Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Because you can pretend all you want you are a different gender and get surgery

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say you have no fucking clue what you're saying. You are trying to pretend that gender fluidity is the same thing as transsexualism, but it isn't. We cannot have an honest conversation about this because you are not informed on this subject. Gender fluidity is a dynamic mix of gender that changes over time yet incorporates both genders into one identity. Transsexualism is literally someone who identifies as one gender, but is in fact another. This is basic stuff that any informed person should know. So you're just not as informed as you think you are.

to prolong that concept, but you can never actually change it. Sexual orientation, on the other hand involves feelings and actions, and those are far easier to change than your DNA or biology.

This is all off the top of your head. You simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Honestly I don't care if people ar fluid, I only care when they FORCE me or others to care OR ELSE.

No one is forcing you to care. You're just being asked to "accept" it. Just like how we have to accept that you drag your knuckles when you walk, or breathe through your mouth. Seriously, how fucking hard is it to simply accept someone's sexuality or gender fluidity? Not fucking hard at all. Not accepting it means there's something psychologically wrong with you. That someone else's gender identity or sexual orientation somehow has an impact on your personal life. Whiny. Little. Bitch. That's what you are.

No, you reserve your judgement for people you disapprove of politically or religiously. My my what a fucking hypocrite you are.

I will judge the shit out of religion because being religious is a choice. Being Conservative is a choice. These are choices you make. I am not in the mood to accommodate your choices over something someone doesn't have a choice. Get over yourself, you insecure little whiner.
The Civil rights act is actually not being used in these cases.

Stop. Just...stop. This is getting embarrassing. Yes, the CRA is most certainly being used in these cases, as it's not only a CRA issue, but also a 14th Amendment issue. Why are you so determined to re-litigate these fights? The only answer that makes any sense is that you're a bigot.

as it does not cover things like contracted sales as PA's. It's the State laws that overreach, and why these people are being ruined by hateful assholes like you over not wanting to bake a cake.

How is a business being injured when it refuses business? The injury is to the customer, not the business.

If you are going to debate something, try to be more informed.

Shut your fat fucking mouth you whiny little bitch. The whole fluidity/transsexual thing is evidence enough that you don't know shit, but you're trying to pretend you do for the sake of your fucking ego on a message board.

Get. Over. Yourself.
/-----/ Actually he wasn't. His father's company was charged with discrimination not racism. Charges were dropped. You lie and distort with the best of democRATS
Are you that thick to think there is a difference between racial discrimination and racism? Do you think people are as dumb as you?
/-----/ Actually he wasn't. His father's company was charged with discrimination not racism. Charges were dropped. You lie and distort with the best of democRATS
Are you that thick to think there is a difference between racial discrimination and racism? Do you think people are as dumb as you?
/----/ once again numbnuts, Donald Trump has been in the public eye for 30 years (1986 - 2016) and never called a racist until he ran against a democrat who speaks in negro dialect.
/----/ once again numbnuts, Donald Trump has been in the public eye for 30 years (1986 - 2016) and never called a racist until he ran against a democrat who speaks in negro dialect.
Who? The only black man who he ran against was a Republican.
so - it's cool to tell someone they're pulling stuff off the top of their head and are stupid.

Yes, because you're an asshole.

but ok for you to turn around and do it.

How did I do that? By pointing out the Kinsey scale? You'll notice I didn't make that central to my argument. My argument is that if it's so hard for you to accept someone else's sexual orientation or gender identity, then you have the psychological problems, not anyone else. Get over yourself you whiny little bitch.
Because you can pretend all you want you are a different gender and get surgery to prolong that concept, but you can never actually change it. Sexual orientation, on the other hand involves feelings and actions, and those are far easier to change than your DNA or biology.

Gender fluidity and transsexualism are not the same thing. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

Only Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops are usually celibate, most other denominations encourage their clergy to marry. Hell in Orthodox Judaism its almost a requirement.

Most denominations support sex outside marriage? Really? Since when?

Honestly I don't care if people ar fluid, I only care when they FORCE me or others to care OR ELSE.

No one is forcing you to care. You're just being asked to accept it. I don't care about religion, but I accept that people are religious. And unlike sexuality, religion is a choice.

No, you reserve your judgement for people you disapprove of politically or religiously. My my what a fucking hypocrite you are.

What a whiny. Little. Bitch.
/----/ once again numbnuts, Donald Trump has been in the public eye for 30 years (1986 - 2016) and never called a racist until he ran against a democrat who speaks in negro dialect.

Ehhhh...maybe. I think Trump did a lot to cultivate his image and how he was portrayed because he's a TV personality.
Only Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops are usually celibate, most other denominations encourage their clergy to marry. Hell in Orthodox Judaism its almost a requirement.
Orthodox Christian priests can be married, and I'm quite sure patriarchs can also, as they were regular priests earlier. Only monks can't.

And? What does this prove? Melania chose to marry that racist shitgoblin.

you were ON FIRE at this rally man. telling people they had to make the dresses in shit. you were on your A GAME to be sure!!!

WTF? Did you smoke a big ol' bag of crack before posting? Organize your thoughts.
you say the bakers must bake the cakes but you don't care if people refuse to conduct their business with a trump.

and you missed my sarcasm. why am i not surprised.

pretty telling you don't care if trump is refused service. but you do care if gays, or likely almost anyone else would be.

how do they define hypocrisy in your world?
What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.

So if we ignore Nazis, they will go away? How'd that work out for Europe in the 1920's and 30's? Not too well.

What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
you say the bakers must bake the cakes but you don't care if people refuse to conduct their business with a trump.

Sexuality isn't a choice. Marrying Trump is. Marrying Trump isn't a status protected by the 14th Amendment or Civil Rights Laws.

pretty telling you don't care if trump is refused service. but you do care if gays, or likely almost anyone else would be.

Trump is making the choice to be an asshole racist. Nobody chooses to be gay. If you cannot make that distinction, then something is wrong with you.

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