Trump needs to STFU and let the Riled up People Calm Down ( New Tweets)

The man is not presidential material. I really think at this point he needs to resign.
Yeah, I bet you does every other liberal snowflake who has been seditiously attempting to undermine / overthrow him since before the election through legal and illegal means.... :p

False. I didn't vote for Trump, but I said I would give him a chance. He has been nothing but a comedy of errors. He simply doesn't have the temperament for the job and nobody will work with him. He cannot govern.
Wow... people get ready for many more violent marches and killings... He is throwing fuel into the fire .. Just STFU and let things calm down..

  1. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
    ...the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!

  2. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
    ...can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson - who's next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also...

  3. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
    Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You.....


Standing up to Fascist Aggression is the only way to stop it from becoming a part of government. This is nothing less than institutional bigotry by organized leftist scumbags trying to overthrow the government. Sedition.
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Liberals have suppressed free speech, dare to disagree with the liberal world view and you are attacked without mercy and labeled a racist, sexist, fill in the blank ist. Trump has just peeled the scab off this festering wound.

.What is the purpose of these White Supremacy marches .. Nothing is going to change and be a all white country anymore.. Tell me what is expected to change?


that's easy... regressive rightwingnut bigoted trumptards want a white Christian male supremacist country where they get to keep blacks and jews and women "in their place".

Gawd, all you do is repeat what you're trained to repeat

awwwwwww..... trumptard snowflake. :rofl:
Trump is not 'Presidential material'...

...but a corrupt career politician IS / WAS?

...but a sexual deviant / sexual harasser, sexual molesting, rapist / pedophile enabler IS / WAS?

...but a proven criminal Influence Peddler IS / WAS?

...but an incompetent Agency Head who allowed Americans needlessly die IS / WAS?

...but someone who violated Federal Law, Jeopardized our national Security, illegally possessed / stored / transported / shared / destroyed classified, and who was - according to the Director of the FBI - was too stupid to know she was breaking the laws and committing Espionage by endangering our national security (despite govt documents signed by claiming the opposite) IS / WAS?

...but a failed politician so un-popular that her own party had to rig elections, engage in election fraud, and help her cheat in debates so she win her own party's nomination IS / WAS?

...but a criminal who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit, which should have forced her out of the campaign, IS / WAS?

The man is not presidential material. I really think at this point he needs to resign.
Yeah, I bet you does every other liberal snowflake who has been seditiously attempting to undermine / overthrow him since before the election through legal and illegal means.... :p

False. I didn't vote for Trump, but I said I would give him a chance. He has been nothing but a comedy of errors. He simply doesn't have the temperament for the job and nobody will work with him. He cannot govern.

he is exactly what he was on the campaign trail. I'm curious as to why you thought he might be any different. he never has been.
Trump blew it siding with the white supremacists or coming off sounding like he's in sympathy with the group. What a dumbass. He should've rebuked the group and moved on. More important things like the infrastructure gets stalled and more of Trump's group will resign.
.What is the purpose of these White Supremacy marches .. Nothing is going to change and be a all white country anymore.. Tell me what is expected to change?


that's easy... regressive rightwingnut bigoted trumptards want a white Christian male supremacist country where they get to keep blacks and jews and women "in their place".

Gawd, all you do is repeat what you're trained to repeat
then why reply?

Because I wanted too,you comment your way and I will mine
fair enough.

no... it's because she's a vile little trollbot
Wow... people get ready for many more violent marches and killings... He is throwing fuel into the fire .. Just STFU and let things calm down..

  1. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
    ...the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!

  2. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
    ...can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson - who's next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also...

  3. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
    Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You.....

Are you trying to imply that people can't control themselves and Trump is responsible for idiots who riot & vandalize?
That's a pretty bold statement considering the cops acted stupidly and if I had a son you could keep your insurance...

Exercise some self control and CALM YOURSELF. Afterall unless you have small children that is the only person you are responsible for.
View attachment 144240
you can't deny people, even lowlife Nazi scum, the right to free speech. that was resolved a long time ago in Skokie Illinois.

and stop equating BLM with Nazis. that's dishonest

I would advocate no such thing, but you can choose where to grant a permit to gather right? We have laws for a reason. My gut tells me that whomever issues permits can make it not happen if they wanted. Remember westborough baptist? You remember the heros who shut them down without so much as a whisper? It was these guys here, well up there. I messed up the picture, this guys shit the other assholes down more then once.

actually, no... you can't make it not happen. you can prohibit them having weapons or wearing hoods/masks, I would imagine.

rule of thumb... the first amendment isn't intended to protect speech we approve of. that type of speech doesn't need defense. it's the stuff that offends us that is supposed to be protected.

that said, no one says we have to agree with what is said. nor are they entitled to be violent. that isn't part of the first amendment.


