Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .
Affirmative-action destroys minority rights… Just go check out in the Indian reservation you'll see the destruction political correctness/affirmative-action have done to the Rez.:itsok:
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .
Affirmative-action destroys minority rights… Just go check out in the Indian reservation you'll see the destruction political correctness/affirmative-action have done to the Rez.:itsok:

Indian reservations??? You really want to bring that up as a counter example to institutional racism!? Lol!

Do you think trump hiring his son in law had. Nothing to do with the guy being his son in law?
Mandate E-verify and an Executive Order ending the custom of birthright citizenship. Illegal immigration problem solved. Of course, that leaves legal immigration...

Birthright citizenship would be a Supreme Court issue, and I think we would have to wait for the proper justices to be nominated before that happens.

Whether illegals have kids here or not, if they have children, those children are entitled to government benefits. Because the benefits are so generous, the entire family can live off of them.

One of the problems Democrats have created for us it to treat illegals as citizens. In liberal states, they can get drivers licenses and even use that registration to vote. That should be stopped in the same way Trump is threatening sanctuary cities. Another way we cater to them is turning our country into a bilingual nation. We need to pass a law that English is our official language, and if you can't understand it, too bad. We should no longer have ballots and signs in public buildings written in any other language but English.
I don't think birthright citizenship needs a Supreme Court decision to end it. Or a constitutional amendment, for that matter. The case always cited, Wong Kim Ark, concerned someone born to immigrants legally present in the country. Permanently. Even then, it must be the worst reasoned decision in Supreme Court history. It's embarrassing to read. The dissent blows it out of the water. Either way, it didn't justify the current custom of granting citizenship to anyone and everyone who happens to pop out on this side of the border.

I think we just need to draw the curtain on the immigration epoch like we did the pioneering/expansionist epoch. It has to end sometime. Let's make it now.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .
Affirmative-action destroys minority rights… Just go check out in the Indian reservation you'll see the destruction political correctness/affirmative-action have done to the Rez.:itsok:

Indian reservations??? You really want to bring that up as a counter example to institutional racism!? Lol!

Do you think trump hiring his son in law had. Nothing to do with the guy being his son in law?
Political correctness and affirmative-action has only made the country weaker... :itsok:
Oh come off it. The 1950s and 1960s saw the streets of America filled with anti busing fanatics, national segregationists and just plain haters.. And from some of the televised events I saw during the campaigns of both candidates, murmurs of rioting and civil disturbance by RW nuts were gaining momentum. Gun sales increased to bolster the threat of those murmurs.

So when you have all the police, the armed forces and the racial majority of people in this country, rioting is replaced by legalized
terror. You can use the forces at your command to accomplish your goals and suppress those who oppose you.

YOUR MONEY and the poverty in your state.

If red states don't take federal welfare dollars and instead focus on making their states "GREAT" by doing what they promise to do now on a national scale welfare would disappear. But they haven't even tried it at home in their own states. Lies , deception, voter suppression and purging of the voter rolls are typical of republican led states. They aren't trying to make their palpitating masses wealthy. They are functionalists who believe social stratification is a godsend and they are given their privilege by a discriminating god. do you know his name.? I do. It is Mammon!

First off, let's put this red state/ blue state nonsense to rest. What the leftists consider a red state is one that voted for a Republican President--not a state that is run entirely by Republicans. Those so-called red states have plenty of Democrat congress people and even Senators and governors.

Secondly, I was around in the 60's and I don't recall all this mayhem of bussing. Sure people were upset, and rightfully so as their freedom to send their children to their nearest school was swept away by some activist judges, but not these riots and protests that you're talking about.

Of course I was only a child back in the 60's, so my interest was in watching cartoons and batman. So I did a little research about your claim.

Seems I can't find any major unrest about bussing like we see today with leftist protests and riots. The only one of signifigance that I could find was in liberal Boston. Other than that, no listing of other cities that had similar experiences.

