Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

The 14th doesn't negate the 1st.

It's not even a 1A issue at all because the religious beliefs these people have isn't sincere. So that's how it becomes a 14A issue because there is no sincerity in the religious belief, just discrimination and bigotry.

Again, you don't get to decide that. The whole idea of free exercise is to protect religious beliefs and practices, even if other people don't like them.
So, can you show any threads where you've attacked any other religion or any Christians that were helpful to your marxist agenda, with similar hatred and bile to what you've shown here?.

Again, I say all religions are equally bad. I am not singling out Islam because there aren't muslims on this thread defending religious bigotry, just you shitty Christians.

I'd say the same thing to any religion that seeks to use insincerity to justify bigotry. The only reason I'm singling out Christians is because that is what we are talking about.

So what the fuck does Islam have to do with Christians refusing to bake a cake? Nothing. This is just you feeling like shit about yourself and what you're defending, so you have this compulsion to drag everyone else down in the mud with you. But guess what, if they're religious they're already down in the mud with you. SO this is just about you being "butt hurt" because you can't defend insincere Christians. Why? Because you are a piece of shit and so are they.

There have been plenty of threads about Muslims and islam and while the number of actual muslims are low, the number of people defending them and/or their positions or rights is high enough to have given you plenty of chances to express your hatred and bigotry against them.

But you have not.

Because you are LYING when you claim to be bigoted against all religions.
I'm arguing constitutional rights, you are trying to debate dogma I don't care about.

You're under the mistaken impression that insincerity is protected by the 1A. It's not. This isn't a 1A issue, this is a 14A issue. The first amendment doesn't extend to cover insincerity. That's why the courts have dealt defeat after defeat to the bigots.

I challenge the premise that you and these Christians even have sincerity in their beliefs. I don't think you do. I definitely don't think they do. Sincerity would mean they sincerely believe that their God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. But if baking a cake causes harm to their religious beliefs, then that means they're being insincere either about why they refuse to bake the cake, or why they're Christians in the first fucking place.

Watching you all avoid that topic while repeating "religious freedom" (which is a broad, ever-changing parameter that has gone through at least a half dozen revisions by you in this thread) without knowing the first thing about it. That in order to exercise religious freedumb you have to be sincere in your religious beliefs. Doesn't seem like any of you poseurs are.

The harm is when government forces you to do something you don't want to over someone else's hurt feelings.

To minimalize civil rights as "hurt feelings" merely exposes the insincerity of your whole fucking argument.

Which means you're just a fucking poseur and attention seeker. Pathetic.

There is no civil right to a specific wedding cake

And there's no religious liberty to it either. So shut up and bake the fucking cake. DO YOUR JOB.
Saying you hate all religions is not the same as DEMONSTRATING it as you have with your hatred of Christianity with page after page of hate and bigotry..

Fucking ridiculous. So you shift the goalposts again, in order to make you feel better about your own shitty position. I don't know what more you want from me to prove I hate all religions equally other than the 16 posts where I say I think all religions are equally bad.

At this point, you're just running on fumes because you recognize you've lost this argument. So you invent new standard after new standard, shift the goalposts, redefine the parameters to prove, what? That when I say I think all religions are stupid, I don't?

Bring in a muslim baker wanting to do the same thing as you bigots and I'll tell him exactly what I tell you; I don't buy your insincere bullshit, and get the fuck over yourself.

What's pathetic about you is that the only way you can feel better about yourself is if other people are dragged down into the shit with you.

Islam fucking sucks.

Judaism fucking sucks.

Christianity fucking sucks.

Hinduism fucking sucks.


The only reason I'm not attacking muslims on this thread is because it's only Christians who are screeching about it. But please, invite your muslim friend to join this thread and I'll tell him exactly what I'm telling you.

You talk about "butt hurt" but here you are, "butt hurt" that I'm being mean to Christians and not to the other religions who have no presence in this thread, and who I've already said 16 times are just as bad.

What a fucking pussy you turned out to be, huh!?

You suck as a human being. I mean, you really, really suck at it. I don't think I've ever seen someone so terrible at being a human being before. Except for maybe Ted Cruz.

I don't see the Right to have a cake baked by a certain baker in the constitution.

Then you're not understanding what the fuck you're reading...isn't that a possibility as to why you don't get it? Because you're functionally illiterate?

Here's Article 1 from the 14th Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

What that means is that you can't excuse religious bigotry for discrimination and legislate a "religious freedom" law that allows you to discriminate. Which is all you fucking people want to do.

So eat shit.
I'm arguing constitutional rights, you are trying to debate dogma I don't care about.

You're under the mistaken impression that insincerity is protected by the 1A. It's not. This isn't a 1A issue, this is a 14A issue. The first amendment doesn't extend to cover insincerity. That's why the courts have dealt defeat after defeat to the bigots.

