Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

Bullshit! Americans believe in equality. He should nominate the best person for the job without regard for race, sex. religion or sexual orientation. PC sucks.

Correction: conservative Americans believe in equality. Liberals believe in special rules for special people.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
W did that. See how much love it got him from the opposition?
I agree. For most, it's another retirement. Or a retirement for those who don't have one. Looks like your county is less business owner friendly then mine, too, although I sold out just a few months before everything crashed. Market reached new highs. A 4 plex I bought in 2000 for 350k sold for just under a million in 2008. Part of my retirement.

That sounds great, but that's way out of my league. Retirement is exactly what I had in mind. Yeah, I have a retirement plan at work, and of course, I'll get SS, but I'm not secure enough with those two. I need something more if I live that long.


Have you considered professional sports or super-modeling? I hear those pay well.
I couldn't agree more. I never researched into why they need a court hearing. If you're not here legally, they should just be able to toss your ass on a wagon an haul you out of here.

There's that stupid constitution getting in the way ! Must be destroyed !!!

Where in the Constitution does it say people that broke the law and come here illegally get a court hearing?

It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .

Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

I'm finding myself reasonably pleased with Trump's cabinet choices. And relatively surprised. Not dancing in the street about Ben Carson, whose appeal I never understood, but I'm really happy with the appointment of a school choice/charter school advocate for Department of Education.
There's that stupid constitution getting in the way ! Must be destroyed !!!

Where in the Constitution does it say people that broke the law and come here illegally get a court hearing?

It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .

Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?

Not really an epidemic of red-haired, white women with Southern accents hopping the border, so I don't usually have an issue.
There's that stupid constitution getting in the way ! Must be destroyed !!!

Where in the Constitution does it say people that broke the law and come here illegally get a court hearing?

It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .

Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?

A drivers license doesn't mean you are legal.

You racist rubes think immigration is all Mexicans on the border . 40% of illegals enter legally and overstay their visas. And they come from all over the planet .
Where in the Constitution does it say people that broke the law and come here illegally get a court hearing?

It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .

Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?

A drivers license doesn't mean you are legal.

You racist rubes think immigration is all Mexicans on the border . 40% of illegals enter legally and overstay their visas. And they come from all over the planet .

So now I'm a racist rube. End of this attempt at a discussion about immigration.
It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .

Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?

A drivers license doesn't mean you are legal.

You racist rubes think immigration is all Mexicans on the border . 40% of illegals enter legally and overstay their visas. And they come from all over the planet .

So now I'm a racist rube. End of this attempt at a discussion about immigration.

When they lose an argument then they make it about racism. Sad they are void of any logic skills.
It's a crazy little thing known as due process . Try reading the constitution sometime .

It doesn't just cover "citizens" .

Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?

A drivers license doesn't mean you are legal.

You racist rubes think immigration is all Mexicans on the border . 40% of illegals enter legally and overstay their visas. And they come from all over the planet .

So now I'm a racist rube. End of this attempt at a discussion about immigration.

This is typical of the left-wing, which is exactly why they just got smacked down in this election.

Without knowing anything about you, he automatically jumped to 'your racists' and made up that everyone thinks all immigrants are Mexicans.

They have zero integrity, and no decency. That's why they have to resort to endless accusations, and why we don't care.

All you left-wingers out there, you are all liars, and corrupt. You can't argue the issues, you can only spout off and throw insults.


Ann Coulter right again. The more they scream, the more they prove her right.
If that were true he would resign immediately and tell Hillary to come on back and take over.
well that would still only be hiring due to fairness not because she would be the best. LOL Trump is ten times her qualifications. she never hired anyone in her life or create a job. hmmmmmm
You parameters for presidential qualifications are set very low if you support Trooper Trump. He's never worked a day in his life, now he is working, tentatively, for millions of us. I don't think he can take being held accountable for once in his life. He won't last...

So Trump never worked a day in his life? The empire they say he built just sorta happened, while he played golf and goofed off like obama has done the last eight years?
If he had "built an empire," which I seriously doubt, he would physically resemble Conan, not the Pillsbury Doughboy! when you have money it is easy to have others actually do the labor of building something and take credit for it.

Thanks for confirming what ray from cleveland and I were discussing in post #309. People who have never run a business or even had a rental to run, haven't a clue. And Trump's business is way more complicated. If he has others running his business and it doesn't get run into the ground, it proves that he can pick the right people and delegate authority.
businessmen like Trump have total control over their businesses and have to answer to no one. He won't have that luxury as president. But with master Russia hackers at his disposal, thanks to his buddy Putin, Trump might be able to compile a "black book" on key Congressmen. AS ruthless as he is, I would not put anything past him.
Why is due process necessary? There's no need to prove that an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

Of course you do .

If your stopped by a cop . How do you prove you are a citizen?

My drivers license usually works. I'm legal, nothing to worry about. Why do you want your country over run by the third world?

