Trump Needs To Borrow Almost $300 Billion This Week

Nothing on Brietbart about this.
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

You think we have a $21 trillion debt because of foreign aid!?!?! :laughing0301:

Oh, man. That's priceless.

Foriegn Aid is only part of the problem, Playing wolrd police is another.
The US should not be supporting the world or fighting their fights for them.
Instead of borrowing more and more, we should cut spending .
If you cannot underfstand that you are dumber than dirt.
It is obvious Trump does not understand this.

He cut taxes while not eliminating the tax EXPENDITURES which made the corporate tax rate so high to begin with! Thus his tax "reform" was actually a Ponzi scheme which transferred an additional $1.5 trillion of debt onto our descendants which will have to be borrowed from our enemies!

So, yeah. Trump is dumber than dirt. As I have been saying for a long time.

Anyone who defends him is also dumber than dirt.

According to you ANYONE who "disagrees" with is "dumber than dirt". Just ask you.
Trump's Chumps have been deliberately kept in the dark. They won't make the connection between Trump's Ponzi tax cut and today's massive borrowing from our enemies.

And you can be sure their propagandists will NOT explain it to them.

They will try to blame the Democrats...somehow. ;)
So...g is telling us that bbbbbut O, bbbbbbbb but bush, bbbbb but trump. Is there some new revelation in there that debt is going to start decreasing? Lol. Because its not.
This is why Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Trump's Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin went to Fort Knox in Kentucky to count the Gold. It's on the books at $42/oz & they are going to adjust it to $1400/oz & use it as $1 Tillion of collateral on a $20 Trillion loan.
Bond traders face supply test, as close to $300 billion of Treasurys sold this week

Fixed-income traders will face another record-busting week of issuance, with money managers, pension funds and foreign central banks expected to take down $294 billion of fresh debt.

We are borrowing from "foreign central banks".

You sure?
Yes. China holds a significant amount of our debt. They are one of the biggest foreign holders of our debt.

China has boosted its huge stash of U.S. government debt
And you only post about it when republicans are in the WH.

This country’s spending is out of sight, no matter who. Until govt is reduced it will continue to increase exponentially.

I would be curious to see what it would have been under the previous admin. Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

Don't interrupt his narrative, he doesn't want to debate, he wants to preach. g sees himself as the smartest guy in the room.

He is one of them. He's got some challenges when it comes to advocating for doing the right thing even if it costs money sometimes, but he's got you guys figured out pretty well.
Actually, we do know govt positions have been reduced. We know more are working, thus less unemployment, less food stamps, less on climate change, etc, so anyone with a reasonable knowledge of numbers realizes spending must be down.
Is it up for defense, yes. But only due to their being starved previously.
Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

"Something tells me". That's Tard for "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are wrong. Trump has ACCELERATED spending!

You know why you don't know this? Because the propagandists you parrot have not told you.

Maybe you should put down the piss cup and start paying attention.
Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

"Something tells me". That's Tard for "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are wrong. Trump has ACCELERATED spending!

You know why you don't know this? Because the propagandists you parrot have not told you.

Maybe you should put down the piss cup and start paying attention.

I think you know that the $50Bill Soc Sec deficits and the $150Bill Medicare deficits a year now are NOT Trump's fault or Obama's fault or Bush's fault. We ALL KNEW for 30 years that the govt was stealing the SS surplus and the accounting was bogus.

This IS the Baby Boomer crisis. And it's getting progressively worse. And the INTEREST on the EXISTING fucking debt is ANOTHER 20% of the budget shortfall. We are on autopilot for past sins. And we're not repenting fast enough BECAUSE of the partisan finger pointing and blaming.

Time to Grow the FUCK up....
Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

"Something tells me". That's Tard for "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are wrong. Trump has ACCELERATED spending!

You know why you don't know this? Because the propagandists you parrot have not told you.

Maybe you should put down the piss cup and start paying attention.

I think you know that the $50Bill Soc Sec deficits and the $150Bill Medicare deficits a year now are NOT Trump's fault or Obama's fault or Bush's fault. We ALL KNEW for 30 years that the govt was stealing the SS surplus and the accounting was bogus.

This IS the Baby Boomer crisis. And it's getting progressively worse. And the INTEREST on the EXISTING fucking debt is ANOTHER 20% of the budget shortfall. We are on autopilot for past sins. And we're not repenting fast enough BECAUSE of the partisan finger pointing and blaming.

Time to Grow the FUCK up....

Why do you believe that? Why do you believe that SS and Medicare are the culprits?

It is weird.
Actually, we do know govt positions have been reduced. We know more are working, thus less unemployment, less food stamps, less on climate change, etc, so anyone with a reasonable knowledge of numbers realizes spending must be down.
Wow. Just because you want to bleev something does not make it a fact.

