Trump Needs To Borrow Almost $300 Billion This Week


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

Trump smashes another Obama record.

Notice that deafening silence from the pseuedocons about Trump's massive spending?

Yeah. Me, too.

Trump is on track to bust Obama's spending record wide open.

Yet the pseudocons propagandists are completely silent about it.

I told you this election was about Mexicans and Muslims!
Trump and the GOP have accelerated deficit spending. Just like the last time they controlled the government.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

Trump smashes another Obama record.

Notice that deafening silence from the pseuedocons about Trump's massive spending?

Yeah. Me, too.

Trump is on track to bust Obama's spending record wide open.

Yet the pseudocons propagandists are completely silent about it.

I told you this election was about Mexicans and Muslims!

I thought that was just for jarrod to make his mortgage payments on his real estate holdings.
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.
Bond Traders Face Gut-Check in Record $300 Billion U.S. Auctions

Bond bulls who enjoyed a rare rally in short-term Treasuries last week might not want to get too comfortable: The world’s biggest debt market is about to be inundated with an unprecedented wave of issuance.


While there’s evidence of weakening demand for U.S. auctions, an analysis of trading data is mixed at best about whether that portends further losses in Treasuries. But the threat of diminished interest and higher yields comes at a precarious time, with budget deficits climbing and the Fed paring its balance sheet.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaammmmaaaaaaa!
And you only post about it when republicans are in the WH.

This country’s spending is out of sight, no matter who. Until govt is reduced it will continue to increase exponentially.

I would be curious to see what it would have been under the previous admin. Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

You think we have a $21 trillion debt because of foreign aid!?!?! :laughing0301:

Oh, man. That's priceless.
And you only post about it when republicans are in the WH.
A lie.

Why do you lie? Is that all you have?


Not a word about Trump's spending, eh? Just red herrings, straw men, and tu quoques in his defense.

And you only post about it when republicans are in the WH.

This country’s spending is out of sight, no matter who. Until govt is reduced it will continue to increase exponentially.

I would be curious to see what it would have been under the previous admin. Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

Don't interrupt his narrative, he doesn't want to debate, he wants to preach. g sees himself as the smartest guy in the room.
Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

"Something tells me". That's Tard for "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are wrong. Trump has ACCELERATED spending!

You know why you don't know this? Because the propagandists you parrot have not told you.

Maybe you should put down the piss cup and start paying attention.
How does a tard read, "That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis" and translate that in his hack partisan head into, "Something tells me the tide has at least slowed"?

Hooooooleeeeeee SHIT!

A textbook example of the willful blindness I so often point out.
Well, no intentional lie, I must have missed them...

I mentioned spending is out of control. Because you found it inadequate, well, that’s your problem, not mine.
And you only post about it when republicans are in the WH.
A lie.

Why do you lie? Is that all you have?


Not a word about Trump's spending, eh? Just red herrings, straw men, and tu quoques in his defense.

Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

You think we have a $21 trillion debt because of foreign aid!?!?! :laughing0301:

Oh, man. That's priceless.

Foriegn Aid is only part of the problem, Playing wolrd police is another.
The US should not be supporting the world or fighting their fights for them.
Instead of borrowing more and more, we should cut spending .
If you cannot underfstand that you are dumber than dirt.
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

You think we have a $21 trillion debt because of foreign aid!?!?! :laughing0301:

Oh, man. That's priceless.

Foriegn Aid is only part of the problem, Playing wolrd police is another.
The US should not be supporting the world or fighting their fights for them.
Instead of borrowing more and more, we should cut spending .
If you cannot underfstand that you are dumber than dirt.
It is obvious Trump does not understand this.

He cut taxes while not eliminating the tax EXPENDITURES which made the corporate tax rate so high to begin with! Thus his tax "reform" was actually a Ponzi scheme which transferred an additional $1.5 trillion of debt onto our descendants which will have to be borrowed from our enemies!

That is what you are seeing today in this massive borrowing.

So, yeah. Trump is dumber than dirt. As I have been saying for a long time.

Anyone who defends him is also dumber than dirt.

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