Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.
I think people understand that he did the best he could with the information he had at the time and that he has done a good job. No one has ever dealt with pandemic like this in most of our lifetimes and he had to put this plan into action nationwide for the first time in 60 years. No one expects perfection. What we got was likely the best possible outcome. I'm out and about every day and only see a handful of people using masks even today.

When I was in the Army the understanding was you corrected problems in the field. The time for the After Action Review was post mission. Every leader makes mistakes but it is very important for the leader to retain the trust of their people. Sometimes that means saving the recriminations for after the cessation of the crisis. After this crisis has past there will be time for president Trump to make a statement to the American people.

Perhaps, but optics is everything, and right now the optics are him fighting with reporters at daily briefings like a bunch of children on a playground. He needs to arise above that and be the president and let the reports look like the assclowns they are. The media already has an abysmal approval rating among Americans.
His base loves him because he is willing to fight and not just take it like GWB did.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Joe's VP pick will likely be one of the most important in history. If he blows it like McCain did in 2008, he'll lose. But I think he'll be fine through a first term. Great points on Hillary and Michelle. Trumpublicans magically become Doctors with every D candidate. It's chapter one in the Fox playbook.

One thing Biden will do as president is surround himself with people who KNOW SOMETHING. Not unqualified rubes who cower in his presence. We'll never see Joe pointing at his head or gut and proclaim that "the metrics are all in here". :)

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That being said, Trump has been lucky in that the dems keep picking terrible candidates to run against him. If we have a decent rebound in the economy by then without too many spikes of C-19, he will probably get a second term.

But that's what you have to hope plays out at this point. The economy was the only thing he really had going into this election and now we're entering a depression era level of recession. We might get the V shaped recovery they are hoping for, but I'm not entirely convinced
One thing Biden will do as president is surround himself with people who KNOW SOMETHING. Not unqualified rubes who cower in his presence. We'll never see Joe pointing at his head and proclaim that "the metrics are all in here". :)

Define people who "Know something"
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.

"Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC."

Accept responsibility for what missteps? What makes anyone think Trump and the WH weren't paying attention, even though there was that pesky and ridiculous Impeachment trial going on. Look at the following timeline:

December 31: China reports the discovery of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization.

January 3: CDC Director Robert Redfield sent an email to the director of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus.

January 5: CDC Director Redfield sent another email to the Chinese CDC Director, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC issued a Level I travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.

January 27: President Trump tweeted that he made an offer to President Xi Jinping to send experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.

January 27: The White House Coronavirus Task Force started meeting to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 31: The Trump Administration:

Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.

Announced Chinese travel restrictions.

Suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus.


January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports.

February 2: The CDC expanded enhanced entry screening to eight major airports across the nation.

February 18: HHS announced it would engage with Sanofi Pasteur in an effort to quickly develop a coronavirus vaccine and to develop treatment for coronavirus infections.

February 24: The Trump Administration sent a letter to Congress requesting at least $2.5 billion to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.

February 29: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed certified labs to develop and begin testing coronavirus testing kits while reviewing pending applications.


On Jan. 31 President Trump outlawed flights from China coming into the United States. He did so because China was, and is, the source of the deadly virus. Always playing identity politics and swift to malign and do the opposite of what President Trump enunciates, Nancy Pelosi told people to come to San Francisco’s Chinatown. There is nothing to worry about, she confidently said on a widely distributed video. She, like most Democrats, including Joe Biden, implied the president was guilty of anti-Chinese bias, racism.

Early on, many of the liberal mouthpieces invoked “science” to tell us that this was not a virus that passed easily between human to human. In one of their oft-used refrains, liberals accused Mr. Trump of denying “science” by shutting down flights from China and later Iran and Iraq. Trump, they said, was motivated by prejudice, for science did not see harm in air travel from other countries. But now that the virus has become devastatingly infectious, Democrats are accusing Trump of “being against science” for not shutting down the country even earlier, asking, ironically,why he didn’t shut it down at the very moment they were telling everybody not to worry and keep the country open and fluid.

In one of the most contemptuous interviews in American history, Nancy Pelosi, on Meet the Press, accused President Trump of accelerating the deaths of the American people by not restricting more severely early on. She despicably said: “The president fiddles while people are dying.” But, it was she who was inviting Americans to visit Chinatown at the moment the president was already closing us off from China. The people in Chinatown, be it in San Francisco or Lower Manhattan, were the most likely carriers, traveling back and forth to see family in China. It is Pelosi who should assume guilt.

Where's the call for her to apologize and take responsibility?

When this thing hit, there was a paucity of information to go by. In other words, nobody knew shit. It isn't like we haven't had this sort of thing before, other similar deadly illnesses for which there was no vaccine, no tests, and no cures. No other president has taken the steps that Trump did. Are we to shut our doors and stay home every time one of these things hits? This is a serious curtailment of our rights, do we want our President to making that call without much factual data? It's always easy to say, "well, we shoulda done this sooner". Hindsight is always 20-20.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was,
Hillary was old , white and rich, but sick and shrill. Joe Biden is Old, White, Male, Rich, and a Groper of Women and Children.
Are you sure this is your candidate you are going to vote for? If so, then you are a worthless piece of excrement who will vote for exactly what you tell US we shouldnt vote for.

