Trump Melts Down Bigly On Truth Social As Republican Vultures Circle The Wreckage

" Woke " happens to be a fitting word or term in describing
a political calling.It basically means to " Wake up " and
act different from normal.Or " aware " as BLM used to
benefit their Crooked narrative.Woke has been around in
other forms like the word " fly " and "OMG ".
In reality the word is little more than a way to ply
a political agenda.Not reality,but actually the opposite of
reality.In effect an experiment.
" In politics experiments mean revolutions "
-- Benjamin Disraeli { Earl of Beaconsfield }
The MAGAts hated it when the BLM and Antifa movements showed that the younger generation had empathy towards others. They hated it. Now they are working overtime to wash empathy out.
The superstar Tuesday night was undeniably Ron DeSantis. DeSantis has transformed Florida from a blue state to a Red State through leadership and the application of conservative principles, taking solid action against the groomers and lockdown thugs of the democrat party.

Meanwhile in Virginia, Glen Youngkin continues to perform spectacularly.

Apparently Donald Trump's ego can't handle this and he has attacked both DeSantis and Younking.

Donald Trump seems to have bought into the fascist democrat narrative that people back him because of who he is.

That is a serious mistake. We backed Trump because he promoted OUR agenda. If he attacks our best people - then it's time for him to fade away, as he no longer represents the goals of decent Americans trying to retake America from the fascist democrat abomination.

If Trump want's to be relevant, promote the goals of conservative America. If he attacks the conservative agenda, then he needs to go away.
politics as usual .... remember Biden being called out by Harris on his racist stances during the dem primary .. or the verbal wars between Rubio ,Graham , and Cruze against Trump during the gop primaries ? just politics as usual ... parties always put infighting aside after the primaries ... but dems may not be able too if they primary the first black female VP. the infighting may be much worse in the dem party ...
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Agreed. Here's the question for all those folks who are jumping on the DeSantis bandwagon now that they've figured out what a loser Trump is. Can DeSantis withstand the kind of attack Trump is going to launch at him? Can Ron win an election outside of FL with Humpty Dumpty siphoning off 25% of Repub voters? Not a chance. sure will be fun to watch. :party:
You’re just seeing that Trump is only about Trump?! Wow
No, you're just now realizing Trump's supporters have principles and an agenda for prosperity and liberty that transcends party and loyalty to an individual.

You bed wetters cling to cults of personality and believe a cluster fuck of political whores in a criminal syndicate are doing anything remotely in the interest of the people in this country.

You’re just seeing that Trump is only about Trump?! Wow
Lots of people who supported Trump saw that from the very beginning. I bit my tongue and voted for Trump because many of his policies were good for America (and thus good for Trump). That said, I think it's time for Trump to retire from running for office. That said, I expect he will be formally his bid to run for president in 2024 next week.
Trump is now getting killed in polling at rw
78 desantis
22 Trump

Trump won't get enough delegates now for the nominee
crowds should shun his rallys now
but,but,but, what about the so called Trump cult the dress wearing homosexuals on the left have been labeling republicans as ... whatever the outcome the right will rally behind either Trump or the younger version DeSantis who is basically identical with Trump policy wise ... but the real infighting is when dems primary the 1st female African American VP .... lol ! i cant wait for the meltdown between the leftist idiots !
They just burned and looted innocent small businesses, formed autonomous zones and committed crimes for three months straight. You keep defending them. Typical ignorant old hag.
Anyone who broke the law needed (and was) to be arrested and charged and con-victed. Can you say the same about your MAGAt thug insurrectionists? Were you at the Capitol on Jan 6th?
If we have a war between DeSantis and Trump then America loses and the Democrat filth wins.

The Democrat filth would love to divide us Americans and shame on us if we let them.
The superstar Tuesday night was undeniably Ron DeSantis. DeSantis has transformed Florida from a blue state to a Red State through leadership and the application of conservative principles, taking solid action against the groomers and lockdown thugs of the democrat party.

Meanwhile in Virginia, Glen Youngkin continues to perform spectacularly.

Apparently Donald Trump's ego can't handle this and he has attacked both DeSantis and Younking.

Donald Trump seems to have bought into the fascist democrat narrative that people back him because of who he is.

That is a serious mistake. We backed Trump because he promoted OUR agenda. If he attacks our best people - then it's time for him to fade away, as he no longer represents the goals of decent Americans trying to retake America from the fascist democrat abomination.

If Trump want's to be relevant, promote the goals of conservative America. If he attacks the conservative agenda, then he needs to go away.
When DeSantis gets up the balls to hit back at Trump, we'll all know that Trump has been defanged and is on the way out.

Trump is so far able to crucify DeSantis.

DeSantis can't be anything more than a 'reserve' bid being held until Trump is no longer in control. He and Trump can never go head to head for the nomination.
If we have a war between DeSantis and Trump then America loses and the Democrat filth wins.

The Democrat filth would love to divide us Americans and shame on us if we let them.
The thing is, there is going to be positioning over the next 2 years for all interested candidates. They will be picking at each other. I would love for it to be decided now but dont think thats the case.

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