Mm, I would try anyway and site public safety. Make them all go to Oakland.

i hear ya. but they don't want to go to Oakland. they're afraid of the people in Oakland. same as when they went to Skokie which had a huge population of holocaust survivors instead of going somewhere where they'll get their heads bashed in.

they're cowards.

This is horrible, and is going to be a disaster..

White nationalists planning rallies in SF, Berkeley

With violence sparked by neo-Nazis in Virginia raising tensions across the U.S., white nationalists are planning rallies in San Francisco and Berkeley later this month.

A permit has been issued for a “Patriot Prayer” group to gather Aug. 26 at Crissy Field in San Francisco, said Sonja Hanson, spokeswoman for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The group is ostensibly religious, but its purpose is really “an attempt to provoke black-clad ideologues on the left into acts of violence,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

White nationalists planning rallies in SF, Berkeley

that's what happens when the idiot in chief says they're ok people instead of calling his "base" what they are.
False. I didn't vote for Trump, but I said I would give him a chance. He has been nothing but a comedy of errors. He simply doesn't have the temperament for the job and nobody will work with him. He cannot govern.
Nice opinion.

'Comedy of errors'? Nice sound-byte...short on actual facts but long on liberal/snowflake spin...

Trump can not govern? You looked at all the success / improvement since he has been elected / President.

Tell me what President could govern at a high level if faced with the EXACT SAME obstruction, seditious false accusations / crimes perpetrated against them / 100% commitment to obstruction to stop them from getting anything done....This President now faces the greatest level of opposition - again, both legal and illegal - that nay President has ever faced.

Democrats hate him because he beat Hillary

Most of the GOP hate him because he is not 'Washington Establishment'

Almost ALL politicians hate him and want him to fail because if a Washington Outsider NON-career Politician succeeds as President the people might actually begin to believe they don't need career politicians and can think for themselves and pick their own Presidents / Politicians instead of being told who their choices are / who they have to vote for.
Trump blew it siding with the white supremacists or coming off sounding like he's in sympathy with the group.

Just curious - are you IGNORANT or just in lock-step with what the liberals / liberal media tells you?

Can you point out in the following quote where Trump declares he is siding with the white supremacists or even sounds like he is?

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend."

Yeah...I didn't think you could....
False. I didn't vote for Trump, but I said I would give him a chance. He has been nothing but a comedy of errors. He simply doesn't have the temperament for the job and nobody will work with him. He cannot govern.
Nice opinion.

'Comedy of errors'? Nice sound-byte...short on actual facts but long on liberal/snowflake spin...

Trump can not govern? You looked at all the success / improvement since he has been elected / President.

Tell me what President could govern at a high level if faced with the EXACT SAME obstruction, seditious false accusations / crimes perpetrated against them / 100% commitment to obstruction to stop them from getting anything done....This President now faces the greatest level of opposition - again, both legal and illegal - that nay President has ever faced.

Democrats hate him because he beat Hillary

Most of the GOP hate him because he is not 'Washington Establishment'

Almost ALL politicians hate him and want him to fail because if a Washington Outsider NON-career Politician succeeds as President the people might actually begin to believe they don't need career politicians and can think for themselves and pick their own Presidents / Politicians instead of being told who their choices are / who they have to vote for.

his fellow republicans did NOT want him to fail. no one wanted him to be a failure.

that's in your head.

the fact that normal people knew he would be a fail is beside the point.

he is a fail because he's incompetent, thin skinned, and has no desire to learn his job. his staff tries to contain him. his military openly contradict him.

and he sits like a moron and tweets.
False. I didn't vote for Trump, but I said I would give him a chance. He has been nothing but a comedy of errors. He simply doesn't have the temperament for the job and nobody will work with him. He cannot govern.
Nice opinion.

'Comedy of errors'? Nice sound-byte...short on actual facts but long on liberal/snowflake spin...

Trump can not govern? You looked at all the success / improvement since he has been elected / President.

