Trump made senior staff sign nondisclosure agreements

I know, I immediately regretted my reply to you for obvious (thought probably not to you) reasons.

Have you considered sainthood?

Just give me a wide don't have the intellect nor the information to pose a challenge to me. The results are always the same....I kick your ass, you get all "butthurt" and resentful. Your arguments are built on ideology and emotions which will always fail you in the end. My arguments are based on thousands upon thousands of hours of dogged research that I do at least ten to twelve hours a day every day 365 days a year. I feel naked without my MP3 player that has been downloaded with lectures and documentaries. The library of information and PDF files of books I have downloaded and read would totally overwhelm you.......not a brag....simply fact. One day you will "wake up" to the nature of the cage and I sincerely hopes that it happens soon so you have a chance to prepare. Read "Watership Down".........a big time clue.

Do you talk to rabbits often?

That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


Dude, you're trying way too hard here. Sometimes fewer words are better, in your case all the time.

Your "few words" shows your lack of ability to debate an issue or post a detailed explanation of how you think and/ or your belief system and why is that? Because it would simply expose you for the intellectual lightweight that you are.

Learn, grow, evolve.....rise above it.

Hope this helps!

You forgot to add ---- learn to separate fact from imagination.

Hope this helps.
Smart move on his part. There won't be any tell all books during his administration. At least, not by anyone he gave a job to.

How is that a good thing? You don't think former staff have a right to tell their story? Nor do you believe the public has a right to know?
They don't have a right if they sign an NDA. The public has no right to know about the inner workings in the White house

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

I don't think I've ever heard an American say (paraphrasing) "Yep, we don't need to know what happens in the White House, let's make it punitive if anyone says anything."

Dims were saying it night and day when Slick Willy was wriggling on the hook. How about the next time a Democrat gets elected we put microphones and cameras in every room in the White house so the public can know every last thing that goes on? It will be like a reality show. You don't have a problem with that, do you?

How about just not running the White House like a mafia family. That would make most of us happy.

So what you're saying is that the public doesn't have a right to know everything that goes on in the White House. Thanks for agreeing with me.
They’re supposed to last beyond his presidency.

Back in April 2016, when the notion of Donald Trump in the White House still seemed fanciful, The Post’s Robert Costa and Bob Woodward sat down with Trump, and Costa, at one point, raised the subject of the nondisclosure agreements for employees of which the candidate was so fond.

Costa: “One thing I always wondered, are you going to make employees of the federal government sign nondisclosure agreements?”

Trump: “I think they should. . . . And I don’t know, there could be some kind of a law that you can’t do this. But when people are chosen by a man to go into government at high levels and then they leave government and they write a book about a man and say a lot of things that were really guarded and personal, I don’t like that. I mean, I’ll be honest. And people would say, oh, that’s terrible, you’re taking away his right to free speech. Well, he’s going in.”

Reader, it happened. In the early months of the administration, at the behest of now-President Trump, who was furious over leaks from within the White House, senior White House staff members were asked to, and did, sign nondisclosure agreements vowing not to reveal confidential information and exposing them to damages for any violation. Some balked at first but, pressed by then-Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the White House Counsel’s Office, ultimately complied, concluding that the agreements would likely not be enforceable in any event.

The nondisclosure agreements, said a person who signed the document, “were meant to be very similar to the ones that some of us signed during the campaign and during the transition. I remember the president saying, ‘Has everybody signed a confidentiality agreement like they did during the campaign or we had at Trump Tower?’ ”

At that time, in February or March of 2017, the source said, “There was lots of leaking, things that just weren’t true, and a lot of things that were true and should have remained confidential. The president’s point was that they [staff] would think twice about that if they were on the hook for some serious damages.”

Moreover, said the source, this confidentiality pledge would extend not only after an aide’s White House service but also beyond the Trump presidency. “It’s not meant to be constrained by the four years or eight years he’s president — or the four months or eight months somebody works there. It is meant to survive that.”

