Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.

Oh get over yourself. You're not a victim and neither are they. They haven't been victims since the days Christians were thrown to the lions.
Dogma : "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

So it's incontrovertibly true that baking a gay cake results in God not forgiving you, even though the dogma says God does?

I posted that quite a while ago when you seemed confused about what dogma was.

Your question is still just more of the same, ie you presenting your disagreement with Christian dogma as a rationalization for your desire to deprive them of Religious Freedom.

You lose.
Your pretense that you don't know how you have mocked and demonstrated hatred against Christians is noted and dismissed.

Oh get over yourself. You're not a victim and neither are they. They haven't been victims since the days Christians were thrown to the lions.

THat post was in reference to you being a bigot and a hater.

Your attempt to make it about Christians being "victims" is just you being dishonest. again.

Let me rephrase that.

You being dishonest STILL.

You are a bigot, a hater and a liar.
We have had page after page after page of you spewing hatred and bile at Christians.

What hatred and bile? All I've said is that I don't think their religious beliefs are sincere, and that their tenets undermine the case they're making against gay cakes.

How have I spewed hatred and bile in doing that? You're just being an oversensitive douche, seeking victimhood. Get over yourself.

You try to "balance" that with a link to you SAYING that you hate all religions equally.

So I say I hate all religions equally, and I also say I don't believe the sincerity of your arguments. So...what would you have me do other than post on other threads attacking Islam for an unspecified amount of time and posts in order to get you comfortable with the holes I poke in your belief system here? Really, it's a standard you invented on the spot to make yourself feel better.

What a whiny little bitch.
We have had page after page after page of you spewing hatred and bile at Christians.

What hatred and bile? All I've said is that I don't think their religious beliefs are sincere, and that their tenets undermine the case they're making against gay cakes.

How have I spewed hatred and bile in doing that? You're just being an oversensitive douche, seeking victimhood. Get over yourself.

You try to "balance" that with a link to you SAYING that you hate all religions equally.

So I say I hate all religions equally, and I also say I don't believe the sincerity of your arguments. So...what would you have me do other than post on other threads attacking Islam for an unspecified amount of time and posts in order to get you comfortable with the holes I poke in your belief system here? Really, it's a standard you invented on the spot to make yourself feel better.

What a whiny little bitch.

Your lies are noted and dismissed.

We already know that you are a liar.

And a bigot and a hater.
Your complaints about dogma and "sincerity" were completely irrelevant and that was repeatedly explained to you, you dishonest little prick.

You've only deemed them irrelevant (again, applying a standard on the fly) because they undermine your core beliefs and principles. So you take personal offense to that because you're a whiny little bitch.
I base my judgement of you on your actions here in this thread.

Of which you've applied a completely fabricated and improvised standard so you can feel better about yourself.

Fucking pathetic. What a loser.

It's pretty obvious that you are an anti-Christian bigot and a hater and a liar.

Not only am I anti-Christian, but I'm anti-Islam, anti-Judaism, anti-religion period. You are trying to pretend I'm not for no other reason than your own shitty, whiny little bitch ego.
I base my judgement of you on your actions here in this thread.

Of which you've applied a completely fabricated and improvised standard so you can feel better about yourself.

Fucking pathetic. What a loser.

It's pretty obvious that you are an anti-Christian bigot and a hater and a liar.

Not only am I anti-Christian, but I'm anti-Islam, anti-Judaism, anti-religion period. You are trying to pretend I'm not for no other reason than your own shitty, whiny little bitch ego.

As you are liar who can't support that claim, your lie is noted and dismissed.
THe irrelevance of dogma to religious freedom has been repeatedly explained to you.

No, you just keep redefining the parameters of what those things mean. And you do it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. Because you're a whiny little bitch.
More lies from the hater.

But it's true! You've invented and then redefined the standards for a couple things on this thread. From what constitutes "religious exercise" to what is an appropriate amount of posting about other religions in order for you to accept the religious argument I'm making here.

But that's what your kind always does; move the goalposts and expect others to chase you around them.

So your big "tell" is that when posed a question you can't answer, to spin that shit around on others so you can avoid the point and feel less bad about yourself.

Grow up.

You asked a question, I answered it.

You are trying to rationalize your bigotry and you are doing it badly.

Also, you are a hater, a bigot and a liar.
More lies from the hater.

But it's true! You've invented and then redefined the standards for a couple things on this thread. From what constitutes "religious exercise" to what is an appropriate amount of posting about other religions in order for you to accept the religious argument I'm making here.

But that's what your kind always does; move the goalposts and expect others to chase you around them.

No, you are the one wanted to use your dogma complaints as an excuse to deny them their rights.
I posted that quite a while ago when you seemed confused about what dogma was.

