Trump made Barry lose his cool

Just type in to any search engine

Obama gay cocaine

And you'll understand. Coke heads as old as homO really start to lose it....

You're getting desperate now.
Type in idiot. The first thing us trump.
You've got nothing but bile and hatred. Suck eggs.

Your hero homO does not have the courage or the integrity to


What a stupid a$$hole you are!!!

The “gay coke head” was still the most successful and capable President of the modern era.

And Trump is still the worst President in American history, as well as a liar, a crook and a thief. It’s all on record.
Obama was the worst thing that ever happened to this country.
Not just a gay coke head, but a gay coke WHORE....

According to HUFFPO
Obama vs Trump? Don't make me laugh. Trump deserves everything Obama had to say. :2up:
Obama was, and is, a traitor. He is race baiting with his wife right now to deepen the divide he reignited. He thrives on promoting hate and division. He is a Communist.
The commie factor in the last post is rated at 1.

You may want to revisit your post to increase the commie factor.
Just type in to any search engine

Obama gay cocaine

And you'll understand. Coke heads as old as homO really start to lose it....

You're getting desperate now.
Type in idiot. The first thing us trump.
You've got nothing but bile and hatred. Suck eggs.

Your hero homO does not have the courage or the integrity to


What a stupid a$$hole you are!!!

The “gay coke head” was still the most successful and capable President of the modern era.

And Trump is still the worst President in American history, as well as a liar, a crook and a thief. It’s all on record.
Obama was the worst thing that ever happened to this country.
Just mailed that one in, eh.
Obama vs Trump? Don't make me laugh. Trump deserves everything Obama had to say. :2up:
Obama was, and is, a traitor. He is race baiting with his wife right now to deepen the divide he reignited. He thrives on promoting hate and division. He is a Communist.
The commie factor in the last post is rated at 1.

You may want to revisit your post to increase the commie factor.
Obama is a POS. Period.
Imagine if someone disrobed Michael Robinson and filmed it.

Man would homO FREAK OUT!!!
Obama is a POS. Period.
Best president Iran ever had. He's no doubt got a hand in the terror attacks of Israel, a democracy
he's always hated.

What sick liars you are.
Obama is a POS. I am not lying.
President Barack Hussein Obama was a two term president and will be judged as one of our better ones by history.

Unlike the former president who will be judged by the smallness of his hands.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'
I don't agree with Obama much.
Obama doesn't suffer fools gladly, especially when the fool in question has so much power.
You're talking about the guy who picked Joe Biden for his VP. LOL
Who went on to win the presidency and left Mr. Trump jobless and reduced to muttering at private weddings about how everything is not fair to him. Kind of a slam dunk when you think about it.
Obama doesn't suffer fools gladly, especially when the fool in question has so much power.
You're talking about the guy who picked Joe Biden for his VP. LOL
Who went on to win the presidency and left Mr. Trump jobless and reduced to muttering at private weddings about how everything is not fair to him. Kind of a slam dunk when you think about it.
Hey, former vice president pence got his name chanted with affection at a riot.
Obama doesn't suffer fools gladly, especially when the fool in question has so much power.
You're talking about the guy who picked Joe Biden for his VP. LOL
Who went on to win the presidency and left Mr. Trump jobless and reduced to muttering at private weddings about how everything is not fair to him. Kind of a slam dunk when you think about it.
Hey, former vice president pence got his name chanted with affection at a riot.
Yep. These folks invent reality to cater to their sensitive political feelings.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Rubbish , sounds like another moron from across the pond that is as clueless as your queen .
You nailed it. :thup:
Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
You been duped. That was all debunked.
Well now that you've nakedly asserted it everything has changed :rolleyes: is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?

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