Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

New York covid death rates and infection rates are way dwon and u see control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms riled to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising.

New York is such a great success indeed.

Nothing defines leftist like living in an alternate reality.
What I wrote was true, New York has covid under control. Those governors that listened to Trump are seeing unbridled infection rates. Even Trump all but admitted yesterday he had failed and that Covid will get worse.

Or they are catching more cases due to testing.

I notice the mortality rates aren't being touted as much as they used to be. I wonder why.
Well duh, Marty.....

You don't die the second you catch it....

First cases of infections rise, then hospitalizations rise, then ICU beds get filled and THE the deaths rise as a lagging indicator....

We've passed the hospitalization rise, and ICU bed rise and are just now beginning to see the death rates rise, in the hot spot, community spread States and regions.

We will see. The openings and the protests started around Memorial day, we are already 2 months almost past that, deaths were happening in April after most of the exposures were happening in early March.

Based on that time frame if the old metrics still hold we should have already seen a massive spike in deaths.
Could take up to 14 days to notice symptoms, and from having symptoms to death, another 21 days....

Also, it's not just those who participated in contagious events, but the lag of those younger ones on the beaches and in the protests, and in the bars and restaurants and rallies, to then pass it on to family members, and coworkers, and contacts etc.... community spread.

The more community spread, the odds of spreading it to the 90 million vulnerable and seniors, who are the ones most likely to die, occurs.

Ok then, but again, we should have seen the spike already if the original curves were still valid.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?


Just wow.

We so need to vote this monster out of office.
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

My cardiologist and gastroenterolgist put me in a mask long before anyone else. I think I will value their opinion much higher than yours. Where did you attend medical school?

I keep giving you the evidence, if you don't think you are as capable as a doctor to form your own conclusions based on peer reviewed science, that's on you. I am more than capable as any doctor at reading the science and forming an educated position.

No, you are supplying fake news with a sub-room temp IQ. I trust my doctors and the CDC. You just go ahead and die. I won't shed a tear.

Fuck son, Ain't nobody found a way to kill me yet, don't think you wishing death on me is gonna change that.

so the CDC and peer reviewed science is "fake news"?

you keep suckling that teat of your MSM masters, they count on the gullible like you for revenue,.

I have told you that my doctors first put me in a mask before COVID-19 even hit! Now, fuck off and spread your ignorance elsewhere. Maybe you will kill someone! Stop being a Billy Badass and actually realize how much of a retard you are! Goodbye shit for brains!
Yes, America should open back up, ALL of it. NOTHING the president could ever say or do could PROTECT, EVERYONE... NOTHING, and even if he tried, the draconian measures it would require would immediately piss off the entire nation. They'd all be screaming bloody murder.

I think far more people have or have had this virus already. I think I might have even had it already. I had chills and a little sore throat about a month ago, and I bet if I'd have gotten tested it would have been positive. I bet if they could test every person in America this very instant, 75% of the people would test positive, but the vast majority of them wouldn't even know they were infected, and most of the others aren't sick enough to be hospitalized.

We need to open back up. This lock down shit is stupid, and so are masks.

Masks are stupid? No, the people who think they are stupid are stupid.


Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

COVID is less than .1 μm.
For about the 100th time, the virus exists in vapor droplets, not by itself. Masks take care of your sneeze and cough.

If you don't have a virus you don't need a mask.

How do you know you have it? Do you get tested hourly?

I got it early right at the beginning way early, before any briefings, I get tested for antibodies monthly. ;)

That doesn't mean you cannot get it again, now does it?

It actually does, if you understood antibodies and serotypes you wouldn't ask such silly questions.

So how do people catch it again? Are you some kind of immunologist?

They don't. #fakenews

My cardiologist and gastroenterolgist put me in a mask long before anyone else. I think I will value their opinion much higher than yours. Where did you attend medical school?

I keep giving you the evidence, if you don't think you are as capable as a doctor to form your own conclusions based on peer reviewed science, that's on you. I am more than capable as any doctor at reading the science and forming an educated position.

No, you are supplying fake news with a sub-room temp IQ. I trust my doctors and the CDC. You just go ahead and die. I won't shed a tear.

Fuck son, Ain't nobody found a way to kill me yet, don't think you wishing death on me is gonna change that.

so the CDC and peer reviewed science is "fake news"?

you keep suckling that teat of your MSM masters, they count on the gullible like you for revenue,.

I have told you that my doctors first put me in a mask before COVID-19 even hit! Now, fuck off and spread your ignorance elsewhere. Maybe you will kill someone! Stop being a Billy Badass and actually realize how much of a retard you are! Goodbye shit for brains!

I would like to speak to your doctor, obviously they missed a head injury or something, or the weed over there is REALLY good.

or is it meth? that might explain your nonsensical posts and your anger problem.

Who knows. stay safe, we'll keep the country running for you.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?


Just wow.

We so need to vote this monster out of office.

Cuomo said it.
We will see. The openings and the protests started around Memorial day, we are already 2 months almost past that, deaths were happening in April after most of the exposures were happening in early March.

Based on that time frame if the old metrics still hold we should have already seen a massive spike in deaths.
Could take up to 14 days to notice symptoms, and from having symptoms to death, another 21 days....

Also, it's not just those who participated in contagious events, but the lag of those younger ones on the beaches and in the protests, and in the bars and restaurants and rallies, to then pass it on to family members, and coworkers, and other contacts etc.... community spread.

