Trump Muslim Ban 2.0: Just as Un-Constitutional

as another poster already taught you , that was a long time ago 'mrobama' er , i mean Aris . See the killing of Fahrkunda to see how normal muslim villagers celebrate / practice their islam Aris !!

I don't hate christians and muslims for their violence. They were both wrong.
I survived.

I oppose the violence and hate, but I don't hold the faiths to blame what a few did, no matter how bloody or horrific.

There are groups within both I blame, but not the whole faiths
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- go ahead , oppose all you like but smart people do blame 'islam' after seeing what islam CURRENTLY does all throughout the world . As you have already been taught , Christianity reformed many years / centuries ago . islam keeps converting innocents and other religions at the point of the sword or at the muzzle of the AK47 Aris !!. --- see 'the killing of fahrkunda' and see muslim villagers practicing islam Aris !!
as another poster already taught you , that was a long time ago 'mrobama' er , i mean Aris . See the killing of Fahrkunda to see how normal muslim villagers celebrate / practice their islam Aris !!

I don't hate christians and muslims for their violence. They were both wrong.
I survived.

I oppose the violence and hate, but I don't hold the faiths to blame what a few did, no matter how bloody or horrific.

There are groups within both I blame, but not the whole faiths
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- go ahead , oppose all you like but smart people do blame 'islam' after seeing what islam CURRENTLY does all throughout the world . As you have already been taught , Christianity reformed many years / centuries ago . islam keeps converting innocents and other religions at the point of the sword or at the muzzle of the AK47 Aris !!. --- see 'the killing of fahrkunda' and see muslim villagers practicing islam Aris !!

I did and have seen much worse in my life by christians and muslims.

I might have lost faith in organized religion, but I don't hold their faith against good people. I hold bad acts against the bad people.
Trump's anti-Muslim executive order was found to be illegal by a federal court and his second try has brought our several more states to strike it down again.

It was not "found to be illegal by a federal court."

It was labeled as "illegal" by a single federal judge in a single courthouse in America. Problem is, federal judges don't make or break laws. Only the supreme court can do that. So once the law is labeled illegal by the supreme court is it really illegal.

Only the supreme court can confirm judicial review.
Trump's anti-Muslim executive order was found to be illegal by a federal court and his second try has brought our several more states to strike it down again.

It was not "found to be illegal by a federal court."

It was labeled as "illegal" by a single federal judge in a single courthouse in America. Problem is, federal judges don't make or break laws. Only the supreme court can do that. So once the law is labeled illegal by the supreme court is it really illegal.

Only the supreme court can confirm judicial review.
Your understanding of judicial review is faulty. A federal judge can review an executive order (EO) to determine its legality. The judge can then issue a finding. If, like Trump who has all the tax payers money he needs to file an appeal to an appeal's court. That court can ophold or overrule the lower court's finding. Trump could then have made an appeal to the Supreme but he gave-in and accepted that his EO was un-American.
The same will happen with # 2 EO. Trump is learning that the American system does not allow dictatorships.
Trump's anti-Muslim executive order was found to be illegal by a federal court and his second try has brought our several more states to strike it down again.

It was not "found to be illegal by a federal court."

It was labeled as "illegal" by a single federal judge in a single courthouse in America. Problem is, federal judges don't make or break laws. Only the supreme court can do that. So once the law is labeled illegal by the supreme court is it really illegal.

Only the supreme court can confirm judicial review.
Your understanding of judicial review is faulty. A federal judge can review an executive order (EO) to determine its legality. The judge can then issue a finding. If, like Trump who has all the tax payers money he needs to file an appeal to an appeal's court. That court can ophold or overrule the lower court's finding. Trump could then have made an appeal to the Supreme but he gave-in and accepted that his EO was un-American.
The same will happen with # 2 EO. Trump is learning that the American system does not allow dictatorships.

he gave-in and accepted that his EO was un-American.

The judge ruled his EO was "un-American"? DERP!
The problem is the law clearly states what Trump is doing is 100% legal. A liberal federal judge doesn't change that. The supreme court would overturn it.
The code of law was quite clear. The President can decide to exclude any group he deems might be a danger until he decides otherwise.

President wants some form of better vetting to keep more ISIS fighters out.

There has been too much of a threat because of poor malformation and lies.

President is fully within the law to ban any group he wants to for as long as he decides.

90 days is hardly a hardship when the safety of the US citizens might be at stake.

What of the attack that is not found and stopped before it can be carried out? What of other ISIS members that lied and were not yet discovered?

What if you might be the next victim or someone you care about?
Trump's anti-Muslim executive order was found to be illegal by a federal court and his second try has brought our several more states to strike it down again.

How is it a muslims ban when it is limited to 6 out of 50 muslims countries

If it was about muslims then all 50 would be included in the 90 day pause.
-------------------------------------------------------- hopefully its just a first step by th
No they are distorting Islam so they can abuse and kill without risking their belief in the gardens that will await them. I expect they will be sorry to find a different fate, or nothing at all.

They are blood thirst hates ready to kill as many people a they can.
---------------------------------------------------- i disagree with you Aris , my thinking and looking at islam tells me that they have been the same bloodthirsty religion from their founding and their first invasion of Spain at about 800 AD Aris !! Look what muslims , not necessarily isis are doing in Germany , France , sweden , san bernadino , orlando usa Aris .

Just because they might have said they were muslims, does not mean they were actually following islam.

If a criminal said in the name of god when committing a crime, would you call them real christians? Or would they more likely be cult followers or practicing a corrupted faith that had little to do with the Bible?

If they picked only those verses about war in the name of god, like abraham or moses or david, and not the bible as a whole, would you call them real christians?

If some hateful conspiracy group picked up and cross when they wage war on civilians, would you blame all christians?

