Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?
New York covid death rates and infection rates are way dwon and u see control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms riled to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising.

New York is such a great success indeed.

Nothing defines leftist like living in an alternate reality.
What I wrote was true, New York has covid under control. Those governors that listened to Trump are seeing unbridled infection rates. Even Trump all but admitted yesterday he had failed and that Covid will get worse.

Or they are catching more cases due to testing.

I notice the mortality rates aren't being touted as much as they used to be. I wonder why.
Well duh, Marty.....

You don't die the second you catch it....

First cases of infections rise, then hospitalizations rise, then ICU beds get filled and THEN the deaths rise as a lagging indicator....

We've passed the hospitalization rise, and ICU bed rise and are just now beginning to see the death rates rise, in the hot spot, community spread States and regions.
The Biden rule was when the Senate and Presidency were in different parties. So yes, I do remember. You don't
The “rule” that Moscow Mitch made up on the fly was ‘no SCOTUS appointments in an election year. Let the people decide’.

Biden: Democrat Senate won't confirm a Republican nominee in an election year
McConnell: Republican Senate won't confirm a Democrat nominee in an election year

You have to be a fucking retard to think either of them meant they wouldn't have confirmed their own party's nominee.

Oh wait, you are a retard, Syndi. Speaking of retards, that's a great avatar choice for you ...
You just love getting humiliated by me.

McConnell now says he’d hold SCOTUS hearings in an election year — in a reversal of 2016

The Senate majority leader admits the “Biden rule” was always a bunch of nonsense.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell now says he’d fill a Supreme Court seat in 2020 if one opens before the next presidential election — a revelation that indicates his refusal to confirm President Barack Obama’s nominee in 2016 was all about partisanship, not principle.

In 2016, McConnell said his refusal to even hold a hearing for Merrick Garland was rooted in the “Biden rule.” That rule resulted from an overinterpretation of remarks then-Sen. Joe Biden made on the Senate floor in June 1992, in the wake of the contentious Clarence Thomas hearings, about how he thought it would be best for the Senate to hold off on additional SCOTUS confirmation hearings until after that year’s presidential election.

“The Senate will continue to observe the ‘Biden rule’ so that the American people have a voice in this momentous decision” on who to name to the court, McConnell said on the Senate floor three years ago.

If a Supreme Court seat opened early next year, one would think the “Biden rule” would again be in effect. But during a Chamber of Commerce event in Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuesday, McConnell said it won’t.

“Should a Supreme Court justice die next year, what will your position be on filling that spot?” an attendee asked.

“Oh, we’d fill it,” McConnell replied with a smile.

Lol. He would be laughing at you for quoting a liberal rag like Vox. Sure. Keep stroking that e-peen of yours. Good luck trying to find it.
New York covid death rates and infection rates are way dwon and u see control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms riled to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising.

New York is such a great success indeed.

Nothing defines leftist like living in an alternate reality.
What I wrote was true, New York has covid under control. Those governors that listened to Trump are seeing unbridled infection rates. Even Trump all but admitted yesterday he had failed and that Covid will get worse.

Or they are catching more cases due to testing.

I notice the mortality rates aren't being touted as much as they used to be. I wonder why.
Well duh, Marty.....

You don't die the second you catch it....

First cases of infections rise, then hospitalizations rise, then ICU beds get filled and THE the deaths rise as a lagging indicator....

We've passed the hospitalization rise, and ICU bed rise and are just now beginning to see the death rates rise, in the hot spot, community spread States and regions.

We will see. The openings and the protests started around Memorial day, we are already 2 months almost past that, deaths were happening in April after most of the exposures were happening in early March.

Based on that time frame if the old metrics still hold we should have already seen a massive spike in deaths.
The country should be opened up.
The country would already be opened up if it hadn’t been for trump and his idiot army of mask-refusers and super-spreaders.
Bull Shit!

The spread would be slower and the length of the virus problem would be much longer.
If everyone quarantined for two weeks this would be nearly over. Which means it could have been over months ago.
You don't have a fucking clue how a virus works, do you? This is a huge lie and you are an idiot.
It has a 14 day lifespan. That’s 2 weeks.

You dont know.
New York covid death rates and infection rates are way dwon and u see control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms riled to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising.

New York is such a great success indeed.

Nothing defines leftist like living in an alternate reality.
What I wrote was true, New York has covid under control. Those governors that listened to Trump are seeing unbridled infection rates. Even Trump all but admitted yesterday he had failed and that Covid will get worse.

Or they are catching more cases due to testing.

I notice the mortality rates aren't being touted as much as they used to be. I wonder why.
They are in Florida. Don’t you consume any actual news, or just wingnut propaganda?

If testing is revealing more cases then Trump screwed up even worse than we thought.

Everything is Trumps fault. lol.
He’s the decider.

