Trump makes huge threat against GOP establishment with one tweet

I think 68% is too low. I think he could win third party and certainly would beat the rep candidate. Doubt he would go 3rd party if Cruz is the nominee.
Trump Makes HUGE THREAT Against The GOP Establishment In JUST ONE TWEET!!

Prefer he stay in because I want to see President Trump but hey my 2nd wish would be to see the republican party finish 3rd in a national race :D

Would be a mistake. What people say in a poll this week, and how they vote on election day are very different things.

If he goes Independent, where he was top tit in the GOP forcing Republicans to vote for him, now they can vote for whoever's no. 2 instead. People vote party lines most of the time, and if they have that choice they will.

He wont make it as an indepedent.
Trump Makes HUGE THREAT Against The GOP Establishment In JUST ONE TWEET!!

Prefer he stay in because I want to see President Trump but hey my 2nd wish would be to see the republican party finish 3rd in a national race :D

Would be a mistake. What people say in a poll this week, and how they vote on election day are very different things.

If he goes Independent, where he was top tit in the GOP forcing Republicans to vote for him, now they can vote for whoever's no. 2 instead. People vote party lines most of the time, and if they have that choice they will.

He wont make it as an indepedent.

Cant agree. People are fed up with rep party lies. One other thing. Right now the left wing media hates Trump, but if he goes 3rd party they will give him glowing coverage unless he is a threat to hillary.
Trump Makes HUGE THREAT Against The GOP Establishment In JUST ONE TWEET!!

Prefer he stay in because I want to see President Trump but hey my 2nd wish would be to see the republican party finish 3rd in a national race :D

Would be a mistake. What people say in a poll this week, and how they vote on election day are very different things.

If he goes Independent, where he was top tit in the GOP forcing Republicans to vote for him, now they can vote for whoever's no. 2 instead. People vote party lines most of the time, and if they have that choice they will.

He wont make it as an indepedent.

Cant agree. People are fed up with rep party lies. One other thing. Right now the left wing media hates Trump, but if he goes 3rd party they will give him glowing coverage unless he is a threat to hillary.

Left wing media hate is two-faced at best. Say they hate him, yet cover him anyway because's ratings.
I don't think he can win 3rd party either but its well worth it if GOP screws him.
better Hilary than some smiling rino like jebito , roobio or christy , yada , yada .
better Hilary than some smiling rino like jebito , roobio or christy , yada , yada .
Not much difference to me....just one will come out and tell you what she plans to do,the others ACT like they are going to try and fix America but have a backbone bout like a wet noodle.
better Hilary than some smiling rino like jebito , roobio or christy , yada , yada .

There are two wings of the Republican Party - RINOs and Crazies.

Without the RINOs, you get 100 years of Democratic rule.

And what a treat that would be, eh?
better Hilary than some smiling rino like jebito , roobio or christy , yada , yada .

There are two wings of the Republican Party - RINOs and Crazies.

Without the RINOs, you get 100 years of Democratic rule.

And what a treat that would be, eh?
Without the RINOS the RP would have to find actual representatives that, you know, represented those they claim to. The Crazies would not garner enough of the vote to sustain the party.

The RINOs are the problem and why republicans can find it very difficult to take the presidency. It is a false dichotomy to assume there is nowhere else to go but the crazies.

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