Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

The point, obvious, that you know and are just pretending to miss, because you are a dishonest and bad person,

Your point seems to be that my argument against your insincere religious beliefs isn't credible because I'm not directing an equal amount of vitriol toward islam in other, unrelated threads.

Which is a standard you just made up on the spot.

Admit it.

No, it was more of a judgement on your over all credibility and what type of bigot and hater you are.

Your position on the issue was refuted over and over against on other grounds, as you well know.


I recently bought a dog off of an amish woman. He husband was in the field literally plowing with a horse drawn plow.

I consider her beliefs to be absurd.

But I am not a bigot.

I was civil to her, she was civil to me, we did business, I spoke to her children who seemed interested to meet my child and we parted ways.

A very pleasant little interaction despite my complete disagreement with her religious beliefs.

Because I am NOT a bigot, and I feel no need to hassle her or draw a line between us, or even to judge her as an individual based on her religion and my view on it.

I can only imagine how you would have reacted to that situation.

Although, considering that there was a man near by who might have taken offense if you were rude to his wife or children, perhaps you would have been on far better behavior than you are online.
is that you are NOT just an anti-religion bigot, but a anti-Christian bigot.

Whiny little bitch Christian victimhood alert!

So you're saying the only way I can credibly say I hate all religions equally, and thus my argument about the insincerity of your religious beliefs, is to spend an equal (?), partial (?), amount of time on other threads attacking other religions?

Well that's a bullshit standard you just made up on the spot so you don't have to reconcile your insincere beliefs.

Fuck. You.

Just pointing out your obvious dishonesty and what a bad person you are.

I've been defending my position fine.

No you haven't.

You've changed the standards several times. You've whined that I have no credibility because I don't spend an (insert amount of time here that is appropriate that almost assuredly will change depending on how your argument is faring) amount of time attacking Islam the way I'm attacking you.

You are the one that can't refute what I nor Marty say, and just keep repeating your initial assertion, see Logical Fallacy, Proof By Assertion.

You're using that phrase completely fucking wrong. But OK. Thing is, you haven't said anything that can be refuted or confirmed. All you've said are weirdo, generalized comments you then walk back -sometimes in the very same post- while refusing to answer for the questions like;

How is baking a cake a religious act?
Does God not forgive your sins?
Did Jesus not die for your sins?
What do these bakers think will happen if they bake the cake?

Four pretty easy questions to answer, and you've chosen to answer none of them.

You expect me to believe that Christians are sincere about their faith in God's forgiveness, but also sincere in their faith that he doesn't forgive? Read that fucking question again and try and answer it.

The rest of your post was, near as I could tell from a quite glance, just more hate filled pap, blah, blah, blah.'s a post you don't want to reconcile because doing so would pretty much undermine your insincere faith and beliefs. So I get it. I get why you avoid and act like a coward.
Just pointing out your obvious dishonesty and what a bad person you are.

Actually, by coming up with an improvised standard, you're being the dishonest party here. You just made that standard up, didn't you? And you did it because you couldn't win the argument with me about the insincerity of religious beliefs, you couldn't win the argument with me that I think all religions are equally bad, and you couldn't win the argument that this is a 1A issue and not a 14A issue.

You couldn't refute any my arguments about Christianity and the insincerity of your faith and beliefs,

So you invent some imaginary, arbitrary standard that says you'll only consider what I have to say so long as I meet the impossible standard you've just invented on the spot. So you tried that tactic - attack my credibility- when my credibility has nothing to do with your insincerity. It's obvious why you're trying to tie the two together.

Say it with me...

Because you're a whiny little bitch

The end.
No you don't.

Ah, so now you're telling me how I feel. That's hilarious. Where is your moral authority to do that? Because it's been nothing but insincerity and bullshit from you.

You are the bigot here. A proud one.

You're not going to shame me by pointing out I'm bigoted against religion. I wear that as a badge of honor.