Best you got, toothy mcbigtits?
What more do you need? You voted for him to be in charge. Now you want to excuse him from being in charge? How wingnutty.

I voted for him to appoint SC judges, reduce regulations, cut taxes and many other things, including driving people like you batshit insane.
Too bad you can’t pick and choose just what you want and disregard the rest.

How is Gorsuch working out for you? :lol:
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

New York covid death rates and infection rates are way dwon and u see control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms riled to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising.

New York is such a great success indeed.

Nothing defines leftist like living in an alternate reality.
What I wrote was true, New York has covid under control. Those governors that listened to Trump are seeing unbridled infection rates. Even Trump all but admitted yesterday he had failed and that Covid will get worse.

Or they are catching more cases due to testing.

I notice the mortality rates aren't being touted as much as they used to be. I wonder why.
They are in Florida. Don’t you consume any actual news, or just wingnut propaganda?

If testing is revealing more cases then Trump screwed up even worse than we thought.

Everything is Trumps fault. lol.
He’s the decider.

Best you got, toothy mcbigtits?
What more do you need? You voted for him to be in charge. Now you want to excuse him from being in charge? How wingnutty.

I voted for him to appoint SC judges, reduce regulations, cut taxes and many other things, including driving people like you batshit insane.
Too bad you can’t pick and choose just what you want and disregard the rest.

How is Gorsuch working out for you? :lol:

I'm not basing my judgement on the early results. We will see.

You pick and choose that the worst Deaths were in States controlled by Dems, run by dems, and run poorly by dems. The States have the real power here.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But regardless, Trump is right. We can't keep everyone alive. Death finds you no matter how much you try to avoid it or delay it. Stats show that the old and vulnerable are almost guaranteed to die from the virus.

Heartless? No. Realistic? Brutally so.

That doesn't mean that there aren't many things one can do to not spread it. Things Trump dismisses. It's one thing to note that some will die. It's another to advocate for things that will cause more to die.

His dismissals do not spread the virus, people who don't exercise personal hygiene do.

Trump was clearly anti-mask which is a part of personal hygiene.

Pfizer just announced a $1.75 billion contract with the US government to produce up to 600 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by December. It is in the final phase of human trials. His initiative "Operation Warp Speed" was him advocating for an effort to develop and distribute a viable vaccine in unprecedented time.

So, his "advocacy" according to your logic, will save tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of lives.

Pfizer would have jumped on the money train no matter who is president.
Masks don't do shit. That's a fact.

A Pfizer spokesman was on the news yesterday and said that if their costs were covered, they would distribute the vaccine free of charge to the public.
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
No, they don't. Not one single mask people are wearing will protect you from a VIRUS... a VIRUS. All you're doing is filtering out LARGE DUST PARTICLES, period.

Don't be stupid.

Then why did Trump take to wearing one? Is he stupid?
He did it to placate the idiots like you.
Trump doesn't wear one all the time. Only when close to others. A mask is a breading ground for bacteira and viruses, especially when not cleaned daily. There is a time and place for needing a mask but most can not reason those times out. Masks only slow the spread to others by catching what YOU EXHALE in the water droplets you breath out, but its less than 30% effective. It stops nothing you are breathing in. Don't get me started on face shields, they are worthless.
If you're infected, and wearing a mask, the virus WILL exit your mask, and if someone else is near that person, wearing another mask, they WILL breath it in. These masks will not stop the virus, that's just the plain and simple fact of the matter.

I don't know how many people are ignorant enough to believe masks will stop the virus completely, that a mask protects 100% from catching it, but I'm sure there's plenty. I think most other people think masks will somehow lessen their chances of breathing it, which is really irrelevant, since the amount of the virus you breath doesn't make much difference. Either a little or a lot, you got it now.

All this mask hysteria is doing is giving people a false sense of security. They chose to not listen to the facts, that masks are virtually worthless, in order to feel safe(r). But wearing one should be a choice. It should not be mandatory. That's the problem I have with it. I know masks are a joke refuse to be told to wear one. If someone else wants to believe it's protecting them, fine, wear it.
Years ago when I was in the Army we used positive pressure suits to protect us and there was a reason for it. A ventilator was the only way you could scrub enough air to keep you safe. Most people don't have a clue what it takes to be safe in a level 3 or 4 bio lab.

Which no one is in.
Keep you head firmly implanted in your ass.... Wear a mask if you feel it keeps you safe. I will take real percaution's that are proven effective and not placiebos meant to make you "feel" safe...

What "percautions"? (precautions)

Masks are NOT a "placiebo" (placebo)
The Biden rule was when the Senate and Presidency were in different parties. So yes, I do remember. You don't
The “rule” that Moscow Mitch made up on the fly was ‘no SCOTUS appointments in an election year. Let the people decide’.

