Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

If I offend you GOOD! I'm offended by the election of a racist tyrant by the hands of people like YOU! Talks of race cannot be avoided because race permeates every social political move RW conservatives make whether they be Democrat or Republican. The veneer of Trump's thinly veiled racism was tossed aside triumphanty hen he chose Jeff Sessions as his attorney general, Pence as his VP, and Banon as his chief of staff.

And don't go off on some tangent about fractions of voters including those that did not vote at all. I refuse to go beyond the votes that were cast in this election for and against each major party candidate. Hilary got most of those votes.

Of course you're offended by a fair and honest election. You're a liberal. You people don't believe in the Constitution, you people don't believe in the rule of law, you people believe that everybody must think like you because liberals are never wrong.

You leftists have problems with Trump? No surprise there. You found problems with Romney---such a clean cut guy that he squeaked. You found problems with McCain--a POW and honest man. As far as who Trump brings into his cabinet? It would't matter if he brought in the Pope. You would find race issues with him too because that's just how your minds are geared. You eat, sleep and shit race every day of your life. I wouldn't doubt if you have dreams about race. It's a mental illness you people don't even realize you have.

I seriously doubt Trump''s election was fair and honest. Unlike YOU, I refuse to ignore all the trickery and crookedness used by RW thieves to steal the presidency. If preventing or subverting the ability of qualified American citizens to vote represents your "belief"in the Constitution you need to renounce your citizenship. That kind of irresponsible blind logic is what offends me. But lets not stop there. Trump is gathering all the top known racist leaders under his umbrella and you don't care. Now I understand why. Kindred spirits love each other.

I identify myself as being an American imbued with Christian values. Money driven devils like you commit a sacrilege every time you pejoratively associate those Christian values with liberalism. I don't support gay marriage. My faith condemns it. I don't support abortion. My faith doesn't condone it. Yet, I am not so arrogant as to impress my will on others who, as Americans should be free to choose freely in regards to personal matters that ought to be left between them , their families and their god! If I am a liberal then Jesus must be one too. I strive to be as He was.

The shadow of race hovers over Trump and he is unapologetic about it. Neither are you. You just want me to stop bringing it up so his OBVIOUS racial agenda can proceed without backlash from non racist Whites. BTW, liberal or not, people of color can't afford to be wrong this time.
Their very lives may depend on keeping track of racists like Trump and YOU by broadcasting and protesting every racist move you make.
Not sure that would work, kicking democrats out. Supply and demand. You'd have a lot of empty houses and apartments, and I believe housing prices and rents would crash. That's why I never believed Trump would deport millions of illegals. I liked the sentiment though. He put people on notice that he would put a stop to this immigration insanity.

I think it would work fine, because you see, when somebody gets up off of a seat, another takes their place.

People flock to areas where it's safe, clean, vibrant, growing and profitable. That's what makes the rental and housing prices increase. No Democrats, little crime, lower taxes because emergency services are not needed as much, and wherever those Democrats moved to, their new neighbors would move here.

The problem with deportation is that each one needs to be heard in court before the deportation actually takes place. 11 million illegals being deported would mean 11 million cases heard in court, and Trump finally realized that was impossible to do in his entire four year term. Our courts are backed up enough as it is.

A simple new law would work, and that is make the penalty for being her illegally a five year minimum prison sentence. You wouldn't need a wall to keep new illegals out. You wouldn't need as many border patrol either. And most of the 11 million that are here would self-deport. The only problem is getting enough legislatures to have the guts to make such a law.
Adios, Banditos

Why not repeal the laws that lead to deportation delays? Whoever made those laws should be the ones who live in fear. This is an invasion, so martial law applies.
Mandate E-verify and an Executive Order ending the custom of birthright citizenship. Illegal immigration problem solved. Of course, that leaves legal immigration...

Birthright citizenship would be a Supreme Court issue, and I think we would have to wait for the proper justices to be nominated before that happens.

Whether illegals have kids here or not, if they have children, those children are entitled to government benefits. Because the benefits are so generous, the entire family can live off of them.

One of the problems Democrats have created for us it to treat illegals as citizens. In liberal states, they can get drivers licenses and even use that registration to vote. That should be stopped in the same way Trump is threatening sanctuary cities. Another way we cater to them is turning our country into a bilingual nation. We need to pass a law that English is our official language, and if you can't understand it, too bad. We should no longer have ballots and signs in public buildings written in any other language but English.
I don't think birthright citizenship needs a Supreme Court decision to end it. Or a constitutional amendment, for that matter. The case always cited, Wong Kim Ark, concerned someone born to immigrants legally present in the country. Permanently. Even then, it must be the worst reasoned decision in Supreme Court history. It's embarrassing to read. The dissent blows it out of the water. Either way, it didn't justify the current custom of granting citizenship to anyone and everyone who happens to pop out on this side of the border.