Tell me what President could govern at a high level if faced with the EXACT SAME obstruction, seditious false accusations / crimes perpetrated against them / 100% commitment to obstruction to stop them from getting anything done....This President now faces the greatest level of opposition - again, both legal and illegal - that nay President has ever faced.

Democrats hate him because he beat Hillary

Most of the GOP hate him because he is not 'Washington Establishment'

Almost ALL politicians hate him and want him to fail because if a Washington Outsider NON-career Politician succeeds as President the people might actually begin to believe they don't need career politicians and can think for themselves and pick their own Presidents / Politicians instead of being told who their choices are / who they have to vote for.
Can you imagine if Obama had faced this much SEDITION, 100% public commitment to obstructing EVEYTHING he wanted to do, the false accusations, the un-founded attacks to the level Trump is facing (and don't even claim he did because it's BS)?

Those who opposed him even the slightest were immediately branded by the media, and Obama never faced this level of opposition because the same media that has been biasedly / falsely trying to Destroy Trump was the same media kissing and defending Obama's ass. For that fact alone Obama never faced this much political adversity as President.
Are you trying to imply that people can't control themselves and Trump is responsible for idiots who riot & vandalize?
That's a pretty bold statement considering the cops acted stupidly and if I had a son you could keep your insurance...

Exercise some self control and CALM YOURSELF. Afterall unless you have small children that is the only person you are responsible for.
View attachment 144240 I would advocate no such thing, but you can choose where to grant a permit to gather right? We have laws for a reason. My gut tells me that whomever issues permits can make it not happen if they wanted. Remember westborough baptist? You remember the heros who shut them down without so much as a whisper? It was these guys here, well up there. I messed up the picture, this guys shit the other assholes down more then once.

actually, no... you can't make it not happen. you can prohibit them having weapons or wearing hoods/masks, I would imagine.

rule of thumb... the first amendment isn't intended to protect speech we approve of. that type of speech doesn't need defense. it's the stuff that offends us that is supposed to be protected.

that said, no one says we have to agree with what is said. nor are they entitled to be violent. that isn't part of the first amendment.


Mm, I would try anyway and site public safety. Make them all go to Oakland.

i hear ya. but they don't want to go to Oakland. they're afraid of the people in Oakland. same as when they went to Skokie which had a huge population of holocaust survivors instead of going somewhere where they'll get their heads bashed in.

they're cowards.

This is horrible, and is going to be a disaster..

White nationalists planning rallies in SF, Berkeley

With violence sparked by neo-Nazis in Virginia raising tensions across the U.S., white nationalists are planning rallies in San Francisco and Berkeley later this month.

A permit has been issued for a “Patriot Prayer” group to gather Aug. 26 at Crissy Field in San Francisco, said Sonja Hanson, spokeswoman for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The group is ostensibly religious, but its purpose is really “an attempt to provoke black-clad ideologues on the left into acts of violence,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

White nationalists planning rallies in SF, Berkeley

that's what happens when the idiot in chief says they're ok people instead of calling his "base" what they are.
Na, the people you saw this weekend, even the Nazi wannabe's are a construct of the left both deliberate or incidental. No, I'm positive they can make it so that if these retards insist on acting like animals they can do so where it's safe for those who want to assemble without getting beaton or killed.
his fellow republicans did NOT want him to fail. no one wanted him to be a failure.


Are you seriously saying Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, etc wanted to see Trump SUCCEED? SELECTIVE MEMORY? Let me help you remember....

GOP elites have a new strategy to stop Donald Trump, but it carries a big risk

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud' - CNNPolitics

Jeb Bush broke his pledge to support the Republican nominee.

You REALLY think Washington Establishment King 'Ritchie Mitch' McConnell has been SERIOUSLY putting forth any real effort to ensure Trump's agenda - for which the American people put Trump in the WH - succeeds?

You SERIOUSLY believe D-Schumer's public declaration to the world that the Democratic Party's 100% commitment to obstructionism to prevent Trump and the GOP from accomplishing ANYTHING was somehow a gesture of anything OTHER than wanting to see Trump and his agenda FAIL? REALLY?!

You SERIOUSLY believe the snowflake / Democrat calls for Trump's Impeachment, his assassination, and for military coups BEFORE HE EVEN WENT INTO THE WH were 'well-wishes'?