You hate me because I don't share YOUR bigotry and hatreds.

No, I hate you chiefly because you're a terrible human being. I hate you secondarily because you defend insincere religious bullshit while trying to abrogate responsibility for the positions you defend.

That's why I hate you, whiny little bitch.
I support their right to their position. Personally if I was a baker I would not feel the need to refuse working a SSM wedding. And Again, I don't care about why they don't want to do it, that's for them to figure out.

Their position is invalid and insincere. That's what you don't seem to get. You try to distance yourself from the hideousness of the position through semantics, but we know you share their position because you're here defending it. No, they do not have a right to use their religion to justify bigotry. Period. Full stop.

How is it invalid and insincere? Simple; they are Christians, so their God will forgive them for baking a cake. If their God doesn't, then they're not Christians. It's that fucking simple.

Again, not my call to make, nor yours, nor governments, without a compelling government interest.

Well, you keep ignoring that there is a compelling interest at hand, the interest of those being discriminated against because of insincere religious justifications. Justifications you and they refuse to defend, choosing instead to say they have that right. NO, they fucking don't have that right. That's why they are in court, where they've lost countless times already making the same shit argument you're making here. That's why it's been so easy for me to do this...the script's already been written. You're just not informed or literate enough to know it.

More of the same bull of you not being able to fathom another's viewpoint, due to your small little progressive mind.

Viewpoint? What viewpoint? The viewpoint that their God won't forgive them for baking a cake? Well, I thought their God forgave everyone for their sins. So baking a cake isn't something God forgives? How come?

The question is not material to the discussion. Talk to someone who believes that SSM is a sin for an answer to that.

You're the one here representing their beliefs, so their beliefs are your beliefs. This is what I was getting at earlier when I said I hate you specifically because you're a piece of shit. This defense of bigotry while saying you don't believe the bigotry is nonsensical bullshit. You're trying to have it both ways when the reality is you share the same "viewpoints" these loons do...that your religion gives you license to discriminate. It doesn't give you that license. Nothing does. Grow up and get the fuck over yourself.
Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.
Does God not forgive? Did Jesus not die for our sins?
Said the hater.

Said no Christian on this thread ever because they either think God doesn't forgive (which wouldn't make them Christians), or he does and this cake thing is just a cover for bigotry (which wouldn't make them good people).
I've been defending my position fine.

No you haven't.

You've changed the standards several times. You've whined that I have no credibility because I don't spend an (insert amount of time here that is appropriate that almost assuredly will change depending on how your argument is faring) amount of time attacking Islam the way I'm attacking you.

You are the one that can't refute what I nor Marty say, and just keep repeating your initial assertion, see Logical Fallacy, Proof By Assertion.

You're using that phrase completely fucking wrong. But OK. Thing is, you haven't said anything that can be refuted or confirmed. All you've said are weirdo, generalized comments you then walk back -sometimes in the very same post- while refusing to answer for the questions like;

How is baking a cake a religious act?
Does God not forgive your sins?
Did Jesus not die for your sins?
What do these bakers think will happen if they bake the cake?

Four pretty easy questions to answer, and you've chosen to answer none of them.

You expect me to believe that Christians are sincere about their faith in God's forgiveness, but also sincere in their faith that he doesn't forgive? Read that fucking question again and try and answer it.

[QUOTlE="Correll, post: 18226606, member: 53993"]The rest of your post was, near as I could tell from a quite glance, just more hate filled pap, blah, blah, blah.'s a post you don't want to reconcile because doing so would pretty much undermine your insincere faith and beliefs. So I get it. I get why you avoid and act like a coward.[/QUOTE]

We have had page after page after page of you spewing hatred and bile at Christians.

You try to "balance" that with a link to you SAYING that you hate all religions equally.

That is an epic fail on your part, bigot.
Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.

