Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

Let’s test your honesty! What were the democrats and officials in New York saying and doing. For the month Nancy sat on the impeachment before sending it to the Senate what was she doing? What was Schumer doing? Cuomo? What?
Pelosi and Schumer rely on newspapers?
The chairman of the senate intelligence committee, RIchard Burr
was busy selling off almost $2 million in stocks after he was briefed in mid February.
Gee, Rich...remember Nancy Pelosi and her sweetheart deal with VISA? Or do you only see the Republican scumbags that cash in on insider information?

Actually, I think you're channeling Senator Diane Feinstein
Trump is the greatest president in the history of America and I’m not being biased

Let me correct that for you. Trump will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever elected.
Only if you're a progressive...for the rest of America...he'll be remembered fondly for restoring the economy after eight long years of Barack Obama's feckless economic policies!

Restoring? Talk about revisionist history. Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history..and then handing that off in a walk to Trump, who backed into the Presidency. And while I'm not going to hang the pandemic decline and stimulus debacle on Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars.
GWB gave us TARP. That saved most of the major US financial institutions and even better all the money that was loaned out during Bush being in charge of TARP was repaid with interest. Obama on the other hand used TARP funds to reward his the UAW...with sweetheart deals and his loan to General Motors cost taxpayers billions! Obama mishandled the stimulus so badly they had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" to hide how few jobs they actually DID create! The only thing that saved Barry from the worst economic record of ANY President in modern times is that the Democrats lost control of Congress two years into his first term and he couldn't pass any more job killing legislation like Cap & Trade or block the use of fracking. The energy boom from fracking...that he actively opposed! what drove economic growth during the Obama years.

  • In the seven days since the Republican-led Senate acquitted Trump, the president has ramped up attacks on his perceived political enemies.

While President Trump should have been preparing the country for the upcoming coronavirus pandemic, the president instead spent all his time on political revenge.

Country be damned
Giant load of leftist bs.

Someone posted a coronavirus timeline, so I posted a Trump political payback timeline.

And it looks like in the time between Trump being warned about the coronavirus, and the weeks he spent after impeachment acquittal, the president didn't do anything about the upcoming pandemic.

He was too busy going after Mitt Romney, and Vidman, and the people who testified before congress.

Instead of preparing for the pandemic.
So when Trump imposed a travel ban on China and Democrats howled in indignation that it was RACIST!...was that Trump doing nothing or the Democrats trying their best to keep him from doing something? Duh?

Wasn't a ban. It was a restriction. And not a very tight one either. A panic induced flight back home caused the airports to be crowded with people who were already infected. And out into the US they went.
For the umpteenth time today, another right winger labels the travel restriction as racist. No one said anything of the sort. Biden and a few others played the xenophobic card but in reference to Trump's tendency to go looking for scapegoats.
January 22nd in Davos. Trump says, "It's just one person. It's all under control". let me get this straight...the same people that went CRAZY when Trump instituted the restrictions on flights from China are now going to take him to task for those restrictions not being "tight" enough? I can't believe what I'm hearing...

I'm saying you Trump supporters are trumpeting his travel ban (when it was a restriction) on China from every rooftop as progress and now it's beginning to come out that infected people slipped past. And still, you won't hold your god accountable for any of it...will you? But hey, he saved millions of lives with his travel ban. Sheesh.
How is he accountable for infected people slipping past?

Let's see. 1) Not acting 2) Not mandating that people coming back from China go into quarantine. 3) Then get tested 4) Not acting because he was too busy holding his pep rallies.
And on and on it goes.
Nancy sent a bill to the floor to counteract his travel bans. Is the super C*88 responsible for lives lost?
My point is there are questions about FDR and his administration. A Depression should have not lasted that long. The attack on Pearl Harbor was suspicious in that there was knowledge it was going to happen. Somehow we could jump start the economy in a wartime footing but not in a peacetime environment. And to people who believe in the world government theories, this is part of it.
How long should a depression last? It started in 1929 and FDR didn't take the reins until 1933. From there the economy improved steadily, supported by deficit spending and alphabet government until 1937 when listening to the republicans FDR switched to balancing the budget, and the economy relapsed.

Jumpstarting the economy in wartime is what war does. It was a massive spending program of government buying.

And Pearl Harbor shows what a conspiracy theory it was. Going into WWII battleships were seen as the premiere fighting ship of the navy. Aircraft carriers were the unproven step children that had never demonstrated their worth. FDR was na ex-navy secretary from the old school, and wouldn't have left the battleship fleet stuck inside Pearl Harbor.
I think what the other poster is referring to is evidence that FDR knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen so he could enter the Second World War.
Let’s test your honesty! What were the democrats and officials in New York saying and doing. For the month Nancy sat on the impeachment before sending it to the Senate what was she doing? What was Schumer doing? Cuomo? What?
Pelosi and Schumer rely on newspapers?
The chairman of the senate intelligence committee, RIchard Burr
was busy selling off almost $2 million in stocks after he was briefed in mid February.
Gee, Rich...remember Nancy Pelosi and her sweetheart deal with VISA? Or do you only see the Republican scumbags that cash in on insider information?

Actually, I think you're channeling Senator Diane Feinstein
Trump is the greatest president in the history of America and I’m not being biased

Let me correct that for you. Trump will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever elected.
Only if you're a progressive...for the rest of America...he'll be remembered fondly for restoring the economy after eight long years of Barack Obama's feckless economic policies!

