Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.

So, you want Trump to tell the American people a bald-faced lie?

Not happening asshole!
Allow me to treat you the way the media treats President Trump:

I see the see what the media tells you
Oh no! Youre going to quote my own words back to me? Youre going to ask me why i lied about something, using my own words against me?

Okay then, allow me to respond to you the way Trump responds to this:

Saw an interesting demographic analysis of 2016 and 2020. In WI PA and MI, the percentage of uneducated whites in the total population has fallen by 2-2.3% from 2016 to 2020 whereas the percentage of educated whites and minorities has grown by 1-2%. Trump won those states by a combined 77,000 votes. If you overlaid the 2020 demographics onto the 2016 election, and assumed that the demographic cohorts would have voted exactly as they did, Hillary would have won all three states and thus the election.

That, of course, doesn't matter to what happened in 2016. The point, however, is that Trump's base is shrinking, which could have an effect in tight swing states.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Nope. Even the liberal media is catching on that Sleepy Joe is actually Dementia Joe.
One thing Biden will do as president is surround himself with people who KNOW SOMETHING. Not unqualified rubes who cower in his presence. We'll never see Joe pointing at his head and proclaim that "the metrics are all in here". :)

Define people who "Know something"

See the Obama cabinet. Say what you may about Obama, he didn't want to be surrounded by sycophantic, know-nothing yes men. He was surrounded by military, intelligence, economic, financial, legal, medical and science PROFESSIONALS.
To be fair, things could almost always have been done better with hindsight. Unfortunately, we don't get to have groundhog days to be able to use that hindsight when it counts.

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Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

it cracks me up listening to 75-77 year old board members carping on and on about biden being too old -

That and the blob sounds like an Alzheimer’s patient sometimes himself
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.
biden is losing his mind,,,
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was,
Hillary was old , white and rich, but sick and shrill. Joe Biden is Old, White, Male, Rich, and a Groper of Women and Children.
Are you sure this is your candidate you are going to vote for? If so, then you are a worthless piece of excrement who will vote for exactly what you tell US we shouldnt vote for.

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal
One of the things that always attracted me to the party were the ideals of equality, fighting for the little guy and our openness to differing opinions, but lately I have seen my party take a turn that makes me uncomfortable. Somewhere along the way we stopped fighting for the little guy and became the party of the smug, educated elites who look down on those with less education and deem them unable or unworthy of being able to make personal decisions for their own lives.
This is why more black people have moved towards the guy who has brought jobs back to America, and "NOT" take for granted the minority vote. Now get to work slave, your liberal elites need your taxes so they can be rich...
I think that's the first time you've called me a piece of shit, Will. Having a hard day?

Forgive our Willie. He's a grumpy old man. :)
The election is Trump’s to lose and not os much as Biden’s to win. Trump is doing everything in his power to lose in November. Honestly, people are just tired of Trump’s schtick, arrogance and behavior. Evertime Trump opens his mouth or tweets his constant stupidity his poll ratings fall. The man does not know how to shut up and stifle himself. Biden will win come election day. The electorate wants a return to normalcy.
Saw an interesting demographic analysis of 2016 and 2020. In WI PA and MI, the percentage of uneducated whites in the total population has fallen by 2-2.3% from 2016 to 2020 whereas the percentage of educated whites and minorities has grown by 1-2%. Trump won those states by a combined 77,000 votes. If you overlaid the 2020 demographics onto the 2016 election, and assumed that the demographic cohorts would have voted exactly as they did, Hillary would have won all three states and thus the election.

That, of course, doesn't matter to what happened in 2016. The point, however, is that Trump's base is shrinking, which could have an effect in tight swing states.

If they are more educated, the libtards have no chance.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

it cracks me up listening to 75-77 year old board members carping on and on about biden being too old -

That and the blob sounds like an Alzheimer’s patient sometimes himself

Try again in English. Your inner libtard slipped out.
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.
So when the WHO, his top medical advisors and the leader of the Democratic Party were all saying everything's cool, Trump was supposed to go against all of them and shut the country down? And what happened when he was considering a quarantine of New York? Governor Cuomo essentially squealed "DICTATOR"!
He can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

it cracks me up listening to 75-77 year old board members carping on and on about biden being too old -

That and the blob sounds like an Alzheimer’s patient sometimes himself

I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.

I will admit when Trump is wrong, and it's usually when he runs his mouth. As in "I have total power" or whatever a few days ago. But this wasn't one such instance. It's not that he didn't underestimate that virus; it's that EVERYone underestimated the virus.

When you know better, you do better. We are not owed an apology for that.

Trump is not an exceptionally strong candidate, but Biden is nearly a broken candidate and, as I've been saying, the Dems are setting themselves up as the party of Endless Quarantine and The Virus is Winning. Americans hate that message even now, and will hate it even more going forward. And the Dems do not pivot off message once their people have a message. Frankly, their people are too dull.
can’t shut down the country. He could have refrained from saying there would be a miracle, calling it a hoax, and say we’d have zero cases.
And he could have issued shutdown recommendations.

Oh wait, he finally did that. Then he took to twitter and encouraged the deplorables in his base to protest his own guidelines. Fucking moron.

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