This is extraordinary. Every president inveighs against leakers and bemoans the kiss-and-tell books; no president, to my knowledge, has attempted to impose such a pledge. And while White House staffers have various confidentiality obligations — maintaining the secrecy of classified information or attorney-client privilege, for instance — the notion of imposing a side agreement, supposedly enforceable even after the president leaves office, is not only oppressive but constitutionally repugnant.

Unlike employees of private enterprises such as the Trump Organization or Trump campaign, White House aides have First Amendment rights when it comes to their employer, the federal government. If you have a leaker on your staff, the cure is firing, not suing.

“This is crazy,” said attorney Debra Katz, who has represented numerous government whistleblowers and negotiated nondisclosure agreements. “The idea of having some kind of economic penalty is an outrageous effort to limit and chill speech. Once again, this president believes employees owe him a personal duty of loyalty, when their duty of loyalty is to the institution.”

I haven’t been able to lay hands on the final agreement, but I do have a copy of a draft, and it is a doozy. It would expose violators to penalties of $10 million, payable to the federal government, for each and any unauthorized revelation of “confidential” information, defined as “all nonpublic information I learn of or gain access to in the course of my official duties in the service of the United States Government on White House staff,” including “communications . . . with members of the press” and “with employees of federal, state, and local governments.” The $10 million figure, I suspect, was watered down in the final version, because the people to whom I have spoken do not remember that jaw-dropping sum.

It would prohibit revelation of this confidential information in any form — including, get this, “the publication of works of fiction that contain any mention of the operations of the White House, federal agencies, foreign governments, or other entities interacting with the United States Government that is based on confidential information.”

As outlined in the document, this restriction would cover Trump aides not only during their White House service but also “at all times thereafter.”

More: Trump made senior staff sign nondisclosure agreements. They’re supposed to last beyond his presidency - The Washington Post

Is this even legal? Could it stand up in court? It certainly sounds unconscionable. What do you think?

Smart move on his part. There won't be any tell all books during his administration. At least, not by anyone he gave a job to.

How is that a good thing? You don't think former staff have a right to tell their story? Nor do you believe the public has a right to know?
They don't have a right if they sign an NDA. The public has no right to know about the inner workings in the White house

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

I don't think I've ever heard an American say (paraphrasing) "Yep, we don't need to know what happens in the White House, let's make it punitive if anyone says anything."

Dims were saying it night and day when Slick Willy was wriggling on the hook. How about the next time a Democrat gets elected we put microphones and cameras in every room in the White house so the public can know every last thing that goes on? It will be like a reality show. You don't have a problem with that, do you?

Wow..................a television reality star gets elected to the WH, and now the people who supported him are in favor of turning the presidency into a reality show.

Why am I not surprised? It seems that everything the right screamed about during the 8 years Obama was in office are okay now if Trump does them.

By the way..........................if you people are okay with NDA's being signed by those in the WH, then were is the transparency where we can hold the government accountable for what it does?
Smart move on his part. There won't be any tell all books during his administration. At least, not by anyone he gave a job to.

How is that a good thing? You don't think former staff have a right to tell their story? Nor do you believe the public has a right to know?
They don't have a right if they sign an NDA. The public has no right to know about the inner workings in the White house

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

I don't think I've ever heard an American say (paraphrasing) "Yep, we don't need to know what happens in the White House, let's make it punitive if anyone says anything."

Dims were saying it night and day when Slick Willy was wriggling on the hook. How about the next time a Democrat gets elected we put microphones and cameras in every room in the White house so the public can know every last thing that goes on? It will be like a reality show. You don't have a problem with that, do you?

Wow..................a television reality star gets elected to the WH, and now the people who supported him are in favor of turning the presidency into a reality show.

Why am I not surprised? It seems that everything the right screamed about during the 8 years Obama was in office are okay now if Trump does them.

By the way..........................if you people are okay with NDA's being signed by those in the WH, then were is the transparency where we can hold the government accountable for what it does?

