Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
I was suspicious from the start since you didn't provide a quote

Actual quote:
"People are going to die by this virus. That is the truth," Cuomo said during a Sunday press briefing in Albany. "Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen, despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can't keep everyone alive."

New York has the best hospital system and doctors, Cuomo said. "We worked it out so we always had available beds. Nobody was deprived of a bed or medical coverage in any way and still people died."

"Older people are more vulnerable and that is a fact and that is not going to change," Cuomo said. "Look, to me, the really difficult conversations for me are, 'My son was 40 years old, he was not a senior citizen, did not have a comorbidity, and got this virus because he was an essential worker and doing the right thing and he had an aneurysm.' There's a randomness to this virus that is inexplicable. Why do people die? That's beyond this. Who's accountable?"

Who is accountable?
Certainly Cuomo is accountable for what happens in New York and unlike Trump, Cuomo has repeatedly said the buck stops with him.

Meanwhile Trump accepts no blame or responsibility for the death of 140,000 Americans- despite his assurances to us all that he had everything under control from January on.
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Herd immunity is a crock. Don’t believe me? Ask Sweden.
At least 70% of people have to have immunity for herd immunity to be at all effective.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But regardless, Trump is right. We can't keep everyone alive. Death finds you no matter how much you try to avoid it or delay it. Stats show that the old and vulnerable are almost guaranteed to die from the virus.

Heartless? No. Realistic? Brutally so.

That doesn't mean that there aren't many things one can do to not spread it. Things Trump dismisses. It's one thing to note that some will die. It's another to advocate for things that will cause more to die.

His dismissals do not spread the virus, people who don't exercise personal hygiene do.

Trump was clearly anti-mask which is a part of personal hygiene.

Pfizer just announced a $1.75 billion contract with the US government to produce up to 600 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by December. It is in the final phase of human trials. His initiative "Operation Warp Speed" was him advocating for an effort to develop and distribute a viable vaccine in unprecedented time.

So, his "advocacy" according to your logic, will save tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of lives.

Pfizer would have jumped on the money train no matter who is president.
Masks don't do shit. That's a fact.

A Pfizer spokesman was on the news yesterday and said that if their costs were covered, they would distribute the vaccine free of charge to the public.
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
No, they don't. Not one single mask people are wearing will protect you from a VIRUS... a VIRUS. All you're doing is filtering out LARGE DUST PARTICLES, period.

Don't be stupid.

Then why did Trump take to wearing one? Is he stupid?
He did it to placate the idiots like you.
Trump doesn't wear one all the time. Only when close to others. A mask is a breading ground for bacteira and viruses, especially when not cleaned daily. There is a time and place for needing a mask but most can not reason those times out. Masks only slow the spread to others by catching what YOU EXHALE in the water droplets you breath out, but its less than 30% effective. It stops nothing you are breathing in. Don't get me started on face shields, they are worthless.
If you're infected, and wearing a mask, the virus WILL exit your mask, and if someone else is near that person, wearing another mask, they WILL breath it in. These masks will not stop the virus, that's just the plain and simple fact of the matter.

I don't know how many people are ignorant enough to believe masks will stop the virus completely, that a mask protects 100% from catching it, but I'm sure there's plenty. I think most other people think masks will somehow lessen their chances of breathing it, which is really irrelevant, since the amount of the virus you breath doesn't make much difference. Either a little or a lot, you got it now.

All this mask hysteria is doing is giving people a false sense of security. They chose to not listen to the facts, that masks are virtually worthless, in order to feel safe(r). But wearing one should be a choice. It should not be mandatory. That's the problem I have with it. I know masks are a joke refuse to be told to wear one. If someone else wants to believe it's protecting them, fine, wear it.
Years ago when I was in the Army we used positive pressure suits to protect us and there was a reason for it. A ventilator was the only way you could scrub enough air to keep you safe. Most people don't have a clue what it takes to be safe in a level 3 or 4 bio lab.

Which no one is in.
Keep you head firmly implanted in your ass.... Wear a mask if you feel it keeps you safe. I will take real percaution's that are proven effective and not placiebos meant to make you "feel" safe...
Good grief. You would think that by now people would understand masks are to protect others from you. Pay attention, people.
  • Thanks
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Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?[/QUOTE]

If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

There was nothing criminal about it. Nor was it wrong in any way.
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But regardless, Trump is right. We can't keep everyone alive. Death finds you no matter how much you try to avoid it or delay it. Stats show that the old and vulnerable are almost guaranteed to die from the virus.