What is a fact is that spending is UP.

Trump has ACCELERATED spending and deficits. That's why he has to borrow $300 billion this week.

You should be asking yourself why you don't know these facts. You should ask yourself why your propagandists are keeping it from you.
Trump and the GOP have accelerated deficit spending. Just like the last time they controlled the government.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Where is the Tea Party?

They stormed Washington when Obama borrowed money
Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

"Something tells me". That's Tard for "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are wrong. Trump has ACCELERATED spending!

You know why you don't know this? Because the propagandists you parrot have not told you.

Maybe you should put down the piss cup and start paying attention.

I think you know that the $50Bill Soc Sec deficits and the $150Bill Medicare deficits a year now are NOT Trump's fault or Obama's fault or Bush's fault. We ALL KNEW for 30 years that the govt was stealing the SS surplus and the accounting was bogus.

This IS the Baby Boomer crisis. And it's getting progressively worse. And the INTEREST on the EXISTING fucking debt is ANOTHER 20% of the budget shortfall. We are on autopilot for past sins. And we're not repenting fast enough BECAUSE of the partisan finger pointing and blaming.

Time to Grow the FUCK up....
Nope. Trump has increased spending. The accelerated deficits are not because of Social Security. What a joke!

This borrowing this week is to pay for his Ponzi tax cut.
Before he was Trump's bitch, Mick Mulvaney was screaming about budget deficits back when Obama was President and he was in Congress.
Mulvaney demanded a balanced budget amendment.

Today, Trump's budget director Mulvaney has now become a diehard Keynesian!

It's amazing.

Watch the video of his transformation here: US monthly deficit largest in 6 years
Since taking power, Trump and the GOP have ACCELERATED spending. ACCELERATED our deficits.

Just like the GOP did the last time they took power.

Fool me once...

I knew the pseuedocons would try to find a way to blame the Democrats. :lol:
Trump and the GOP have accelerated deficit spending. Just like the last time they controlled the government.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Where is the Tea Party?

They stormed Washington when Obama borrowed money
The Tea Party was a hoax.

Sarah Palin is passed out face down on the carpet.
Something does tell me the tide has at least slowed.

"Something tells me". That's Tard for "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are wrong. Trump has ACCELERATED spending!

You know why you don't know this? Because the propagandists you parrot have not told you.

Maybe you should put down the piss cup and start paying attention.

I think you know that the $50Bill Soc Sec deficits and the $150Bill Medicare deficits a year now are NOT Trump's fault or Obama's fault or Bush's fault. We ALL KNEW for 30 years that the govt was stealing the SS surplus and the accounting was bogus.

This IS the Baby Boomer crisis. And it's getting progressively worse. And the INTEREST on the EXISTING fucking debt is ANOTHER 20% of the budget shortfall. We are on autopilot for past sins. And we're not repenting fast enough BECAUSE of the partisan finger pointing and blaming.

Time to Grow the FUCK up....

Why do you believe that? Why do you believe that SS and Medicare are the culprits?

It is weird.

Because Soc Sec is running a deficit since 2010 now and EVERY DOLLAR it has to cover comes from NEW DEBT issued by the treasury yearly. There's nothing of value to cover the shortfall in the phony Trust Fund but promises to pay.

Social Security’s annual surpluses of tax income over expenditures are expected to fall sharply this
year and to stay about constant in 2010 because of the economic recession,
and to rise only briefly before declining and turning to cash flow
deficits beginning in 2016 that grow as the baby-boom generation retires.

The combined difference grows each year, so that by 2016, net revenue
flows from the general fund would total $369 billion (1.8 percent of
GDP). The positive amounts that begin in 2016 for OASDI, and started in
2008 for HI, initially represent payments the Treasury must make to the

trust funds when assets are depleted to help pay benefits in years prior to
exhaustion of the funds. Neither the redemption of trust fund bonds, nor interest paid on those bonds, provides any new net income to the Treasury,
which must finance redemptions and interest payments through some combination of increased taxation, reductions in other government spending, or additional borrowing from the public.

Same deal for the Medicare baby boomer crisis, but without the drama of the phony Trust Fund bookkeeping. These INCREASING expenses are sadistically called "off book debt" and come due right about NOW..

Together they are CURRENTLY less than 20% of the deficit.. BUt --- when you add on the DEBT (bond) REPAYMENTS -- you're up to about 40% of deficit that is the FAULT OF EVERYONE. Because it could have fixed over the past 30 years, but the 2 inept, corrupt parties PUNTED the ball to you and me.

Blaming this on the "party in power" is juvenile horse shit..


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