Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
Well we're do I start? Paying for it? Our great president is doing a fine job ( except for Syria). I'm sorry you are not aware of the great things that he has done. The fake news media has you messed up no offense. What about all the jobs that have been created? What about how the national debt has gone down. What about the stock market at a record high? Do I need to continue? If you come up with an answer to all those questions that are from a non biased source come talk to me. Have a good day

lol, a "fine job." On what planet?

The national debt has not "gone down." The stock market is doing well, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, unless you're prepared to give credit to Obama as well. You've got nothing to cite for Trump doing a "fine job." Nothing. He's already proven himself to be an absolute disaster and a disgrace to America.
Trump is correct: Only a country of babies would try to erase their history because their feelings are hurt. That's what we're doing.
Does Germany have statues of Hitler ? Why should we "idolize" these southern traitors?

I have a question... where have you zealots been for the last 100+ years? Why all of the sudden now?
Republican racism has raised it's ugly head again That's one reason ,,,and now also belief that the president is a racist too

Wow.. just wow. Boy the school system has served you poorly. Every gain minorities have achieved is due to Republicans. Shit, your bunch founded the KKK and instigated the Civil War.
The ah's from the south responsible for the civil war are republicans now or decendents of them
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
Well we're do I start? Paying for it? Our great president is doing a fine job ( except for Syria). I'm sorry you are not aware of the great things that he has done. The fake news media has you messed up no offense. What about all the jobs that have been created? What about how the national debt has gone down. What about the stock market at a record high? Do I need to continue? If you come up with an answer to all those questions that are from a non biased source come talk to me. Have a good day

lol, a "fine job." On what planet?

The national debt has not "gone down." The stock market is doing well, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, unless you're prepared to give credit to Obama as well. You've got nothing to cite for Trump doing a "fine job." Nothing. He's already proven himself to be an absolute disaster and a disgrace to America.
Obama? Lol! Obama ruined America. Everything a record low. Well I guess national debt is a record high so sorry didn't mean to get you excited there. So ok let me get started here. First one thing we can agree on ( I hope) the compromise is usually in the middle on many issues. You seem have a flaw in your thinking when it comes to understanding the president. If he is creating jobs for America he is creating things for people to invest in on the stock market. The stock market is a record high under TRUMP not obama. I know that I can site evidence that president TRUMP! I would share but I'm new to this site so I don't know how lol don't judge. A disgrace though? Hmmm let's think about this for a second. When trump would hold a rally he would give little to no notice and had more people showing up for his rally than they had room for. Crooked Hilary had hundreds of people at her rally's. So obviously he has support. By you saying he is a disgrace to all of America that's you saying every single American citizen hates him. I'd love to see evidence or sites that you have showing me that he has been a disaster. But it better be non biased. I'm not telling you how to believe I'm just sharing my view because that's what this website is for. I think it's fun really lol. Have a good day!!
A quick question for all you people defending the white supremacists and Nazis right to rally and have a gathering, saying that their free speech should be protected................

How would you feel about a whole bunch of Muslims having a rally to promote their views on Sharia law?

Sharia law, Nazism, and white supremacy are all repugnant to the ideals of this country.
Funny how the moron in our WH was able to call out by name muslims but unable to do the same for nazis kkkers and racists There were good people there lol

Hey, if it's personal to Trump, he will call you out within the hour. If not? Well, depends on whether or not it will benefit him politically.
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
I'm not a fan of Trump, but labeling him a Lame-Duck now is far too early. America is fickle, his support base is strong, and the opponents of the left will dive in on any reason to throw their lot back in with him. Trump can still salvage his presidency...he hasn't even hit the 1yr mark yet. However, to do so will require a change in how he governs...that is a big "if" but not an impossible one. We have seen people easily throw praise on him when he sticks to his scripts. All he really needs to do is not give interviews, not tweet, and read prepared statements and his image would literally do a 180.
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
Well we're do I start? Paying for it? Our great president is doing a fine job ( except for Syria). I'm sorry you are not aware of the great things that he has done. The fake news media has you messed up no offense. What about all the jobs that have been created? What about how the national debt has gone down. What about the stock market at a record high? Do I need to continue? If you come up with an answer to all those questions that are from a non biased source come talk to me. Have a good day

lol, a "fine job." On what planet?

The national debt has not "gone down." The stock market is doing well, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, unless you're prepared to give credit to Obama as well. You've got nothing to cite for Trump doing a "fine job." Nothing. He's already proven himself to be an absolute disaster and a disgrace to America.
Obama? Lol! Obama ruined America. Everything a record low. Well I guess national debt is a record high so sorry didn't mean to get you excited there. So ok let me get started here. First one thing we can agree on ( I hope) the compromise is usually in the middle on many issues. You seem have a flaw in your thinking when it comes to understanding the president. If he is creating jobs for America he is creating things for people to invest in on the stock market. The stock market is a record high under TRUMP not obama. I know that I can site evidence that president TRUMP! I would share but I'm new to this site so I don't know how lol don't judge. A disgrace though? Hmmm let's think about this for a second. When trump would hold a rally he would give little to no notice and had more people showing up for his rally than they had room for. Crooked Hilary had hundreds of people at her rally's. So obviously he has support. By you saying he is a disgrace to all of America that's you saying every single American citizen hates him. I'd love to see evidence or sites that you have showing me that he has been a disaster. But it better be non biased. I'm not telling you how to believe I'm just sharing my view because that's what this website is for. I think it's fun really lol. Have a good day!!

Obama "ruined" America? Perhaps it's time for a refresher?

