Trump made Barry lose his cool

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th atack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

He got impeached because he was a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.

Their are called facts moron. And I dare you to actually refute any of it.
Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th atack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

He got impeached because he was a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.

Their are called facts moron. And I dare you to actually refute any of it.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he believes President Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine to "encourage" its government to investigate the Bidens, but that he will vote to acquit Trump on Wednesday because he believes the consequences of the president's actions should be decided in the next election - in case you don't know, Trump was removed from office in that election.

Obama you mad bro? lol Obama is just miffed that the American people rejected Obama and his dumb ass policies. Obama put his 'legacy' on the line in 2016 and America handed Trump the keys. Poor Obama, the no experience retard gets thrown under the bus, tissue?

Obama was beaten by Trump???
You're not quite up to speed with the constitution son. He never contested the elevtion. Duuuuuuuuh
Trump defeated Obama and his legacy try to keep up. :itsok: is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious alone......not to mention the Iranian deal, getting caught spying on the Trump campaign, using the IRS to attack every critic in the country, bribery, trading a traitor and a coward Bo Bergdahl for 5 terrorist generals, changing the laws related to Obamacare after it was passed by congress, creating the DREAM ACT...which isn't an act....just an illegal executive order/action,......
Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
You been duped. That was all debunked. is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious alone......not to mention the Iranian deal, getting caught spying on the Trump campaign, using the IRS to attack every critic in the country, bribery, trading a traitor and a coward Bo Bergdahl for 5 terrorist generals, changing the laws related to Obamacare after it was passed by congress, creating the DREAM ACT...which isn't an act....just an illegal executive order/action,......

Bush had already done the Fast and Furious thing.
Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th atack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

He got impeached because he was a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.

Their are called facts moron. And I dare you to actually refute any of it.
Those are your opinions.
Obama vs Trump? Don't make me laugh. Trump deserves everything Obama had to say. :2up:
We saw what Obama got passed in front of the scenes. It was behind the scenes in Soviet style ways that has nearly ended the Republic and moved it to near total Democracy. Pitting people against each other is an age old tactic and the party of Progs are the masters of it. They even use their own against themselves for the glory of the Progressive Socialist Party..

When you have to resort to making shit up that never happened to explain your position, you're really on shaky ground.

It wasn't Obama who was "pitting people against one another". It was Mitch McConnell who said that Republicans will oppose everything to give him nothing to run on. It was a Republican Party which has been pitting "urban" and "rural" voters against one another since Ronald Reagan falsely claimed that "welfare queens" were popping out babies to increase their "income".

Every time a woman, a gay, or a racial minority is given equal rights with white people, Republicans respond by taking that right away from everyone. Then Republicans blame minorities for "taking away" rights from white people. Their response to losing an election is to keep poor and minority voters from voting. This is going to harm the elderly Republicans and their ability to vote too, but gotta keep the poor from voting.

It's OK to keep 30% of the openings at Ivy League Universities for "legacy" students to get into Ivy League schools regardless of their qualifications, but it's not OK to reserve a certain number of these spaces for racial minority students. The legacy policy is grossly unfair to all of the other qualified applicants, and is basically "affirmative action" for rich white kids too lazy to put in the work to get the marks to get in on their merits. But because it gives and advantage to whites, it's not a problem. Now that blacks and minorities are starting to qualify for "legacy admissions", the policy is about to be cancelled as "unfair", and minorities will be blamed for it.
It is normal for people in two parties to give resistance. Progs do it 100%. Excellence has been reduced in our nation with the pushing of social justice agendas. Everything we do domestically is more and more expensive. We live off of cheaper products overseas. And we are funding our own demise by doing it. And there is an economy within an economy in the inner cities. The social programs allow a lot of leeway and there is a lot of corruption, stealing, graft and anything else. People take the easier route much of the time. If 70% or more of the rioters in the cities are from single parents, then we have a good idea of a major problem.

