Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

He is impeached and democrats will pay the political price for it. Just think if you hadn’t pissed 40 million away then you would be 40 million ahead with Manafort’s money. Jeez democrats are dumbasses.
This virus is the fault of the Chinese with complicit action by WHO. Trump did nothing wrong other than make some dumb statements early on in part based on Chinese and WHO lies.

The press will kill him no matter what he does.

President Trump was briefed over and over again about what was happening in China. But because he wasn't interested (he was busy plotting political retribution against those involved in his impeachment) he either didn't pay attention, or didn't believe he had to do anything once he put the China ban in place.

Trump Golf Count

The president golfed 6 days in January
The president golfed 3 days in February
At least 2 days in March

On Jan. 22, when CNBC asked him if there were any concerns about the virus spreading in the U.S., Trump said, "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine."

On Jan. 31, Trump implemented China travel restrictions, a move he often points to when defending his administration's actions to address the pandemic. That day, the CDC reported seven cases of coronavirus in the U.S.

On Feb. 25, CDC official Nancy Messonnier warned that a coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. was inevitable.

On Feb. 28, at a Charleston, South Carolina, rally, Trump called the coronavirus the Democrats' "new hoax."

Throughout February and early March, Trump insisted the U.S. had the coronavirus under control and that Americans should stay calm.

He hosted rallies on Jan. 9 (Toledo, Ohio); 14 (Milwaukee), 28 (Wildwood, N.J.) and 30 (Des Moines, Iowa), as well as Feb. 10 (Manchester, N.H.), 19 (Phoenix), 20 (Colorado Springs), 21 (Las Vegas) and 28 (Charleston, S.C.).
Who’s going to beat trump?

Biden, pretty easily. At least that's what the polls say, and those polls were nearly perfect in 2016.


1. Democrats are energized, Republicans are depressed. Yes, I know the lunatic fringe of Trump cultists on this board is energized, but they're not typical.

2. Democrats are far more unified than they were in 2016. Everyone is backing Biden with enthusiasm.

3. Biden is just so darn likable, personal attacks on him backfire on the attacker. And personal attacks are all the Republicans have. It's not like they can run on issues.

4. Trump is a historically unpopular president.

5. Covid-19 has made Trump's incompetence impossible to deny, and killed the economy, the only thing he could pretend to be a success at. He's only got victimhood and xenophobia to run on now. That's not enough to win.

6. Democratic governors now hold office in several crucial swing states, meaning Republican vote suppression tactics won't happen there. Given Trump's tiny margins of victory in those states in 2016, that alone means those states go blue. Flipping MI, WI and PA are all it takes for a Biden win, and those are pretty solid for Biden right now.

7. The media isn't sucking Trump's ass quite as hard this time around. Even our nutty conservative mainstream media is getting tired of being made the scapegoat for Trump's failures.
He is impeached and democrats will pay the political price for it. Just think if you hadn’t pissed 40 million away then you would be 40 million ahead with Manafort’s money. Jeez democrats are dumbasses.

And if President Trump didn't spent all his time playing golf, we would be $375 million ahead.
You are nothing more than a Trump hater. Nothing intelligent will ever be offered by you.
Let’s test your honesty! What were the democrats and officials in New York saying and doing. For the month Nancy sat on the impeachment before sending it to the Senate what was she doing? What was Schumer doing? Cuomo? What?
Pelosi and Schumer rely on newspapers?
The chairman of the senate intelligence committee, RIchard Burr
was busy selling off almost $2 million in stocks after he was briefed in mid February.
Gee, Rich...remember Nancy Pelosi and her sweetheart deal with VISA? Or do you only see the Republican scumbags that cash in on insider information?

Actually, I think you're channeling Senator Diane Feinstein
Trump is the greatest president in the history of America and I’m not being biased

Let me correct that for you. Trump will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever elected.
Only if you're a progressive...for the rest of America...he'll be remembered fondly for restoring the economy after eight long years of Barack Obama's feckless economic policies!

