Democracy in the Middle East will always end up leading to a dictatorship anyway, it's what Muslims want. There is no such thing as a Muslim majority country that embraces freedom and diversity. We should stay out of the Middle East and isolate them. Don't allow any immigration from them and let them kill each other. If and when they plot attacks on Western countries, drop bombs on them.

How to twist history to make it fit your agenda 101.

What's the point of replying to this? You're never going to bother looking at the bits of history that are inconvenient, like for example how the Muslims have been at war with the West for 1400 years, yet it was always fought in the Middle East and beyond.

Iraq doesn't exist as a country because the Iraqis went to the West, it become Iraq because the West interfered in Middle Eastern politics.

The crusades weren't fought in London.

When was the last time a Muslim country invaded a Western country? The nearest you'll get in Spain and Austro-Hungarian Empires and that's because they bordered North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. This wasn't travelling thousands and miles to go attack people.

Afghanistan isn't next to the USA, nor is it next to the UK, nor is Iraq, nor is Lebanon, nor is Syria, nor is Libya, nor are all the other Muslim places. The closest Muslim country to the US is probably Morocco or something thousands and thousands of miles away, and yet somehow, it's Muslims fighting with the West and not the West fighting with the Muslims.

I never said the Crusades were fought in London. The Crusades started by French kings that were tired of dealing with the Muslim invasion of all of southern Europe. Islamists took over Spain, parts of France, coastal cities all around the Mediterranean Sea.

You also answered your own question (and contradicted yourself), Muslims did invade Spain, and the Ottoman Empire invaded all of their neighbors: Greece, the entire area around the Black Sea.

Not sure what your point is about Muslims countries not being close to the US is, other than to try to act like they are no threat whatsoever. They most certainly are next to Europe and even in Europe now. London has been taken over by Muslims, and Muslim populations continue to grow in Western European countries that keep letting them in.

You also failed to point out one Muslim country that has tolerance and religious freedom. The only way Islamists were defeated was "by the sword". Appeasement never worked, and never will work. Just ask any Christians from Lebanon.

No, the crusades weren't about people tired of Muslim invasions of Europe. Where the hell do you make this shit up?

Firstly it was the Spanish that had to deal with the Muslim invasion of the Iberian peninsular. Now, if you were fed up of the Muslims being in the Iberian peninsular, it doesn't make much sense to send troops to JERUSALEM, does it?

They weren't fighting the same people, so you can't make any claim to head off to the east to fight those in the west. The Muslims went into France in 711 and their advance was stopped in 721 and by 759 had basically kicked the Muslims out.

The Crusades started in 1095. That was 340 years AFTER the Muslims were kicked out. You don't go start a war 340 years after you defeated someone, and also attack completely different people.

No, I didn't contradict myself, simply said, you made up something that you think I said which I clearly did not say. I did not say that Muslims didn't fight in Europe. So how could I have contradicted myself? It's like having a debate with someone debating something completely different. Try sticking to WHAT I FUCKING SAID.

And then you go off on one about London becoming Muslim, er... what? London isn't Muslim. You're making up more bullshit again about things you think you know about, but you have no idea.

I failed to point out one Muslim country that has tolerance and religious freedom? Er... you failed to mention who won the Superball in 1854, but fuck it dude, you didn't ask me for a country that had tolerance and religious freedom.

As it happens I can name one, Malaysia. I can also point out that the Muslims in Spain AND the Ottoman Empire were much more tolerant than the Christians who took over. The Spanish kicked out the Jews and the Muslims afterwards, the Ottomans being taken over in what is now Serbia by the Serbs, who went and committed Genocide in the 1990s, among other wars and shit that happened after they had left, in that region, plus the Middle East, holy crap that went to shit after they got kicked out in WW1, didn't it?

But then again I'm not stating that I like Islam or that it's that tolerant at all. So I don't see how I failed to point something out when I didn't actually say I agreed with that. You just, again and again, made shit up that you decided I had said when I did not say it.

Utter Bullshit.

Democrat history, made up on the fly..... :eusa_whistle:
Trump disagrees with their views. He always has. You are just proving the Right's point.

That's certainly not evident in his behavior.

His daughter and granchildren are Jewish. He's not a nazi sympathizer. He is pro-Israel. He said he has no problem with transexuals using whichever bathroom the prefer on his properties. Here's Trump disavowing Duke and Pat Buchanan, while praising Jesse Jackson way back in 2000

trump denounces david doke 2001 - Bing video

He is not a white supremacist, Nazi or KKK. He's disagrees with them and has repeatedly said so for years. He left the Reform Party over this issue.

It doesn't matter, they will lie in direct response to facts. That is what the Stalinist piles of shit have sunk to. I've watched this Nazi shit Reasonable do that for two days. These are pathological psychopaths. They don't give a fuck about facts, they will plow ahead with their lies figuring they can shout down their victims and drown out and reason or rationality.
They've definitely have a different twist on their message. Like if you can have black gay Mexican pride why not white?

Maybe because blacks, gays and Mexicans don't have the history and legacy that the Klan and nazis do. Maybe because they don't call for genocide of all those not like them.

Stop trying to draw equivalencies. There are none.