After Republicans decimated the economy, America was on the verge of collapse because of right wing governing. When Obama took office, the Dow was 7949.09. On his last day in office, the Dow was just under 20,000. So, if you're going to give Trump credit for the stock market you'll have to give Obama credit as well and for rebuilding America after Republicans nearly bankrupted it, unless you're a hack. Are you a hack?
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
A smart person waits to see if any significant legislation gets passed.

Then there's liberals....
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
Trump could only be a lame duck if this were his second term. It describes a president who's not worried about getting re-elected.
Just seven months into his presidency, Trump appears to have achieved a status usually reserved for the final months of a term.

In many ways, the Trump presidency never got off the ground: The president’s legislative agenda is going nowhere, his relations with foreign leaders are frayed, and his approval rating with the American people never enjoyed the honeymoon period most newly elected presidents do. Pundits who are sympathetic toward, or even neutral on, the president keep hoping that the next personnel move—the appointment of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, say, or the long-rumored-but-never-delivered departure of Steve Bannon—will finally get the White House in gear.

But what if they, and many other people, are thinking about it wrong? Maybe the reality is not that the Trump presidency has never gotten started. It’s that he’s already reached his lame-duck period. For most presidents, that comes in the last few months of a term. For Trump, it appears to have arrived early, just a few months into his term. The president did always brag that he was a fast learner.

Who knows when the lame-duck period began. Was it on January 21, when Trump’s administration tried to argue, against all evidence, that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history? Or the next day, when Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to “alternative facts”? Was it when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? Was it the days-long slow reveal on Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016? Or did it come on Tuesday, when Trump stepped to a lectern in Trump Tower and delivered a strange de facto defense of white nationalism?

Whatever the turning point, thinking about Trump as a lame-duck president seems a better rubric for making sense of his administration than most. Consider the things that happen in a lame-duck period.

A lame-duck president’s legislative agenda starts to stall out. Members of Congress are just no longer interested in following the president’s lead, especially where it might create a political liability for them. Big bills start to waste away on Capitol Hill, and where a new president would bring both political capital and novelty to bear, a lame duck just doesn’t have the juice. So it is with Trump. His various attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare have all failed, and while he was able to force both houses of Congress to take them back up before, largely through sheer force of will, his more recent pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he has no interest in heading into the breach once again, and GOP members have largely agreed with him.

Rest: Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President

Congratulations, conservatives. You put this moron in office. And you're making everyone pay for it now.
I'm not a fan of Trump, but labeling him a Lame-Duck now is far too early. America is fickle, his support base is strong, and the opponents of the left will dive in on any reason to throw their lot back in with him. Trump can still salvage his presidency...he hasn't even hit the 1yr mark yet. However, to do so will require a change in how he governs...that is a big "if" but not an impossible one. We have seen people easily throw praise on him when he sticks to his scripts. All he really needs to do is not give interviews, not tweet, and read prepared statements and his image would literally do a 180.
You don't have to be a Trump fan to not look as stupid as the op.

All you need is a semi functional brain and the ability to think critically. CLEARLY it is much too early to make such asinine claims.
Does the OP think the establishment would bend over and say do me.......................they like the rigged system and will attempt to destroy anybody challenging it....................and they spent a lot of money on Hillary to BUY THEIR normal guarantees of getting laws and favors they paid for.............

too damn bad.................

Hey establishment.......................................HOW'S THAT TPP GOING FOR YOU...................LOL
A smart person waits to see if any significant legislation gets passed.

Then there's liberals....
Maybe you missed that Trump said he wouldn't have time for golf, since he would be spending all his time in the white house getting most of his agenda passed into law within the first 100 days.

Now it's been over twice that long, and Trump has virtually nothing to show for his occupancy in the white house, except for heightened world tensions, and a fanning the flames of a second civil war.
Trump could only be a lame duck if this were his second term. It describes a president who's not worried about getting re-elected.

36% job approval.

With scores like that, Trump doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected.
36% job approval.

With scores like that, Trump doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected.
if he runs, he'll be elected, regardless of the lies posted here and elsewhere.

Trump is in a death spiral. Trump couldn't get any legislation passed, before he started attacking the republican senators he needs to get legislation passed.

But look on the bright side. In 2020 Trump can just repeat everything he promised to do when he ran in 2016, since he hasn't gotten shit done.
36% job approval.

With scores like that, Trump doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected.
if he runs, he'll be elected, regardless of the lies posted here and elsewhere.

Trump is in a death spiral. Trump couldn't get any legislation passed, before he started attacking the republican senators he needs to get legislation passed.

But look on the bright side. In 2020 Trump can just repeat everything he promised to do when he ran in 2016, since he hasn't gotten shit done.
Your side has made these predictions for quite a while now.......................You have a problem..........

You've been wrong too many times..................why would we listen to a loser..........LOL
But look on the bright side. In 2020 Trump can just repeat everything he promised to do when he ran in 2016, since he hasn't gotten shit done.
Your side has made these predictions for quite a while now.......................You have a problem..........

You've been wrong too many times..................why would we listen to a loser..........LOL
Trump is losing staff faster than he can replace them.
Trump is down three advisory boards, two communications directors, and the list of folks that have left the white house is faster then this board can even keep up with.
You don't have to be a Trump fan to not look as stupid as the op.

All you need is a semi functional brain and the ability to think critically. CLEARLY it is much too early to make such asinine claims.

Why do you think Mike Pence is raising money to 2020?
I don't care.

This bullshit never ends. You know what does? My stress level when I focus on shit that I actually have control over.

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