Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So in the most violent times of t
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So they just said let's go build some racist statues? Do some more reading
Opinion | The Week When President Trump Resigned

In a sence he has abandoned the moral authority that is expected from the office of the President. His word is as reliable as his promise to release his income tax returns. He lies on a daily basis and revises historical events that never happened.

The Democracy we live in, as the most powerful Republic on eart, is at serious risk. The Republican Party can follow this man into oblivion or they can stand and say, "Enough is Enough!"

Their silence is accepting the moral depravity of this, so called, man. TIME IS RUNNING OUT, GOP!

Where the hell is eart? Hell you idiots can't even get your propaganda right. LMAO

2 new threads started today. Same talking point about "Trump losing moral authority". On his way out. Merged into existing thread still active from Wednesday. All new posts from today only.
In a sence he has abandoned the moral authority that is expected from the office of the President. His word is as reliable as his promise to release his income tax returns. He lies on a daily basis and revises historical events that never happened. The Democracy we live in, as the most powerful Republic on eart, is at serious risk. The Republican Party can follow this man into oblivion or they can stand and say, "Enough is Enough!" Their silence is accepting the moral depravity of this, so called, man. TIME IS RUNNING OUT, GOP!

It is "sense," As in the five senses?

I don't know if he has abandoned any moral authority, but if he has, at least he had it. Obama never even achieved moral authority, and let's not even bring up the Clintons, Maxie Waters, Debbie-Wasserman, Anthony Weiner and a whole endless host of other democrats.

When did Trump ever promise to release his tax return? Last I heard, when the IRS audit is over. We are still waiting years for John Koskonin and Lois Lerner to turn over their court-ordered documents.

The Republic has LONG been at risk: From Jimmy Carter whom Reagan had to straighten out his mess, from the Clintons, whom GW had to straighten out their mess, and now from Obama most of all, whom now Trump is left dealing with HIS mess!

Yes, the Republican Party is following Trump into the oblivion of having control of the House, the Senate, the Governorships, the White House and now the Supreme Court! When are they going to wise up!

The GOP doesn't need to stand to say "Enough Is Enough," we have the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the New York Times and the Washington Post to all do that for us.
The Republic has LONG been at risk: From Jimmy Carter whom Reagan had to straighten out his mess, from the Clintons, whom GW had to straighten out their mess, and now from Obama most of all, whom now Trump is left dealing with HIS mess!.

Trumps been at it 7 months, and hasn't accomplished shit. How is he cleaning up any mess, other than the ones he created. Mueller is now looking at the books of Trump and company. So you know Mrs Pence is looking at drapes.
Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

Of course there's moral equivalency.
Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!



Oh of course not. The Nazis go home still miserable and depressed and lonely losers and sit at home reading Daily Stormer for another year. While the Antifa is out there daily making threats like jumping into the Portland Rose parade if they see just ONE MAGA hat on anybody. Complete losers as well.

One threatened the family of my local talk show host here ON Air just today. His kids went to the same HS as mine. He's not a Fascist -- but family threats are just as bad as carrying torches.

They are loser ANARCHISTS and self-appointed vigilantes. They need to be INCLUDED in the denouncement of the street violence that YOUR TRIBE started. It's as simple as that. NOTHING they are doing is "making things better"..
The Republic has LONG been at risk: From Jimmy Carter whom Reagan had to straighten out his mess, from the Clintons, whom GW had to straighten out their mess, and now from Obama most of all, whom now Trump is left dealing with HIS mess!.

Trumps been at it 7 months, and hasn't accomplished shit. How is he cleaning up any mess, other than the ones he created. Mueller is now looking at the books of Trump and company. So you know Mrs Pence is looking at drapes.


Another hate filled Nazi with nothing rational to add...
America voted for Donald Trump!

He is the President and GOD Bless Him :2up:

No matter what the scum says....
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So in the most violent times of t
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So they just said let's go build some racist statues? Do some more reading

Er... what? You might want to sort of add to your post so I can reply.
He is the President and GOD Bless Him

God just thought that Trump was the cutest thing when he talked about grabbing pussies because he was such a star.........Yep, God shares the same sense of humor.
Obama was President for 8 years. Why no calls for removing historical monuments then? B/c this is not really about monuments at all.

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