Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Second, I thought the whole new thing is gender fluidity, which equates to sexual fluidity.

No, it doesn't. You thought wrong. Gender fluidity and sexual fluidity are not the same thing. For instance, Mike Pence likes to wear stilettos and cocktail dresses, yet he is still heterosexual. Because his gender may be fluid doesn't change his sexuality. You can be gender fluid and straight. You can be gender fluid and gay. You can be gender fluid and bisexual. Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

You idiots have to make your mind up.

The issue is settled. You're the one who doesn't seem to grasp these distinctions. That's not my problem.

Also one size fits all is a tired concept. For some they may be same sex exclusive, others bisexual and don't care. Again, it can be a choice, or it might not be.

Sexual orientation is not a choice. When did you decide to be straight? And did you make an informed choice to be straight? Meaning, did you try homosexuality? I'm guessing no.

1st amendment rights trump civil rights depending on the interest of the government.

Whiny bullshit.

So it's set in stone but it's not. Jeebus you people have no idea of reality and you explain in circles to try to justify your idiocy.

The issue is not "settled".

I like boobs and vag. However guys in prison who like the same will occasionally delve into same sex relations.

For some people it may be hard wired, for others, its more fluid, like gender according to you twits.

Nice retort on the last line derp-hole.
PA's are point of sale businesses and places where people congregate for non-group specific functions.

If you want to form a private club where like-minded racists and troglodytes have your own bakery that caters to your cross burning events, fine. You can do that. But a public business, like these bakeries, is subject to Civil Rights Laws whether you like it or not.

When a person walks in for a point of sale item, fine. But a contracted, non-vital or timely service should allow a person to exercise their first amendment rights.
Okay, we'll assume it's hardwired. So what? So is criminal psychopathy. :laugh:

Is it? According to whom? You? Since when are you an authority on that? Are you trying to say that certain races are more criminally inclined than others? Because that's where your "thought" is headed. So also, why are you equating criminal psychopathy with sexual orientation? Criminal psychopathy is influenced by environment, not genetics. So take your Eugenics nonsense elsewhere, racist shitgoblin.

I have no dog in this hunt, other than to state that beyond tolerance under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th, there is no societal obligation.

No societal obligation to what? Accommodating religion? I agree. Region should not be accommodated in this country since being religious is a choice someone makes.
What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

Normalizing their shitty beliefs and organizing around Trump and the Republican Party. Remember, it was about 10 years between the Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler being elected Chancellor. The same thing is happening here.

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

Fascism is fascism is fascism is fascism. There's no distinction. They're the same. We fought a war against fascism and killed fascists 80 years ago, why should that be any different today?

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"

Fuck you and your Conservative fascist bullshit. Middle finger in the air to that.

Comparing Weimar Germany after WWI to the current situation shows a complete lack of understanding of the times back then, and politics now. Stop being lazy.

They are the diet coke of fascism, they have not chance of getting into power, ever.

And see, you link fascism to conservatism, just going to prove my point in other posts about you idiots using it as a linkage tactic for discrediting your political opponents.
So it's set in stone but it's not. Jeebus you people have no idea of reality and you explain in circles to try to justify your idiocy..

No, your brain just isn't developed enough to distinguish between gender and sexuality. That's your deficiency.

The issue is not "settled".

Yes, it is.

I like boobs and vag. However guys in prison who like the same will occasionally delve into same sex relations..

Because prison sex is about control and domination, not about sexuality. You say you like boobs and vag (I don't know if I believe you, but OK)...that doesn't change if you feel more comfortable wearing women's clothing.

For some people it may be hard wired, for others, its more fluid, like gender according to you twits

No, you just don't know anything. You're an ignoramus.
He is the result of the sneakiest, most underhanded, shadiest Muslim administration this country has ever seen. Obamy and Hitlery are the reason we elected Trump.

Low information voters and bigots are the reason we elected Trump
Okay, we'll assume it's hardwired. So what? So is criminal psychopathy. :laugh:

Is it? According to whom? You? Since when are you an authority on that? Are you trying to say that certain races are more criminally inclined than others? Because that's where your "thought" is headed. So also, why are you equating criminal psychopathy with sexual orientation? Criminal psychopathy is influenced by environment, not genetics. So take your Eugenics nonsense elsewhere, racist shitgoblin.


Please make sense so that I can respond.
Comparing Weimar Germany after WWI to the current situation shows a complete lack of understanding of the times back then, and politics now. Stop being lazy.