People of yesteryear did protest because our communications were very primitive. We had newspapers, maybe a television set if you were lucky, and that's about it. I remember there were plenty of homes that didn't even have a telephone. Politicians didn't know exactly how people felt about issues and there was no data for them to collect to know.

Today everything is on television almost as fast as an event happens. With the internet, satellites broadcasting coast to coast, cable and satellite television, there is no reason to protest anything. Our electors know exactly who feels what simply by going to social media or polling outfits. People can contact their representatives instantly just by sending them an email.

Repubican Controlled States are the Poorest! What is it about that statement that you don't understand? Pay particular attention to the word CONTROLLED. It means something. That means the state has a Republican administration leading it. Now do you understand? Now that I have made that clear tell me why so many Republican controlled states are so damn impoverished and strapped for cash?
Why aren't those states serving as models of Republicanism? Oh… I forgot…THEY ARE,,,

Busing and integration in the 60s: I was a high school student back then and the protests are still vivid in my memory. Protests in the south were especially virulent and deadly. Some of us believe the masterminds of the protests even killed a president of the USA.

Does media technology really affect protest strategy? You seem to think it does. But I don't think you can validate that. Many of the current protestors are White. Haven't you noticed? Perhaps to you they've lost their "Whiteness" card by protesting against Trump.
But the method of effectively protesting is to make it public. Text messing and blogging a protest just isn't effective as drawing media attention to an event so the the entire world can see it.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .
Affirmative-action destroys minority rights… Just go check out in the Indian reservation you'll see the destruction political correctness/affirmative-action have done to the Rez.:itsok:

Indian reservations??? You really want to bring that up as a counter example to institutional racism!? Lol!

Do you think trump hiring his son in law had. Nothing to do with the guy being his son in law?
Political correctness and affirmative-action has only made the country weaker... :itsok:

Youre right about the PC stuff . Look at all these crybabies bitching about football players not standing for the anthem . Bunch of PC thugs .
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .

Hillary was disaster and the election proved what many were saying all along. She was not a good leader. 6,000,000 less voters voted for her than they did Obama. She was a bad candidate.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .

Hillary was disaster and the election proved what many were saying all along. She was not a good leader. 6,000,000 less voters voted for her than they did Obama. She was a bad candidate.

Yeah she sucked . But she is more "qualified"
In the objective sense.
Repubican Controlled States are the Poorest! What is it about that statement that you don't understand? Pay particular attention to the word CONTROLLED. It means something. That means the state has a Republican administration leading it. Now do you understand? Now that I have made that clear tell me why so many Republican controlled states are so damn impoverished and strapped for cash?
Why aren't those states serving as models of Republicanism? Oh… I forgot…THEY ARE,,,

Here. Learn something for once in your life: Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare

Busing and integration in the 60s: I was a high school student back then and the protests are still vivid in my memory. Protests in the south were especially virulent and deadly. Some of us believe the masterminds of the protests even killed a president of the USA.

Sure they did. That's why you can't find anything on the internet (outside of Boston) that supports your claim.

Does media technology really affect protest strategy? You seem to think it does. But I don't think you can validate that. Many of the current protestors are White. Haven't you noticed? Perhaps to you they've lost their "Whiteness" card by protesting against Trump.
But the method of effectively protesting is to make it public. Text messing and blogging a protest just isn't effective as drawing media attention to an event so the the entire world can see it.

What does "white" have to do with this conversation? You leftist can insert race into anything even when race was not even part of the discussion. I understand it's a defensive mechanism, but really.....

For the world to see? Is that what this is all about? Of course it must be, because these riots/protests don't change a thing in the political spectrum within the US. You can't protest or riot a fairly and constitutionally elected President.
I don't think birthright citizenship needs a Supreme Court decision to end it. Or a constitutional amendment, for that matter. The case always cited, Wong Kim Ark, concerned someone born to immigrants legally present in the country. Permanently. Even then, it must be the worst reasoned decision in Supreme Court history. It's embarrassing to read. The dissent blows it out of the water. Either way, it didn't justify the current custom of granting citizenship to anyone and everyone who happens to pop out on this side of the border.

