Trump Maxed Out At 232

But it was good enough for the NEWS to call it for Trump back in 2016? Why be hypocrites about it?
I don't see how I'm being a hypocrite about it... o.0

Did I post something I don't know about back then?
ALL BEFORE he was sworn in or EC voting or certified votes in each State.

It's quite perplexing to keep up with all the hypocrisy.... :(
Well... If your opponent concedes, it makes sense that you can say you won... o.0
Your opponent does not need to concede before a candidate can say they won Sheltzin.....
I didn't say they did. However if your opponent does concede, it makes absolute sense that you can say it. Regardless if the NUMBERS are in or not. You are the winner.

The NUMBERS in how we the people voted, determines the winner.
I agree. You also win if your opponent concedes.
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Question is, is it legal for jurisdictions to prevent watchers from seeing voter counts?

Why would those wish to prevent the counting of such ballots as protected by the law?
Each state has it's count regs and rules. Jurisdictions are not preventing any watchers from seeing voter count.
My opinion is the election is not over. It’s God who puts our leaders on the throne, not man.

God can change this whole thing in a heartbeat if it suits His will.

if Biden is allowed to steal the election then God is done with the last Free Nation on Earth and it’s Time for The Wrath of God, The End Times, The Tribulation, Mark of AntiChrist and cashless global economy.

God gave America a choice between an immoral corrupt career politician who lied stole, bribed, extorted and plagiarized his way in to wealth at the expense of The People. Owned by China, Russia, The UN and Big Pharma and Big Finance. And worse yet he’s a Marxist Globalist and not that bright.

If the Democrats Cheated and chose a man like that over Donald Trump who gave up $1Billion in wealth to serve this country for $1 Dollar a year, defended life, helped the poor and minorities and small businesses, and befriended Israel, and Biden becomes President?

Then America put Ahab & Jezebel in power, and God’s wrath will come down on America because of that and the evil policies these two diabolical duo has in store for America.
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Question is, is it legal for jurisdictions to prevent watchers from seeing voter counts?

Why would those wish to prevent the counting of such ballots as protected by the law?
Each state has it's count regs and rules. Jurisdictions are not preventing any watchers from seeing voter count.
Playing devils advocate. Even if a jurisdiction did intentionally block poll watchers, or other such violations of election law, the remedy is to prosecute the people who violated the law. But it has no effect on the outcome of the election.
Going to be a long month for these Trump Haters once these fraudulent numbers for Sleepy Joe get reversed.
Lol..oh stop it....Do you have any idea how pathetic that sounds?
You must have forgot that media doesn't determine election results.
Who determined it in 2016, azzhat?

I can smell your desperation from here.
I don’t even respond anymore when Cons say that the media does not determine elections. The media projects elections based on vote tallies. It is why Trumpers celebrated the day after the 2016 election when the media projected that Trump was president-elect. Trumper hypocrisy is off the charts.

So you admit to projecting since clearly you Fake News bots continue to want this election result stolen. Going to be a long month for you.
Going to be a long month for these Trump Haters once these fraudulent numbers for Sleepy Joe get reversed.
Lol..oh stop it....Do you have any idea how pathetic that sounds?
You must have forgot that media doesn't determine election results.
Who determined it in 2016, azzhat?

I can smell your desperation from here.

Crooked Hillary conceded night of cause she was getting schlonged you moron. President Trump was already past 300 electorates night of election. But somehow through hard work at committing fraud. This years election in actuality shows that multiple states are too close to call. Especially with the over inflated illegal votes. Soon the results will be adjusts.
My opinion is the election is not over. It’s God who puts our leaders on the throne, not man.

God can change this whole thing in a heartbeat if it suits His will.

if Biden is allowed to steal the election then God is done with the last Free Nation on Earth and it’s Time for The Wrath of God, The End Times, The Tribulation, Mark of AntiChrist and cashless global economy.

God gave America a choice between an immoral corrupt career politician who lied stole, bribed, extorted and plagiarized his way in to wealth at the expense of The People. Owned by China, Russia, The UN and Big Pharma and Big Finance. And worse yet he’s a Marxist Globalist and not that bright.