A drivers license doesn't mean you are legal.

You racist rubes think immigration is all Mexicans on the border . 40% of illegals enter legally and overstay their visas. And they come from all over the planet .

So now I'm a racist rube. End of this attempt at a discussion about immigration.

This is typical of the left-wing, which is exactly why they just got smacked down in this election.

Without knowing anything about you, he automatically jumped to 'your racists' and made up that everyone thinks all immigrants are Mexicans.

They have zero integrity, and no decency. That's why they have to resort to endless accusations, and why we don't care.

All you left-wingers out there, you are all liars, and corrupt. You can't argue the issues, you can only spout off and throw insults.

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Ann Coulter right again. The more they scream, the more they prove her right.

And that sums up 90% of the threads on this board.
well that would still only be hiring due to fairness not because she would be the best. LOL Trump is ten times her qualifications. she never hired anyone in her life or create a job. hmmmmmm
You parameters for presidential qualifications are set very low if you support Trooper Trump. He's never worked a day in his life, now he is working, tentatively, for millions of us. I don't think he can take being held accountable for once in his life. He won't last...

So Trump never worked a day in his life? The empire they say he built just sorta happened, while he played golf and goofed off like obama has done the last eight years?
If he had "built an empire," which I seriously doubt, he would physically resemble Conan, not the Pillsbury Doughboy! when you have money it is easy to have others actually do the labor of building something and take credit for it.

Thanks for confirming what ray from cleveland and I were discussing in post #309. People who have never run a business or even had a rental to run, haven't a clue. And Trump's business is way more complicated. If he has others running his business and it doesn't get run into the ground, it proves that he can pick the right people and delegate authority.
businessmen like Trump have total control over their businesses and have to answer to no one. He won't have that luxury as president. But with master Russia hackers at his disposal, thanks to his buddy Putin, Trump might be able to compile a "black book" on key Congressmen. AS ruthless as he is, I would not put anything past him.

YOur belief that businessmen don't have to answer to anyone just shows your ignorance.

Goggle Business partners and shareholders. Make sure to use real dictionary definitions, not some lefty blog BS.
well that would still only be hiring due to fairness not because she would be the best. LOL Trump is ten times her qualifications. she never hired anyone in her life or create a job. hmmmmmm
You parameters for presidential qualifications are set very low if you support Trooper Trump. He's never worked a day in his life, now he is working, tentatively, for millions of us. I don't think he can take being held accountable for once in his life. He won't last...

So Trump never worked a day in his life? The empire they say he built just sorta happened, while he played golf and goofed off like obama has done the last eight years?
If he had "built an empire," which I seriously doubt, he would physically resemble Conan, not the Pillsbury Doughboy! when you have money it is easy to have others actually do the labor of building something and take credit for it.

Thanks for confirming what ray from cleveland and I were discussing in post #309. People who have never run a business or even had a rental to run, haven't a clue. And Trump's business is way more complicated. If he has others running his business and it doesn't get run into the ground, it proves that he can pick the right people and delegate authority.
businessmen like Trump have total control over their businesses and have to answer to no one. He won't have that luxury as president. But with master Russia hackers at his disposal, thanks to his buddy Putin, Trump might be able to compile a "black book" on key Congressmen. AS ruthless as he is, I would not put anything past him.

Yeah, we really have to watch Trump on creating black books. If he gets away with that, then what? The next thing know. he'll be sicking his IRS on political enemies and probably say he knew nothing about it until he read the newspaper or something.
You parameters for presidential qualifications are set very low if you support Trooper Trump. He's never worked a day in his life, now he is working, tentatively, for millions of us. I don't think he can take being held accountable for once in his life. He won't last...

So Trump never worked a day in his life? The empire they say he built just sorta happened, while he played golf and goofed off like obama has done the last eight years?
If he had "built an empire," which I seriously doubt, he would physically resemble Conan, not the Pillsbury Doughboy! when you have money it is easy to have others actually do the labor of building something and take credit for it.

Thanks for confirming what ray from cleveland and I were discussing in post #309. People who have never run a business or even had a rental to run, haven't a clue. And Trump's business is way more complicated. If he has others running his business and it doesn't get run into the ground, it proves that he can pick the right people and delegate authority.
businessmen like Trump have total control over their businesses and have to answer to no one. He won't have that luxury as president. But with master Russia hackers at his disposal, thanks to his buddy Putin, Trump might be able to compile a "black book" on key Congressmen. AS ruthless as he is, I would not put anything past him.

YOur belief that businessmen don't have to answer to anyone just shows your ignorance.

Goggle Business partners and shareholders. Make sure to use real dictionary definitions, not some lefty blog BS.
It isn't my belief. I specifically mentioned "businessmen like Trump" because he OWNS things, goes bankrupt multiple times and still is able to pose as a billionaire. Pondering those documented facts, just who is Trump accountable to?

Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide

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