I think we just need to draw the curtain on the immigration epoch like we did the pioneering/expansionist epoch. It has to end sometime. Let's make it now.

I don't disagree with you. It's just that it would be challenge by the leftists right up to the Supreme Court. Actually, it was written in the Constitution to give black babies citizenship rights since at the time, blacks were not considered full citizens.
Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .

Trump was better connected than Hillary?
Repubican Controlled States are the Poorest! What is it about that statement that you don't understand? Pay particular attention to the word CONTROLLED. It means something. That means the state has a Republican administration leading it. Now do you understand? Now that I have made that clear tell me why so many Republican controlled states are so damn impoverished and strapped for cash?
Why aren't those states serving as models of Republicanism? Oh… I forgot…THEY ARE,,,

Here. Learn something for once in your life: Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare

Busing and integration in the 60s: I was a high school student back then and the protests are still vivid in my memory. Protests in the south were especially virulent and deadly. Some of us believe the masterminds of the protests even killed a president of the USA.

Sure they did. That's why you can't find anything on the internet (outside of Boston) that supports your claim.

Does media technology really affect protest strategy? You seem to think it does. But I don't think you can validate that. Many of the current protestors are White. Haven't you noticed? Perhaps to you they've lost their "Whiteness" card by protesting against Trump.
But the method of effectively protesting is to make it public. Text messing and blogging a protest just isn't effective as drawing media attention to an event so the the entire world can see it.

What does "white" have to do with this conversation? You leftist can insert race into anything even when race was not even part of the discussion. I understand it's a defensive mechanism, but really.....

For the world to see? Is that what this is all about? Of course it must be, because these riots/protests don't change a thing in the political spectrum within the US. You can't protest or riot a fairly and constitutionally elected President.

If my use of the word White offends you, ignore it. That is about all you CAN do.

And yes, the true character and qualifications of Trump must not be cloaked by kindness and altruism. He is a menace to anyone who isn't a RW White male. We want the world to know who they will be dealing with and we want the majority of Americans {Hillary voters} to start to come together and devise a strategy for dealing with your megalomaniacal ignorant vindictive racist misogynist president elect.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
When are you going to realize that the best people for each office are going to be getting the jobs. No quotas, no color bias and certainly no Craig's list ad for transgenders for Defense Secretary. Trump will be looking at resumes and if that person happens to be one of those you mention...fine. But he's not going to have "tokens" in his administration. Grow up already!

Hillary was best qualified .

This is a perfect example of why affirmative action exists . You talk a lot of shit about "best qualified ", but in reality the jobs go to the best connected .

Hillary was disaster and the election proved what many were saying all along. She was not a good leader. 6,000,000 less voters voted for her than they did Obama. She was a bad candidate.

Yeah she sucked . But she is more "qualified"
In the objective sense.

I don't think she was the best candidate. McMullin was the best candidate. I think Gary Johnson was more qualified, but he wasn't a good choice either.
If my use of the word White offends you, ignore it. That is about all you CAN do.

And yes, the true character and qualifications of Trump must not be cloaked by kindness and altruism. He is a menace to anyone who isn't a RW White male. We want the world to know who they will be dealing with and we want the majority of Americans {Hillary voters} to start to come together and devise a strategy for dealing with your megalomaniacal ignorant vindictive racist misogynist president elect.

Why would the word "white" offend me? I am white.

What offends me is bringing up race in a conversation that has nothing to do with race. Anytime you leftists/ Socialists/ Communists are backed into a corner, out comes the race card unwarranted.

And your "majority" is one 120th of the total amount of voters. It's not that much of a so-called majority. It's what we in America call a fraction.

You don't need jobless lowlifes protesting and rioting to tell the world anything. The "world" is quite aware of what's happening without them.
Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

RAY said:
Infiltrators? You mean like the ones Soros us paying?