Yep, the Mau-Maus and Shaka Zulu were agents of peace, you of Khmer Rouge are sure fucking smart.... :eusa_whistle:
Trump is correct: Only a country of babies would try to erase their history because their feelings are hurt. That's what we're doing.
Does Germany have statues of Hitler ? Why should we "idolize" these southern traitors?

I have a question... where have you zealots been for the last 100+ years? Why all of the sudden now?
Republican racism has raised it's ugly head again That's one reason ,,,and now also belief that the president is a racist too
Racist Bannon going down markets coming back

Since markets are at all time highs. by "coming back" you mean crashing, right Herr Himmler?
A quick question for all you people defending the white supremacists and Nazis right to rally and have a gathering, saying that their free speech should be protected................

How would you feel about a whole bunch of Muslims having a rally to promote their views on Sharia law?

Sharia law, Nazism, and white supremacy are all repugnant to the ideals of this country.

Since literally NO ONE is defending them, just what the fuck are you yapping about?
IDK how we can get past the humiliation and embarrassment of electing such a creature to anything, much less president! I knew he had support, but it's obvious we have a lot more of these secret bigots who loved his hate-filled rants and prognostications if something wasn't done about illegal immigration! We see he's exposed himself for the bigot and racist animal he is and it's causing rifts with family and friends! I had a college roommate I've been close to for 40 years and he came out as a supporter who wears his Trump T-shirt with pride! After this, I haven't heard anything from him and heaven knows I'm not going to go looking for him! He's got to be feeling some shame! Hard to believe he's a Mensa member, speaks several languages, and heads a software team dealing with computers! I guess intelligence has little to nothing to do with 'common sense!' :bang3: :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
The election of Trump will go down as the low point in modern American politics

No, the low point for most is being invited to one of your crisco disco's.

Trumps election doesn't even come close.
So far it has been one disaster after another

Worst President ever

He's done great things. Once the demoscum have to pay for all their lies, he will be one of the best.

I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

You've sold your compass a long time ago for pennies on the dollar. You still rank as the #1 most hypocritical poster in my book.
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass,

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

You've sold your compass a long time ago for pennies on the dollar. You still rank as the #1 most hypocritical poster in my book.

Trump will be Trump, which means your side is screwed. They didn't listen when trump was shown to be a racist (results lawsuits) a misogynist (result of video tapes), and a story telling carnival barker (just watch the news)

As they say, are you tired of winning yet?
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
Are you trying to say that those statues are not beautiful pieces of artwork? Really?

And muslims SHOULD be be shot with pigs blood bullets and stabbed with pigs blood knives and buried with a piece of bacon draped across their eyes.

Well then, you're the sort of problem the US really doesn't need, aren't you?
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
Are you trying to say that those statues are not beautiful pieces of artwork? Really?

And muslims SHOULD be be shot with pigs blood bullets and stabbed with pigs blood knives and buried with a piece of bacon draped across their eyes.

Well then, you're the sort of problem the US really doesn't need, aren't you?
And there is nothing you can do about it either.

We need a massive civil war in this country just to settle these issues. Serious, blow up the skyscrapers and blood in the streets civil war. Split the military, split the police settle it.
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass,

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

You've sold your compass a long time ago for pennies on the dollar. You still rank as the #1 most hypocritical poster in my book.

Trump will be Trump, which means your side is screwed. They didn't listen when trump was shown to be a racist (results lawsuits) a misogynist (result of video tapes), and a story telling carnival barker (just watch the news)

As they say, are you tired of winning yet?

Niel Gorsuch.

'nuff said.
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.

Neil Gorsuch was worth 8 years of lame-duckedness. We'll probably get more originalists on the Court and shut down the authoritarian push to erode our rights. Thank Allah/Crom/Kek that Hillary didn't get a pick. The last Clinton in office put RBG on the Court.

You fools said the same about Roberts and just look at you now.
Opinion | The Week When President Trump Resigned

In a sence he has abandoned the moral authority that is expected from the office of the President. His word is as reliable as his promise to release his income tax returns. He lies on a daily basis and revises historical events that never happened.

The Democracy we live in, as the most powerful Republic on eart, is at serious risk. The Republican Party can follow this man into oblivion or they can stand and say, "Enough is Enough!"

Their silence is accepting the moral depravity of this, so called, man. TIME IS RUNNING OUT, GOP!
Man this is interesting. I wonder if these sources have a political motive? Wonder if they have and bias? Wonder what there writers political views are? Any sources for those questions?
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
Are you trying to say that those statues are not beautiful pieces of artwork? Really?

And muslims SHOULD be be shot with pigs blood bullets and stabbed with pigs blood knives and buried with a piece of bacon draped across their eyes.

Well then, you're the sort of problem the US really doesn't need, aren't you?
And there is nothing you can do about it either.

We need a massive civil war in this country just to settle these issues. Serious, blow up the skyscrapers and blood in the streets civil war. Split the military, split the police settle it.

No, I doubt I can put sense back into the country, it's too far gone for anyone to change the inevitable decline of the USA. History repeats itself, look at the fall of Rome, same thing's happening to the US.
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.
clinton gore confederate flag.jpg
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

Democrat picnic. The founding fathers.

clinton gore confederate flag.jpg

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