Awwww...did I huwt the poow widdle Chwistan's feewings, leaving them butt hurt? Poor babies! Someone get them a tub of crisco they can stuff in their fat mouths, stat!!!
Just pointing out your obvious dishonesty and what a bad person you are.

Actually, by coming up with an improvised standard, you're being the dishonest party here. You just made that standard up, didn't you? And you did it because you couldn't win the argument with me about the insincerity of religious beliefs, you couldn't win the argument with me that I think all religions are equally bad, and you couldn't win the argument that this is a 1A issue and not a 14A issue.

You couldn't refute any my arguments about Christianity and the insincerity of your faith and beliefs,

So you invent some imaginary, arbitrary standard that says you'll only consider what I have to say so long as I meet the impossible standard you've just invented on the spot. So you tried that tactic - attack my credibility- when my credibility has nothing to do with your insincerity. It's obvious why you're trying to tie the two together.

Say it with me...

Because you're a whiny little bitch

The end.

Your complaints about dogma and "sincerity" were completely irrelevant and that was repeatedly explained to you, you dishonest little prick.
No you don't.

Ah, so now you're telling me how I feel. That's hilarious. Where is your moral authority to do that? Because it's been nothing but insincerity and bullshit from you.

You are the bigot here. A proud one.

You're not going to shame me by pointing out I'm bigoted against religion. I wear that as a badge of honor.

You hate me because I don't share YOUR bigotry and hatreds.

No, I hate you chiefly because you're a terrible human being. I hate you secondarily because you defend insincere religious bullshit while trying to abrogate responsibility for the positions you defend.

That's why I hate you, whiny little bitch.

I base my judgement of you on your actions here in this thread.

It's pretty obvious that you are an anti-Christian bigot and a hater and a liar.
That isn't true. As a great person once said, "I don't agree with what you say, but I defend your with my life your right to say it".

Fuck. You.

Supporting the exercise of someone else's rights does not mean endorsing their position.

How is baking a cake an exercise of someone's religious rights? It's not. So your point is shit.

That is the problem with progressive's such as yourself, you can't actually support others expressing their own beliefs

How is baking a cake an expression of religious beliefs? And who the fuck are these people to say it is?

because you are so full of yourself you can't fathom someone thinking differently from you. That's the narcissism I've been talking about.

Thinking differently about bigotry? I'm sorry, when did bigotry become a thing that had two sides? They "think" that baking a cake is somehow a violation of their religious freedom, only they don't say how and refuse to even think about it. So this isn't an instance of people thinking differently, this is an instance of people NOT THINKING AT ALL. And you've proved it here when you don't think about the sincerity of these beliefs. When you don't think about the inherent contradiction between faith and this "religious exercise of bigotry". You just don't think. Which makes sense because in order to be religious, you have to suspend disbelief.

Defending freedoms means defending people you don't like. Anything else is just bull.

Not baking a cake because you don't like gay people isn't a freedom.

It is free exercise, you just don't like the exercise, and you bigoted little mind can't fathom just letting them do what they want.

Baking a cake is not an exercise in religion. You are trying to impose the standard that it is, then refuse to defend how it became that standard. That's because you're a shit person with shit beliefs and shit morals.
Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.
Does God not forgive? Did Jesus not die for our sins?
Said the hater.

Said no Christian on this thread ever because they either think God doesn't forgive (which wouldn't make them Christians), or he does and this cake thing is just a cover for bigotry (which wouldn't make them good people).

THe irrelevance of dogma to religious freedom has been repeatedly explained to you.

Your pretense otherwise is you being a liar.
Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.

Awwww...did I huwt the poow widdle Chwistan's feewings, leaving them butt hurt? Poor babies! Someone get them a tub of crisco they can stuff in their fat mouths, stat!!!

And that would be the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Your post is invalid, my point stands, and you are an asshole.

Fuck off and die, bigot.
Dogma : "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

So it's incontrovertibly true that baking a gay cake results in God not forgiving you, even though the dogma says God does?

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