The more community spread, the odds of spreading it to the 90 million vulnerable and seniors, who are the ones most likely to die, occurs.

Notice that still all you do is pounce and attack, you solve nothing.

Well, other than that one time you said you don't care about domestic abuse, suicides, depression, substance abuse, people losing their businesses and their retirements, children's growth being stunted as long as anyone is dying. You will accept perfection.

Other than that one time you accepted perfection, all you do is criticize and bring up whatever statistic you think works in your Get Trump favor
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?


Just wow.

We so need to vote this monster out of office.

Nothing amazing about that statement. Its true. Your emotions and feelings are clouding your senses once again.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?


Just wow.

We so need to vote this monster out of office.

We will see. The openings and the protests started around Memorial day, we are already 2 months almost past that, deaths were happening in April after most of the exposures were happening in early March.

Based on that time frame if the old metrics still hold we should have already seen a massive spike in deaths.
Could take up to 14 days to notice symptoms, and from having symptoms to death, another 21 days....

Also, it's not just those who participated in contagious events, but the lag of those younger ones on the beaches and in the protests, and in the bars and restaurants and rallies, to then pass it on to family members, and coworkers, and other contacts etc.... community spread.

The more community spread, the odds of spreading it to the 90 million vulnerable and seniors, who are the ones most likely to die, occurs.

Notice that still all you do is pounce and attack, you solve nothing.

Well, other than that one time you said you don't care about domestic abuse, suicides, depression, substance abuse, people losing their businesses and their retirements, children's growth being stunted as long as anyone is dying. You will accept perfection.

Other than that one time you accepted perfection, all you do is criticize and bring up whatever statistic you think works in your Get Trump favor
Your native tongue, is the language of Lie.

“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But regardless, Trump is right. We can't keep everyone alive. Death finds you no matter how much you try to avoid it or delay it. Stats show that the old and vulnerable are almost guaranteed to die from the virus.

Heartless? No. Realistic? Brutally so.

That doesn't mean that there aren't many things one can do to not spread it. Things Trump dismisses. It's one thing to note that some will die. It's another to advocate for things that will cause more to die.

His dismissals do not spread the virus, people who don't exercise personal hygiene do.

Trump was clearly anti-mask which is a part of personal hygiene.

Pfizer just announced a $1.75 billion contract with the US government to produce up to 600 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by December. It is in the final phase of human trials. His initiative "Operation Warp Speed" was him advocating for an effort to develop and distribute a viable vaccine in unprecedented time.

So, his "advocacy" according to your logic, will save tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of lives.

Pfizer would have jumped on the money train no matter who is president.
Masks don't do shit. That's a fact.

A Pfizer spokesman was on the news yesterday and said that if their costs were covered, they would distribute the vaccine free of charge to the public.
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
No, they don't. Not one single mask people are wearing will protect you from a VIRUS... a VIRUS. All you're doing is filtering out LARGE DUST PARTICLES, period.

Don't be stupid.

standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm.

Covid is less than .1 μm

In dry atmosphere the COVID-19 virus will go right through a cloth mask like it was a screen door.

The COVID-19 virus CANNOT exist in a dry environment, dumbass!
You are incorrect. It's life span is shortened to about 8 hours in room air. I suggest you go read the epidemiology of this virus carefully..

New York covid death rates and infection rates are way down and under control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms filed to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising. Trump and Trumpers not content with 140,000 dead still want to continue with Trump’s failed strategy. Pitiful.

Who's fault are the deaths in Spain, England, Venezuela, Australia............?
We will see. The openings and the protests started around Memorial day, we are already 2 months almost past that, deaths were happening in April after most of the exposures were happening in early March.

Based on that time frame if the old metrics still hold we should have already seen a massive spike in deaths.
Could take up to 14 days to notice symptoms, and from having symptoms to death, another 21 days....

Also, it's not just those who participated in contagious events, but the lag of those younger ones on the beaches and in the protests, and in the bars and restaurants and rallies, to then pass it on to family members, and coworkers, and other contacts etc.... community spread.

The more community spread, the odds of spreading it to the 90 million vulnerable and seniors, who are the ones most likely to die, occurs.

Notice that still all you do is pounce and attack, you solve nothing.

Well, other than that one time you said you don't care about domestic abuse, suicides, depression, substance abuse, people losing their businesses and their retirements, children's growth being stunted as long as anyone is dying. You will accept perfection.

Other than that one time you accepted perfection, all you do is criticize and bring up whatever statistic you think works in your Get Trump favor
Your native tongue, is the language of Lie.


Bull shit. All you do is drop whatever statistic you think will hurt Trump and run. You don't solve anything other than saying eliminate the virus then open up and keep us caged at home until we get there. Damn all the consequences of that, breathing is all that matters to you about life.

You offer zero practical solutions. Read your posts, don't just make me suffer
Trump is can only hope he is right.
maybe it will sweep through can only hope....
The Squad will be the only ones standing. Cool!
Why? Are they immune?
They have progressive super-powers.
Yet they’re not even progressives. They are party establishment toadies. Doing what Nancy tells them to do.
My God you're stupid. This is an opinion peace from a leftist blog.
Another lie. It’s all you have.

LOL, now Vox isn't left wing. You lean so far left, can you even stand up?

Tell me again how you think Biden meant he wouldn't have confirmed a Democrat nominee to the SCOTUS. I'm still laughing at you for that one, that was hysterical

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