Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.

Neil Gorsuch was worth 8 years of lame-duckedness. We'll probably get more originalists on the Court and shut down the authoritarian push to erode our rights. Thank Allah/Crom/Kek that Hillary didn't get a pick. The last Clinton in office put RBG on the Court.
What rights of yours are being eroded? Your right to hate and discriminate against
minorities ?
DT is the earliest lame duck in history after only 7 months.
Every president in my lifetime has had all their appointments completed by now. We don't even have a South Korea ambassador yet. WTF?
Trump's agenda is stalled indefinitely.
He's too interested in creating chaos than getting anything done.
I don't care.
So you care that Pence is doing what EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN IN THE HISTORY OF POLITICS is doing and you think I'm the idiot for not caring?

Seek help
DT is the earliest lame duck in history after only 7 months.
Every president in my lifetime has had all their appointments completed by now. We don't even have a South Korea ambassador yet. WTF?
Trump's agenda is stalled indefinitely.
He's too interested in creating chaos than getting anything done.
I think the leakers and the liberals and the obama holdovers and the media are the ones causing all the problems.
DT is the earliest lame duck in history after only 7 months.
Every president in my lifetime has had all their appointments completed by now. We don't even have a South Korea ambassador yet. WTF?
Trump's agenda is stalled indefinitely.
He's too interested in creating chaos than getting anything done.
I think the leakers and the liberals and the obama holdovers and the media are the ones causing all the problems.
Of course you do after the WH said today Bannon was one of the leakers..
Don't watch much news do u.
Neil Gorsuch was worth 8 years of lame-duckedness.

When (if ever) will you right wing IDIOTS begin to realize that Gorsuch is SIMPLY replacing the ultra right wing, Scalia????

All you've done is replace one huge prick, with a lesser prick.......LOL
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They've definitely have a different twist on their message. Like if you can have black gay Mexican pride why not white?

You seek to end the United States Constitution, simple as that.

You have attacked and the mask is gone.
Huh? Who do you think I am? Or what?

I think you are a Stalinist goon dedicated to ending the Constitution and establishing a totalitarian dictatorship.

In other words, a democrat.
A quick question for all you people defending the white supremacists and Nazis right to rally and have a gathering, saying that their free speech should be protected................

How would you feel about a whole bunch of Muslims having a rally to promote their views on Sharia law?

Sharia law, Nazism, and white supremacy are all repugnant to the ideals of this country.
Funny how the moron in our WH was able to call out by name muslims but unable to do the same for nazis kkkers and racists There were good people there lol

Hey, if it's personal to Trump, he will call you out within the hour. If not? Well, depends on whether or not it will benefit him politically.

So Trump is exactly like Obama, then?

I mean, I'm STILL waiting for the little faggot to condemn the BLM rioters..
IDK how we can get past the humiliation and embarrassment of electing such a creature to anything, much less president! I knew he had support, but it's obvious we have a lot more of these secret bigots who loved his hate-filled rants and prognostications if something wasn't done about illegal immigration! We see he's exposed himself for the bigot and racist animal he is and it's causing rifts with family and friends! I had a college roommate I've been close to for 40 years and he came out as a supporter who wears his Trump T-shirt with pride! After this, I haven't heard anything from him and heaven knows I'm not going to go looking for him! He's got to be feeling some shame! Hard to believe he's a Mensa member, speaks several languages, and heads a software team dealing with computers! I guess intelligence has little to nothing to do with 'common sense!' :bang3: :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
The election of Trump will go down as the low point in modern American politics

No, the low point for most is being invited to one of your crisco disco's.

Trumps election doesn't even come close.
So far it has been one disaster after another

Worst President ever
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

and there's not a fuckin' thing you can do about it
Bill Clinton had no moral authority after one of his sexual victims testified on National T.V. about how she was raped. Democratd cited the statute of limitations and the media covered up the issue as best they could. Harry Truman lost moral authority when he appointed an Old Solder who did his duty in WW1 to drag his 70 year old body to Korea. It doidn't make any sense for Truman to appoint MacArthur except for the political cover of a failing military expedition that was illegally authorized by an executive order.


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People need to realize the Steve bannon love the black vs white narrative.

I've seen nothing to support your claim. Slander and libel based on fabrications based on vapor are not compelling. Yes, you hate - but that isn't equal to having facts.

So it's your puppet Master who wants the civil war.

And you better do it now that the Confederates are in charge. Now I see why Republicans are gathering lists.

The ones seeking a civil war are you of the Khmer Rouge, you seek to destroy society so that you can march in and take power.

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