Restoring? Talk about revisionist history. Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history..and then handing that off in a walk to Trump, who backed into the Presidency. And while I'm not going to hang the pandemic decline and stimulus debacle on Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars.

"Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history"

Talk about revisionist history. Unbelievable, the Obama economic growth for his 8 years was about 1.6%.

"Trump, who backed into the Presidency."

WTF? He was duly elected according to the laws of the land.

"Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars."

Obama ran up deficits over 1.2 trillion 3 times, from 2009-2011, and came close in 2012 at $1.1 trillion. Trump's deficits on the other hand have not exceeded 1 trillion for his 1st 3 years.

You sir, are full of crap.
The real question you should be asking is why did Democrats like Joe Biden think travel restrictions on China were so bad?
Because they were obviously being done for the wrong reasons, as trump did not implement recommendations higher on the priority list, which also blunted any possible effectiveness.

That was kind of a softball question, thank you.
They were being done because Trump saw the danger of people traveling from China to the US. So why did Democrats raise a stink about them?
Give it a rest, Rich! The same time you're accusing Trump of not acting...Pelosi and De Blasio were telling their constituents that there wasn't a big problem and to get out and use the subways and go to Chinese New Year celebrations!

Don't you see the connection. President Trump was saying everything was fine. So politicians like de Blasio repeated what the President was saying.
They figured if there was something wrong, that only the president was privy to (top secret intelligence reports about china) that the president would have said something.
Give it a rest, Rich! The same time you're accusing Trump of not acting...Pelosi and De Blasio were telling their constituents that there wasn't a big problem and to get out and use the subways and go to Chinese New Year celebrations!

Don't you see the connection. President Trump was saying everything was fine. So politicians like de Blasio repeated what the President was saying.
They figured if there was something wrong, that only the president was privy to (top secret intelligence reports about china) that the president would have said something.
Oh bullshit!
Give it a rest, Rich! The same time you're accusing Trump of not acting...Pelosi and De Blasio were telling their constituents that there wasn't a big problem and to get out and use the subways and go to Chinese New Year celebrations!

Don't you see the connection. President Trump was saying everything was fine. So politicians like de Blasio repeated what the President was saying.
They figured if there was something wrong, that only the president was privy to (top secret intelligence reports about china) that the president would have said something.
LOL...seriously, Rich? You're now saying that De Blasio was only guilty of parroting what he heard from the President? This is the same De Blasio that almost NEVER agrees with anything that Trump says or does but in THIS instance you think he was just blindly following Trump's lead? That's some funny shit!
Let’s test your honesty! What were the democrats and officials in New York saying and doing. For the month Nancy sat on the impeachment before sending it to the Senate what was she doing? What was Schumer doing? Cuomo? What?
Pelosi and Schumer rely on newspapers?
The chairman of the senate intelligence committee, RIchard Burr
was busy selling off almost $2 million in stocks after he was briefed in mid February.
Gee, Rich...remember Nancy Pelosi and her sweetheart deal with VISA? Or do you only see the Republican scumbags that cash in on insider information?

Actually, I think you're channeling Senator Diane Feinstein
Trump is the greatest president in the history of America and I’m not being biased

Let me correct that for you. Trump will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever elected.
Only if you're a progressive...for the rest of America...he'll be remembered fondly for restoring the economy after eight long years of Barack Obama's feckless economic policies!

Restoring? Talk about revisionist history. Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history..and then handing that off in a walk to Trump, who backed into the Presidency. And while I'm not going to hang the pandemic decline and stimulus debacle on Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars.

"Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history"

Talk about revisionist history. Unbelievable, the Obama economic growth for his 8 years was about 1.6%.

"Trump, who backed into the Presidency."

WTF? He was duly elected according to the laws of the land.

"Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars."

Obama ran up deficits over 1.2 trillion 3 times, from 2009-2011, and came close in 2012 at $1.1 trillion. Trump's deficits on the other hand have not exceeded 1 trillion for his 1st 3 years.

You sir, are full of crap.

And still more revisionist history. The fun just never stops with Trump supporters and the right wing.

Obama Economic Growth. Mic drop.
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth

Backed into the Presidency. Yes. The look on Trump's face the night of the election said it all. An unpopular opposition candidate that didn't campaign in the swing states till the end, a whole class of voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI director that affected the early voting. But still, less than a 1% victory. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. And he loses the popular vote.

Deficits. Pay close attention who was President when. There will be a quiz afterward.
Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

You sir, are a shameless Trump supporter. I recommend a drug treatment combination of reason and common sense.
They were being done because Trump saw the danger of people traveling from China to the US
False, as evidenced by the fact that he ignored the recommendations higher on the priority list and was still doing his hoax tour. That's definitive evidence. You're not going to equivocate yourself around it.
Is there any legitimate opposition to trump?

Don't underestimate the power of the remnant.

Trump has proven that he's no less of a big-government, high spending politican than Biden or any other Democrat.

There's really no difference. And a lot of people now realize that.
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48 to 46? that a combination of polls....including the CNN and NBC polls...if you are going to hang your hat on polls you will be disappointed just like in 2016...when you average the polls of today with the same pollsters from 2016 you get a different picture...but come on 2 PERCENTAGE POINTS....Buuuuuaaahahahaha

Even if the individual polls used, represent a bias, and the absolute figures can be questioned, the trend is the trend is the trend.
No matter what you think of the actual number, the important metric is the direction its going in. In two weeks President Trump went from 49% to 46%
Trend my butt...the people haven't yet seen Trump and Joe on the same stage...half of your party wants to draft someone else other than Biden...what does that tell you?....

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