Restoring? Talk about revisionist history. Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history..and then handing that off in a walk to Trump, who backed into the Presidency. And while I'm not going to hang the pandemic decline and stimulus debacle on Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars.

"Obama took an economy that was in the shitter with GWB and pulled it out, starting one of the longest economic expansions in our history"

Talk about revisionist history. Unbelievable, the Obama economic growth for his 8 years was about 1.6%.

"Trump, who backed into the Presidency."

WTF? He was duly elected according to the laws of the land.

"Trump, he did manage (before the pandemic) to rack up a USA first deficit of 1.2 Trillion dollars."

Obama ran up deficits over 1.2 trillion 3 times, from 2009-2011, and came close in 2012 at $1.1 trillion. Trump's deficits on the other hand have not exceeded 1 trillion for his 1st 3 years.

You sir, are full of crap.

And still more revisionist history. The fun just never stops with Trump supporters and the right wing.

Obama Economic Growth. Mic drop.
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth

Backed into the Presidency. Yes. The look on Trump's face the night of the election said it all. An unpopular opposition candidate that didn't campaign in the swing states till the end, a whole class of voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI director that affected the early voting. But still, less than a 1% victory. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. And he loses the popular vote.

Deficits. Pay close attention who was President when. There will be a quiz afterward.
Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

You sir, are a shameless Trump supporter. I recommend a drug treatment combination of reason and common sense.

Yes, Hillary was a sleazy, unlikeable candidate! Yes, hundreds of thousand's of Bernie Sanders supporter wouldn't vote for her because of the way she and her minions in the DNC screwed over the Bern Meister! Yes the FBI Director informed the public that Hillary Clinton had lied to them all along about her emails after letting the Clinton campaign and the Obama Administration misuse the FISA courts to spy on an opposition campaign! Gee, I wonder what Trump would have won by if Hillary hadn't been allowed to pay big money to smear him with a bogus "Russia collusion" accusation?

If the same amount of time and energy would have been given to the Trump campaigns ties with Russia in the two weeks before the election, he loses by double digits.
Here is the one place (and I mean the only place) that I will agree with righties and say for once, the media's attention was focused in the wrong place.
Bulls hi. You dumbassed Democrats spent 40 million dollars on the Mueller report which said there is absolutely no evidence of “collusion” with Russia. Stop trying to blow smoke up our asses.

All 40 mil recovered (from Manafort's prosecution) by my count. Money well spent. Oh yeah, Mueller didn't consider "collusion" a crime to be investigated right up front, even though there was plenty of evidence of conspiracy (see Trump Tower meeting). Obstruction of Justice??..all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. He just handed the ball to Congress to figure that out. No exoneration. 3rd impeached President in United States history. Deal with it.
Every year Manafort got, Obama will get 10.. Obama can’t spy on people
He is impeached and democrats will pay the political price for it. Just think if you hadn’t pissed 40 million away then you would be 40 million ahead with Manafort’s money. Jeez democrats are dumbasses.

And if President Trump didn't spent all his time playing golf, we would be $375 million ahead.
That is another lie. All you people need a class in economics.
This virus is the fault of the Chinese with complicit action by WHO. Trump did nothing wrong other than make some dumb statements early on in part based on Chinese and WHO lies.

The press will kill him no matter what he does.

President Trump was briefed over and over again about what was happening in China. But because he wasn't interested (he was busy plotting political retribution against those involved in his impeachment) he either didn't pay attention, or didn't believe he had to do anything once he put the China ban in place.

Trump Golf Count

The president golfed 6 days in January
The president golfed 3 days in February
At least 2 days in March
Well, he's cut way back then. Good for him.
Who’s going to beat trump?
Biden, pretty easily. At least that's what the polls say, and those polls were nearly perfect in 2016.