Turds like you are the ones who are trying to turn it into a reality show. I just made the fact apparent.

You mean you can't hold the Administration accountable if you don't know the exact time that Trump goes to the bathroom or what he had for lunch?
Trump makes Nixon look like a saint.

How is that a good thing? You don't think former staff have a right to tell their story? Nor do you believe the public has a right to know?
They don't have a right if they sign an NDA. The public has no right to know about the inner workings in the White house

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

I don't think I've ever heard an American say (paraphrasing) "Yep, we don't need to know what happens in the White House, let's make it punitive if anyone says anything."

Dims were saying it night and day when Slick Willy was wriggling on the hook. How about the next time a Democrat gets elected we put microphones and cameras in every room in the White house so the public can know every last thing that goes on? It will be like a reality show. You don't have a problem with that, do you?

Wow..................a television reality star gets elected to the WH, and now the people who supported him are in favor of turning the presidency into a reality show.

Why am I not surprised? It seems that everything the right screamed about during the 8 years Obama was in office are okay now if Trump does them.

By the way..........................if you people are okay with NDA's being signed by those in the WH, then were is the transparency where we can hold the government accountable for what it does?

Turds like you are the ones who are trying to turn it into a reality show. I just made the fact apparent.

You mean you can't hold the Administration accountable if you don't know the exact time that Trump goes to the bathroom or what he had for lunch?

If the cabinet members are made to sign NDA's, you can bet that transparency in government just flew out the window.
I know more than you....infinitely more. I am trying to help you hut if you choose to retain your status as on of the moron millions? There isn't much I can do. I can lead you to water but if you are too stubborn to drink from the trough of knowledge? I am "guilt free"..........I did what I was suppose to do and you have to meet me halfway. Questions?

I know, I immediately regretted my reply to you for obvious (thought probably not to you) reasons.

Have you considered sainthood?

Just give me a wide don't have the intellect nor the information to pose a challenge to me. The results are always the same....I kick your ass, you get all "butthurt" and resentful. Your arguments are built on ideology and emotions which will always fail you in the end. My arguments are based on thousands upon thousands of hours of dogged research that I do at least ten to twelve hours a day every day 365 days a year. I feel naked without my MP3 player that has been downloaded with lectures and documentaries. The library of information and PDF files of books I have downloaded and read would totally overwhelm you.......not a brag....simply fact. One day you will "wake up" to the nature of the cage and I sincerely hopes that it happens soon so you have a chance to prepare. Read "Watership Down".........a big time clue.

Do you talk to rabbits often?

That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.
I know, I immediately regretted my reply to you for obvious (thought probably not to you) reasons.

Have you considered sainthood?

Just give me a wide don't have the intellect nor the information to pose a challenge to me. The results are always the same....I kick your ass, you get all "butthurt" and resentful. Your arguments are built on ideology and emotions which will always fail you in the end. My arguments are based on thousands upon thousands of hours of dogged research that I do at least ten to twelve hours a day every day 365 days a year. I feel naked without my MP3 player that has been downloaded with lectures and documentaries. The library of information and PDF files of books I have downloaded and read would totally overwhelm you.......not a brag....simply fact. One day you will "wake up" to the nature of the cage and I sincerely hopes that it happens soon so you have a chance to prepare. Read "Watership Down".........a big time clue.

Do you talk to rabbits often?

That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

I have the complete first version of the Twilight Zone on DVD. Don't tell me I don't know what you're talking about.
I know, I immediately regretted my reply to you for obvious (thought probably not to you) reasons.

Have you considered sainthood?

Just give me a wide don't have the intellect nor the information to pose a challenge to me. The results are always the same....I kick your ass, you get all "butthurt" and resentful. Your arguments are built on ideology and emotions which will always fail you in the end. My arguments are based on thousands upon thousands of hours of dogged research that I do at least ten to twelve hours a day every day 365 days a year. I feel naked without my MP3 player that has been downloaded with lectures and documentaries. The library of information and PDF files of books I have downloaded and read would totally overwhelm you.......not a brag....simply fact. One day you will "wake up" to the nature of the cage and I sincerely hopes that it happens soon so you have a chance to prepare. Read "Watership Down".........a big time clue.