How do you have a job while at the same time, being able to protest all day and night? If you work full time, the last thing you have time for is to go out in the street to cause trouble for hours on end. You get home, have some dinner, relax for a while, and then maybe tend to chores at home. Then maybe have a drink or two and watch some television, go on the internet for a while, and then start getting ready for work the next day.

You just can't help talking out your ass. Somehow the fleas from Soros' dog got in your ear and told you he paid infiltrators somewhere at some time. That is a real reliable source, I tell ya.

Even more dazzlingly stupid is the dumb retort underlying your premise that the protestors are jobless bums who somehow are able to protest day and night without sleep, food or bathroom visits. Somehow in your limited cranial capacity you think the same people are out there 24hrs a day. It never occurred to you that they are organized and protesting in shifts. Typical Trump-Bot…regurgitating spoon fed propaganda.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?

Ray said:
What's keeping them down? They're Democrats. First you start off by pointing out the obvious that not everybody in a red or blue state is red or blue, and then ask a dumb question like that?

Your welfare check comes from the federal government. Your food stamps come from the federal government. Your HUD home comes from the federal government. Your Medicare mostly comes from the federal government. Your school lunch comes from the federal government. People get welfare--not states. A state can't be poor--only people can be poor. Red states can't kick the blue people out unfortunately. Wish they could. Like I said, if we could kick the Democrats out of my state, my property value would double overnight. And if you take a look at the electoral map, you'd see that most of the country is red.

I don't receive welfare checks or food stamps, unlike you right wing "patriots, I actually served my country in the military and retired quite comfortably. You are just as wrong about your wild inane supposition declaring people get welfare not states. Even as you bray loudly in dissention, you know that states receive and distribute federal funds to their welfare recipients. States governed by GOP administrations are the poorest in the country and have the highest number of welfare recipients.

Looking at the Groper's poverty laden track record, I can only shake my head in bewilderment at the programed sheep who want to make poverty a national goal by voting Republican.

You have to be the most stupidest poster here. You do know they have been traditionally poor and run by democrats... They started becoming successfu in the past 20 years when the republicans started taking control
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! What a gullible fool you are SUHR! Here I'll give you an example of good ol' red state poverty. Ever hear of Mississippi? That is the POOREST state in the Union and guess who is in charge… RepubliCONS!

Ever here of South Carolina, North Carolina georgia you fucking tard?

Yeah Mississippi is a broke state but not on verge of bankruptcy like Illinois you moron.. And guess what ignorant fool 30 of 50 god damn states a huge multi trillion unfunded Union pension plan problem... And guess which states they are?
The per capita income of Mississippi is the lowest in the nation dummi!
If my use of the word White offends you, ignore it. That is about all you CAN do.

And yes, the true character and qualifications of Trump must not be cloaked by kindness and altruism. He is a menace to anyone who isn't a RW White male. We want the world to know who they will be dealing with and we want the majority of Americans {Hillary voters} to start to come together and devise a strategy for dealing with your megalomaniacal ignorant vindictive racist misogynist president elect.

Why would the word "white" offend me? I am white.

What offends me is bringing up race in a conversation that has nothing to do with race. Anytime you leftists/ Socialists/ Communists are backed into a corner, out comes the race card unwarranted.

And your "majority" is one 120th of the total amount of voters. It's not that much of a so-called majority. It's what we in America call a fraction.

You don't need jobless lowlifes protesting and rioting to tell the world anything. The "world" is quite aware of what's happening without them.
If I offend you GOOD! I'm offended by the election of a racist tyrant by the hands of people like YOU! Talks of race cannot be avoided because race permeates every social political move RW conservatives make whether they be Democrat or Republican. The veneer of Trump's thinly veiled racism was tossed aside triumphanty hen he chose Jeff Sessions as his attorney general, Pence as his VP, and Banon as his chief of staff.