You're the lazy one who refuses to learn from history. Back int he 1920's, the Nazis were nothing more than a collection of malcontents who looked to incite violence in order to get sympathy for their shitty beliefs. And people like you said, "they're just expressing their frustrations with the humilation they got as a result of WWI". So now, we have right-wingers like you saying "they're just expressing their frustrations with the humiliation they got as a result of a black guy being elected President". So what's the fucking difference? Both groups are economically challenged racists who were left behind following major events (WWI vs. Economic collapse). Same conditions produced the same two groups. So what's the difference? Back in 1923, the Nazis were just a bunch of violent malcontents with shitty race ideas no one took seriously. Then they got power.

They are the diet coke of fascism, they have not chance of getting into power, ever.

Same thing was said about the Nazis in 1920's after the Beer Hall Putsch. So since they were wrong then, why would you be right about the same people today?

And see, you link fascism to conservatism, just going to prove my point in other posts about you idiots using it as a linkage tactic for discrediting your political opponents.

Fascism and Conservatism are the same thing.
So it's set in stone but it's not. Jeebus you people have no idea of reality and you explain in circles to try to justify your idiocy..

No, your brain just isn't developed enough to distinguish between gender and sexuality. That's your deficiency.

The issue is not "settled".

Yes, it is.

I like boobs and vag. However guys in prison who like the same will occasionally delve into same sex relations..

Because prison sex is about control and domination, not about sexuality. You say you like boobs and vag (I don't know if I believe you, but OK)...that doesn't change if you feel more comfortable wearing women's clothing.

For some people it may be hard wired, for others, its more fluid, like gender according to you twits

No, you just don't know anything. You're an ignoramus.

If you want people to accept one as fluid, and one as set in stone, and frankly in the wrong direction, then you are engaging in doublethink, just like the good little progressive you are should. "I think it because it's true" is not a feature, it's a bug.

Or it can be about guys getting some from where-ever. The thing is you idiots claim the rigidness of fluidity of something based on the desired outcome of your political viewpoints when it suits you, and ignore it when it suits you as well. Orwellian to say the least.

I exist in the reality based world, unlike you. I also exist in a state of not wanting to use government to squash my enemies, unlike you.
Comparing Weimar Germany after WWI to the current situation shows a complete lack of understanding of the times back then, and politics now. Stop being lazy.

You're the lazy one who refuses to learn from history. Back int he 1920's, the Nazis were nothing more than a collection of malcontents who looked to incite violence in order to get sympathy for their shitty beliefs. And people like you said, "they're just expressing their frustrations with the humilation they got as a result of WWI". So now, we have right-wingers like you saying "they're just expressing their frustrations with the humiliation they got as a result of a black guy being elected President". So what's the fucking difference? Both groups are economically challenged racists who were left behind following major events (WWI vs. Economic collapse). Same conditions produced the same two groups. So what's the difference? Back in 1923, the Nazis were just a bunch of violent malcontents with shitty race ideas no one took seriously. Then they got power.

They are the diet coke of fascism, they have not chance of getting into power, ever.

Same thing was said about the Nazis in 1920's after the Beer Hall Putsch. So since they were wrong then, why would you be right about the same people today?

And see, you link fascism to conservatism, just going to prove my point in other posts about you idiots using it as a linkage tactic for discrediting your political opponents.

Fascism and Conservatism are the same thing.

They were part of a revanchist movement with multiple groups fighting against Weimar, and were complemented by radicals on the left who were just as hostile to weimar as they were. And in the 20's, after the Beer Hall Putsch they were marginalized. It took the depression to get them into power, and it was a fight between them, with the old monarchists, against the communists, with the social Democrats sitting on their asses. That does not compare to our current situation, which is ZOMG the party you don't like is in power. You then link the falsely to White Nationalists as a supposed boogey man, but this boogey man has no teeth.

Correlation via words not not equal correlation of outcomes.