Heartless? No. Realistic? Brutally so.

That doesn't mean that there aren't many things one can do to not spread it. Things Trump dismisses. It's one thing to note that some will die. It's another to advocate for things that will cause more to die.

His dismissals do not spread the virus, people who don't exercise personal hygiene do.

Trump was clearly anti-mask which is a part of personal hygiene.

Pfizer just announced a $1.75 billion contract with the US government to produce up to 600 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by December. It is in the final phase of human trials. His initiative "Operation Warp Speed" was him advocating for an effort to develop and distribute a viable vaccine in unprecedented time.

So, his "advocacy" according to your logic, will save tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of lives.

Pfizer would have jumped on the money train no matter who is president.
Masks don't do shit. That's a fact.

A Pfizer spokesman was on the news yesterday and said that if their costs were covered, they would distribute the vaccine free of charge to the public.
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
No, they don't. Not one single mask people are wearing will protect you from a VIRUS... a VIRUS. All you're doing is filtering out LARGE DUST PARTICLES, period.

Don't be stupid.

Then why did Trump take to wearing one? Is he stupid?
He did it to placate the idiots like you.
Trump doesn't wear one all the time. Only when close to others. A mask is a breading ground for bacteira and viruses, especially when not cleaned daily. There is a time and place for needing a mask but most can not reason those times out. Masks only slow the spread to others by catching what YOU EXHALE in the water droplets you breath out, but its less than 30% effective. It stops nothing you are breathing in. Don't get me started on face shields, they are worthless.
If you're infected, and wearing a mask, the virus WILL exit your mask, and if someone else is near that person, wearing another mask, they WILL breath it in. These masks will not stop the virus, that's just the plain and simple fact of the matter.

I don't know how many people are ignorant enough to believe masks will stop the virus completely, that a mask protects 100% from catching it, but I'm sure there's plenty. I think most other people think masks will somehow lessen their chances of breathing it, which is really irrelevant, since the amount of the virus you breath doesn't make much difference. Either a little or a lot, you got it now.

All this mask hysteria is doing is giving people a false sense of security. They chose to not listen to the facts, that masks are virtually worthless, in order to feel safe(r). But wearing one should be a choice. It should not be mandatory. That's the problem I have with it. I know masks are a joke refuse to be told to wear one. If someone else wants to believe it's protecting them, fine, wear it.
Years ago when I was in the Army we used positive pressure suits to protect us and there was a reason for it. A ventilator was the only way you could scrub enough air to keep you safe. Most people don't have a clue what it takes to be safe in a level 3 or 4 bio lab.

Which no one is in.
Keep you head firmly implanted in your ass.... Wear a mask if you feel it keeps you safe. I will take real percaution's that are proven effective and not placiebos meant to make you "feel" safe...
Good grief. You would think that by now people would understand masks are to protect others from you. Pay attention, people.

Why would I want to protect others from me?

The entire concept of self-defence is protecting myself from others.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?
If that’s true, then W’s criminal invasion and occupation has to be considered a lot worse than a nightmare. Right?

There was nothing criminal about it. Nor was it wrong in any way.
Yes, Americans now like it when their potus lies them into war.

Orwell lives!
New York covid death rates and infection rates are way down and under control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms filed to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising. Trump and Trumpers not content with 140,000 dead still want to continue with Trump’s failed strategy. Pitiful.
Yeah NY rates are down because Cuomo was among the last to lockdown weeks after saying NY isn’t worried about covid, waited a month the clean the subways, sent the covid + back into nursing homes, and basically killed everyone. NY was loosing 1000 people a day. Some precincts infections rate are at least 60% meaning they absolutely did not “flatten the curve” and quickly developed herd immunity, unfortunately after already killing off the vulnerable. The states that are seeing the “spike” now we’re the ones who did flatten the curve jackass. Flattening the curve doesn’t mean eliminate. There was always going to be a peak. You want your peak to look like a wave in the ocean, not a tsunami like we saw in NY. You wanted that so the hospitals didn’t get overwhelmed. The states who saw the spike have been accepting, and continue to accept elective surgeries, because they flattened the curve. Cuomo, out of incompetence, basically nosedived the plane onto the runway ending in a fireball, and is now trying to brag to the other pilots landing safely that he beat them to the runway. It’s absurd NY and Cuomo are being lauded by the left, while states with 1/9 the amount of deaths yet with higher populations than NY are being vilified.
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.
Thanks to Obama and the Congress, government can hold people indefinitely.
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.
Thanks to Obama and the Congress government can hold people indefinitely.
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Bush, Cheney, Obama, Hillary, Trump and a long list of others deserve nothing better than eternity in hell for what they have done.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But regardless, Trump is right. We can't keep everyone alive. Death finds you no matter how much you try to avoid it or delay it. Stats show that the old and vulnerable are almost guaranteed to die from the virus.

