Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

The other thing to consider is that old people voted for Trump. COVID-19 is still going to be around during the election and it disproportionately affects old people. Old people stayed home during the Wisconsin election, presumably because they were afraid of going into crowds. If old people stay home in November, that will make it more difficult for Trump.
That's six months from now, Toro! With all due respect...if people are still hiding in their houses in November because of this virus then it won't matter who's elected President because there won't be anything left to govern!
If Trump had approached this crisis as a unifier instead of a divider and really leaned into it head on, he'd be
sitting at a 65% approval on his handling of it and he'd be way better off for November.

Of course, we knew he was not up to the task and he has no idea how to be a unifier. This is who he is.

The most surprising thing is that so many of you freaks just cannot see that.
can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
And he could have issued shutdown recommendations.

Oh wait, he finally did that. Then he took to twitter and encouraged the deplorables in his base to protest his own guidelines. Fucking moron.

blob supporters have to lie to themselves constantly to be able to still support him; and to look at their children or themselves in the mirror.

This projection is so interesting. To them, the president is an extension of who they are see...if they don't vote correctly, they can't "look themselves in the mirror".

It's why they made Obama into a god. They have no God. And they project that we, too, have to make our politicians into gods.

We don't. We keep telling them.

They don't understand.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Biden is much more flawed than Hillary. Hillary never had to have Bill step in during her interviews to keep her on track or remind her of what was being asked. Biden is toast. It is pure gas lighting at this point to pretend he is capable of being President. And, he wont be the nominee in my opinion.
If they are more educated, the libtards have no chance.

Educated people have been swinging towards the Democrats since Trump won the nomination. The share of educated people voting for a Republican Presidential candidate was the lowest on record in 2016 IIRC.

Maybe those who voted for Hillary were dumber than a box of rocks, yet considered themselves educated.
So, you want Trump to tell the American people a bald-faced lie?

Not happening asshole!

Not happening? President Trump has already rolled the "lie" odometer past 20,000
They are only lies for those too stupid to realize how little they matter.

When the stats say 3.78 and he says 4, you call it a lie.
No, when the number of available tests are 75,000 and President Trump says there are 1 million tests, and that everybody who needs a test will get tested, then yes, it'a a lie. And a lie that matters. Lives depend on it.
Lives depend on it? Wow...aren't you the little drama queen! We're fine on the number of tests, Rich because to be quite blunt we don't have enough people to administer and examine the tests that we now have! Should we take a test every time we leave the house? What is it that will satisfy you?
So when the WHO, his top medical advisors and the leader of the Democratic Party were all saying everything's cool, Trump was supposed to go against all of them and shut the country down? And what happened when he was considering a quarantine of New York? Governor Cuomo essentially squealed "DICTATOR"!
He can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
Why does everybody ignore that the president is uniquely endowed with 16 intelligence agencies to tell him what's going on around the world. From the NSA listening to phone calls and texts in every country in the world, to the CIA infiltrating foreign governments, to find out what's really happening.

The WHO and the governors were relying on the B.S. the Chinese were putting out, while the President had the real news on how dangerous the coronavirus was, how quickly it was spreading and how the Chinese government was struggling to contain it.

The difference is that President Trump either avoided presidential briefings, didn't pay attention to the presidential briefings, or didn't bother reading the presidential briefs the CIA delivers to his desk every day.

The governors and WHO spoke out of ignorance. President Trump knew what was actually happening when he called it a hoax.
It’s a political calculation.

It always is. This is the reason why the blob avoids military action. He’d have to break bad news to someone and there would be no way to spin it or blame Pelosi. The man is a coward. Which is why he has dodged responsibility for bad news at every turn.
So when the WHO, his top medical advisors and the leader of the Democratic Party were all saying everything's cool, Trump was supposed to go against all of them and shut the country down? And what happened when he was considering a quarantine of New York? Governor Cuomo essentially squealed "DICTATOR"!
He can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
Why does everybody ignore that the president is uniquely endowed with 16 intelligence agencies to tell him what's going on around the world. From the NSA listening to phone calls and texts in every country in the world, to the CIA infiltrating foreign governments, to find out what's really happening.

The WHO and the governors were relying on the B.S. the Chinese were putting out, while the President had the real news on how dangerous the coronavirus was, how quickly it was spreading and how the Chinese government was struggling to contain it.

The difference is that President Trump either avoided presidential briefings, didn't pay attention to the presidential briefings, or didn't bother reading the presidential briefs the CIA delivers to his desk every day.

The governors and WHO spoke out of ignorance. President Trump knew what was actually happening when he called it a hoax.

Did you mean those intelligence agencies that proved time and a again that they could not be trusted becaus they were Deep state?
can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
And he could have issued shutdown recommendations.

Oh wait, he finally did that. Then he took to twitter and encouraged the deplorables in his base to protest his own guidelines. Fucking moron.

blob supporters have to lie to themselves constantly to be able to still support him; and to look at their children or themselves in the mirror.