I challenge the premise that you and these Christians even have sincerity in their beliefs. I don't think you do. I definitely don't think they do. Sincerity would mean they sincerely believe that their God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. But if baking a cake causes harm to their religious beliefs, then that means they're being insincere either about why they refuse to bake the cake, or why they're Christians in the first fucking place.

Watching you all avoid that topic while repeating "religious freedom" (which is a broad, ever-changing parameter that has gone through at least a half dozen revisions by you in this thread) without knowing the first thing about it. That in order to exercise religious freedumb you have to be sincere in your religious beliefs. Doesn't seem like any of you poseurs are.

The harm is when government forces you to do something you don't want to over someone else's hurt feelings.

To minimalize civil rights as "hurt feelings" merely exposes the insincerity of your whole fucking argument.

Which means you're just a fucking poseur and attention seeker. Pathetic.

There is no civil right to a specific wedding cake

And there's no religious liberty to it either. So shut up and bake the fucking cake. DO YOUR JOB.

Sincerity or not religious exercise is protected unless there is a compelling government interest. All that typing for a point I don't care about. Sad.

To equate hurt feelings with actual harm just shows all you have in an axe to grind with people you don't like, which is also sad.

They have a right to free exercise. This violates that right, and for no other reason than butt hurt, which is not constitutional.
Again, you don't get to decide that. The whole idea of free exercise is to protect religious beliefs and practices, even if other people don't like them.

And they don't get to decide what constitutes religious liberty either. And it's not free exercise of religion when it's overtly insincere. It just becomes an excuse.
Again, you don't get to decide that. The whole idea of free exercise is to protect religious beliefs and practices, even if other people don't like them.

And they don't get to decide what constitutes religious liberty either. And it's not free exercise of religion when it's overtly insincere. It just becomes an excuse.

yes, they do, as long as there is no compelling government interest.
I don't see the Right to have a cake baked by a certain baker in the constitution.

Then you're not understanding what the fuck you're reading...isn't that a possibility as to why you don't get it? Because you're functionally illiterate?

Here's Article 1 from the 14th Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

What that means is that you can't excuse religious bigotry for discrimination and legislate a "religious freedom" law that allows you to discriminate. Which is all you fucking people want to do.

So eat shit.

Sorry, you've been going on and on saying the same shit so long, I can't pretend that you believe the shit you are posting anymore.

I can't suspend disbelief enough to pay attention while I read your words.

I might give it another go tomorrow.

There have been plenty of threads about Muslims and islam and while the number of actual muslims are low, the number of people defending them and/or their positions or rights is high enough to have given you plenty of chances to express your hatred and bigotry against them.

Well, I'm picking on you because I'm on this thread. Seems to me like you want me out of this thread so you don't have to deal with me poking holes and pulling at the very threads of your faith and belief systems. Well, that shit ain't gonna work. I don't need to join a thread bashing insincere Christians do that already. If it comes up in this thread, I'll attack it. But we're talking about Christian bakers posturing their faith while you posture outrage. And I'm all here like, "WTF? You all are fucking idiots and losers."

But you have not.


You know what? Life's not fair. Get the fuck over yourself.

You are pathetic that you're trying to discredit my argument against your insincere beliefs by saying I don't post in anti-muslim threads, even though I've said 19 times now that I think all religions are equally shitty and bad.

So this is a standard you invented on the spot, so you don't have to answer for the insincerity of your beliefs.

Fuck. You.
Because you are LYING when you claim to be bigoted against all religions.

What's fucking pathetic about you is that you first claimed I never said I was bigoted against all religions. Then when I post four links and a terms search showing that is precisely what I've said before, you move the goalposts to whine like a whiny little bitch that I don't spend my time on these boards according to whatever fucking standard you're making up on the fly.

Eat a bag of shit. You're just a fucking whiny loser whose insincere arguments are so easily dismantled, you feel you have to screech about fairness as you sit there on your big, fat ass defending discrimination.

Seriously, fuck you. You're a loser and waste of oxygen. Make like your fellow disparate white brethren and drink yourself or shoot yourself up on heroin to death, already. You won't be missed.
There have been plenty of threads about Muslims and islam and while the number of actual muslims are low, the number of people defending them and/or their positions or rights is high enough to have given you plenty of chances to express your hatred and bigotry against them.

Well, I'm picking on you because I'm on this thread. Seems to me like you want me out of this thread so you don't have to deal with me poking holes and pulling at the very threads of your faith and belief systems. Well, that shit ain't gonna work. I don't need to join a thread bashing insincere Christians do that already. If it comes up in this thread, I'll attack it. But we're talking about Christian bakers posturing their faith while you posture outrage. And I'm all here like, "WTF? You all are fucking idiots and losers."

But you have not.


You know what? Life's not fair. Get the fuck over yourself.

You are pathetic that you're trying to discredit my argument against your insincere beliefs by saying I don't post in anti-muslim threads, even though I've said 19 times now that I think all religions are equally shitty and bad.

