Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

No, you are the one wanted to use your dogma complaints as an excuse to deny them their rights.

Not baking a gay cake isn't a right. And you have yet to explain how baking a cake is an exercise of religion. You say you did, but scanning through the thread, you haven't. You've just said that because they say it is, that means you think it is. But who are they to say it is? Shouldn't God be the authority on that one? What does God say about cake baking and forgiveness? Oh he says nothing because he doesn't fucking exist.
Your dogma argument has been repeatedly refuted and you've done nothing but play assertion logical fallacy games.

So you've latched onto this without even knowing what the fuck you're saying.

What is the dogma argument I am making and how has it been refuted? Because the only argument you're making is that it's a religious exercise to bake a cake, just because those bigots say so.

So why is it you take their word for it, yet I have to post on threads about other religions for you to take mine?

Because you're a whiny little bitch, that's why.

You want to deprive them of their rights because you are a bigot.

Not baking a cake isn't a right and you've yet to explain how it is beyond saying it is because the bigots say so. Well, what the bigots say has no bearing on this, and thus, why I question the sincerity of it.
THat post was in reference to you being a bigot and a hater.

You keep trying to land this as a punch but I've already told you, I acknowledge I already am bigoted against religion. So this is just an exercise in you trying to feel better about yourself. Pathetic.

Your attempt to make it about Christians being "victims" is just you being dishonest. again.

Christians are not victims and never will be. Christians are victimizers and you defend their vicitmizing under the shady and fragile pretense of "religious freedom". A shady and fragile defense even you know is bullshit. Yet you make it anyway. Which makes you worse than those bigots. You say I'm a bad person, but here you are, making a fallacious argument knowingly. That is what being a bad person is. Bullshitting and lying to protect your precious feelings. Such a whiny little bitch.

Let me rephrase that.
You being dishonest STILL.
You are a bigot, a hater and a liar.

A bigot and hater or religion, yes. But a liar? How did I lie? You're the one who invents standards on the fly, then tries to apply those standards to others. That's "lying". You lie to me when you do that, but mostly you lie to yourself. I don't care if you lie to me, as I expect it at this point. But to lie to yourself like all in service of your ego.

Get over yourself.

Yes a liar, as was demonstrated by your actions.

I already addressed your victim nonsense.
No, you are the one wanted to use your dogma complaints as an excuse to deny them their rights.

Not baking a gay cake isn't a right. And you have yet to explain how baking a cake is an exercise of religion. You say you did, but scanning through the thread, you haven't. You've just said that because they say it is, that means you think it is. But who are they to say it is? Shouldn't God be the authority on that one? What does God say about cake baking and forgiveness? Oh he says nothing because he doesn't fucking exist.

Yeah, that was covered by other posters who care more about dogma than I do.

Your pretense that it was not, is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion against, liar.
Yes a liar, as was demonstrated by your actions.

Ah...I my "actions". How so? I said 4 times 19 days ago in an unrelated thread that I thought all religions were stupid. So it seems like you're the one lying here by pretending I never said that.

So first you demanded I prove that I said all religions are equally bad...setting a brand-new standard that you just came up with in the moment. Then after providing you with 16 instances where I said that, you invent another new standard that says I have to have posted in other threads about other religions, even though I posted in other threads I thought all religions were dumb.

So in that scenario you moved the goalposts because you didn't bother to think about how there's a way to search through people's posts. Or you're just too lazy to do that. So in your mind, unless I attack other religions as much as I attack yours, I am picking out your religion only. And that's a whiny little bitch thing to say because all it does is express how shitty you feel about your own position and me going after it.

Then you fucking go and lie about it.

Eat shit, loser
Yeah, that was covered by other posters who care more about dogma than I do..

No it wasn't. Please, show me where it was because I looked through this thread twice to find an explanation and none of you provided one.

What your explanation seems to come down to is that baking is a "religious exercise" simply because these bigots say so. Well, who are they to make that determination? Isn't that God's determination to make? What is it called when someone presumptuously speaks for God? BLASPHEMY.

Your pretense that it was not, is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion against, liar.

Again, you're using phrases incorrectly in order to evade and avoid having to answer for your bullshit. Just because some bigot says something, doesn't make it so. And I find it bizarre that you take what those bigots say at face value, yet invent standard upon standard for me.

Whiny. Little. Bitch.
THat post was in reference to you being a bigot and a hater.

You keep trying to land this as a punch but I've already told you, I acknowledge I already am bigoted against religion. So this is just an exercise in you trying to feel better about yourself. Pathetic.

