Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Not approving of a lifestyle is not being bigoted. Actions are required.

Firstly, it's not a "lifestyle", it's their sexual orientation. And who gives a shit whether or not he "approves of it". I don't approve of the Mormon lifestyle, but I'm not the one here trying to legislate Mormonism.

Well progressives seem to care a ton about people approving of it, OR ELSE.

otherwise known as "bake that fucking cake, you peasant"
The only action required is to be intolerant. A dictionary would help you out in the future.

And why should anyone be tolerant of their intolerance?


Karl popper is a pompous ass.

What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.
Well progressives seem to care a ton about people approving of it, OR ELSE.

You haven't been paying attention because it's not about "approval", it's about "acceptance". Conservatives don't accept homosexuality (mostly because of their religious lifestyles). You don't even accept that homosexuality isn't a choice, so we can't have an honest conversation about this because you enter into the debate on a position that is pure fallacy to begin with.

otherwise known as "bake that fucking cake, you peasant"

Too bad Civil Rights laws apply to business.[/QUOTE]
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Well progressives seem to care a ton about people approving of it, OR ELSE.

You haven't been paying attention because it's not about "approval", it's about "acceptance". Conservatives don't accept homosexuality (mostly because of their religious lifestyles). You don't even accept that homosexuality isn't a choice, so we can't have an honest conversation about this because you enter into the debate on a position that is pure fallacy to begin with.

otherwise known as "bake that fucking cake, you peasant"

Too bad Civil Rights laws apply to business.

First, learn to quote.

Second, I thought the whole new thing is gender fluidity, which equates to sexual fluidity. You idiots have to make your mind up. Also one size fits all is a tired concept. For some they may be same sex exclusive, others bisexual and don't care. Again, it can be a choice, or it might not be.

1st amendment rights trump civil rights depending on the interest of the government.
What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.

So if we ignore Nazis, they will go away? How'd that work out for Europe in the 1920's and 30's? Not too well.
What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.

So if we ignore Nazis, they will go away? How'd that work out for Europe in the 1920's and 30's? Not too well.

What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"
Second, I thought the whole new thing is gender fluidity, which equates to sexual fluidity.

No, it doesn't. You thought wrong. Gender fluidity and sexual fluidity are not the same thing. For instance, Mike Pence likes to wear stilettos and cocktail dresses, yet he is still heterosexual. Because his gender may be fluid doesn't change his sexuality. You can be gender fluid and straight. You can be gender fluid and gay. You can be gender fluid and bisexual. Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

You idiots have to make your mind up.

The issue is settled. You're the one who doesn't seem to grasp these distinctions. That's not my problem.

Also one size fits all is a tired concept. For some they may be same sex exclusive, others bisexual and don't care. Again, it can be a choice, or it might not be.

Sexual orientation is not a choice. When did you decide to be straight? And did you make an informed choice to be straight? Meaning, did you try homosexuality? I'm guessing no.

1st amendment rights trump civil rights depending on the interest of the government.

Whiny bullshit.
/----/ Do you actually read the links you post? "As far as the lawsuit, yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company, had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens, and we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country -- it was a federal lawsuit -- were sued," Trump said. "We settled the suit with zero -- with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do."

Indeed, both parties settled in 1975 after a protracted legal battle. Trump claimed victory, writing in his 1987 memoir, Art of the Deal: "In the end, the government couldn’t prove its case, and we ended up taking a minor settlement without admitting any guilt"
Do you actually remember what you claimed idiot? Your words not mine. :laugh:

"30 years in the public eye and not one charge of racism until he ran against a White Democrat who speaks in a negro dialect."

See? No matter how hard you deflect I will always catch you in your lies because your intellect is inferior to mine. Its sad I have to repeatedly make you look the ass.
/----/ Trump was never found guilty of racism. Nice try though buttercup
But he was charged with racism you silly little monkey.
/----/ Do you actually read the links you post? "As far as the lawsuit, yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company, had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens, and we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country -- it was a federal lawsuit -- were sued," Trump said. "We settled the suit with zero -- with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do."

Indeed, both parties settled in 1975 after a protracted legal battle. Trump claimed victory, writing in his 1987 memoir, Art of the Deal: "In the end, the government couldn’t prove its case, and we ended up taking a minor settlement without admitting any guilt"
Do you actually remember what you claimed idiot? Your words not mine. :laugh:

"30 years in the public eye and not one charge of racism until he ran against a White Democrat who speaks in a negro dialect."

See? No matter how hard you deflect I will always catch you in your lies because your intellect is inferior to mine. Its sad I have to repeatedly make you look the ass.
/----/ Trump was never found guilty of racism. Nice try though buttercup
But he was charged with racism you silly little monkey when you said he wasnt.
/-----/ Actually he wasn't. His father's company was charged with discrimination not racism. Charges were dropped. You lie and distort with the best of democRATS
He was legally charged with discrimination and he was named. You claimed he was never charged with racism which actually isnt a legal charge. He was charged with racism on plenty of occasions before he ran for office. Youre just upset you got caught lying.
/----/ Sure he was, Spanky. Sure he was Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

Normalizing their shitty beliefs and organizing around Trump and the Republican Party. Remember, it was about 10 years between the Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler being elected Chancellor. The same thing is happening here.

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

Fascism is fascism is fascism is fascism. There's no distinction. They're the same. We fought a war against fascism and killed fascists 80 years ago, why should that be any different today?

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"

Fuck you and your Conservative fascist bullshit. Middle finger in the air to that.
PA's are point of sale businesses and places where people congregate for non-group specific functions.

If you want to form a private club where like-minded racists and troglodytes have your own bakery that caters to your cross burning events, fine. You can do that. But a public business, like these bakeries, is subject to Civil Rights Laws whether you like it or not.
Many favoring an odd lifestyle are not satisfied with tolerance, but seek outright approval.

Calling homosexuality a "lifestyle" implies it's a choice. It's not. Religion is a choice and therefore a lifestyle. Homosexuality isn't.

Okay, we'll assume it's hardwired. So what? So is criminal psychopathy. :laugh:

I have no dog in this hunt, other than to state that beyond tolerance under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th, there is no societal obligation.

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