And at this point I know you are a progressive hack, and probably a moron as well.
If you want people to accept one as fluid, and one as set in stone, and frankly in the wrong direction

Let me first stop you there. What's the "wrong direction"? And whose standard are you using to apply that judgment? Becuase it seems to me like it's all off the top of your head and you're just reacting with these posts because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Take a human sexuality class at your local community college or university. Maybe you can learn something. You can be fluid, you can be set in stone. Personally, I think we're all on the Kinsey scale and everyone has some homosexual inkling that they're too afraid to acknowledge because of religion telling you that your sexual orientation or urges are wrong. Who fucking cares what your religion thinks of who you are attracted to? Many of those who preach religion are celibate voluntarily, so WTF would they know about any of this?????? All of your shitty views seem to come from religion or are informed by it. That's fucking stupid.

then you are engaging in doublethink, just like the good little progressive you are should. "I think it because it's true" is not a feature, it's a bug.

So in your mind, everyone is fluid?

Or it can be about guys getting some from where-ever.

Maybe for some people it is. Maybe for some people they are addicted to sex. Point is, it's not my place or your place to judge those folks. And as long as it's consensual and between adults, who fucking cares? I also think that the idea that men are just in constant need of sex is bullshit're basically saying men cannot control their own sexuality so everyone should stop provoking them. Which is bullshit...and I hope you recognize that. Sounds to me like you think men have a compulsion to rape. Which really means you, personally, feel like you have a compulsion to rape. Do you? Can you not control your desire to rape people? Is that what this is all about?

The thing is you idiots claim the rigidness of fluidity of something based on the desired outcome of your political viewpoints when it suits you, and ignore it when it suits you as well. Orwellian to say the least.

Whiny bullshit. You're not a victim. Get over yourself.
Right, 100% right.

Wrong. The Civil Rights Act is crystal clear. If you want to not have your bakery bake cakes for gay weddings, you can turn your bakery into a members-only club that collects fees but doesn't charge for what the bakery produces. That's how men-only (and whites-only) clubs got around the CRA.

You're clueless. Utterly clueless.
If you want people to accept one as fluid, and one as set in stone, and frankly in the wrong direction

Let me first stop you there. What's the "wrong direction"? And whose standard are you using to apply that judgment? Becuase it seems to me like it's all off the top of your head and you're just reacting with these posts because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Take a human sexuality class at your local community college or university. Maybe you can learn something. You can be fluid, you can be set in stone. Personally, I think we're all on the Kinsey scale and everyone has some homosexual inkling that they're too afraid to acknowledge because of religion telling you that your sexual orientation or urges are wrong. Who fucking cares what your religion thinks of who you are attracted to? Many of those who preach religion are celibate voluntarily, so WTF would they know about any of this?????? All of your shitty views seem to come from religion or are informed by it. That's fucking stupid.

then you are engaging in doublethink, just like the good little progressive you are should. "I think it because it's true" is not a feature, it's a bug.

So in your mind, everyone is fluid?

Or it can be about guys getting some from where-ever.

Maybe for some people it is. Maybe for some people they are addicted to sex. Point is, it's not my place or your place to judge those folks. And as long as it's consensual and between adults, who fucking cares? I also think that the idea that men are just in constant need of sex is bullshit're basically saying men cannot control their own sexuality so everyone should stop provoking them. Which is bullshit...and I hope you recognize that. Sounds to me like you think men have a compulsion to rape. Which really means you, personally, feel like you have a compulsion to rape. Do you? Can you not control your desire to rape people? Is that what this is all about?

The thing is you idiots claim the rigidness of fluidity of something based on the desired outcome of your political viewpoints when it suits you, and ignore it when it suits you as well. Orwellian to say the least.

Whiny bullshit. You're not a victim. Get over yourself.
so - it's cool to tell someone they're pulling stuff off the top of their head and are stupid.

but ok for you to turn around and do it.

that's funny shit right there man. funny ass shit.
Right, 100% right.

Wrong. The Civil Rights Act is crystal clear. If you want to not have your bakery bake cakes for gay weddings, you can turn your bakery into a members-only club that collects fees but doesn't charge for what the bakery produces. That's how men-only (and whites-only) clubs got around the CRA.

You're clueless. Utterly clueless.
Here's the Growing List of Designers Who Refuse to Dress Melania Trump

you were ON FIRE at this rally man. telling people they had to make the dresses in shit. you were on your A GAME to be sure!!!
If you want people to accept one as fluid, and one as set in stone, and frankly in the wrong direction

Let me first stop you there. What's the "wrong direction"? And whose standard are you using to apply that judgment? Becuase it seems to me like it's all off the top of your head and you're just reacting with these posts because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Take a human sexuality class at your local community college or university. Maybe you can learn something. You can be fluid, you can be set in stone. Personally, I think we're all on the Kinsey scale and everyone has some homosexual inkling that they're too afraid to acknowledge because of religion telling you that your sexual orientation or urges are wrong. Who fucking cares what your religion thinks of who you are attracted to? Many of those who preach religion are celibate voluntarily, so WTF would they know about any of this?????? All of your shitty views seem to come from religion or are informed by it. That's fucking stupid.

then you are engaging in doublethink, just like the good little progressive you are should. "I think it because it's true" is not a feature, it's a bug.