This projection is so interesting. To them, the president is an extension of who they are see...if they don't vote correctly, they can't "look themselves in the mirror".

It's why they made Obama into a god. They have no God. And they project that we, too, have to make our politicians into gods.

We don't. We keep telling them.

They don't understand.
I was talking about you and other blob supporters. But the fact you can’t recognize it in yourself is interesting
So when the WHO, his top medical advisors and the leader of the Democratic Party were all saying everything's cool, Trump was supposed to go against all of them and shut the country down? And what happened when he was considering a quarantine of New York? Governor Cuomo essentially squealed "DICTATOR"!
He can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
Why does everybody ignore that the president is uniquely endowed with 16 intelligence agencies to tell him what's going on around the world. From the NSA listening to phone calls and texts in every country in the world, to the CIA infiltrating foreign governments, to find out what's really happening.

The WHO and the governors were relying on the B.S. the Chinese were putting out, while the President had the real news on how dangerous the coronavirus was, how quickly it was spreading and how the Chinese government was struggling to contain it.

The difference is that President Trump either avoided presidential briefings, didn't pay attention to the presidential briefings, or didn't bother reading the presidential briefs the CIA delivers to his desk every day.

The governors and WHO spoke out of ignorance. President Trump knew what was actually happening when he called it a hoax.
It’s a political calculation.

It always is. This is the reason why the blob avoids military action. He’d have to break bad news to someone and there would be no way to spin it or blame Pelosi. The man is a coward. Which is why he has dodged responsibility for bad news at every turn.

Somebody save this post the next time we whack an Iranian terrorist general.
If Trump had approached this crisis as a unifier instead of a divider and really leaned into it head on, he'd be
sitting at a 65% approval on his handling of it and he'd be way better off for November.

Of course, we knew he was not up to the task and he has no idea how to be a unifier. This is who he is.

The most surprising thing is that so many of you freaks just cannot see that.

I don't care about unifier / divider. The president suffers from looking at everything through a political lens, rather than from a position of leadership.
President Trump puts Donald J. Trump first, over all else. It's all about power, which he demonstrated when he insisted that the president had the power to order the states to reopen, overriding the governors and trampling states rights.
How do you think he won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Maine's Second Congressional District?
I live in Maine's Second Congressional District. There ain't a lot of Democrats up here, I can tell you that right now.
Why does everybody ignore that the president is uniquely endowed with 16 intelligence agencies to tell him what's going on around the world.
Probably because he has publicly indicated that he doesnt trust them at all and has taken the side of foreign leaders against them.
That is a sad state of affairs when we spend over $50 billion a year on intelligence, and it gets ignored because a dictator calls President Trump, and flatters his ego.
So, you want Trump to tell the American people a bald-faced lie?

Not happening asshole!

Not happening? President Trump has already rolled the "lie" odometer past 20,000
They are only lies for those too stupid to realize how little they matter.

When the stats say 3.78 and he says 4, you call it a lie.
No, when the number of available tests are 75,000 and President Trump says there are 1 million tests, and that everybody who needs a test will get tested, then yes, it'a a lie. And a lie that matters. Lives depend on it.

Where is your link? Oh,, you don't have one. You are just repeating what MSNBC and CNN told you to say.
No, when the number of available tests are 75,000 and President Trump says there are 1 million tests, and that everybody who needs a test will get tested, then yes, it'a a lie. And a lie that matters. Lives depend on it.
Lives depend on it? Wow...aren't you the little drama queen!
More Americans will die from the coronavirus than from the Korean War.
If Trump had approached this crisis as a unifier instead of a divider and really leaned into it head on, he'd be
sitting at a 65% approval on his handling of it and he'd be way better off for November.

Of course, we knew he was not up to the task and he has no idea how to be a unifier. This is who he is.

The most surprising thing is that so many of you freaks just cannot see that.

I don't care about unifier / divider. The president suffers from looking at everything through a political lens, rather than from a position of leadership.
President Trump puts Donald J. Trump first, over all else. It's all about power, which he demonstrated when he insisted that the president had the power to order the states to reopen, overriding the governors and trampling states rights.

He backed off and is letting the governors decide and they are are scared shitless!
We're fine on the number of tests, Rich because to be quite blunt we don't have enough people to administer and examine the tests that we now have!
Yet somehow south korea managed a good testing program. To learn why there is a difference, look at the leadership.
You know what this came down to, Fort? Availability! There is a reason that the Chinese were buying up as many PPE's as they could while they were lying to the rest of the world about how bad the virus was! We made the mistake of thinking we could outsource things like masks and test kits to other countries and then when there was a global pandemic supplies ran short and we were competing with hundreds of other nations also trying to supply themselves! Hopefully we learn from that and get behind Donald Trump's call to bring critical manufacturing back to the US!

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