Trump makes his move

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted
The U.S. Needs to Face Up to Its Long History of Election Meddling

"Last Sunday morning, CNN’s Jake Tapper interviewed Kentucky Senator Rand Paul about Russian interference in the 2016 election. At 7:40 AM, a CNN analyst named Josh Campbell tweeted some of Paul’s comments. He quoted the senator as declaring that the Russians “are going to spy on us, they do spy on us, they’re going to interfere in our elections. We also do the same ... We all do it. What we need to do is make sure our electoral process is protected.” He also quoted Paul as labeling Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian interference with the 2016 election a “witch hunt.”"
Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary of the Mueller report is scandalous — for reasons that have little to do with “collusion.”

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert S. Mueller III nearly two years ago “to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” as he put it then. Mueller’s report, submitted to the Justice Department on Friday, is titled: “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

This was supposed to be the last word on Russian interference, a definitive investigation that would show the United States and the world, in detail, how it happened — and, as a subsidiary question, whether Trump campaign officials were involved.

But Barr kissed off the central charge of the investigation with a few paragraphs of summary material already in the public domain. He wrote that the “report outlines the Russian effort to influence the election and documents crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government in connection with those efforts.” But Barr’s letter provides no such information. If Barr doesn’t give a full public accounting, and soon, he will have squandered Mueller’s heroic efforts and done a disservice to the national interest.

The immediate reaction has been, predictably, a sandbox fight about whether Trump “colluded” with Moscow. “No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION,” Trump tweeted. That’s false: The probe explicitly didn’t exonerate Trump, and the attorney general’s letter doesn’t mention “collusion,” focusing on the high legal standard of conspiracy and not whether Trump’s campaign sought Russian help, as it clearly did.

But Trump is free to claim vindication. That’s politics. The outrage is Barr has also made this a win for Moscow, which claims vindication despite indisputable Kremlin-committed crimes. That’s unacceptable.


first they have to take out any info that is classified plus any info related to his impending cases of tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, etc

Mueller report details to be issued in 'weeks, not months': Justice Department | Reuters

"Other continuing investigations and litigation are focusing on issues including his businesses and financial dealings, personal conduct, charitable foundation and inaugural committee."

"Trump may face significant peril from federal prosecutors in Manhattan, according to legal experts."

"His former personal lawyer Michael Cohen said in Feb. 27 congressional testimony that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is examining Trump’s business practices and financial dealings. Cohen already has implicated Trump in campaign finance law violations to which he pleaded guilty in August 2018 as part of the Southern District investigation."

Explainer: Why Trump's legal woes go beyond the Mueller report | Reuters

don the con can't pardon anyone in those cases ^ :eusa_clap:

first they have to take out any info that is classified plus any info related to his impending cases of tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, etc

Right, because as many times as he's been audited by IRS (like most wealthy people) nobody there seemed to find anything of the sort. How many more millions do the commies need to continue their witch hunt? Haven't they wasted enough of our money already?
Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary of the Mueller report is scandalous — for reasons that have little to do with “collusion.”

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert S. Mueller III nearly two years ago “to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” as he put it then. Mueller’s report, submitted to the Justice Department on Friday, is titled: “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

This was supposed to be the last word on Russian interference, a definitive investigation that would show the United States and the world, in detail, how it happened — and, as a subsidiary question, whether Trump campaign officials were involved.

But Barr kissed off the central charge of the investigation with a few paragraphs of summary material already in the public domain. He wrote that the “report outlines the Russian effort to influence the election and documents crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government in connection with those efforts.” But Barr’s letter provides no such information. If Barr doesn’t give a full public accounting, and soon, he will have squandered Mueller’s heroic efforts and done a disservice to the national interest.

The immediate reaction has been, predictably, a sandbox fight about whether Trump “colluded” with Moscow. “No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION,” Trump tweeted. That’s false: The probe explicitly didn’t exonerate Trump, and the attorney general’s letter doesn’t mention “collusion,” focusing on the high legal standard of conspiracy and not whether Trump’s campaign sought Russian help, as it clearly did.

But Trump is free to claim vindication. That’s politics. The outrage is Barr has also made this a win for Moscow, which claims vindication despite indisputable Kremlin-committed crimes. That’s unacceptable.

Gee, you think Mueller would have said something to the media about Barr's assessment. I wonder why he doesn't? Duh!
wake up, they're doing more than spying on us...

what, do they need to be brown people for trumptards to feel threatened by them??

Russian Hackers Are Still Probing the US Power Grid
well what exactly are you going to do about it? jump up and down?


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