I think we just need to draw the curtain on the immigration epoch like we did the pioneering/expansionist epoch. It has to end sometime. Let's make it now.
Nine Clowns With Gavels and Gowns

We need to impeach SCROTUS Justices who make outrageous decisions against the overwhelming will of the American people. Better yet, nullify Marbury V. Madison.
If my use of the word White offends you, ignore it. That is about all you CAN do.

And yes, the true character and qualifications of Trump must not be cloaked by kindness and altruism. He is a menace to anyone who isn't a RW White male. We want the world to know who they will be dealing with and we want the majority of Americans {Hillary voters} to start to come together and devise a strategy for dealing with your megalomaniacal ignorant vindictive racist misogynist president elect.

Why would the word "white" offend me? I am white.

What offends me is bringing up race in a conversation that has nothing to do with race. Anytime you leftists/ Socialists/ Communists are backed into a corner, out comes the race card unwarranted.

The race card is a Joker. It makes a losing hand look like a winner.
If my use of the word White offends you, ignore it. That is about all you CAN do.

And yes, the true character and qualifications of Trump must not be cloaked by kindness and altruism. He is a menace to anyone who isn't a RW White male. We want the world to know who they will be dealing with and we want the majority of Americans {Hillary voters} to start to come together and devise a strategy for dealing with your megalomaniacal ignorant vindictive racist misogynist president elect.

Why would the word "white" offend me? I am white.

What offends me is bringing up race in a conversation that has nothing to do with race. Anytime you leftists/ Socialists/ Communists are backed into a corner, out comes the race card unwarranted.

The race card is a Joker. It makes a losing hand look like a winner.
In America, all the cards are race cards! Pick one pick any card.

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Trump's Chumps are of one mind it was the darkies, fags, and bimbos which got us into this mess.
Why not repeal the laws that lead to deportation delays? Whoever made those laws should be the ones who live in fear. This is an invasion, so martial law applies.

I couldn't agree more. I never researched into why they need a court hearing. If you're not here legally, they should just be able to toss your ass on a wagon an haul you out of here.
If I offend you GOOD! I'm offended by the election of a racist tyrant by the hands of people like YOU! Talks of race cannot be avoided because race permeates every social political move RW conservatives make whether they be Democrat or Republican. The veneer of Trump's thinly veiled racism was tossed aside triumphanty hen he chose Jeff Sessions as his attorney general, Pence as his VP, and Banon as his chief of staff.

And don't go off on some tangent about fractions of voters including those that did not vote at all. I refuse to go beyond the votes that were cast in this election for and against each major party candidate. Hilary got most of those votes.

Of course you're offended by a fair and honest election. You're a liberal. You people don't believe in the Constitution, you people don't believe in the rule of law, you people believe that everybody must think like you because liberals are never wrong.

You leftists have problems with Trump? No surprise there. You found problems with Romney---such a clean cut guy that he squeaked. You found problems with McCain--a POW and honest man. As far as who Trump brings into his cabinet? It would't matter if he brought in the Pope. You would find race issues with him too because that's just how your minds are geared. You eat, sleep and shit race every day of your life. I wouldn't doubt if you have dreams about race. It's a mental illness you people don't even realize you have.

I seriously doubt Trump''s election was fair and honest. Unlike YOU, I refuse to ignore all the trickery and crookedness used by RW thieves to steal the presidency. If preventing or subverting the ability of qualified American citizens to vote represents your "belief"in the Constitution you need to renounce your citizenship. That kind of irresponsible blind logic is what offends me. But lets not stop there. Trump is gathering all the top known racist leaders under his umbrella and you don't care. Now I understand why. Kindred spirits love each other.

I identify myself as being an American imbued with Christian values. Money driven devils like you commit a sacrilege every time you pejoratively associate those Christian values with liberalism. I don't support gay marriage. My faith condemns it. I don't support abortion. My faith doesn't condone it. Yet, I am not so arrogant as to impress my will on others who, as Americans should be free to choose freely in regards to personal matters that ought to be left between them , their families and their god! If I am a liberal then Jesus must be one too. I strive to be as He was.

The shadow of race hovers over Trump and he is unapologetic about it. Neither are you. You just want me to stop bringing it up so his OBVIOUS racial agenda can proceed without backlash from non racist Whites. BTW, liberal or not, people of color can't afford to be wrong this time.
Their very lives may depend on keeping track of racists like Trump and YOU by broadcasting and protesting every racist move you make.

As Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again..........

The problem with you Trump haters is everybody is a racist. How can Trump pick anybody that's not in your book? It's impossible.

Your response is proof positive of that. You say that Republicans are subverting and preventing people's ability to vote--by demanding Voter ID? That's ridiculous. Anybody can get an ID except the lazy people who won't take the time. That's what Democrats are really worried about. They can't say that, so they create this race excuse to try and draw sympathy from people. It has nothing to do with race. You can't make one law that everybody has to abide by and say it's racist somehow.
Pretty good answer there. However, almost half of Ohio is democrat so....even if you could kick half the democrats out, many of whom own businesses and property...the void wouldn't be filled that easily. Here in California, which has been almost colonized by Mexico already, it would even be harder. And separating families, where maybe one parent legal, the other not, two kids legal, one not? It's gone too far now. Let's see what happens. At least we will have a president in office pretty soon who will stem the tide of welcoming anyone and everyone to come here, legally or otherwise.