It is NOT normal in a healthy democracy for the minority party to continually thwart the will of the people, and operate the economy to the benefit of the wealthy, and the detriment of the majority.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and attempts to overturn fair and valid elections are the signs of a democracy in decline and ripe for an authoritarian takeover.

The Republican Party is now actively working to end democracy in America.
Just type in to any search engine

Obama gay cocaine

And you'll understand. Coke heads as old as homO really start to lose it....

You're getting desperate now.
Type in idiot. The first thing us trump.
You've got nothing but bile and hatred. Suck eggs.

Your hero homO does not have the courage or the integrity to

Obama vs Trump? Don't make me laugh. Trump deserves everything Obama had to say. :2up:
We saw what Obama got passed in front of the scenes. It was behind the scenes in Soviet style ways that has nearly ended the Republic and moved it to near total Democracy. Pitting people against each other is an age old tactic and the party of Progs are the masters of it. They even use their own against themselves for the glory of the Progressive Socialist Party..

When you have to resort to making shit up that never happened to explain your position, you're really on shaky ground.

It wasn't Obama who was "pitting people against one another". It was Mitch McConnell who said that Republicans will oppose everything to give him nothing to run on. It was a Republican Party which has been pitting "urban" and "rural" voters against one another since Ronald Reagan falsely claimed that "welfare queens" were popping out babies to increase their "income".

Every time a woman, a gay, or a racial minority is given equal rights with white people, Republicans respond by taking that right away from everyone. Then Republicans blame minorities for "taking away" rights from white people. Their response to losing an election is to keep poor and minority voters from voting. This is going to harm the elderly Republicans and their ability to vote too, but gotta keep the poor from voting.

It's OK to keep 30% of the openings at Ivy League Universities for "legacy" students to get into Ivy League schools regardless of their qualifications, but it's not OK to reserve a certain number of these spaces for racial minority students. The legacy policy is grossly unfair to all of the other qualified applicants, and is basically "affirmative action" for rich white kids too lazy to put in the work to get the marks to get in on their merits. But because it gives and advantage to whites, it's not a problem. Now that blacks and minorities are starting to qualify for "legacy admissions", the policy is about to be cancelled as "unfair", and minorities will be blamed for it.
It is normal for people in two parties to give resistance. Progs do it 100%. Excellence has been reduced in our nation with the pushing of social justice agendas. Everything we do domestically is more and more expensive. We live off of cheaper products overseas. And we are funding our own demise by doing it. And there is an economy within an economy in the inner cities. The social programs allow a lot of leeway and there is a lot of corruption, stealing, graft and anything else. People take the easier route much of the time. If 70% or more of the rioters in the cities are from single parents, then we have a good idea of a major problem.

It is NOT normal in a healthy democracy for the minority party to continually thwart the will of the people, and operate the economy to the benefit of the wealthy, and the detriment of the majority.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and attempts to overturn fair and valid elections are the signs of a democracy in decline and ripe for an authoritarian takeover.

The Republican Party is now actively working to end democracy in America.

Were you one of the dykes in Atlanta who "closed" the poll and then dumped all those suitcases of ballots for traitor Joe?
Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th atack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

He got impeached because he was a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.

Their are called facts moron. And I dare you to actually refute any of it.
Those are your opinions.

Denial is not just a River n Egypt. Republicans spent 12 years investigating Obama and you can’t even find a crime he committed.

Republicans spent 2 years investigating Trump and filed over 125 indictments, 9 guilty pleas/ convictions, and he’s now under criminal investigation in 3 states.

Not to mention 30% of all credit card fraud complaints last year were because against the Trump Campaign, who had to refund $122 million they STOLE from donors bank accounts.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Under President Obama's administration how many people were indicted? How many under the former president?

The former president was a paranoid megalomaniac.

The former president was a paranoid megalomaniac.

The former president just reposted racist shit and had racist policies.