Heartless? No. Realistic? Brutally so.

That doesn't mean that there aren't many things one can do to not spread it. Things Trump dismisses. It's one thing to note that some will die. It's another to advocate for things that will cause more to die.

His dismissals do not spread the virus, people who don't exercise personal hygiene do.

Trump was clearly anti-mask which is a part of personal hygiene.

Pfizer just announced a $1.75 billion contract with the US government to produce up to 600 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by December. It is in the final phase of human trials. His initiative "Operation Warp Speed" was him advocating for an effort to develop and distribute a viable vaccine in unprecedented time.

So, his "advocacy" according to your logic, will save tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of lives.

Pfizer would have jumped on the money train no matter who is president.
Masks don't do shit. That's a fact.

A Pfizer spokesman was on the news yesterday and said that if their costs were covered, they would distribute the vaccine free of charge to the public.
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
No, they don't. Not one single mask people are wearing will protect you from a VIRUS... a VIRUS. All you're doing is filtering out LARGE DUST PARTICLES, period.

Don't be stupid.

Then why did Trump take to wearing one? Is he stupid?
He did it to placate the idiots like you.
Trump doesn't wear one all the time. Only when close to others. A mask is a breading ground for bacteira and viruses, especially when not cleaned daily. There is a time and place for needing a mask but most can not reason those times out. Masks only slow the spread to others by catching what YOU EXHALE in the water droplets you breath out, but its less than 30% effective. It stops nothing you are breathing in. Don't get me started on face shields, they are worthless.
If you're infected, and wearing a mask, the virus WILL exit your mask, and if someone else is near that person, wearing another mask, they WILL breath it in. These masks will not stop the virus, that's just the plain and simple fact of the matter.

I don't know how many people are ignorant enough to believe masks will stop the virus completely, that a mask protects 100% from catching it, but I'm sure there's plenty. I think most other people think masks will somehow lessen their chances of breathing it, which is really irrelevant, since the amount of the virus you breath doesn't make much difference. Either a little or a lot, you got it now.

All this mask hysteria is doing is giving people a false sense of security. They chose to not listen to the facts, that masks are virtually worthless, in order to feel safe(r). But wearing one should be a choice. It should not be mandatory. That's the problem I have with it. I know masks are a joke refuse to be told to wear one. If someone else wants to believe it's protecting them, fine, wear it.
Years ago when I was in the Army we used positive pressure suits to protect us and there was a reason for it. A ventilator was the only way you could scrub enough air to keep you safe. Most people don't have a clue what it takes to be safe in a level 3 or 4 bio lab.

Which no one is in.
Keep you head firmly implanted in your ass.... Wear a mask if you feel it keeps you safe. I will take real percaution's that are proven effective and not placiebos meant to make you "feel" safe...
Good grief. You would think that by now people would understand masks are to protect others from you. Pay attention, people.

Why would I want to protect others from me?

The entire concept of self-defence is protecting myself from others.
This is community defense, not self defense.
"Judge not" unless you happen to vote Demonrat
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

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I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.
Thanks to Obama and the Congress government can hold people indefinitely.
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Bush, Cheney, Obama, Hillary, Trump and a long list of others deserve nothing better than eternity in hell for what they have done.
Obama was really good at dancing around the truth while reading from his teleprompter.
You’re oblivious to the irony.
You're obliviously a retard.
Trump doesn't use one like Obama.
Obama demanded to know questions in advance.
Trump will answer any question.
So you can shove your irony.
Trump uses one at every single event. Even his rallies.
Does he?

Every single event?
Even press conferences?
Does he read his responses to questions?

Does Trump demand all questions in advance too?
Neither did Obama.
Obama never accepted an interview without demanding all questions in advance.
He also almost never did live interviews.
They were all prerecorded and edited.

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