And don't go off on some tangent about fractions of voters including those that did not vote at all. I refuse to go beyond the votes that were cast in this election for and against each major party candidate. Hilary got most of those votes.
I don't think birthright citizenship needs a Supreme Court decision to end it. Or a constitutional amendment, for that matter. The case always cited, Wong Kim Ark, concerned someone born to immigrants legally present in the country. Permanently. Even then, it must be the worst reasoned decision in Supreme Court history. It's embarrassing to read. The dissent blows it out of the water. Either way, it didn't justify the current custom of granting citizenship to anyone and everyone who happens to pop out on this side of the border.

I think we just need to draw the curtain on the immigration epoch like we did the pioneering/expansionist epoch. It has to end sometime. Let's make it now.

I don't disagree with you. It's just that it would be challenge by the leftists right up to the Supreme Court. Actually, it was written in the Constitution to give black babies citizenship rights since at the time, blacks were not considered full citizens.
And recently freed 3/5 humans. The phrase "and under the jurisdiction thereof" was added specifically to exclude persons born within the borders but to non-citizens, in this case, Native Americans. And you are certainly right that the leftists and those who have been working for decades to defeat whites though demographic replacement would end up placing the matter in the hands of the Supreme Court. Thank God Hillary will not be appointing any Justices.
If I offend you GOOD! I'm offended by the election of a racist tyrant by the hands of people like YOU! Talks of race cannot be avoided because race permeates every social political move RW conservatives make whether they be Democrat or Republican. The veneer of Trump's thinly veiled racism was tossed aside triumphanty hen he chose Jeff Sessions as his attorney general, Pence as his VP, and Banon as his chief of staff.

And don't go off on some tangent about fractions of voters including those that did not vote at all. I refuse to go beyond the votes that were cast in this election for and against each major party candidate. Hilary got most of those votes.

Of course you're offended by a fair and honest election. You're a liberal. You people don't believe in the Constitution, you people don't believe in the rule of law, you people believe that everybody must think like you because liberals are never wrong.

You leftists have problems with Trump? No surprise there. You found problems with Romney---such a clean cut guy that he squeaked. You found problems with McCain--a POW and honest man. As far as who Trump brings into his cabinet? It would't matter if he brought in the Pope. You would find race issues with him too because that's just how your minds are geared. You eat, sleep and shit race every day of your life. I wouldn't doubt if you have dreams about race. It's a mental illness you people don't even realize you have.
Not sure that would work, kicking democrats out. Supply and demand. You'd have a lot of empty houses and apartments, and I believe housing prices and rents would crash. That's why I never believed Trump would deport millions of illegals. I liked the sentiment though. He put people on notice that he would put a stop to this immigration insanity.

I think it would work fine, because you see, when somebody gets up off of a seat, another takes their place.

People flock to areas where it's safe, clean, vibrant, growing and profitable. That's what makes the rental and housing prices increase. No Democrats, little crime, lower taxes because emergency services are not needed as much, and wherever those Democrats moved to, their new neighbors would move here.

The problem with deportation is that each one needs to be heard in court before the deportation actually takes place. 11 million illegals being deported would mean 11 million cases heard in court, and Trump finally realized that was impossible to do in his entire four year term. Our courts are backed up enough as it is.

A simple new law would work, and that is make the penalty for being her illegally a five year minimum prison sentence. You wouldn't need a wall to keep new illegals out. You wouldn't need as many border patrol either. And most of the 11 million that are here would self-deport. The only problem is getting enough legislatures to have the guts to make such a law.

Pretty good answer there. However, almost half of Ohio is democrat so....even if you could kick half the democrats out, many of whom own businesses and property...the void wouldn't be filled that easily. Here in California, which has been almost colonized by Mexico already, it would even be harder. And separating families, where maybe one parent legal, the other not, two kids legal, one not? It's gone too far now. Let's see what happens. At least we will have a president in office pretty soon who will stem the tide of welcoming anyone and everyone to come here, legally or otherwise.
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