I'm only confused because you keep moving the goalposts as to what defines dogma. So I think you're doing that intentionally in order to try to find a red herring to make an issue out of so you don't have to answer to the issue discusses, or to your constant attempts to redefine the parameters of what you meant for the umpteenth time.

Your question is still just more of the same, ie you presenting your disagreement with Christian dogma as a rationalization for your desire to deprive them of Religious Freedom.

What exactly is it I'm disagreeing? Don't understand what argument you're trying to make. The disagreement that baking a cake is an exercise of religious freedom? Is that the parameters you are talking in now? If there is disagreement that baking a cake is a religious exercise then it is on you and them to prove how it is. You absolutely refuse to do that, preferring instead to simply take the word of these bigots that it is. But who the fuck are these bigots to make that determination? Shouldn't that determination be left to God!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You lose.

You need a win so bad that you literally have to convince yourself you're not a loser.
THat post was in reference to you being a bigot and a hater.

You keep trying to land this as a punch but I've already told you, I acknowledge I already am bigoted against religion. So this is just an exercise in you trying to feel better about yourself. Pathetic.

Your attempt to make it about Christians being "victims" is just you being dishonest. again.

Christians are not victims and never will be. Christians are victimizers and you defend their vicitmizing under the shady and fragile pretense of "religious freedom". A shady and fragile defense even you know is bullshit. Yet you make it anyway. Which makes you worse than those bigots. You say I'm a bad person, but here you are, making a fallacious argument knowingly. That is what being a bad person is. Bullshitting and lying to protect your precious feelings. Such a whiny little bitch.

Let me rephrase that.
You being dishonest STILL.
You are a bigot, a hater and a liar.

A bigot and hater or religion, yes. But a liar? How did I lie? You're the one who invents standards on the fly, then tries to apply those standards to others. That's "lying". You lie to me when you do that, but mostly you lie to yourself. I don't care if you lie to me, as I expect it at this point. But to lie to yourself like all in service of your ego.

Get over yourself.
Your lies are noted and dismissed.
We already know that you are a liar.
And a bigot and a hater.

You have the self-confidence of a slug, and the intellect of one too. I haven't lied about anything. You have, though. You lied when you invented standards on the spot that I have to meet in order for you to consider my posts. What a bunch of whiny little bitch bullshit.
As you are liar who can't support that claim, your lie is noted and dismissed.

Oh, I supported what I said. I linked to four posts and a terms search showing how I feel about religion. You lied to yourself and refused to accept that, choosing instead to invent standards on the fly so you could justify not acknowledging what I wrote about your insincere, shitty beliefs.

Go fuck yourself, loser.
I posted that quite a while ago when you seemed confused about what dogma was.

I'm only confused because you keep moving the goalposts as to what defines dogma. So I think you're doing that intentionally in order to try to find a red herring to make an issue out of so you don't have to answer to the issue discusses, or to your constant attempts to redefine the parameters of what you meant for the umpteenth time.

Your question is still just more of the same, ie you presenting your disagreement with Christian dogma as a rationalization for your desire to deprive them of Religious Freedom.

What exactly is it I'm disagreeing? Don't understand what argument you're trying to make. The disagreement that baking a cake is an exercise of religious freedom? Is that the parameters you are talking in now? If there is disagreement that baking a cake is a religious exercise then it is on you and them to prove how it is. You absolutely refuse to do that, preferring instead to simply take the word of these bigots that it is. But who the fuck are these bigots to make that determination? Shouldn't that determination be left to God!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You lose.

You need a win so bad that you literally have to convince yourself you're not a loser.

Yeah, we're done with all of that.

Your dogma argument has been repeatedly refuted and you've done nothing but play assertion logical fallacy games.

You want to deprive them of their rights because you are a bigot.
You asked a question, I answered it..

You didn't answer it, though. Not at all. Instead what you did was try to spin shit around on me. You have not answered the question of how and why baking a cake is a religious exercise. That question has gone unanswered.

Also unanswered is the question of sincerity. Since these people are Christians, how are we to accept the sincerity behind their "harm" at baking a cake when they say their own God forgives their sins? No answer to that fuckin' question.

Then when you demanded like a little fucking whiny bitch I produce links where I say I think all religions are dumb, I do so and you don't accept them...even though they're there in pixels on your computer screen. So you invent a new standard that says I have to spend a (insert arbitrary amount of time) amount of time attacking other religions so I can then attack the shitty one you are defending. Which, of course, is a bullshit standard you came up with to escape the other bullshit you were trying to say about how I'm not an equal oppurtinity offender, even though I've posted over 20 times now that I think all religions are equally bad and stupid. Hell, I linked to four posts from 19 days ago with me saying exactly that.

So you lied to yourself when you claimed I didn't do that, then you lied to yourself again when you invented a standard just so you don't have to address what I'm saying...even though you're posting in this thread and replying to me.

For fuck's sake, get a grip.

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