Just because their last words might god is great, does not mean they really understand god or his laws in the bible or the koran.

Just because Hitler acquired christian symbols and relics, would you blame all christians for their crimes? Would you blame all germans?
------------------------------------------------- i disagree with your line of reasoning Aris , islam has been murderous since its invention by mohamad .over 1400 hundred years ago Aris .

I've lived among muslims and christians that killed each other, both were my friends and good people

Sadly I think you see only the worst people and corrupted nature.

I studied the Koran and the bible. You can find verses that can be used or misused by taking them out of context to justify almost anything. In context of the whole book, chapters, they take on a deeper meaning of a much more just religion and god.

Christianity has it's own very bloody history as well.

Are all christians today bad because of the history?

How many muslims and people of other faiths have christians killed in the past............ in the name of god and the faith?

You can find a bloody history in any culture and faith at some time in the past, and present if you choose to.

What of the billion of muslims that practice a peaceful faith that is tolerant and respectful of others? What of the centuries of Islam living in peace around the world? How many wars were carried out by christians, even christians fighting other christians during all those centuries?

Romans conquered, christians conquered and yes muslims conquered, but they also created peaceful and prosperous and enlightened people as well.

Yes there are many that seek to destroy the US, but millions more that don't.

There are americians that seek to overthrow the country and preach hate but most do not.

We want to keep the bad out but we should not blame all the good people for the crimes of the few.

I've seen the violence, torture and massacres in far too many places, and the good in the people as well. I've lost friends because of religion and politics and hate and greed. I've been a victim of the violence a few times.

I want the bad seeds that abuse the faith to be wiped out, but I don't blame all the others that have not.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- problem with muslims is their history of violence plus their theology and like i said their history plus the current news of their murders and atrocities . PLUS . i can't think of any reason that i need to have a muslim as my neighbor Aris .

I can.

Because if you have a Muslim as your neighbor, maybe you'd realize there is a person behind the label :dunno:

When people actually meet "the other" - they often find their prejudices hard to sustain.
get out the vote or at least all you good people might want to be aware that elections in Holland are coming up on Wednesday and Geert Wilders is running and he has lots of support . I don't know if he has enough support but he is popular in Holland where muslim turks are rioting and flying their muslim flags as i type . --- Conceding defeat? Dutch PM admits Geert Wilders has 'REAL' chance at winning election --- anyway , Go Geert , show those muslim turks a vote thats similar to BREXIT and President Trumps Election vote !!
‘Maryland became the latest state to join in legal challenges against President Donald Trump's revised temporary travel ban on Friday, with its attorney general saying it would join a lawsuit brought by Washington and other states.

Attorney General Brian Frosh said his office would formally join the suit on Monday.

"The administration persists in an effort to implement a policy that is inhumane and unconstitutional, but also makes us less safe, not more safe," Frosh said in a statement.’

Maryland to join other states in court challenge to Trump's travel ban


Indeed, the idiocy of the order is proven by its very provisions, such as excluding Iraq from the ban.

The ban is predicated on the bigoted, wrongheaded notion that Muslim majority nations are somehow ‘predisposed’ to terrorism – the last time anyone checked Iraq is a Muslim majority nation, and should be subject to the ban; Trump’s Muslim ban is as inconsistent as it is hateful and wrong.

How does it make us less safe?

How is it banning Muslims?

How is it inhumane?

How is it unconstitutional?

Brian Frosh is a well known liberal shithead who is well known to have a great dislike; dare I say hatred, for Donald Trump.

He should be removed from office...
‘Maryland became the latest state to join in legal challenges against President Donald Trump's revised temporary travel ban on Friday, with its attorney general saying it would join a lawsuit brought by Washington and other states.

Attorney General Brian Frosh said his office would formally join the suit on Monday.

"The administration persists in an effort to implement a policy that is inhumane and unconstitutional, but also makes us less safe, not more safe," Frosh said in a statement.’

Maryland to join other states in court challenge to Trump's travel ban


Indeed, the idiocy of the order is proven by its very provisions, such as excluding Iraq from the ban.

The ban is predicated on the bigoted, wrongheaded notion that Muslim majority nations are somehow ‘predisposed’ to terrorism – the last time anyone checked Iraq is a Muslim majority nation, and should be subject to the ban; Trump’s Muslim ban is as inconsistent as it is hateful and wrong.

Non-citizens outside the territorial jurisdiction of the US have no constitutional rights, the SCOTUS has ruled prior that we can put any limits we want in who gets to come here, ideological tests are perfectly constitutional as well.
Unfortunately for Trump the Judiciary is a co-equal branch of the American government.

>>The Code of Laws of the United States of America is the official compilation and codification of the general and permanent federal statutes of the United States.<<

Judiciary is not there to "make" laws but to apply them and the constitution.

The president has the right to allow or exclude any aliens from entering the country.
A president is not above the law, not even Donald Trump.
The law in fact gives the President the right to say who is allowed into the country.
Trump used that law to make the country safer.
The question is: " Why do you want ISIS running wild in the streets of America?"
No, the question is why do you want Trump to be above the law as determined in court.

The code of law was quite clear. The President can decide to exclude any group he deems might be a danger until he decides otherwise.

President wants some form of better vetting to keep more ISIS fighters out.

There has been too much of a threat because of poor malformation and lies.

President is fully within the law to ban any group he wants to for as long as he decides.

90 days is hardly a hardship when the safety of the US citizens might be at stake.

What of the attack that is not found and stopped before it can be carried out? What of other ISIS members that lied and were not yet discovered?

What if you might be the next victim or someone you care about?
----------------------------------- keep them Out and off the talk show circuit forever . Got lots of 'isis' and other third world enemies already distributed throughout the USA.

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