After Trump is sworn in, I think you're going to see a migration back to Mexico. Not all 11 million of course, but enough to make the news I'm sure.

The idea that Trump is running things will stop new people from trying to sneak into the US as well. It's all word of mouth, and once that word spreads, it will have an impact.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

Needs? No

Should? Absolutely, as long as they are qualified

Alan West would be a no brainer for Secretary of State. Just please don't give it to Mitt Romney

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Why not repeal the laws that lead to deportation delays? Whoever made those laws should be the ones who live in fear. This is an invasion, so martial law applies.

I couldn't agree more. I never researched into why they need a court hearing. If you're not here legally, they should just be able to toss your ass on a wagon an haul you out of here.

There's that stupid constitution getting in the way ! Must be destroyed !!!
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
You need to realize that you lost. You had your say, and were overruled. And you sure as fuck don't have a say in how our party assembles its cabinet. Especially when you look at gender, and race as if it were some sort of qualifier... That ideology was voted out for a reason.
By a minority of the vote anyways.

But that's besides the point. Trump should have his way with the country for the next 4 years (barring impeachment). We didn't learn our lesson with Dubya, maybe Trump's the guy who can drive the point on home.
30 out of 50 states, overwhelming win.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

No he doesn't. It's doesn't matter. Bush had the most diverse cabinet in history and the media didn't give a shit.

Trump needs to appoint whomever he wants. If he wants to appoint a transgendered African American disabled war veteran, he should. If he wants to appoint old white men, he should.

The Dems only choices for POTUS were an old white female and and old white male.

He won. Elections have consequences.
only if they are the best for the job. I'm done with equaling playing fields over hiring the best.
Why not repeal the laws that lead to deportation delays? Whoever made those laws should be the ones who live in fear. This is an invasion, so martial law applies.

I couldn't agree more. I never researched into why they need a court hearing. If you're not here legally, they should just be able to toss your ass on a wagon an haul you out of here.

There's that stupid constitution getting in the way ! Must be destroyed !!!

Where in the Constitution does it say people that broke the law and come here illegally get a court hearing?
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Why would you say that? Trump is a Republican.

Trump said that Mexicans are rapists and dealers and the ones living here are the worst Mexico could send, black communities need "law and order" (wink wink), he grabs p...y whether they want it or not, he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people, our military should commit war crimes like killing members of the families of bombers which suggests babies and children, and torture, protesters should end up in stretchers, a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair, Putin is a great leader, Trump said the first black president was not American for years, 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics, laziness is a trait in blacks, questions whether gays should be "allowed" marriage rights, who wants to target a religion from entering the US, who said blood was coming out of her whatever, it was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.
nope trump never made those comments liar. but we know it's what you do. you are a good liar for sure.
No. He needs to appoint the best people for the jobs.
If that were true he would resign immediately and tell Hillary to come on back and take over.
well that would still only be hiring due to fairness not because she would be the best. LOL Trump is ten times her qualifications. she never hired anyone in her life or create a job. hmmmmmm
No. He needs to appoint the best people for the jobs.
If that were true he would resign immediately and tell Hillary to come on back and take over.
well that would still only be hiring due to fairness not because she would be the best. LOL Trump is ten times her qualifications. she never hired anyone in her life or create a job. hmmmmmm
You parameters for presidential qualifications are set very low if you support Trooper Trump. He's never worked a day in his life, now he is working, tentatively, for millions of us. I don't think he can take being held accountable for once in his life. He won't last...
No. He needs to appoint the best people for the jobs.
If that were true he would resign immediately and tell Hillary to come on back and take over.
well that would still only be hiring due to fairness not because she would be the best. LOL Trump is ten times her qualifications. she never hired anyone in her life or create a job. hmmmmmm
You parameters for presidential qualifications are set very low if you support Trooper Trump. He's never worked a day in his life, now he is working, tentatively, for millions of us. I don't think he can take being held accountable for once in his life. He won't last...
he's one of the hardest workers on the planet. his working staff says so. he's on top of all company issues. He wouldn't be a success if he didn't. just saying, you have no idea how hard he works. I believe his staff though.
Why not repeal the laws that lead to deportation delays? Whoever made those laws should be the ones who live in fear. This is an invasion, so martial law applies.

I couldn't agree more. I never researched into why they need a court hearing. If you're not here legally, they should just be able to toss your ass on a wagon an haul you out of here.

There's that stupid constitution getting in the way ! Must be destroyed !!!

Where in the Constitution does it say people that broke the law and come here illegally get a court hearing?

It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .
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