So in your mind, everyone is fluid?

Or it can be about guys getting some from where-ever.

Maybe for some people it is. Maybe for some people they are addicted to sex. Point is, it's not my place or your place to judge those folks. And as long as it's consensual and between adults, who fucking cares? I also think that the idea that men are just in constant need of sex is bullshit're basically saying men cannot control their own sexuality so everyone should stop provoking them. Which is bullshit...and I hope you recognize that. Sounds to me like you think men have a compulsion to rape. Which really means you, personally, feel like you have a compulsion to rape. Do you? Can you not control your desire to rape people? Is that what this is all about?

The thing is you idiots claim the rigidness of fluidity of something based on the desired outcome of your political viewpoints when it suits you, and ignore it when it suits you as well. Orwellian to say the least.

Whiny bullshit. You're not a victim. Get over yourself.

Because you can pretend all you want you are a different gender and get surgery to prolong that concept, but you can never actually change it. Sexual orientation, on the other hand involves feelings and actions, and those are far easier to change than your DNA or biology.

Only Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops are usually celibate, most other denominations encourage their clergy to marry. Hell in Orthodox Judaism its almost a requirement.

Honestly I don't care if people ar fluid, I only care when they FORCE me or others to care OR ELSE.

No, you reserve your judgement for people you disapprove of politically or religiously. My my what a fucking hypocrite you are.

Who's claiming to be a victim, I am pointing our your rank hypocrisy.
Right, 100% right.

Wrong. The Civil Rights Act is crystal clear. If you want to not have your bakery bake cakes for gay weddings, you can turn your bakery into a members-only club that collects fees but doesn't charge for what the bakery produces. That's how men-only (and whites-only) clubs got around the CRA.

You're clueless. Utterly clueless.

The Civil rights act is actually not being used in these cases, as it does not cover things like contracted sales as PA's. It's the State laws that overreach, and why these people are being ruined by hateful assholes like you over not wanting to bake a cake.

If you are going to debate something, try to be more informed.

Why make people do end-runs for shit as trivial as a wedding cake? Oh yes, because it's about your side forcing your views on others, OR ELSE. and being pussies about it by using government to do your dirty work.
They were part of a revanchist movement with multiple groups fighting against Weimar

OK, and why were they fighting against the Weimar? Because the terms of surrender negotiated by the German government imposed strict consequences for waging and losing WWI. Nazis sprung from the ill treatment Germans perceived as the bill they had to pay as losers. So the Weimar economy left behind those people, much like how the economic collapse and subsequent recovery left behind the good 'ol boys who thought they were entitled to the American Dream because that's the shit that Conservatives like you had been filling their heads with since Reagan. And through their own fault, became victims of an economy that left them behind. Last week's South Park perfectly illustrated that point. Conservatives blame everyone else other than the robots and themselves for not being a part of the new economy. That's not on immigrants, liberals, progressives, gays, Muslims, or minorities. That's on you. Grow up, stop being whiny little bitches, and take some responsibility for yourselves and your shitty beliefs.

and were complemented by radicals on the left who were just as hostile to weimar as they were. And in the 20's, after the Beer Hall Putsch they were marginalized.

Fucking idiot. They weren't marginalized after the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler used his time in jail for that to write Mein Kampf which Trump keeps on the table next to his bed. They got stronger after that because they pretended to be victims, much like how you're pretending to be a victim now. It's easy to see how Conservatism can so closely align with Nazism. You're the same kind of whiny bitches for God's sake!

It took the depression to get them into power

OK, how? How did they use the Depression to get into power? What did they do? They blamed everyone except themselves for the Depression. Much like how you blame immigrants, and muslims, and Jews, and liberals, and progressives for the shitty lives you have today. Shitty lives that are a result of your actions, no one else's. You dumbasses didn't want to go to college, now you're finding that in order to get a job, you need college. So what kind of fucking job do you want? Do you even know? I don't think you do.

Grow up and get over yourself.

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