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal
One of the things that always attracted me to the party were the ideals of equality, fighting for the little guy and our openness to differing opinions, but lately I have seen my party take a turn that makes me uncomfortable. Somewhere along the way we stopped fighting for the little guy and became the party of the smug, educated elites who look down on those with less education and deem them unable or unworthy of being able to make personal decisions for their own lives.
This is why more black people have moved towards the guy who has brought jobs back to America, and "NOT" take for granted the minority vote. Now get to work slave, your liberal elites need your taxes so they can be rich...
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.
I think people understand that he did the best he could with the information he had at the time and that he has done a good job. No one has ever dealt with pandemic like this in most of our lifetimes and he had to put this plan into action nationwide for the first time in 60 years. No one expects perfection. What we got was likely the best possible outcome. I'm out and about every day and only see a handful of people using masks even today.

When I was in the Army the understanding was you corrected problems in the field. The time for the After Action Review was post mission. Every leader makes mistakes but it is very important for the leader to retain the trust of their people. Sometimes that means saving the recriminations for after the cessation of the crisis. After this crisis has past there will be time for president Trump to make a statement to the American people.

Perhaps, but optics is everything, and right now the optics are him fighting with reporters at daily briefings like a bunch of children on a playground. He needs to arise above that and be the president and let the reports look like the assclowns they are. The media already has an abysmal approval rating among Americans.
He calls them out because they consistently warp the truth, attempting to frame every story as orange man bad. I think it has helped bring that into focus. The media is supposed to report the facts, not editorialized. I don't think calling out the bias every day straight to their faces is uncalled for...that's the way I prefer it. Plus it gives the media something else to focus on besides 24/7 Wuhan Virus fear porn.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Biden is the ultimate smokescreen. There to cover while they test candidates on the unsuspecting public and work on new talking points to spring on Trump at the last moment.
Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC.
I can see why you lost $1,000 last time. Your ignorance of politics is truly astounding. Like, nothing I’ve ever seen astounding.

Show me the Trump Derangement Syndrome ass-hat leftist who would have watched that hypothetical speech from the Oval Office and instantly turned into the Grinch - with their heart growing 3 sizes and suddenly seeing everything in a new light. Suddenly, the pussy-hat-wearing idiots would have shed a tear, thought “I’ve been unfair to President Trump” and then committed themselves to his re-election. :eusa_doh:

Good grief your ignorance ignorance of politics is unimaginable. No Dumbocrat is voting for Trump (ever). No Republican is voting for Biden (ever). So the only thing that matters is who shows up to vote. It’s a matter of enthusiasm. Trump has a rabid base of devout supporters that grew due to the unprecedented prosperity under his leadership.

Biden lacks any and all enthusiasm. The Bernie Bro’s are threatening to boycott altogether. However, what Biden does have in his favor is a rabid left dying to see Trump gone. If not for that, Biden would be guaranteed the lowest voter turnout in U.S. history and President Trump would have enjoyed a landslide victory.

There are plenty of Republicans, Indies and moderates who will vote for Biden. Many are people who voted for the Toxic Orange Turd last time around and have seen the consequences. He's lost suburban women all together. You misunderestimate the enthusiasm to rid our nation of Das Dotard.

Unprecedented prosperity? :lol:
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.
I agree. Trump will never admit to being wrong on anything important unless he is cornered and forced to do so, which almost never happens. That narcissism is one thing that drives the left nuts and gives them TDS.

That being said, Trump has been lucky in that the dems keep picking terrible candidates to run against him. If we have a decent rebound in the economy by then without too many spikes of C-19, he will probably get a second term.
What a load Republicans have never found a Dem candidate less than terrible
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Biden is the ultimate smokescreen. There to cover while they test candidates on the unsuspecting public and work on new talking points to spring on Trump at the last moment.
Biden like Obama will surround himself with the best of the best and not think he's smarter than them all
Would the friendly opposition please lay out what Trump should have done that he didn’t?

But I'm not the "opposition." I am also not one of his dedicated followers deifying him. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016. I was beginning to consider voting for Trump this year because of how well the economy was doing, though, I still had some reservations about him. Now, however, I'm leaning away from him again.

I have defended the man plenty of times against the childish, brainless leftists here when he deserves being defended. I also call him out on his failures and flaws, much to the dismay of true believer cult worshipers like you.
When he actually does something wrong I will re evaluate the situation. At this point though, it’s just the asshole democrats lying about absolutely everything. Impeached him for withholding aid to Ukraine and now they are doing the same to Americans with addled Joe’s blessing. Damn right I will vote for Trump again. In a heartbeat.
His base loves him because he is willing to fight and not just take it like GWB did.

Taking the high road over the media worked for W. He got reelected handily.
The American people were still pissed enough over 911 to want to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. It was during his second term that his approval ratings hit rock bottom. Of course, I suppose there was no need to fight with the media since he wasn't running again anyway.
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.

Biden is the ultimate smokescreen. There to cover while they test candidates on the unsuspecting public and work on new talking points to spring on Trump at the last moment.
Biden like Obama will surround himself with the best of the best and not think he's smarter than them all
Everyone knows Biden aint going to make the best you mean the best fascist who see this an opportunity for themselves to change America.....not serve the public.
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.

In the grand scheme of things, Don't Taz Me...does it really matter what a politician SAYS? What will matter is what Trump DID! When it became obvious this was far worse than we'd been led to believe, Trump did what needed to be done. He and his team worked their asses off to get more PPE and ventilators to the hospitals that needed them! The hospitals weren't overwhelmed. The number of deaths from this has been far fewer than what was predicted. Now he's working to get the economy open again. The stock market will recover. There will be an unleashing of pent up demand. Now the only question is where will that take place! If it's only in Republican controlled States because Democratic Governors resist opening can you see the frustration that will erupt in those Blue States?

You can't vote for Biden. He's a senile old man. You know it...I know it...the DNC knows it! Trump will win in November for two reasons...the economy will be rebounding sharply and he'll get credit for that happening...and Joe Biden isn't up to the job of President.

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