Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

I'm agnostic, personally I think most Humans are f*cking nuts, thinking they know what happens when you die.

So then I'm wondering why you tried to defend these bullshit religious arguments by invoking Communists, who have nothing to do with this? That was just you trolling the thread, wasn't it?
Obsessing about people killing themselves sure comes off as violent.

How was I "obsessing"? Is this just another Conservative lie by exaggeration intended to make you feel better about yourself?

No one cares about you. That's why if you did it, you'd be doing a good thing.
I'm agnostic, personally I think most Humans are f*cking nuts, thinking they know what happens when you die.

So then I'm wondering why you tried to defend these bullshit religious arguments by invoking Communists, who have nothing to do with this? That was just you trolling the thread, wasn't it?

You're begging for mercy for me to stop attacking your beloved Communist butchers?
SO WHAT? You're a bigot too. Few people can honestly claim they carry no bias against anything.

Difference is that Trump is President. So he is held to a higher standard. Unless you think we should lower our expectations of our leaders. Is that what you think?
Obsessing about people killing themselves sure comes off as violent.

How was I "obsessing"? Is this just another Conservative lie by exaggeration intended to make you feel better about yourself?

No one cares about you. That's why if you did it, you'd be doing a good thing.

Spiteful, vindictive Jew, who knew?
You're begging for mercy for me to stop attacking your beloved Communist butchers?

I never said I loved them, and you only invoked them because you recognized the previous arguments in this thread were chopped to bits. And you have a compulsion of not being able to let things go, and how you and what you believe is perceived. That's how fucking insecure you are and why I suggested you do the honorable thing and depart.

So eat shit.
You're begging for mercy for me to stop attacking your beloved Communist butchers?

I never said I loved them, and you only invoked them because you recognized the previous arguments in this thread were chopped to bits. And you have a compulsion of not being able to let things go, and how you and what you believe is perceived. That's how fucking insecure you are and why I suggested you do the honorable thing and depart.

So eat shit.

Desperate lunatic who types a lot to say so little, with feral tid-bits dominating your scene.
Desperate lunatic who types a lot to say so little, with feral tid-bits dominating your scene.

I'm so glad you don't support violence. LOLOL

Oh, I'm no liberal. Liberals believe in peace and love and all that shit. I believe in punching and killing Nazis...because that's what we did 80 years ago and you've had to live with that humiliation your whole fucking life.

Seriously...what's stopping you from doing the thing? Come know you're going to eventually anyway because your life is so awful.
I'm so glad you don't support violence. LOLOL

Oh, I'm no liberal. Liberals believe in peace and love and all that shit. I believe in punching and killing Nazis...because that's what we did 80 years ago and you've had to live with that humiliation your whole fucking life.

Seriously...what's stopping you from doing the thing? Come know you're going to eventually anyway because your life is so awful.

I'm not a Nazi though, they did enormous damage to Europe, and I don't support harming anyone, especially not on the offensive.
So, it's okay that Communists killed many, because they baked cakes for Gays?

Now you're just being a sophist. Communists have nothing to do with this, but we know you have to make them a part of this because that way you don't have to answer for the shit you really support and believe.


You are the one that made the claim that Christians had not been victims since, I believe being thrown to the lions? or some such shit?

Sobieski has made a valid counter point to that incorrect claim on your part, and you are, again.

No, strike that, STILL, being such a dishonest ass that you can't admit it.

You lose.
Well, you sure sound like the atheist supremacist Communist butchers.

No I don't. You're just saying this because that way, you don't have to feel like shit for being a shitty person.

Kill yourself. It's the only good thing you will ever do with your life.

No, he's certainly right about that. Your hatred of Christians and your desire to jail them and deprive them of open worship, and your desire to commit violence on those you pretend to think are "nazis"...

You really do come across as a want a be commie butcher.
I support their right to their position. Personally if I was a baker I would not feel the need to refuse working a SSM wedding. And Again, I don't care about why they don't want to do it, that's for them to figure out.

Their position is invalid and insincere. That's what you don't seem to get. You try to distance yourself from the hideousness of the position through semantics, but we know you share their position because you're here defending it. No, they do not have a right to use their religion to justify bigotry. Period. Full stop.

How is it invalid and insincere? Simple; they are Christians, so their God will forgive them for baking a cake. If their God doesn't, then they're not Christians. It's that fucking simple.

Again, not my call to make, nor yours, nor governments, without a compelling government interest.

Well, you keep ignoring that there is a compelling interest at hand, the interest of those being discriminated against because of insincere religious justifications. Justifications you and they refuse to defend, choosing instead to say they have that right. NO, they fucking don't have that right. That's why they are in court, where they've lost countless times already making the same shit argument you're making here. That's why it's been so easy for me to do this...the script's already been written. You're just not informed or literate enough to know it.

More of the same bull of you not being able to fathom another's viewpoint, due to your small little progressive mind.

Viewpoint? What viewpoint? The viewpoint that their God won't forgive them for baking a cake? Well, I thought their God forgave everyone for their sins. So baking a cake isn't something God forgives? How come?

The question is not material to the discussion. Talk to someone who believes that SSM is a sin for an answer to that.

You're the one here representing their beliefs, so their beliefs are your beliefs. This is what I was getting at earlier when I said I hate you specifically because you're a piece of shit. This defense of bigotry while saying you don't believe the bigotry is nonsensical bullshit. You're trying to have it both ways when the reality is you share the same "viewpoints" these loons do...that your religion gives you license to discriminate. It doesn't give you that license. Nothing does. Grow up and get the fuck over yourself.

And you don't seem to get that you don't get to decide what is sincere or not. Sorry wibble snowflake.

Appeal to authority again. fail.

again, not material to the discussion.

Supporting their right to an opinion or view is not supporting that view.

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