Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election


Posting links to others saying, 'yeah, it's true, illegal aliens really do vote,' doesn't actually prove anything other than how desperate you are.

Try posting actual cases of illegal aliens voting.....
The actual cases are in the links that I posted. Every one of them. Try reading them, so as to not have to go around asking stupid questions. :biggrin:
You're completely fucking senile, gramps.: cuckoo:
You're completely out of your element on immigration and Muslims both. You know you can't debate me on these subjects, so you resort to childish name calling. Maybe that's better than being made cyber mincemeat.
Pound sand, it ain't happening.
No, not this moment. But there's plenty of time for it to happen, to have a major impact on the 2020 election. And by June 2019, you should have already learned to never underestimate Donald Trump. :biggrin:
There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.
What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?

So, you're ok with background checks and government issued "permits" to exercise Constitutional rights.....
But Not OK with ensuring those who elect those who will govern us are properly vetted?

Got it. We'll just label you a Commie thug.
Conspiracy Theories don’t count

Show some examples of illegal immigrants casting votes.
It is easy to do.....yet somehow, you can’t
HA HA HA. When all else fails, revert to liberal catchphrase methodology ("interpretation"....race card....."racist"...…"Islamaphobe"...…"conspiracy theory",,,etc)

You have a problem. The links I posted aren't conspiracy theories. They positively showed illegal aliens voting, and even showed Democrats assisting them in doing it (as in the Texas case >> Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote)

And they showed illegals openly admitting they voted (as hundreds have done to me directly in 4 states of the USA)

But this isn't up for debate. Everyone in America knows illegal aliens vote by the millions, including deceitful/silly Democrats who pretend they don't. The topic here is how to stop them, and the answer is to require CITIZENSHIP proof (including checking their birth certificates in the foreign countries they come from) :biggrin:

Lastly, as most every European country does, it is simple common sense to enact law and procedures to protect your country from foreign intervention/interference in your elections.

HEY, isn't this what Democrats pretended to be all up in arms about for 2 years, during the Russian collusion charade ? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It is a perfect Catch 22, without a Voter ID law we don't know who is voting and we can't prevent illegals from voting

The left will use ANY means necessary to steal America from rightful, lawful American citizens. They hold back nothing.
As a result, the Right (being law abiding and orderly) will lose it's voice in American politics and become subjected to Leftist oppression
(see Venezuela for modern examples of this and how it worked)

According to this source, Americans will then be forced (finally) to do ONE of only TWO things.....

1). Fully accept leftist (Socialist) dominance and total control of the USA and the oppression and punishments that will come with it.


2). Start an armed rebellion (Venezuelans couldn't because they allowed themselves to be disarmed first)

This explains it all.....
Illegals don't vote? More examples and how Democrats make sure they can....
Motor vehicle Licensing is the primary mechanism used by the Left to get millions of illegal votes.
It's EXACTLY why Democrats are in such an intense hurry to issue driver licenses to millions of illegals in NewYork, California and other Blue States

They FULLY intend to steal all future elections. Second guess this at your own peril.
In the process, they will blame the Right for stealing elections and voter fraud.

Illegal immigrants who exploited Motor Voter to register in North Carolina still on rolls
It is a perfect Catch 22, without a Voter ID law we don't know who is voting and we can't prevent illegals from voting
That's why Democrats are so against enacting CITIZENSHIP ID proof for voting. They NEED the illegal alien vote. Even with millions of them voting in 2016, they still lost, and with all their idiotic pandering to demographic groups and bribing them, they have lost the respect of the American people.

With 30-40 million illegal aliens now in the country, and thousands more streaming in, in the Democrat organized caravans, they're probably at the point now that they are actually getting more votes from illegal aliens than they are from Americans. :exclaim: :rolleyes:
It is a perfect Catch 22, without a Voter ID law we don't know who is voting and we can't prevent illegals from voting
That's why Democrats are so against enacting CITIZENSHIP ID proof for voting. They NEED the illegal alien vote. Even with millions of them voting in 2016, they still lost, and with all their idiotic pandering to demographic groups and bribing them, they have lost the respect of the American people.

With 30-40 million illegal aliens now in the country, and thousands more streaming in, in the Democrat organized caravans, they're probably at the point now that they are actually getting more votes from illegal aliens than they are from Americans. :exclaim: :rolleyes:

And even though most on the Right will scoff and ridicule the suggestion.....

The Left could actually steal the 2020 election and throw the USA into a spiraling Socialist fascist state. There are enough fools who side with the insane Left already. Add to that 3 or 4 more million illegals that have crossed the borders since 2016 and the intense push by the left to get them Driver Licenses asap.
It could indeed happen THAT quickly.

The IMMEDIATE NEXT STEP will be massive (and I reiterate) MASSIVE Gun Control legislation the likes of which we would never imagine.

Like it or not, we are headed for either total Socialist / fascist Leftist control....or civil war. maybe both.
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Illegals don't vote? More examples and how Democrats make sure they can....
Motor vehicle Licensing is the primary mechanism used by the Left to get millions of illegal votes.
It's EXACTLY why Democrats are in such an intense hurry to issue driver licenses to millions of illegals in NewYork, California and other Blue States

They FULLY intend to steal all future elections. Second guess this at your own peril.
In the process, they will blame the Right for stealing elections and voter fraud.

Illegal immigrants who exploited Motor Voter to register in North Carolina still on rolls
The left's PHONY "argument" of illegals not voting, is merely a diversion and deflection from the topic of requiring CITIZENSHIP ID to vote.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" whether illegals vote or not. Of course they do, but even if they didn't, citizenship ID is a NORMAL procedure that governments normally engage in, to protect themselves from illegal voting, whether it is already happening, or just a future threat. :biggrin:

And if Democrats want to go around making idiots of themselves, denying things we all know to be true, and bribing identity groups to vote for them, that's THEIR problem. :rolleyes:
And even though most on the Right will scoff and ridicule the suggestion.....

The Left could actually steal the 2020 election and throw the USA into a spiraling Socialist fascist state. There are enough fools who side with the insane Left already. Add to that 3 or 4 more million illegals that have crossed the borders since 2016 and the intense push by the left to get them Driver Licenses asap.
It could indeed happen THAT quickly.

The IMMEDIATE NEXT STEP would be massive (and I reiterate) MASSIVE Gun Control legislation the likes of which we would never imagine.

Like it or not, we are headed for either total Socialist / fascist Leftist control....or civil war. maybe both.
They would not be able to disarm those who already have guns.

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