Do you talk to rabbits often?

That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

The problem is every time he looks at his avatar, he runs into the bathroom and runs out of soft soap. He's in major love with Ivanka. She consumes his every waking moment. You were kind though in calling him a "contributor." I've never seen him contribute
Smart move on his part. There won't be any tell all books during his administration. At least, not by anyone he gave a job to.

How is that a good thing? You don't think former staff have a right to tell their story? Nor do you believe the public has a right to know?
They don't have a right if they sign an NDA. The public has no right to know about the inner workings in the White house

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

I don't think I've ever heard an American say (paraphrasing) "Yep, we don't need to know what happens in the White House, let's make it punitive if anyone says anything."

Dims were saying it night and day when Slick Willy was wriggling on the hook. How about the next time a Democrat gets elected we put microphones and cameras in every room in the White house so the public can know every last thing that goes on? It will be like a reality show. You don't have a problem with that, do you?

How about just not running the White House like a mafia family. That would make most of us happy.

I suspect in this situation nondisclosure agreements are legally meaningless if applied to an official paid by the government and not directly from Trump.
I suspect in this situation nondisclosure agreements are legally meaningless if applied to an official paid by the government and not directly from Trump.

Wrong. A contract is a contract, no matter who's paying your salary.
I suspect in this situation nondisclosure agreements are legally meaningless if applied to an official paid by the government and not directly from Trump.

Wrong. A contract is a contract, no matter who's paying your salary.

I doubt those that would put their tail between their legs and cower in fear would have anything worthwhile to say. Lawsuit? Bring it on.
I suspect in this situation nondisclosure agreements are legally meaningless if applied to an official paid by the government and not directly from Trump.

Wrong. A contract is a contract, no matter who's paying your salary.

I doubt those that would put their tail between their legs and cower in fear would have anything worthwhile to say. Lawsuit? Bring it on.

I doubt anyone working for the Trump administration is going to risk getting sued by Trump.
Just give me a wide don't have the intellect nor the information to pose a challenge to me. The results are always the same....I kick your ass, you get all "butthurt" and resentful. Your arguments are built on ideology and emotions which will always fail you in the end. My arguments are based on thousands upon thousands of hours of dogged research that I do at least ten to twelve hours a day every day 365 days a year. I feel naked without my MP3 player that has been downloaded with lectures and documentaries. The library of information and PDF files of books I have downloaded and read would totally overwhelm you.......not a brag....simply fact. One day you will "wake up" to the nature of the cage and I sincerely hopes that it happens soon so you have a chance to prepare. Read "Watership Down".........a big time clue.

Do you talk to rabbits often?

That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

I have the complete first version of the Twilight Zone on DVD. Don't tell me I don't know what you're talking about.

Step up to the plate and refute what I post here that you disagree with. It really is that simple or keep your puppy dog ass on the porch if "running with the big dogs" is too daunting a task. You would rather believe in pretty little lies than to know the ugly truths.
Do you talk to rabbits often?

That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

I have the complete first version of the Twilight Zone on DVD. Don't tell me I don't know what you're talking about.

Step up to the plate and refute what I post here that you disagree with. It really is that simple or keep your puppy dog ass on the porch if "running with the big dogs" is too daunting a task. You would rather believe in pretty little lies than to know the ugly truths.