So this is a standard you invented on the spot, so you don't have to answer for the insincerity of your beliefs.

Fuck. You.

The point, obvious, that you know and are just pretending to miss, because you are a dishonest and bad person,

is that you are NOT just an anti-religion bigot, but a anti-Christian bigot.

Which has been demonstrated by your inability to show you being as hard on Islam as you are on Christians.
Because you are LYING when you claim to be bigoted against all religions.

What's fucking pathetic about you is that you first claimed I never said I was bigoted against all religions. Then when I post four links and a terms search showing that is precisely what I've said before, you move the goalposts to whine like a whiny little bitch that I don't spend my time on these boards according to whatever fucking standard you're making up on the fly.

Eat a bag of shit. You're just a fucking whiny loser whose insincere arguments are so easily dismantled, you feel you have to screech about fairness as you sit there on your big, fat ass defending discrimination.

Seriously, fuck you. You're a loser and waste of oxygen. Make like your fellow disparate white brethren and drink yourself or shoot yourself up on heroin to death, already. You won't be missed.

Said the hater.
Sincerity or not religious exercise is protected unless there is a compelling government interest. All that typing for a point I don't care about. Sad.

Actually, sincerity is at the heart of this because otherwise, you could just claim "religious exercise" for any action that breaks the law or violates the rights of others, and you don't even have to believe it yourself. That's a pretty dumb precedent to set, and is easily dismantled through the very simple line of questioning I said before.

And how is it a "religious exercise" to bake a cake? It's not. You haven't said it isn't. You've only vaguely spat out the 1A but you don't actually explain how it relates to the 1A. Only that because there's a mention of religion, it does. But this isn't a religious issue, clearly. This is a bigotry issue. Religion has nothing to do with this because their religion states God forgives their sins. So the rest of their argument is insincere bullshit.

To equate hurt feelings with actual harm just shows all you have in an axe to grind with people you don't like, which is also sad.

Discrimination is actual harm. The fact that you don't think so just shows how fucking shitty a human being you are. Or that you're a functional illiterate who doesn't know what words mean.

They have a right to free exercise.

So how is baking a cake an exercise of religion?
yes, they do, as long as there is no compelling government interest.

No, they actually don't. And that's why they've lost every fucking court case about it.

What's really sad is that you're here, defending insincere religious beliefs for no good reason.
Sorry, you've been going on and on saying the same shit so long, I can't pretend that you believe the shit you are posting anymore.

So whenever someone says this, it always means that they know their argument is shit, can't find a way to defend it, so you just pretend like it doesn't happen. Thing is, the questions I've posed aren't difficult just know that the answers given will cast you in a bad light, so it all comes down to optics with you people. Thing is, I don't even think you believe half the shit you just write it to make yourself feel better. Such a fucking snowflake.

Run along, whiny little bitch. Go see if you can find a way to justify bigotry without feeling shitty while doing so. SPOILER ALERT: there is no world, here or in the multiverse, where you won't feel like shit.

SI can't suspend disbelief enough to pay attention while I read your words.

Fucking hilarious. Another instance of plagiarism on your part. This time with the suspension of disbelief. What is it that you are in disbelief about? I think you used that phrase because I used it with you earlier, you thought it was clever, and were looking for a way to get it in your posts so you could look smarter than you actually are. So thanks for the validation that I write smart enough posts that you feel you have to grab from them, even though I don't need that validation because I'm not an insecure piece of shit like you.

What a fucking fraud you are. Pulling shit from others then hap-hazardly jamming it into your own incoherent posts.

Do like your white, pathetic, middle-aged Christian bretheren and drink yourself to death. You won't be missed.
Sorry, you've been going on and on saying the same shit so long, I can't pretend that you believe the shit you are posting anymore.

So whenever someone says this, it always means that they know their argument is shit, can't find a way to defend it,....d.

I've been defending my position fine.

You are the one that can't refute what I nor Marty say, and just keep repeating your initial assertion, see Logical Fallacy, Proof By Assertion.

The rest of your post was, near as I could tell from a quite glance, just more hate filled pap, blah, blah, blah.

I do note that your posts have become more concise. Good for you.

At least I think so. Maybe I guess got better at tuning out your hatred and bile.
The point, obvious, that you know and are just pretending to miss, because you are a dishonest and bad person,

Your point seems to be that my argument against your insincere religious beliefs isn't credible because I'm not directing an equal amount of vitriol toward islam in other, unrelated threads.

Which is a standard you just made up on the spot.

Admit it.
is that you are NOT just an anti-religion bigot, but a anti-Christian bigot.

Whiny little bitch Christian victimhood alert!

So you're saying the only way I can credibly say I hate all religions equally, and thus my argument about the insincerity of your religious beliefs, is to spend an equal (?), partial (?), amount of time on other threads attacking other religions?

Well that's a bullshit standard you just made up on the spot so you don't have to reconcile your insincere beliefs.

Fuck. You.

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