Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate – Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GO


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
where was that thread about how the Republicans are diminished. ? only 6MILLION watched that ugly nasty thing they called a debate. this says a LOT about who is Diminished. :banana:


The numbers are in and only 8 million people bothered to tune in to the Democrat-Socialist debate on ABC Saturday night.

Americans had better things to do than listen to more lies from Hillary Clinton.

The Republican debate last week with Donald Trump drew an audience of 18.5 million viewers.

Donald Trump mocked the poor ratings for Democrats.

Face it Democrats — After seven years of Obama’s failed policies and lies Americans just aren’t that into you.

all of it here:
Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate - Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GOP Debate - The Gateway Pundit
So Long Schlong..........
Its always the same for the GOP lets cut taxes for the rich and jobs will happen ...then lets start a war...then look the deficits lets cut taxes some more and lets cut Social Security...same old same old ...
How many times can people listen to a broken record?

they haven't had a new idea in over 30 years. it's always the same. raise taxes and then promise people the world if they vote for them.
They raise taxes to pay for GOP wars that were put on the nation`s credit card. I pay all of my bills. How about you?
Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
How much has Obama put on the credit card since he took office compared to other Presidents?
well does a duck fart in water? video at the site

Morning Joe Panel Says DNC Rigging Primary for Hillary Clinton

BY: Aaron Kliegman
December 21, 2015 10:19 am

The panel on MSNBC’s Morning Joe harshly criticized the Democratic National Committee on Monday for trying to protect Hillary Clinton and ensure she receives the Democratic party’s presidential nomination.

While discussing Saturday night’s Democratic presidential debate, co-host Mika Brzezinski asked, “There isn’t really a nomination fight, is there? The way this is set up.”

all of it here:
Morning Joe Panel Says DNC Rigging Primary for Hillary Clinton
How many times can people listen to a broken record?

they haven't had a new idea in over 30 years. it's always the same. raise taxes and then promise people the world if they vote for them.
They raise taxes to pay for GOP wars that were put on the nation`s credit card. I pay all of my bills. How about you?
Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
How much has Obama put on the credit card since he took office compared to other Presidents?
Why would you want to go there? Reagan and Bush were at the top of the heap when it came to increased govt. spending. Obama spent a lot of money paying for your wars and ending the Bush Recession. That`s not exactly breaking news.
the Shrill is so diminished she has to take the lying. but it's not the first time now is it?
video at the site

Brzezinski: People Won’t Admit When Clinton ‘Has Done Something Completely Inappropriate’

BY: Jenna Lifhits
December 21, 2015 9:02 am

Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski said Monday that people are too afraid to admit when Hillary Clinton does something wrong, like using a private server to send classified information or lying at Saturday’s Democratic debate.

“I feel like people like you sometimes have some sort of weird fear of saying that Hillary Clinton has done something completely inappropriate, perhaps against policy,” she said in a diatribe against Bloomberg‘s Mark Halperin, who denounced the Sanders campaign for the ‘Datagate’ scandal.

“No, I’m serious. Everyone just, like, shuts down,” she said. “Look at this. But then Bernie Sanders has some rogue person in his campaign — ”

Brzezinski agreed that it was wrong of the Sanders campaign to look at the Clinton campaign’s voter data, but called Halperin out for not treating Clinton the same way.

“May I ask you something, Mark? Is it inappropriate to get your own server in your own home and use your private server — I’m just wondering was that inappropriate?” she said, referring to Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server to send classified information.

“But that’s — ” Halperin said.

“Yes or no,” Brzezinski said.

“It was, of course,” he admitted.

“Totally inappropriate,” Brzezinski said, “Beyond inappropriate.”

“You never heard me say what I think about her using a private server?” he said.

“Tell me. Tell me again. I missed it,” Brzezinski said.

“Oh, I think it was totally, totally wrong, against policy, and it set a horrible example, and the Justice Department is continuing to investigate it as they should,” he said.

Brzezinski then pushed Halperin to admit that Clinton lied about Donald Trump at Saturday’s Democratic debate.

ALL of it here:
Brzezinski: People Won’t Admit When Clinton ‘Has Done Something Completely Inappropriate’
Cruz nailed it, the Dem "Debate" was like listening to the Bolshevik Menshevik Split...What difference does it make?

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