Whose Barry?
Obama vs Trump? Don't make me laugh. Trump deserves everything Obama had to say. :2up:
We saw what Obama got passed in front of the scenes. It was behind the scenes in Soviet style ways that has nearly ended the Republic and moved it to near total Democracy. Pitting people against each other is an age old tactic and the party of Progs are the masters of it. They even use their own against themselves for the glory of the Progressive Socialist Party..

When you have to resort to making shit up that never happened to explain your position, you're really on shaky ground.

It wasn't Obama who was "pitting people against one another". It was Mitch McConnell who said that Republicans will oppose everything to give him nothing to run on. It was a Republican Party which has been pitting "urban" and "rural" voters against one another since Ronald Reagan falsely claimed that "welfare queens" were popping out babies to increase their "income".

Every time a woman, a gay, or a racial minority is given equal rights with white people, Republicans respond by taking that right away from everyone. Then Republicans blame minorities for "taking away" rights from white people. Their response to losing an election is to keep poor and minority voters from voting. This is going to harm the elderly Republicans and their ability to vote too, but gotta keep the poor from voting.

It's OK to keep 30% of the openings at Ivy League Universities for "legacy" students to get into Ivy League schools regardless of their qualifications, but it's not OK to reserve a certain number of these spaces for racial minority students. The legacy policy is grossly unfair to all of the other qualified applicants, and is basically "affirmative action" for rich white kids too lazy to put in the work to get the marks to get in on their merits. But because it gives and advantage to whites, it's not a problem. Now that blacks and minorities are starting to qualify for "legacy admissions", the policy is about to be cancelled as "unfair", and minorities will be blamed for it.
It is normal for people in two parties to give resistance. Progs do it 100%. Excellence has been reduced in our nation with the pushing of social justice agendas. Everything we do domestically is more and more expensive. We live off of cheaper products overseas. And we are funding our own demise by doing it. And there is an economy within an economy in the inner cities. The social programs allow a lot of leeway and there is a lot of corruption, stealing, graft and anything else. People take the easier route much of the time. If 70% or more of the rioters in the cities are from single parents, then we have a good idea of a major problem.

It is NOT normal in a healthy democracy for the minority party to continually thwart the will of the people, and operate the economy to the benefit of the wealthy, and the detriment of the majority.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and attempts to overturn fair and valid elections are the signs of a democracy in decline and ripe for an authoritarian takeover.

The Republican Party is now actively working to end democracy in America.

Were you one of the dykes in Atlanta who "closed" the poll and then dumped all those suitcases of ballots for traitor Joe?
Or in Detroit where ballots showed up in the middle of the night in unmarked trucks?
People know the election was stolen. Detroit Voter Fraud, Too Many Votes in 37% of Precincts
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Under President Obama's administration how many people were indicted? How many under the former president?

The former president was a paranoid megalomaniac.

The former president was a paranoid megalomaniac.

The former president just reposted racist shit and had racist policies.


Whose Barry?
Your Barry. You can keep the leader of the "Shroom Gang" who sent his long time lackey, Susan Rice, to
make sure Joe "Depends" Biden does his former boss' bidding.
Last edited:
Just type in to any search engine

Obama gay cocaine

And you'll understand. Coke heads as old as homO really start to lose it....

You're getting desperate now.
Type in idiot. The first thing us trump.
You've got nothing but bile and hatred. Suck eggs.

Your hero homO does not have the courage or the integrity to


What a stupid a$$hole you are!!!

The “gay coke head” was still the most successful and capable President of the modern era.

And Trump is still the worst President in American history, as well as a liar, a crook and a thief. It’s all on record.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Under President Obama's administration how many people were indicted? How many under the former president?

The former president was a paranoid megalomaniac.

The former president was a paranoid megalomaniac.

The former president just reposted racist shit and had racist policies.


Whose Barry?
Your Barry.
I'm not Barry, but you might be Patrick.

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