So now you think you can shape shift into a big dog? Cool.
That book has too many multi-syllable words for you, first off......and the symbolism behind the book's plot would be totally lost on you because of your lack of intellect. You struggle (even to this day) with the concepts of story lines. You still shake your head at the plots given in the "Dick and Jane " grade school primers that we all "cut our teeth" on when it came to reading and phonetics. You are still perplexed as to why Dick was tossing a ball to Spot...... and why did Dick do that when Spot didn't have the ability to catch as he had paws that no baseball glove would fit? You strike me as someone that was put in front of the TV when "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came on because you couldn't keep up with the fast, rapid fire pace of "Sesame Street" and Big Bird would totally freak you out........thoughts?


I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

I have the complete first version of the Twilight Zone on DVD. Don't tell me I don't know what you're talking about.

Step up to the plate and refute what I post here that you disagree with. It really is that simple or keep your puppy dog ass on the porch if "running with the big dogs" is too daunting a task. You would rather believe in pretty little lies than to know the ugly truths.

So now you think you can shape shift into a big dog? Cool.

Honestly, I don't have a problem nor take offense in the slightest when people question what I say or post because MY goal has always been to arouse the intellectual curiosity of those I am trying to reach. What I do take umbrage with is those naysayers that hurl lame flames from the peanut gallery without ever having done even the tiniest bit of reading or research on the topic/topics that I post about.

Why not tear yourself away from this forum and turn off the TV a few hours a day, even for a month, and then come back and make a coherent argument? Ignoring some ugly reality isn't going to spare you of the consequences for having done so.
I'm greatly impressed with your ability to manufacture a very complex scenario, complete, with almost every imaginable detail, with virtually no facts to support any of it, other than your emotions, or your gut feeling. Your imagination is so vivid that you are instantly convinced of the veracity of each made up detail even as you work to make it up. I guess that's why it is so easy for you to believe every conspiracy theory you hear. That is an extraordinary ability, even if it does make it difficult for you to separate reality from non-reality.

The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

I have the complete first version of the Twilight Zone on DVD. Don't tell me I don't know what you're talking about.

Step up to the plate and refute what I post here that you disagree with. It really is that simple or keep your puppy dog ass on the porch if "running with the big dogs" is too daunting a task. You would rather believe in pretty little lies than to know the ugly truths.

So now you think you can shape shift into a big dog? Cool.

Honestly, I don't have a problem nor take offense in the slightest when people question what I say or post because MY goal has always been to arouse the intellectual curiosity of those I am trying to reach. What I do take umbrage with is those naysayers that hurl lame flames from the peanut gallery without ever having done even the tiniest bit of reading or research on the topic/topics that I post about.

Why not tear yourself away from this forum and turn off the TV a few hours a day, even for a month, and then come back and make a coherent argument? Ignoring some ugly reality isn't going to spare you of the consequences for having done so.

So which conspiracy theory do you suggest I concentrate on first? Chemtrails? The literati? Bigfoot? Green shape shifting space people?
The best you can come up with to lamely refute what I post here is the ol "Uh-Uh!" defense while having done no research or reading for yourself on what it is I post about. That makes you an intellectually lazy contributor to this forum.

I have the complete first version of the Twilight Zone on DVD. Don't tell me I don't know what you're talking about.

Step up to the plate and refute what I post here that you disagree with. It really is that simple or keep your puppy dog ass on the porch if "running with the big dogs" is too daunting a task. You would rather believe in pretty little lies than to know the ugly truths.

So now you think you can shape shift into a big dog? Cool.

Honestly, I don't have a problem nor take offense in the slightest when people question what I say or post because MY goal has always been to arouse the intellectual curiosity of those I am trying to reach. What I do take umbrage with is those naysayers that hurl lame flames from the peanut gallery without ever having done even the tiniest bit of reading or research on the topic/topics that I post about.

Why not tear yourself away from this forum and turn off the TV a few hours a day, even for a month, and then come back and make a coherent argument? Ignoring some ugly reality isn't going to spare you of the consequences for having done so.

So which conspiracy theory do you suggest I concentrate on first? Chemtrails? The literati? Bigfoot? Green shape shifting space people?

How about the classic fake moon landing? Atlantis? I bet Dale is a flat earther.

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