Biden: Democrat Senate won't confirm a Republican nominee in an election year
McConnell: Republican Senate won't confirm a Democrat nominee in an election year

You have to be a fucking retard to think either of them meant they wouldn't have confirmed their own party's nominee.

Oh wait, you are a retard, Syndi. Speaking of retards, that's a great avatar choice for you ...
You just love getting humiliated by me.

McConnell now says he’d hold SCOTUS hearings in an election year — in a reversal of 2016

The Senate majority leader admits the “Biden rule” was always a bunch of nonsense.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell now says he’d fill a Supreme Court seat in 2020 if one opens before the next presidential election — a revelation that indicates his refusal to confirm President Barack Obama’s nominee in 2016 was all about partisanship, not principle.

In 2016, McConnell said his refusal to even hold a hearing for Merrick Garland was rooted in the “Biden rule.” That rule resulted from an overinterpretation of remarks then-Sen. Joe Biden made on the Senate floor in June 1992, in the wake of the contentious Clarence Thomas hearings, about how he thought it would be best for the Senate to hold off on additional SCOTUS confirmation hearings until after that year’s presidential election.

“The Senate will continue to observe the ‘Biden rule’ so that the American people have a voice in this momentous decision” on who to name to the court, McConnell said on the Senate floor three years ago.

If a Supreme Court seat opened early next year, one would think the “Biden rule” would again be in effect. But during a Chamber of Commerce event in Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuesday, McConnell said it won’t.

“Should a Supreme Court justice die next year, what will your position be on filling that spot?” an attendee asked.

“Oh, we’d fill it,” McConnell replied with a smile.

My God you're stupid. This is an opinion peace from a leftist blog.

So here's what I said:

Biden: Democrat Senate won't confirm a Republican nominee in an election year
McConnell: Republican Senate won't confirm a Democrat nominee in an election year

Syndi says: Oh yeah, kaz, well McConnell said he would fill a vacancy by his own party in an election year. That totally proves you wrong! {moon walks}

Um ... you're seriously stupid. That doesn't contradict what I said.

Again, you think Biden wouldn't have confirmed a DEMOCRAT NOMINEE? You're stupid as fucking shit
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

My cardiologist and gastroenterolgist put me in a mask long before anyone else. I think I will value their opinion much higher than yours. Where did you attend medical school?
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

Your own source disagrees with you, dumbass!
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
You should "where masks inside"?

Ask Sweden how their herd immunity is working out for them.

voice to txt typo. thanks for your concern.

again, fuck sweden.

our death rate is 1.3% and falling.

That's great unless you are part of the 1.3% now, isn't it?

Sucks for them. Sure. but such is life. a death rate equivalent as the flue is not justification to shut people in their homes.

What your chimney exhaust have to do with anything?

Is your IQ above room temp?
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

My cardiologist and gastroenterolgist put me in a mask long before anyone else. I think I will value their opinion much higher than yours. Where did you attend medical school?

I keep giving you the evidence, if you don't think you are as capable as a doctor to form your own conclusions based on peer reviewed science, that's on you. I am more than capable as any doctor at reading the science and forming an educated position.
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

Your own source disagrees with you, dumbass!

you forgot to quote the part that states so.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
You should "where masks inside"?

Ask Sweden how their herd immunity is working out for them.

voice to txt typo. thanks for your concern.

again, fuck sweden.

our death rate is 1.3% and falling.

That's great unless you are part of the 1.3% now, isn't it?

Sucks for them. Sure. but such is life. a death rate equivalent as the flue is not justification to shut people in their homes.

What your chimney exhaust have to do with anything?

Is your IQ above room temp?

You seem to have gone into hysterics, maybe your heart doctor should hand you a paper bag to breath into.
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

Respiratory droplets - Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings - NCBI Bookshelf

Published data have suggested that sneezing may produce as many as 40 000 droplets between 0.5–12 μm in diameter (Cole & Cook, 1998; Tang et al., 2006) that may be expelled at speeds up to 100 m/s (Wells, 1955; Cole & Cook, 1998), whereas coughing may produce up to 3000 droplet nuclei, about the same number as talking for five minutes

Now, show those results with a mask! You still haven't told us where you got your medical degree.
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

Your own source disagrees with you, dumbass!

you forgot to quote the part that states so.

The key word in the whole article is "some", dumbass!
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

Respiratory droplets - Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings - NCBI Bookshelf

Published data have suggested that sneezing may produce as many as 40 000 droplets between 0.5–12 μm in diameter (Cole & Cook, 1998; Tang et al., 2006) that may be expelled at speeds up to 100 m/s (Wells, 1955; Cole & Cook, 1998), whereas coughing may produce up to 3000 droplet nuclei, about the same number as talking for five minutes

Now, show those results with a mask! You still haven't told us where you got your medical degree.

I see the weed is REALLY good where you live.

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