Your attempt to make it about Christians being "victims" is just you being dishonest. again.

Christians are not victims and never will be. Christians are victimizers and you defend their vicitmizing under the shady and fragile pretense of "religious freedom". A shady and fragile defense even you know is bullshit. Yet you make it anyway.

Millions of Catholics, and Orthodox Christians were killed by Soviet atheists, many whom were ethnic Jews like you.
Millions of Catholics, and Orthodox Christians were killed by Soviet atheists, many whom were ethnic Jews like you.

Communists aren't the ones who are trying to say they don't have to bake cakes simply because they say so.

Let's stay on topic, tool of Putin, mmmkay?
Millions of Catholics, and Orthodox Christians were killed by Soviet atheists, many whom were ethnic Jews like you.

Communists aren't the ones who are trying to say they don't have to bake cakes simply because they say so.

Let's stay on topic, tool of Putin, mmmkay?

So, it's okay that Communists killed many, because they baked cakes for Gays?

Even if that were true, which it is not, actually Communist countries in general had poor Gay rights.

What kind of deplorable thinks killing is more acceptable than refusing to bake a cake?
So, it's okay that Communists killed many, because they baked cakes for Gays?

Now you're just being a sophist. Communists have nothing to do with this, but we know you have to make them a part of this because that way you don't have to answer for the shit you really support and believe.

SEven if that were true, which it is not, actually Communist countries in general had poor Gay rights.

That's funny because you all accuse the Communists on the left of wanting to turn everyone gay with their "gay agenda".

So what it seems like is that you are confused by your own fucking position. Get a grip, loser.

What kind of deplorable thinks killing is more acceptable than refusing to bake a cake?

Never said it was, this is just you trying to be a sophist because you have nothing better to do with yourself.

I have a suggestion for what you can do to alleviate your boredom:

So, it's okay that Communists killed many, because they baked cakes for Gays?

Now you're just being a sophist. Communists have nothing to do with this, but we know you have to make them a part of this because that way you don't have to answer for the shit you really support and believe.

SEven if that were true, which it is not, actually Communist countries in general had poor Gay rights.

That's funny because you all accuse the Communists on the left of wanting to turn everyone gay with their "gay agenda".

So what it seems like is that you are confused by your own fucking position. Get a grip, loser.

What kind of deplorable thinks killing is more acceptable than refusing to bake a cake?

Never said it was, this is just you trying to be a sophist because you have nothing better to do with yourself.

I have a suggestion for what you can do to alleviate your boredom:


Well, you sure sound like the atheist supremacist Communist butchers.

That's why it's relevant.
So, it's okay that Communists killed many, because they baked cakes for Gays?
Even if that were true, which it is not, actually Communist countries in general had poor Gay rights.
What kind of deplorable thinks killing is more acceptable than refusing to bake a cake?

So this avowed fascist right here is doing something that most people on the right-wing who are Conservatives (or pretending to be something else for the sake of their egos) do; try to find a moral equivalence argument so they can be more secure in their own shitty bile.

Doesn't work with me. Kill yourself. That's all you can do at this point that will have any meaningful impact on discourse. I don't care how you do it...just do it already. We know that's where you're headed anyway.
So, it's okay that Communists killed many, because they baked cakes for Gays?
Even if that were true, which it is not, actually Communist countries in general had poor Gay rights.
What kind of deplorable thinks killing is more acceptable than refusing to bake a cake?

So this avowed fascist right here is doing something that most people on the right-wing who are Conservatives (or pretending to be something else for the sake of their egos) do; try to find a moral equivalence argument so they can be more secure in their own shitty bile.

Doesn't work with me. Kill yourself. That's all you can do at this point that will have any meaningful impact on discourse. I don't care how you do it...just do it already. We know that's where you're headed anyway.

You come off as very violent, go seek help.
Well, you sure sound like the atheist supremacist Communist butchers.

No I don't. You're just saying this because that way, you don't have to feel like shit for being a shitty person.

Kill yourself. It's the only good thing you will ever do with your life.
You come off as very violent, go seek help.

Me? Violent? How is suggesting you kill yourself "violent". It's not. It's just a standard you invented on the spot to make you feel better about yourself.

If that's what you have to do on a message board to gain self-confidence, what's the point? Just fucking end it, dude.
Savage retard.

Fascists should just kill themselves anyway because they're just going to get dropped with one punch and have to live with that humiliation like this guy:


I don't know about you, but I could watch that GIF all day long.

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