5. Covid-19 has made Trump's incompetence impossible to deny, and killed the economy, the only thing he could pretend to be a success at. He's only got victimhood and xenophobia to run on now. That's not enough to win.

The biggest reason why is simple "It's the economy stupid"

Everything Trump was bragging about in January, became a liability in March.
Who’s going to beat trump?
Biden, pretty easily. At least that's what the polls say, and those polls were nearly perfect in 2016.

5. Covid-19 has made Trump's incompetence impossible to deny, and killed the economy, the only thing he could pretend to be a success at. He's only got victimhood and xenophobia to run on now. That's not enough to win.

The biggest reason why is simple "It's the economy stupid"

Everything Trump was bragging about in January, became a liability in March.
Because of a pandemic? Lol
So when the WHO, his top medical advisors and the leader of the Democratic Party were all saying everything's cool, Trump was supposed to go against all of them and shut the country down? And what happened when he was considering a quarantine of New York? Governor Cuomo essentially squealed "DICTATOR"!
He can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
Why does everybody ignore that the president is uniquely endowed with 16 intelligence agencies to tell him what's going on around the world. From the NSA listening to phone calls and texts in every country in the world, to the CIA infiltrating foreign governments, to find out what's really happening.

The WHO and the governors were relying on the B.S. the Chinese were putting out, while the President had the real news on how dangerous the coronavirus was, how quickly it was spreading and how the Chinese government was struggling to contain it.

The difference is that President Trump either avoided presidential briefings, didn't pay attention to the presidential briefings, or didn't bother reading the presidential briefs the CIA delivers to his desk every day.

The governors and WHO spoke out of ignorance. President Trump knew what was actually happening when he called it a hoax.
You are deliberately misrepresenting what he said just like your Democratic leadership did. Yes we have 17 intelligence agencies but who knows what they were all doing. If the FBI and CIA are any indication, they were all focused on digging up dirt on Trump.
Lol are you on crack! We stand out in the cold by the thousands to see trump

Not most of you. Only the craziest of the cultists.

Joe Biden can’t complete a sentence

Your BDS is showing. But then, we encourage you to believe idiot propaganda like that, because it makes it so much easier for us to win. You'll scream abuse at friendly Joe Biden, and everyone will wonder why you're being such a disgusting person.

nobody’s gonna come out and vote for him

In a referendum on Trump that just happened in Wisconsin, the state SC justice election, and the Democrats bitch-slapped the Republicans by 11 points. The Democrats came out in bigger proportions than the Republicans.
Trump is doing just fine. It's the democrat lies that are stumbling.

The Democrats always know exactly what the Republican needs to do to win...and will always loudly proclaim it. Just trying to help.

Ignore liberals. It worked in 2016.
dont you like how when asked random questions he had the answers already written down???and how jill always made sure he read from the prepared statement and not let him go off script,,,,,,
Random questions? Politicians always approve the questions they'll be asked and have answers prepared. These interviews are a showcase. Especially in the case of Biden on Morning Joe. The host was pretty much feeding Biden the answers along with the question. lol

Jill didn't "make sure he read from the prepared statement" or "not let him go off script" that I saw. Anywhere. Did we watch the same interview?
Lol are you on crack! We stand out in the cold by the thousands to see trump

Not most of you. Only the craziest of the cultists.

Joe Biden can’t complete a sentence

Your BDS is showing. But then, we encourage you to believe idiot propaganda like that, because it makes it so much easier for us to win. You'll scream abuse at friendly Joe Biden, and everyone will wonder why you're being such a disgusting person.

nobody’s gonna come out and vote for him

In a referendum on Trump that just happened in Wisconsin, the state SC justice election, and the Democrats bitch-slapped the Republicans by 11 points. The Democrats came out in bigger proportions than the Republicans.
The pandemic hurt the Republican voters in Wisconsin, many Republicans stayed home because many how families were Democrats are usually single mothers single Men.. republicans didn’t want to bring the Disease home

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