While your declaration is a nice sentiment it is
Liberals have suppressed free speech, dare to disagree with the liberal world view and you are attacked without mercy and labeled a racist, sexist, fill in the blank ist. Trump has just peeled the scab off this festering wound.

.What is the purpose of these White Supremacy marches .. Nothing is going to change and be a all white country anymore.. Tell me what is expected to change?


that's easy... regressive rightwingnut bigoted trumptards want a white Christian male supremacist country where they get to keep blacks and jews and women "in their place".

Gawd, all you do is repeat what you're trained to repeat

awwwwwww..... trumptard snowflake. :rofl:
Ohhhhh......look at the angry Libroid Snowflake.
his fellow republicans did NOT want him to fail. no one wanted him to be a failure.


Are you seriously saying Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, etc wanted to see Trump SUCCEED? SELECTIVE MEMORY? Let me help you remember....

GOP elites have a new strategy to stop Donald Trump, but it carries a big risk

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud' - CNNPolitics

Jeb Bush broke his pledge to support the Republican nominee.

You REALLY think Washington Establishment King 'Ritchie Mitch' McConnell has been SERIOUSLY putting forth any real effort to ensure Trump's agenda - for which the American people put Trump in the WH - succeeds?

You SERIOUSLY believe D-Schumer's public declaration to the world that the Democratic Party's 100% commitment to obstructionism to prevent Trump and the GOP from accomplishing ANYTHING was somehow a gesture of anything OTHER than wanting to see Trump and his agenda FAIL? REALLY?!

You SERIOUSLY believe the snowflake / Democrat calls for Trump's Impeachment, his assassination, and for military coups BEFORE HE EVEN WENT INTO THE WH were 'well-wishes'?


While your declaration is a nice sentiment it is
Point being that if I ever went to DC and visited Congress I'd carry a baseball bat with me.
Liberals have suppressed free speech, dare to disagree with the liberal world view and you are attacked without mercy and labeled a racist, sexist, fill in the blank ist. Trump has just peeled the scab off this festering wound.

.What is the purpose of these White Supremacy marches .. Nothing is going to change and be a all white country anymore.. Tell me what is expected to change?


that's easy... regressive rightwingnut bigoted trumptards want a white Christian male supremacist country where they get to keep blacks and jews and women "in their place".

Gawd, all you do is repeat what you're trained to repeat

awwwwwww..... trumptard snowflake. :rofl:
Ohhhhh......look at the angry Libroid Snowflake.

poor nutty muddy bigot....

no one is angry but you.... whiny little trumptards. *shrug*
actually, no... you can't make it not happen. you can prohibit them having weapons or wearing hoods/masks, I would imagine.

rule of thumb... the first amendment isn't intended to protect speech we approve of. that type of speech doesn't need defense. it's the stuff that offends us that is supposed to be protected.

that said, no one says we have to agree with what is said. nor are they entitled to be violent. that isn't part of the first amendment.


Mm, I would try anyway and site public safety. Make them all go to Oakland.

i hear ya. but they don't want to go to Oakland. they're afraid of the people in Oakland. same as when they went to Skokie which had a huge population of holocaust survivors instead of going somewhere where they'll get their heads bashed in.

they're cowards.

This is horrible, and is going to be a disaster..

White nationalists planning rallies in SF, Berkeley

With violence sparked by neo-Nazis in Virginia raising tensions across the U.S., white nationalists are planning rallies in San Francisco and Berkeley later this month.

A permit has been issued for a “Patriot Prayer” group to gather Aug. 26 at Crissy Field in San Francisco, said Sonja Hanson, spokeswoman for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The group is ostensibly religious, but its purpose is really “an attempt to provoke black-clad ideologues on the left into acts of violence,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

White nationalists planning rallies in SF, Berkeley

that's what happens when the idiot in chief says they're ok people instead of calling his "base" what they are.
Na, the people you saw this weekend, even the Nazi wannabe's are a construct of the left both deliberate or incidental. No, I'm positive they can make it so that if these retards insist on acting like animals they can do so where it's safe for those who want to assemble without getting beaton or killed.

that is meshugganah, bubbe. the Nazis are clearly self-defined. why are you being dishonest about that?
You know people don't have to read his tweets and the media doesn't have to report on them just a little food for thought.

riiiiiiiight... we should be uninformed about the dangerous imbecile in the white house.


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