If the Democrats Cheated and chose a man like that over Donald Trump who gave up $1Billion in wealth to serve this country for $1 Dollar a year, defended life, helped the poor and minorities and small businesses, and befriended Israel, and Biden becomes President?

Then America put Ahab & Jezebel in power, and God’s wrath will come down on America because of that and the evil policies these two diabolical duo has in store for America.

Oh fucking bullshit. It's the Electoral College and always has been. Get a life.
That's cool. I had predicted around 313 in the electoral college a week before the election. It didn't get up that high and back then I guessed North Carolina would be blue, as I just could not imagine Georgia. I think I was drinking that night and had also counted Alaska. But, I figured slightly north of 300 and that puts me ahead of most of the pollsters (who didn't have a good year.., again) and put me ahead of all the trumpsters on this board. I'm satisfied.
I bet my buddy $20.00 on 306. I am feeling good about it. The money is no big deal compared to the win in itself.
Good job, my friend.
(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump’s long-shot bid to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory suffered major setbacks on Friday, with news networks calling Georgia for the Democrat and legal challenges crumbling in three other key states.

I don't know if you realize this or not... But News Networks don't actually dictate anything but information. I don't know if he's won yet or not... But... This article certainly doesn't prove anything.
But it was good enough for the NEWS to call it for Trump back in 2016? Why be hypocrites about it?

The tally is the same, in 2016 the news reported Trump won the election, AND reported the electoral count of Trump 306 with Clinton 232

This time they report the State count numbers for 2020 as Biden 306 with Trump at 232.

And note! Trump lost the people's vote by 3 million in 2016, but Biden in 2020 not only won the EC, but he won We The People's vote by at least 7 million more votes....and for these few contentious states, of Penn, Wisconsin, Michigan Biden has gotten tens of thousands more votes in 2020, than Donald did in 2016.

In 2016 Trump claimed that he CRUSHED Hillary Clinton with his 306 EC votes....

ALL BEFORE he was sworn in or EC voting or certified votes in each State.

It's quite perplexing to keep up with all the hypocrisy.... :(
Hypocrisy doesn't bother them anymore--see appointment of Amy Coney Barrett
That's cool. I had predicted around 313 in the electoral college a week before the election. It didn't get up that high and back then I guessed North Carolina would be blue, as I just could not imagine Georgia. I think I was drinking that night and had also counted Alaska. But, I figured slightly north of 300 and that puts me ahead of most of the pollsters (who didn't have a good year.., again) and put me ahead of all the trumpsters on this board. I'm satisfied.
I bet my buddy $20.00 on 306. I am feeling good about it. The money is no big deal compared to the win in itself.
Good job, my friend.
Congrats on the twenty spot. :TH_WAY~113:
That's cool. I had predicted around 313 in the electoral college a week before the election. It didn't get up that high and back then I guessed North Carolina would be blue, as I just could not imagine Georgia. I think I was drinking that night and had also counted Alaska. But, I figured slightly north of 300 and that puts me ahead of most of the pollsters (who didn't have a good year.., again) and put me ahead of all the trumpsters on this board. I'm satisfied.
I bet my buddy $20.00 on 306. I am feeling good about it. The money is no big deal compared to the win in itself.
Good job, my friend.
Congrats on the twenty spot. :TH_WAY~113:
It will go to charity. I give to The Salvation Army.
That's cool. I had predicted around 313 in the electoral college a week before the election. It didn't get up that high and back then I guessed North Carolina would be blue, as I just could not imagine Georgia. I think I was drinking that night and had also counted Alaska. But, I figured slightly north of 300 and that puts me ahead of most of the pollsters (who didn't have a good year.., again) and put me ahead of all the trumpsters on this board. I'm satisfied.
I bet my buddy $20.00 on 306. I am feeling good about it. The money is no big deal compared to the win in itself.
Good job, my friend.
Congrats on the twenty spot. :TH_WAY~113:
It will go to charity. I give to The Salvation Army.
We mostly do St. Jude and a couple of others. But, this year is going to be hard on the Salvation Army as I expect in-person shoppong to be significantly lower. They are a good choice for Christmas giving during the upcoming holiday season and we will not leave them out. :TH_WAY~113: Again! :)

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