Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people
this is nothing compared to what Trump has done
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

"Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people"

Looks like an idiots train of though to me where the faulty conclusion winds up being....

that's the exact train of thought you people had with Trump and Charlottesville
Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people
this is nothing compared to what Trump has done
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

"Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people"

Looks like an idiots train of though to me where the faulty conclusion winds up being....

that's the exact train of thought you people had with Trump and Charlottesville
You would have to be illiterate to believe that was true and you have proven you are illiterate.
you say the bakers must bake the cakes but you don't care if people refuse to conduct their business with a trump.

Sexuality isn't a choice. Marrying Trump is. Marrying Trump isn't a status protected by the 14th Amendment or Civil Rights Laws.

pretty telling you don't care if trump is refused service. but you do care if gays, or likely almost anyone else would be.

Trump is making the choice to be an asshole racist. Nobody chooses to be gay. If you cannot make that distinction, then something is wrong with you.
1. you said a business. get a membership and you can do what you want with your business. i'm simply applying YOUR standards evenly. you're the one going BUT WAIT - THIS IS DIFFERENT for no other reason than it's how YOU feel about it.

and sexuality is a choice. you can choose to simply not participate. didn't you even bring that up earlier?

and your emo-state of mind matters not in the world of laws and justice. you say a person can be bound to feeling attracted to the same sex but can't be attracted to feeling the need for a higher power, or a God in their lives. you can always choose against what feels normal to you - that goes for us all.

but you're trying to make 1 side ok and give them a different set of rules. if we can disallow people from shopping at a store for your reasons, then we must allow it for other reasons also.

fucking hypocrites.
Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people
this is nothing compared to what Trump has done
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

"Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people"

Looks like an idiots train of though to me where the faulty conclusion winds up being....

that's the exact train of thought you people had with Trump and Charlottesville
You would have to be illiterate to believe that was true and you have proven you are illiterate.
blacks hate whites and hate America--just like MObama
Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people
this is nothing compared to what Trump has done
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

"Obama is with BLM
BLM wants to KILL white people"

Looks like an idiots train of though to me where the faulty conclusion winds up being....

that's the exact train of thought you people had with Trump and Charlottesville
You would have to be illiterate to believe that was true and you have proven you are illiterate.
blacks hate whites and hate America--just like MObama
Are you going to cry now that you believe that?
Obama is with BLM

Well, BLM isn't an organization, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

BLM: We want police to stop killing black people
Nazis: We want genocide
You: I cannot tell these two apart
Me: ::facepalm::
Obama is with BLM

Well, BLM isn't an organization, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

BLM: We want police to stop killing black people
Nazis: We want genocide
You: I cannot tell these two apart
Me: ::facepalm::
Sad thing is that they will convince some Blacks to be leery of siding with BLM. Personally I think its time that could be better spent instead of worrying about what white people think.
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.

Provide proof that Trump is a bigot.
Here ya go.

Donald Trump Clung to ‘Birther’ Lie for Years, and Still Isn’t Apologetic
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.

Provide proof that Trump is a bigot.
Here ya go.

Donald Trump Clung to ‘Birther’ Lie for Years, and Still Isn’t Apologetic
  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Obama is with BLM

Well, BLM isn't an organization, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

BLM: We want police to stop killing black people
Nazis: We want genocide
You: I cannot tell these two apart
Me: ::facepalm::
you just discredited your argument
police are not killing black people--they are shooting people in self defense
race has NOTHING to do with the shootings--you CANNOT prove otherwise
1. you said a business. get a membership and you can do what you want with your business.

Right, it's something you pay membership fees for that doesn't then charge for the service produced. Why is this hard for you to grasp?

i'm simply applying YOUR standards evenly.

No, you're not because you don't even understand what you're saying. Designers not wanting to dress Melania isn't a violation of Melania's civil rights.

you're the one going BUT WAIT - THIS IS DIFFERENT for no other reason than it's how YOU feel about it.

Well, this gets back to the issue with you; that you think homosexuality is a choice. So we can't have an honest discussion about this because you're not being honest about the topic.

and sexuality is a choice.

Really? So when did you choose to be straight? Was it a choice you made fully informed? Meaning, did you try being gay for a while before making a final choice to be straight? No. You didn't, did you?

you can choose to simply not participate. didn't you even bring that up earlier?

What are you talking about? Choose to participate in what? Huh? Your posts have devolved to a simplistic game of contrarianism that is supported by idiocy and stupidity and denial. In order for your argument to make sense, you have to convince yourself that sexuality is a choice. So you're lying to yourself in order to make a lying point on the board to me. Fuck you.

and your emo-state of mind matters not in the world of laws and justice. you say a person can be bound to feeling attracted to the same sex but can't be attracted to feeling the need for a higher power, or a God in their lives. you can always choose against what feels normal to you - that goes for us all.

Sexuality isn't a choice. You actively choose to believe in magic cloud beings. If you cannot make that distinction, then you are the one with psychological problems here. Secondly, the emo whiners are those like you who lament the poor bigots who are brought to court and humiliated for having their bigoted beliefs. So all the whining you're doing here is exactly why I am calling you a whiny little bitch. You seem to be working from the assumption that humans inherently need a higher power (and let's save the discussion for why you have that need for another thread because that's a whole separate discussion about your inadequacies, moral and intellectual laziness, sloppiness, and sophistry). Is there a biological imperative for you to believe in God? I'm interested to know why you think believing in God is of the same biological imperative as sexuality? God isn't real. You learn about God the same time you learn about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy...yet you don't believe in those three things as an adult, so why believe in the fourth. Also, belief in God is just that -a belief. Sexuality isn't a belief system. And because you think it is, I think you have serious mental deficiencies. Your brain is simply not developed enough to process these things...probably because your family tree looks like a stump.

but you're trying to make 1 side ok and give them a different set of rules.

You are arguing homosexuality is a belief system when you try to equate it with religion. It's not. You don't "believe" in being gay. You either are or you aren't (unless you subscribe to the Kinsey scale, which posits that sexuality is fluid).

if we can disallow people from shopping at a store for your reasons, then we must allow it for other reasons also.

Stop being such a whiny little bitch.
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.

Provide proof that Trump is a bigot.
Here ya go.

Donald Trump Clung to ‘Birther’ Lie for Years, and Still Isn’t Apologetic
  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Drumpf is intolerant of Obama knowing for a fact he was a US citizen.

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